The December 2022 Wrist & Hand Roundup360 looks at: Anti-tumour necrosis factor therapy for early-stage Dupuytren’s disease; Patient experiences of scaphoid waist fractures and their treatment; Postoperative complications following open a1 pulley release for a trigger finger or thumb; How certain are findings in distal radius fractures: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials; Partial wrist denervation in wrist osteoarthritis: patient-reported outcomes and objective function; Dorsal bridge plating versus bridging external fixation for management of complex distal radius fractures; How is reduction lost in distal radius fractures in females aged 50 years and older; The HAND-Q: psychometrics of a new patient-reported outcome measure for clinical and research applications.
The December 2022 Spine Roundup360 looks at: Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis protocol on a Level 1 trauma centre patient database; Non-specific spondylodiscitis: a new perspective for surgical treatment; Disc degeneration could be recovered after chemonucleolysis; Three-level anterior cervical discectomy and fusion versus corpectomy- anterior cervical discectomy and fusion “hybrid” procedures: how does the alignment look?; Rivaroxaban or enoxaparin for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis; Surgical site infection: when do we have to remove the implants?; Determination of a neurologic safe zone for bicortical S1 pedicle placement; Do you need to operate on unstable spine fractures in the elderly: outcomes and mortality; Degeneration to deformity: when does the patient need both?
The December 2022 Oncology Roundup360 looks at: Is high-dose radiation therapy associated with early revision with a cemented endoprosthesis?; Neoadjuvant chemotherapy and endoprosthetic reconstruction for lower extremity sarcomas: does timing impact complication rates?; Late amputation after treatment for lower extremity sarcoma; Osteosarcoma prediagnosed as another tumour: a report from the Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group; The influence of site on the incidence and diagnosis of solitary central cartilage tumours of the femur: a 21st century perspective.
The December 2022 Knee Roundup360 looks at: Effect of physical therapy versus arthroscopic partial meniscectomy: the ESCAPE trial at five years; Patellofemoral arthroplasty or total knee arthroplasty: a randomized controlled trial; Rehabilitation versus surgical reconstruction for anterior cruciate ligament injury; End-stage knee osteoarthritis in Australia: the effect of obesity; Do poor patient-reported outcome measures at six months relate to knee revision?; What is the cost of nonoperative interventions for knee osteoarthritis?
The December 2022 Shoulder & Elbow Roundup360 looks at: Biceps tenotomy versus soft-tissue tenodesis in females aged 60 years and older with rotator cuff tears; Resistance training combined with corticosteroid injections or tendon needling in patients with lateral elbow tendinopathy; Two-year functional outcomes of completely displaced midshaft clavicle fractures in adolescents; Patients who undergo rotator cuff repair can safely return to driving at two weeks postoperatively; Are two plates better than one? A systematic review of dual plating for acute midshaft clavicle fractures; Treatment of acute distal biceps tendon ruptures; Rotator cuff tendinopathy: disability associated with depression rather than pathology severity; Coonrad-Morrey total elbow arthroplasty implications in young patients with post-traumatic sequelae.