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Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 99-B, Issue SUPP_20 | Pages 27 - 27
1 Dec 2017
Siroros N Verjans M Radermacher K Eschweiler J
Full Access

The glenohumeral joint is an important joint with large mobility of the human upper extremity. In shoulder arthroplasty patients often has an unsatisfactory outcome. In order to understand the biomechanical complexity of the shoulder, a novel computer controlled experimental shoulder simulator with an innovative muscle control were constructed. The main component of the simulator includes the active pneumatic muscles to replicate the deltoid and the rotator-cuff function and two springs as passive muscle. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of a variation of shoulder joint geometries on shoulder biomechanics in the basis of motion analysis. The radius of the glenoid cavity varied from 28–33mm with 2.5mm increment while the radius the humeral head are varied from 20.1–25.1 with 2.5mm increment. The “teach-in” function of the simulator allows an operator to assign the movement to the simulator where the lengths of the pneumatic muscles are recorded. Then the simulator repeats the assigned movement according to the recorded muscles length. The daily living activities includes abduction/adduction, internal/external rotation with adducted arm, and circumduction. The results show promising repeatability of the simulator with minor deviation. However, damage on the surface of the humeral head has been found which should be further studied for both shoulder behavior investigation and the shoulder simulator optimisation. Therefore, this study is a decent initial study toward the verification of the simulator and lead to a better understanding of shoulder biomechanical behavior to cope with the clinical problems in the future.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 99-B, Issue SUPP_20 | Pages 28 - 28
1 Dec 2017
Fischer M Schörner S Rohde S Lüring C Radermacher K
Full Access

The sagittal orientation of the pelvis commonly called pelvic tilt has an effect on the orientation of the cup in total hip arthroplasty (THA). Pelvic tilt is different between individuals and changes during activities of daily living. In particular the pelvic tilt in standing position should be considered during the planning of THA to adapt the target angles of the cup patient-specifically to minimise wear and the risk of dislocation. Methods to measure pelvic tilt require an additional step in the planning process, may be time consuming and require additional devices or x-ray imaging.

In this study the relationship between three functional parameters describing the sagittal pelvic orientation in standing position and seven morphological parameters of the pelvis was investigated. Correlations might be used to estimate the pelvic tilt in standing position by the morphology of the pelvis in order to avoid additional measuring techniques of pelvic tilt in the planning process of THA. For 18 subjects a semi-automatic process was established to match a 3D-reconstruction of the pelvis from CT scans to orthogonal EOS imaging in standing position and to calculate the morphological and functional parameters of the pelvis subsequently.

The two strongest correlations of the linear correlation analysis were observed between morphological pelvic incidence and functional sacral slope (r = 0.78; p = 0.0001) and between morphological pubic symphysis-posterior superior iliac spines-ratio and functional tilt of anterior pelvic plane (r = −0.59; p = 0.0098). The results of this study suggest that patient-specific adjustments to the orientation of the cup in planning of THA without additional measurement of the sagittal pelvic orientation in standing position should be based on the correlation between morphological pelvic incidence and functional sacral slope.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 99-B, Issue SUPP_20 | Pages 69 - 69
1 Dec 2017
Janß A Vitting A Strathen B Strake M Radermacher K
Full Access

Nowadays, foot switches are used in almost every operating theatre to support the interaction with medical devices. Foot switches are especially used to release risk-sensitive functions of e.g. the drilling device, the high-frequency device or the X-ray C-arm. In general, the use of foot switches facilitates the work, since they enable the surgeon to use both hands exclusively for the manipulation within the operation procedures. Due to the increasing number of (complex) devices controlled by foot switches, the surgeons face a variety of challenges regarding usability and safety of these human-machine-interfaces.

In the future, the approach of integrated medical devices in the OR on the basis of the open communication standard IEEE 11073 gives the opportunity to provide a central surgical cockpit with a universal foot switch for the surgeon, enabling the interaction with various devices different manufacturers. In the framework of the ongoing OR.NET initiative founded on the basis of the OR.NET research project (2012–2016) a novel concept for a universal foot switch (within the framework of a surgical workstation) has been developed in order to optimise the intraoperative workflow for the OR-personnel.

Here, we developed three wireless functional models of a universal foot switch together with a standardised modular interface for visual feedback via a central surgical cockpit display. Within the development of our latest foot switch, the requirements have been inter alia to provide adequate functionalities to cover the needs for the interventions in the medical disciplines orthopaedic surgery, neurosurgery and ENT.

The evaluation has been conducted within an interaction-centered usability analysis with surgeons from orthopaedics, neurosurgery and ENT. By using the Thinking Aloud technique in a Wizard-of-Oz experiment the usability criteria effectiveness, learnability and user satisfaction have been analysed.

Regarding learnability 83.25% of the subjects stated that the usage of the universal foot switch is easy to learn. An average of 77,2% of users rated the usability of the universal foot switch between good and excellent on the SUS scale. The intuitiveness of the graphical user interface has been approved with 91.75% and the controllability with 83.25%. Finally, 86% of the subjects stated a high user satisfaction.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 99-B, Issue SUPP_20 | Pages 63 - 63
1 Dec 2017
Asseln M Verjans M Zanke D Radermacher K
Full Access

Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is widely accepted as a successful surgical intervention to treat osteoarthritis and other degenerative diseases of the knee. However, present statistics on limited survivorship and patient-satisfaction emphasise the need for an optimal endoprosthetic care. Although, the implant design is directly associated with the clinical outcome comprehensive knowledge on the complex relationship between implant design (morphology) and function is still lacking.

The goal of this study was to experimentally analyse the relationship between the trochlear groove design of the femoral component (iTotal CR, ConforMIS, Inc., Bedford, MA, USA) and kinematics in an in vitro test setup based on rapid prototyping of polymer-based replica knee implants.

The orientation of the trochlear groove was modified in five different variations in a self-developed computational framework. On the basis of the reference design, one was medially tilted (−2°) and four were laterally tilted (+2°, +4°, +6°, +8°). For manufacturing, we used rapid prototyping to produce synthetic replicates made of Acrylnitril-Butadien-Styrol (ABS) and subsequent post-processing with acetone vapor. The morpho-functional analysis of the replicates was performed in our experimental knee simulator. Tibiofemoral and patellofemoral kinematics were recorded with an optical tracking system during a semi-active flexion/extension (∼10° to 90°) motion.

Looking at the results, the patellofemoral kinematics, especially the medial/lateral translation and internal/external rotation were mainly affected. During low flexion, the patella had a more laterally position relative to the femur with increasing lateral trochlear orientation. The internal/external rotation initially differentiated and converged with flexion. Regarding the tibiofemoral kinematics, only the tibial internal/external rotation showed notable differences between the modified replica implants.

We presented a workflow for an experimental morpho-functional analysis of the knee and demonstrated its feasibility on the example of the trochlear groove orientation which might be used in the future for comprehensive implant design parameter optimisation, especially in terms of image based computer assisted patient-specific implants.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 99-B, Issue SUPP_20 | Pages 70 - 70
1 Dec 2017
Strathen B Janß A Goedde P Radermacher K
Full Access

Demographic changes will increase the number of surgical procedures in the next years. Therefore, quality assurance of clinical processes, such as the reprocessing of surgical instruments as well as intraoperative workflows will be of increasing importance to ensure patient safety. Surgical procedures are often complex and may involve risks for the patient. For fixation of screws, e.g. in case of pedicle screws, osteosynthesis plates or revision joint replacement surgery implants, the application of defined torques may be crucial in order to achieve optimal therapeutic results and minimal complication rates. In many cases a subjective rating of the surgeon is necessary as no adequate instrumentation is available. With the same subjective feeling, hammering or screwing in are performed to implant e.g. the acetabular component in THA.

Our actual work is dedicated to the implementation of a functional prototypes of sensor- integrated instruments for specific types of intervention (especially in traumatology) and the evaluation of the sensor integrated surgical instruments in combination with RFID technology for smart process optimisation in the operating room as well as for reprocessing of surgical instruments and surgical management in combination with a knowledge-based planning, control and documentation system. Complementary (preferably wireless) sensors such for instrument identification, tracking or more complex measurements such as forces, torques, temperature or impacts during surgery as well as during reprocessing of reusable instruments could enable computer network based quality assurance in a much broader and comprehensive manner.

Within the framework of the OR.NET initiative we follow the approach to integrate wireless sensors for measurement of temperature, force-torque as well as inertial sensors for orientation and impact control, depending on the specific type of application for monitoring of workflows during surgery as well as during reprocessing of reusable instruments and devices. The integration of smart surgical instruments into an open networked operating room based on the open communication standard IEEE 11073 knowledge-based workflow system, can help to improve the process and quality management.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 99-B, Issue SUPP_20 | Pages 64 - 64
1 Dec 2017
Asseln M Hänisch C Schick F Radermacher K
Full Access

In total knee arthroplasty (TKA) the implant design is one key factor for a proper functional restoration of the diseased knee. Therefore, detailed knowledge on the shape (morphology) is essential to guide the design process. In literature, the morphology has been extensively studied revealing differences, e.g. between ethnicity and gender. However, it is still unclear in which way gender-specific morphological differences are sexual dimorphism or explained by differences in size.

The aim of this study was to investigate the morphology of the distal femur under gender-specific aspects for a large group of patients. Statistical analysis was used to reveal significant differences and subsequent correlation analysis to normalise the morphology.

A dataset of n=363 segmented distal femoral bone surface reconstructions (229 female, 134 male) were randomly collected from a database of patients which underwent TKA. In total, 34 morphological features (distances, angles), quantifying the distal femoral geometry, were determined full automatically. Subsequently, graphs and descriptive statistics were used to check normality and gender-specific differences were analysed by calculating the 95% confidence intervals for women and men separately. Finally, significant differences were normalised by dividing each feature by appropriate distance measurements and confidence intervals were recalculated.

Looking at the confidence 95% intervals, 6 of 34 features did not show any significant differences between genders. Remarkably, this primarily involves angular (relative) features whereas distance (absolute) measurements were mostly gender dependent. Then, we normalised all distance measurements and radii according to their direction of measurement: Features defined in medial/lateral (ML) direction were divided by the overall ML width and those following the anterior/posterior direction were normalised based on the overall AP length. The results demonstrated that gender-specific differences mostly disappear by using an adequate normalisation term.

In conclusion, implant sizes (femoral components) should not be linearly scaled according to one dimension. Instead, ML and AP directions should be regarded separately (non-isotropic scaling). Taking this into consideration, gender- specific differences might be neglected.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 99-B, Issue SUPP_20 | Pages 54 - 54
1 Dec 2017
Hsu J de la Fuente M Radermacher K
Full Access

Proper component alignment is crucial for a successful total hip arthroplasty (THA). Some studies found safe cup orientations and corresponding stem antetorsions based on a defined desired range of motion (ROM) suitable for activities of daily living. These studies either used complex and time consuming 3D simulations or more simple mathematical formulas which cannot be extended to combined motions.

With the method introduced in this work, any arbitrary motion can be applied. The ROM specified as the ROM of the femur relative to the pelvis is transformed into the ROM of the prosthesis neck relative to the cup for each cup orientation. For this transformation, the orientation and design of the stem are considered. The comparison of the neck and cup orientations is done using a 2D mapping of a 3D spherical surface which reduces the complexity of the calculation.

We found that the femoral antetorsion as well as the neutral stem flexion and adduction have an influence on the resulting safe zone. The result is not just a combined anteversion but a combined orientation. For validating the plausibility of the algorithm, the resulting safe zones are compared to literature. Same results can be achieved using the same input data. Using this technique, a patient-specific safe zone based on the ROM can be derived and adjusted to the stem orientation.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 99-B, Issue SUPP_20 | Pages 36 - 36
1 Dec 2017
Theisgen L Jeromin S Vossel M Billet S Radermacher K de la Fuente M
Full Access

Robotic surgical systems reduce the cognitive workload of the surgeon by assisting in guidance and operational tasks. As a result, higher precision and a decreased surgery time are achieved, while human errors are minimised. However, most of robotic systems are expensive, bulky and limited to specific applications.

In this paper a novel semi-automatic robotic system is evaluated, that offers the high accuracies of robotic surgery while remaining small, universally applicable and easy to use. The system is composed of a universally applicable handheld device, called Smart Screwdriver (SSD) and an application specific kinematic chain serving as a tool guide. The guide mechanism is equipped with motion screws. By inserting the SSD into a screw head, the screw is identified automatically and the required number of revolutions is executed to achieve the desired pose of the tool guide.

The usability of the system was evaluated according to IEC 60601-1-6 using pedicle screw implementation as an example. The achieved positioning accuracies of the drill sleeve were comparable to those of fully automatic robotic systems with −0.54 ± 0.93 mm (max: − 2.08 mm) in medial/lateral-direction and 0.17 ± 0.51 mm (max: 1.39 mm) in cranial/caudal- direction in the pedicle isthmus. Additionally, the system is cost-effective, safe, easy to integrate in the surgical workflow and universally applicable to applications in which a static position in one or more DOF is to be adjusted.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 98-B, Issue SUPP_5 | Pages 32 - 32
1 Feb 2016
Asseln M Hanisch C Al Hares G Quack V Radermacher K
Full Access

The consideration of the individual knee ligament attachments is crucial for the application of patient specific musculoskeletal models in the clinical routine, e.g. in knee arthroplasty. Commonly, the pre-operative planning is based on CT images, where no soft tissue information is available. The goal of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of a full automatic and robust mesh morphing method that estimates locations of cruciate ligament attachments on the basis of training data.

The cruciate ligament attachments from 6 (n=6) different healthy male subjects (BH 184±6cm, BW 90±10kg) were identified in MRI-datasets by a clinical expert. The insertion areas were exported as point clouds and the centres of gravitation served as approximations of the attachments. These insertion points were used to annotate mean shapes of femur and tibia.

The mean shapes were built up from 332 training data sets each. The surface data were obtained from CT scans by performing an automatic segmentation followed by manual cleaning steps. The mean shapes were computed by selecting a data set randomly and aligning this reference rigidly to each of the remaining data sets. The data were fitted using the non-rigid ICP variant (N-ICP-A). Due to this morphing step, point correspondences were established.

By morphing a mean shape to the target geometries, including the cruciate ligament attachments, the distribution of the insertions on the original mean shape was obtained. Subsequently, a statistical mean was computed (annotated mean). The annotated mean shape was again morphed to the target data sets and the deviations of the respective predicted insertion points from the measured insertion points were computed.

The training data was successfully morphed to all 6 subjects in an automatic manner with virtually no distance error (10-5 mm). The mean distance between the measured and morphed ligament attachments was highest for the ACL in the femur (4.26±1.48 mm) and lowest for PCL in the tibia (1.63±0.36 mm). The highest deviation was observed for femoral ACL (6.93 mm).

In this study, a morphing based approach was presented to predict origins and insertions of the knee ligaments on the basis of CT-data, exemplarily shown for the cruciate ligaments. It has been demonstrated, that the N-ICP-A is applicable to predict the attachments automatic and robust with a high accuracy. This might help to improve patient-specific biomechanical models and their integration in the clinical routine.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 98-B, Issue SUPP_5 | Pages 31 - 31
1 Feb 2016
Asseln M Hanisch C Al Hares G Eschweiler J Radermacher K
Full Access

For a proper functional restoration of the knee following knee arthroplasty, a comprehensive understanding of bony and soft tissue structures and their effects on biomechanics of the individual patient is essential. A systematic description of morphological knee joint parameters and a study of their effects could beneficial for an optimal patient-specific implant design.

The goal of this study was the development of a full parametric model for a comprehensive analysis of the distal femoral morphology also enabling a systematic parameter variation in the context of a patient specific multi-parameter optimisation of the knee implant shape.

The computational framework was implemented in MATLAB and tested on 20 CT-models which originated from pathological right knees. The femora were segmented semi-automatically and exported in STL-format.

First, a 3D surface model was imported, visualised and reference landmarks were defined. Cutting planes were rotated around the transepicondylar axis and ellipses were fitted in the cutting contour using pattern recognition. The portions between the ellipses were approximated by using a piecewise cubic hermite interpolation polynom such that a closed contour was obtained following the characteristics of the real bone model. At this point the user could change the parameters of the ellipses in order to manipulate the approximated contour for e.g. higher-level biomechanical analyses. A 3D surface was generated by using the lofting technique. Finally, the parameter model was exported in STL-format and compared against the original 3D surface model to evaluate the accuracy of the framework

The presented framework could be successfully applied for automatic parameterisation of all 20 distal femur surface data-sets. The mean global accuracy was 0.09±0.62 mm with optimal program settings which is more accurate than the optimal resolution of the CT based data acquisition. A systematic variation of the femoral morphology could be proofed based on several examples such as the manipulation of the medial/lateral curvature in the frontal plane, contact width of the condyles, J-Curve and trochlear groove orientation.

In our opinion, this novel approach might offer the opportunity to study the effect of femoral morphology on knee biomechanics in combination with validated biomechanical simulation models or experimental setups. New insights could directly be used for patient-specific implant design and optimisation.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 98-B, Issue SUPP_5 | Pages 35 - 35
1 Feb 2016
Hsu J de la Fuente M Radermacher K
Full Access

For a successful total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and long prosthesis lifespan, correct alignment of the implant components as well as proper soft tissue balancing are of major importance. In order to overcome weaknesses of existing imaging modalities for TKA planning such as radiation exposure and lack of soft tissue visualisation (X-ray and CT) and high cost, long acquisition times and geometric distortion (MRI), it is investigated if ultrasound (US) imaging is a suitable alternative.

Currently, a reconstruction method of the bony knee morphology based on US imaging is developed at our research institute. For capturing the mechanical axis, being crucial for TKA planning, different approaches could be implemented. This work investigates whether a weight-bearing full leg X-ray registered with the local 3D-US knee dataset can be used for this purpose. Also, the impact of incorrect calibration data (i.e. uncalibrated X-rays) on the accuracy of the estimated mechanical axis is investigated.

A 3D-2D projective, feature-based registration algorithm was used to spatially align the 3D US-based model to the 2D X-ray image before transferring the mechanical axis from the X-ray to the model. For validation, a CT-based local model and its projection were used and an initial error in translation and rotation was added. Also, calibration parameters such as the centre ray position and the source-to-image-detector distance were altered. The estimation error of the mechanical axis was less than 1°, the median error lower than 0.1° in the frontal plane. Even if the calibration data is not available, the accuracy remains sufficient for TKA planning. In this study, idealised 2D and 3D image information was used. In the future, this method should be tested using clinical X-ray images and 3D-US data.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 96-B, Issue SUPP_16 | Pages 20 - 20
1 Oct 2014
Asseln M Al Hares G Eschweiler J Radermacher K
Full Access

For a proper rehabilitation of the knee following knee arthroplasty, a comprehensive understanding of bony and soft tissue structures and their effects on biomechanics of the individual patient is essential. Musculoskeletal models have the potential, however, to predict dynamic interactions of the knee joint and provide knowledge to the understanding of knee biomechanics. Our goal was to develop a generic musculoskeletal knee model which is adaptable to subject-specific situations and to use in-vivo kinematic measurements obtained under full-weight bearing condition in a previous Upright-MRI study of our group for a proper validation of the simulation results.

The simulation model has been developed and adapted to subject-specific cases in the multi-body simulation software AnyBody. For the implementation of the knee model a reference model from the AnyBody Repository was adapted for the present issue. The standard hinge joint was replaced with a new complex knee joint with 6DoF. The 3D bone geometries were obtained from an optimized MRI scan and then post-processed in the mesh processing software MeshLab. A homogenous dilation of 3 mm was generated for each bone and used as articulating surfaces.

The anatomical locations of viscoelastic ligaments and muscle attachments were determined based on literature data. Ligament parameters, such as elongation and slack length, were adjusted in a calibration study in two leg stance as reference position.

For the subject-specific adaptation a general scaling law, taking segment length, mass and fat into account, was used for a global scaling. The scaling law was further modified to allow a detailed adaption of the knee region, e.g. align the subject-specific knee morphology (including ligament and muscle attachments) in the reference model.

The boundary conditions were solely described by analytical methods since body motion (apart from the knee region) or force data were not recorded in the Upright-MRI study. Ground reaction forces have been predicted and a single leg deep knee bend was simulated by kinematic constraints, such as that the centre of mass is positioned above the ankle joint. The contact forces in the knee joint were computed using the force dependent kinematic algorithm.

Finally, the simulation model was adapted to three subjects, a single leg deep knee bend was simulated, subject-specific kinematics were recorded and then compared to their corresponding in-vivo kinematic measurements data.

We were able to simulate the whole group of subjects over the complete range of motion. The tibiofemoral kinematics of three subjects could be simulated showing the overall trend correctly, whereas absolute values partially differ.

In conclusion, the presented simulation model is highly adaptable to an individual situation and seems to be suitable to approximate subject-specific knee kinematics without consideration of cartilage and menisci. The model enables sensitivity analyses regarding changes in patient specific knee kinematics following e.g. surgical interventions on bone or soft tissue as well as related to the design and placement of partial or total knee joint replacement. However, model optimisation, a higher case number, sensitivity analyses of selected parameters and a semi-automation of the workflow are parts of our ongoing work.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 95-B, Issue SUPP_28 | Pages 18 - 18
1 Aug 2013
Asseln M Zimmermann F Eschweiler J Radermacher K
Full Access

Currently, standard total knee arthroplasty (TKA) procedures focus on axial and rotational alignment of the prosthesis components and ligament balancing. Even though TKA has been constantly improved, TKA patients still experience a significantly poorer functional outcome than total hip arthroplasty patients.

Among others, complications can occur when knee kinematics (active/passive) after TKA do not correspond with the physiological conditions. We hypothesised that the Q-angle has a substantial impact on active joint kinematics and should be taken into account in TKA. The Q-angle can be influenced by the position of the tibial tuberosity (TT). A pathological position of the TT is commonly related to patellofemoral pain and knee instability. A clinically well accepted surgical treatment is the TT medialisation which causes a change in the orientation of the patella tendon and thus alters the biomechanics of the knee. If active and passive knee kinematics differs, this aspect should be considered for implant design and positioning. Therefore we investigated the sensitivity of active knee kinematics related to the position of the TT by using a complex multi-body model with a dynamic simulation of an entire gait cycle.

The validated model has been implemented in the multi-body simulation software AnyBody and was adapted for the present issue. The knee joint is represented by articulating surfaces of a standard prosthesis and contains 6 degrees of freedom. Intra-articular passive structures are implemented and the muscular apparatus consists of 159 muscles per leg. As input parameter for the sensitivity analysis, the TT was translated medially 9 mm and laterally 15 mm from the initial position in equidistant steps of 3 mm.

The Q-angle was about 10° in the initial position, which lies in the physiological range. It changed approximately 2.5° with a gradual shift of 3 mm, confirming the impact of the individual TT position on active knee kinematics. The tibiofemoral kinematics, particularly the internal/external rotation of the tibia was significantly affected. Lateralisation of the TT decreased the external rotation of the tibia, whereas a medialisation caused an increase. During contralateral toe off the external rotation was +7.5° for a medial transfer of 9 mm and −1.4° for a lateral transfer of 15 mm, respectively. The differences in external rotation were almost zero for low flexion angles, correlating with the activation pattern of the quadriceps muscle: the higher the activation of the quadriceps, the greater were the changes in kinematics.

In conclusion, knee kinematics are strongly affected by the Q-angle which is directly associated with the position of the TT. As active kinematics may show significant differences to passive kinematics, intraoperative ligament balancing may result in a suboptimal ligament situation during active motion. Since the Q-angle varies widely between gender and patients, the individual situation should be considered. The optimisation of the model and further experimental validation is one aspect of our ongoing work.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 95-B, Issue SUPP_28 | Pages 70 - 70
1 Aug 2013
Alhares G Eschweiler J Radermacher K
Full Access

Knee biomechanics after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) has received more attention in recent years. One critical biomechanical aspect involved in the workflow of present TKA strategies is the intraoperative optimisation of ligament balancing. Ligament balancing is usually performed with passive flexion-extension in unloaded situations. Medial and lateral ligaments strains after TKA differ in loaded flexion compared to unloaded passive flexion making the passive unloaded ligament balancing for TKA questionable. To address this problem, the development of detailed and specific knowledge on the biomechanical behaviour of loaded knee structures is essential. Stress MRI techniques were introduced in previous studies to evaluate loaded joint kinematics. Previous studies captured the knee movement either in atypical loading supine positions, or in upright positions with help of inclined supporting backrests being insufficient for movement capture under full body weight-bearing conditions.

In this work, we proposed a combined MR imaging approach for measurement and assessment of knee kinematics under full body weight-bearing in single legged stance as a first step towards the understanding of complex biomechanical aspects of bony structures and soft tissue envelope. The proposed method is based on registration of high resolution static MRI data (supine acquisition) with low resolution data, quasi-static upright-MRI data (loaded flexion positions) and was applied for the measurement of tibio-femoral kinematics in 10 healthy volunteers. The high resolution MRI data were acquired using a 1.5T Philips-Intera system, while the quasi-static MRI data (full bodyweight-bearing) was obtained with a 0.6T Fonar-Upright™ system. Contours of femur, tibia, and patella from both MRI techniques were extracted using expert manual segmentation. Anatomical surface models were then obtained for the high resolution static data.

The upright-MRI acquisition consisted of Multi-2D, quasi-static sagittal scans each including 4 slices for each flexion angle. Starting with full knee extension, the subjects were asked to increase the flexion in 4–5 steps to reach the maximum flexion angle possible under space and force limitations. Knees were softly padded for stabilisation in lateral-medial direction only in order to reduce motion artifacts. During the upright acquisition the subjects were asked to transfer their bodyweight onto the leg being imaged and maintain the predefined flexion position in single legged stance. The acquisition at every flexion angle was obtained near the scanner's isocenter and takes ∼39 seconds.

The anatomical surface models of the static data were each registered to their corresponding contours from the weight-bearing scans using an iterative closest point (ICP) based approach. A reference registration step was carried out to register the surface models to the full extension loaded position. The registered surfaces from this step were then considered as initial conditions for next ICP registration step. This procedure was similarly repeated to ensure successful registrations between subsequent flexion acquisitions.

The tibio-femoral kinematics was calculated using the joint coordinate system (JCS). The combined MR imaging approach allows the non-invasive measurement of kinematics in single legged stance and under physiological full weight-bearing conditions. We believe that this method can provide valuable insights for TKA for the validation of patient-specific biomechanical models.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 95-B, Issue SUPP_28 | Pages 12 - 12
1 Aug 2013
Eschweiler J Asseln M Damm P Hares GA Bergmann G Tingart M Radermacher K
Full Access

Musculoskeletal loading plays an important role in the primary stability of THA. There are about 210,000 primary THA interventions p.a. in Germany. Consideration of biomechanical aspects during computer-assisted orthopaedic surgery is recommendable in order to obtain satisfactory long-term results. For this purpose simulation of the pre- and post-operative magnitude of the resultant hip joint force R and its orientation is of interest. By means of simple 2D-models (Pauwels, Debrunner, Blumentritt) or more complex 3D-models (Iglič), the magnitude and orientation of R can be computed patient-individually depending on their geometrical and anthropometrical parameters. In the context of developing a planning module for computer-assisted THA, the objective of this study was to evaluate the mathematical models. Therefore, mathematical model computations were directly compared to in-vivo measurements obtained from instrumented hip implants.

With patient-specific parameters the magnitude and orientation of R were model-based computed for three patients (EBL, HSR, KWR) of the OrthoLoad-database. Their patient-specific parameters were acquired from the original patient X-rays. Subsequently, the computational results were compared with the corresponding in-vivo telemetric measurements published in the OrthoLoad-database. To obtain the maximum hip joint load, the static single-leg-stance was considered. A reference value for each patient for the maximum hip load under static conditions was calculated from OrthoLoad-data and related to the respective body weights (BW).

On average there are large deviations of the results for the magnitude (Ø=147%) and orientation (Ø=14.35° too low) of R obtained by using Blumentritt's model from the in-vivo results/measurements. The differences might be partly explained by the supplemental load of 20% BW within Blumentritt's model which is added to the input parameter BW in order to consider dynamic gait influences. Such a dynamic supplemental load is not applied within the other static single-leg-stance models. Blumentritt's model assumptions have to be carefully reviewed due to the deviations from the in-vivo measurement data.

Iglič's 3D-model calculates the magnitude (Ø17%) and the orientation (Ø49%) of R slightly too low. For the magnitude one explanation could be that his model considers nine individual 3D-sets of muscle origins and insertion points taken from literature. This is different from other mathematical models. The patient-individual muscle origin and insertion points should be used.

Pauwels and Debrunner's models showed the best results. They are in the same range compared to in-vivo data. Pauwels's model calculates the magnitude (Ø5%) and the orientation (Ø28%) of R slightly higher. Debrunner's model calculates the magnitude (Ø1%) and the orientation (Ø14%) of R slightly lower.

In conclusion, for the orientation of R, all the computational results showed variations which tend to depend on the used model.

There are limitations coming along with our study: as our previous studies showed, an unambiguous identification of most landmarks in an X-ray (2D) image is hardly possible. Among the study limitations there is the fact that the OrthoLoad-database currently offers only three datasets for direct comparison of static single leg stance with in-vivo measurement data of the same patient. Our ongoing work is focusing on further validation of the different mathematical models.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 95-B, Issue SUPP_28 | Pages 27 - 27
1 Aug 2013
Niesche A Korff A Müller M Mirz M Brendle C Leonhardt S Radermacher K
Full Access

Total hip replacement is one of the standard procedures in orthopedic surgery. Due to various reasons revision surgery (RTHR) has to be performed. In case of the revision of a cemented prosthesis stem, the bone cement has to be removed from the femoral cavity.

Conventionally the cement removal is done manually using a hammer, chisel or burr under X-ray control, causing a considerable radiation exposure for patient and the surgeon. Furthermore the risk of undesirable bone damage is high due to bad sight and access conditions, leading to complications and prolongation of the intervention. Different approaches addressing the mentioned problems were proposed, but did not achieve acceptance in clinical practice due to disadvantages concerning process controllability. Another possibility is to use a robot guided milling tool. However, to be able to control it typically a 3D reconstruction of the cement volume to be removed is necessary. Existing approaches use computed tomography based measurements combined with previously implanted markers, fluoroscopy or ultrasound based measurements, all requiring additional process steps prior to the surgery or to the actual cement removal.

The ICOS project (Impedance Controlled Surgical Instrumentation, Chair of Medical Engineering, RWTH Aachen University) investigates the approach of electrical impedance controlled, robot assisted bone cement removal, based on real time cement detection during the removal process without radiation exposure or the necessity of prior imaging or marker implanting steps. Therefore the electrical impedance is measured between the milling head mounted on the surgical mini-robot MINARO and one or more electrodes attached to the skin of the patient's thigh. An impedance variation mainly results from decreasing thickness of bone cement near the milling head contact point due to material removal. Hence the proposed method does not generate a 3D volume allowing for a milling path generation prior to the process. It requires a strategy for real time path generation using only the limited local information. Up to now, only the differentiation between bone cement and bone, and thus the cement-bone interface breakthrough, is reliably detectable. To efficiently use this information for the tool path generation, generic a-priori knowledge of the bone cement shape after removal of the prosthesis stem is used.

The concept for impedance controlled milling has been verified in first lab trials. For impedance measurements during the cement removal process the robots milling tool has been modified to achieve electrical insulation of the milling head. A strategy for online adaptive robot path planning has been implemented and tested in a Matlab/Simulink based process simulation. For all data sets a cement removal rate of about 90% with a bone removal of approximately 3% was achieved. These results confirm that it is generally possible to use only the limited local information for automated cement removal. Future work aims for a practical evaluation of the algorithm using real impedance measurement values.

This work has been funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) in the framework of the ICOS project under grant No. BMBF 13EZ1005.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 95-B, Issue SUPP_28 | Pages 83 - 83
1 Aug 2013
Fuente MDL Jeromin S Boyer A Billet S Lavallée S Stiehl J Radermacher K
Full Access

Major aspects on long-term outcome in Total Knee Arthroplasty are the correct alignment of the implant with the mechanical load axis, the rotational alignment of the components as well as good soft tissue balancing. To reduce the variability of implant alignment and at the same time minimise the invasiveness different computer assisted systems have been introduced.

To achieve accuracy as high as those of a robotic system but with a pure mechanically adjustable cutting block, the Exactech GPS system has been developed. The new concept comprises a seamlessly planning and navigation screen with an integrated optical tracking system for fast and accurate acquisition and verification of anatomical landmarks within the sterile field as well as a tiny cutting guide for accurate transfer of the planned bone resections.

Using a conventional screwdriver the cutting block could be accurately aligned with the planned resection by controlling the current position of the cutting block on the navigation screen. To save time, to maximise the ease of use and to minimize the surgeon's mental workload during adjustment, a smart screwdriver (SSD) has been developed being able to automatically adjust the screws.

The basic idea of the smart screwdriver is to have a system providing an automatic transfer of the planned data to the cutting guide similar to a robotic system, but with the actuators separated from the kinematic. The use of the SSD is as simple as follows: After planning of the intervention and rigid fixation of the cutting guide on the bone, the surgeon simply connects sequentially the screwdriver to all screws of the cutting guide.

To further maximise the ease of use and to avoid a mix-up of different screws, an identification means has been integrated into the positioning screws as well as into the smart screwdriver. For an automated identification of the screws different technologies have been analysed as position tracking, optical recognition or wired/wireless electronics.

A first prototype without screw identification has been used successfully on 4 cadaver knees. All guide positions could be adjusted automatically using the SSD. However, the absence of screw identification required that the surgeon follows indications given by the computer to turn screws sequentially.

A second prototype of the smart screwdriver has successfully been built up and is able to identify the different positioning screws in less than 1s with high reliability. The identification is realised as inductive coupling of different small resonance circuits that are integrated into the screw heads and the screwdrivers tip.

To adjust the cutting guide from neutral to the planned position, the screws have to be adjusted by 5 mm in average. The rotational speed of the current SSD implementation is 2 rounds per second, resulting in a mean time of about 3.5 s for each screw adjustment. The rotational accuracy of the screwdriver is ±5°. Taking into account a thread of the positioning screws of 0.7 mm, the theoretical translational error is about ±0.01 mm. Looking at the angular accuracy, the maximum distance of the screws of the current setup of the cutting block of 15 mm results in an angular error of less than ±0.05°.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 95-B, Issue SUPP_28 | Pages 13 - 13
1 Aug 2013
Alhares G Eschweiler J Radermacher K
Full Access

Knee biomechanics after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) has received more attention in recent years. One critical biomechanical aspect involved in the workflow of present TKA strategies is the intraoperative optimisation of ligament balancing. Ligament balancing is usually performed with passive flexion-extension in unloaded situations. Medial and lateral ligaments strains after TKA differ in loaded flexion compared to unloaded passive flexion making the passive unloaded ligament balancing for TKA questionable. To address this problem, the development of detailed and specific knowledge on the biomechanical behavior of loaded knee structures is essential. Stress MRI techniques were introduced in previous studies to evaluate loaded joint kinematics. Previous studies captured the knee movement either in atypical loading supine positions, or in upright positions with help of inclined supporting backrests being insufficient for movement capture under full body weight-bearing conditions.

In this work, we proposed a combined MR imaging approach for measurement and assessment of knee kinematics under full body weight-bearing in single legged stance as a first step towards the understanding of complex biomechanical aspects of bony structures and soft tissue envelope. The proposed method is based on registration of high resolution static MRI data (supine acquisition) with low resolution data, quasi-static upright-MRI data (loaded flexion positions) and was applied for the measurement of tibio-femoral kinematics in 10 healthy volunteers. The high resolution MRI data were acquired using a 1.5T Philips-Intera system, while the quasi-static MRI data (full bodyweight-bearing) was obtained with a 0.6T Fonar-Upright™ system. Contours of femur, tibia, and patella from both MRI techniques were extracted using expert manual segmentation. Anatomical surface models were then obtained for the high resolution static data.

The upright-MRI acquisition consisted of Multi-2D, quasi-static sagittal scans each including 4 slices for each flexion angle. Starting with full knee extension, the subjects were asked to increase the flexion in 4–5 steps to reach the maximum flexion angle possible under space and force limitations. Knees were softly padded for stabilisation in lateral-medial direction only in order to reduce motion artifacts. During the upright acquisition the subjects were asked to transfer their bodyweight onto the leg being imaged and maintain the predefined flexion position in single legged stance. The acquisition at every flexion angle was obtained near the scanner's isocenter and takes ∼39 seconds.

The anatomical surface models of the static data were each registered to their corresponding contours from the weight-bearing scans using an iterative closest point (ICP) based approach. A reference registration step was carried out to register the surface models to the full extension loaded position. The registered surfaces from this step were then considered as initial conditions for next ICP registration step. This procedure was similarly repeated to ensure successful registrations between subsequent flexion acquisitions.

The tibio-femoral kinematics was calculated using the joint coordinate system (JCS). The combined MR imaging approach allows the non-invasive measurement of kinematics in single legged stance and under physiological full weight-bearing conditions. We believe that this method can provide valuable insights for TKA for the validation of patient-specific biomechanical models.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 94-B, Issue SUPP_XLIV | Pages 88 - 88
1 Oct 2012
Schmidt F Asseln M Eschweiler J Belei P Radermacher K
Full Access

The alignment of prostheses components has a major impact on the longevity of total knee protheses as it significantly influences the biomechanics and thus also the load distribution in the knee joint.

Knee joint loads depend on three factors: (1) geometrical conditions such as bone geometry and implant position/orientation, (2) passive structures such as ligaments and tendons as well as passive mechanical properties of muscles, and (3) active structures that are muscles. The complex correlation between implant position and clinical outcome of TKA and later in vivo joint loading after TKA has been investigated since 1977. These investigations predominantly focused on component alignment relative to the mechanical leg axis (Mikulicz-line) and more recently on rotational alignment perpendicular to the mechanical axis. In general four different approaches can be used to study the relationship between implant position and knee joint loads: In anatomical studies (1), the influence of the geometrical conditions and passive structures can be analyzed under the constraint that the properties of vital tissue are only approximated. This could be overcome with an intraoperative load measurement approach (2). Though, this set up does not consider the influence of active structures. Although post-operative in vivo load measurements (3) provide information about the actual loading condition including the influence of active structures, this method is not applicable to investigate the influence of different implant positions. Using mathematical approaches (4) including finite element analysis and multi-body-modeling, prostheses positions can be varied freely. However, there exists no systematical analysis of the influence of prosthesis alignment on knee loading conditions not only in axial alignment along and rotational alignment perpendicular to the mechanical axis but in all six degrees of freedom (DOF) with a validated mathematical model. Our goal was therefore to investigate the correlation between implant position and joint load in all six DOF using an adaptable biomechanical multi-body model.

A model for the simulation of static single leg stance was implemented as an approximation of the phase with the highest load during walking cycle. This model is based on the AnyBody simulation software (AnyBody Technology A/S, Denmark). As an initial approach, with regard to the simulation of purely static loading the knee joint was implemented as hinge joint. The patella was realised as a deflection point, a so called “ViaNode,” for the quadriceps femoris muscle. All muscles were implemented based on Hill's muscle model. The knee model was indirectly validated by comparison of the simulation results for single and also double leg stance with in-vivo measurements from the Orthoload database ( For the investigation of the correlation between implant position and knee load, major boundary conditions were chosen as follows:

Flexion angle was set to 20° corresponding to the position with the highest muscle activity during gait cycle.

Muscle lengths and thereby also muscle loads were adapted to the geometrical changes after each simulation step representing the situation after post-operative rehabilitation. As input parameters, the tibial and femoral components' positions were independently translated in a range of ±20mm in 10 equally distant steps for all three spatial directions. For the rotational alignment in adduction/abduction as well as flexion/extension the tibial and femoral components' positions were varied in the range of ±15° and for internal/external rotation within the range of ±20°, also in 10 equally angled steps. Changes in knee joint forces and torques as well as in patellar forces were recorded and compared to results of previous studies.

Comparing the simulation results of single and double leg stance with the in-vivo measurements from the Orthoload database, changes in knee joint forces showed similar trends and the slope of changes in torques transmitted by the joint was equal. Against the background of unknown geometrical conditions in the Orthoload measurements and the simplification (hinge joint) of the initial multi-body-model compared to real knee joints, the developed model provides a reasonable basis for further investigations already – and will be refined in future works.

As influencing parameters are very complex, a non-ambiguous interpretation of force/torque changes in the knee joint as a function of changes in component positions was in many cases hardly possible. Changes in patella force on the other hand could be traced back to geometrical and force changes in the quadriceps femoris muscle. Positional changes mostly were in good agreement with our hypotheses based on literature data when knee load and patellar forces respectively were primarily influenced by active structures, e.g. with regard to the danger of patella luxation in case of increased internal rotation of the tibial component. Whereas simulations also showed results contradicting our expectations for positional changes mainly affecting passive structures, e.g. cranial/caudal translation of the femoral component. This shows the major drawback of the implemented model: Intra-articular passive structures such as cruciate and collateral ligaments were not represented. Additionally kinematic influences on knee and patella loading were not taken into account as the simulations were made under static conditions. Implementation of relative movements of femoral, tibial and patella components and simulation under dynamic conditions might overcome this limitation. Furthermore, the boundary condition of complete muscle adaptations might be critical, as joint loads might be significantly higher shortly after operation. This could lead to a much longer and possibly ineffective rehabilitation process.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 94-B, Issue SUPP_XLIV | Pages 13 - 13
1 Oct 2012
Müller M Belei P de la Fuente M Strake M Kabir K Burger C Radermacher K Wirtz DC
Full Access

Pertrochanteric femoral fractures are common and intramedullary nailing with a proximal femoral nail (PFNA®) is an accepted method for the surgical treatment. Accurate guide wire and subsequent hardware placement in the femoral neck is believed to be essential in order to avoid mechanical failure. Malpositioned implants may lead to rotational or angular malalignment or “cut out” in the femoral neck. Hip and knee arthritis might be a potential long-term consequence. The conventional technique might require multiple guidewire passes, and relies heavily on fluoroscopy.

A computer-assisted surgical planning and navigation system based on 2D-fluoroscopy was developed in-house as an intraoperative guidance system for navigated guide wire placement in the femoral neck and head. To support the image acquisition process, the surgeon is supported by a so-called “zero-dose C-arm navigation” module. This tool enables a virtual radiation-free preview of the X-ray images of the femoral neck and head. The aim of this study was to compare PFNA® insertion using this system to conventional implantation technique. We hypothesised that guide wire and subsequent implant placement using our software decreases radiation exposure to the minimum of two images and reduces the number of drilling attempts. Furthermore, accuracy of implant placement in comparison to the conventional method might be improved and operation time shortened.

We used 24 identical intact left femoral Sawbones® to simulate reduced pertrochanteric femoral fractures. First, we performed placement of the PFNA® into 12 Sawbones using the conventional fluoroscopic technique (group 1). Secondly, we performed placement of the PFNA® into 12 Sawbones guided by the computer-assisted surgical planning software (group 2). In each group, we first performed open and secondly minimal-invasive intramedullary nailing in six sawbones each. For minimal-invasive guide wire placement, a surgical drape imitated soft tissue coverage. Conventional and navigated technique used a C-arm fluoroscope (Siemens IsoC 3D®, Erlangen, Germany) in conventional 2D mode. Guidewire and subsequent blade placement in the femoral neck was evaluated. We documented: 1: the number of fluoroscopic images; 2: the total number of drilling attempts; 3: implant placement accuracy (3.1. Tip apex distance (TAD); 3.2. visible penetrations of the femoral neck and head; 3.3. blade-corticalis bone distance in the anteroposterior and lateral plane) and the 4: operation time.

The number of fluoroscopic single shots taken to achieve an acceptable PFNA®-blade position was reduced significantly with computer-assistance by 71.5% (p<0.001) in the open and by 72,4% (p<0.001) in the minimally invasive technique. In each operation two X-rays for final documentation were taken. The average number of drilling attempts for the computer-guided system was significantly (p<0.05) less than that of the conventional technique in the minimally invasive procedure. The average number of drilling attempts showed no difference between the computer-assisted and conventional techniques in the open procedure. Accuracy of implant placement showed no difference between the computer-assisted and the conventional group. Computer assistance significantly increased the mean operation time for fixation of pertrochanteric femoral fractures with a PFNA® by 79.8% (p<0.001) in the open technique and by 54.4% (p<0.001) in the minimally invasive technique.

Use of our computer-guided system for fixation of pertrochanteric femoral fractures by a PFNA® decreases the number of fluoroscopic single shots and of suboptimal guide wire passes while maintaining blade placement accuracy that is equivalent to the conventional technique. Computer-assisted surgery with our system increases the operation time and has just been tested in non-fractured sawbones. Although these results are promising, additional studies including fractured sawbones and cadaver models with extension of the navigation process to all steps of PFNA® introduction and with the goal of reducing the operation time are indispensable before integration of this navigation system into the clinical workflow.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 94-B, Issue SUPP_XLIV | Pages 1 - 1
1 Oct 2012
Fieten L Eschweiler J Kabir K Gravius S Randau T Radermacher K
Full Access

Cup position planning for total hip replacement (THR) is a complex task which is influenced by several factors. Whereas aspects like appropriate implant fixation and bone stock preservation are rather evaluated according to intra-operative findings, functional analyses using biomechanical hip models can rely on pre-operative imaging. Due to the wide availability and cost-efficiency of X-ray imaging technology along with the common restriction of biomechanical evaluations to the frontal plane, pre-operative imaging for such purposes is usually limited to AP radiographs. One example is biomechanical optimisation based on the so-called BLB score, which has already been introduced into clinical practice. In this approach, the assumed suitability of potential hip centres of rotation (CORs) is presented to the surgeon by applying colour-coding within the pre-operative AP radiograph. However, to realise the plan, the surgeon has to transfer the 2D positions presented in the radiograph into the 3D surgical site.

We developed a CT-based simulation tool allowing for the generation of 3D bone surface models as well as standardised digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRRs). Within a 3D view, the cup, which is represented as a hemisphere, can freely be shifted in the coronal plane. The 2D point corresponding to the COR defined by the hemisphere is then automatically computed.

In our study, four CT datasets of hips with large bony defects were used. After segmentation 3D bone surface models were generated. These bone surface models were aligned on the basis of the pelvic coordinate system [3], and standardised AP DRRs were computed. BLB score evaluation in intact hips assumes that the central beam passes through the centroid of both hip CORs. As only the contra-lateral hip COR was available due to the defects, a virtual ipsi-lateral COR was obtained by mirroring the contra-lateral hip across the mid-sagittal plane.

Twelve surgeons (divided into two groups of six each according to their experience) had the task to shift the cup such that its 3D position would best match a predefined 2D target position, which was close to the virtual ipsi-lateral COR and displayed as a cross within the standardised DRR. However, the current 2D position corresponding to the current 3D position was not revealed during positioning. Once the user was satisfied with the 3D position, the corresponding 2D position was recorded.

The following results were obtained (mean ± SD across six surgeons of the respective group) for the four patients:

x-error, more experienced: 2.0 ± 6.1; −3.0 ± 5.9; 4.1 ± 4.8; 2.1 ± 5.2; x-error, less experienced: 4.3 ± 4.2; −3.1 ± 1.8; 1.9 ± 4.0; 5.2 ± 4.1; |x-error|, more experienced: 5.2 ± 3.0; 5.4 ± 3.2; 5.5 ± 2.7; 4.3 ± 3.0;|x-error|, less experienced: 4.3 ± 4.2; 3.1 ± 1.8; 3.3 ± 2.7; 5.7 ± 3.3; y-error, more experienced: 12.0 ± 9.1; 0.3 ± 4.3; 6.2 ± 6.6; 1.9 ± 3.2;

y-error, less experienced: 6.1 ± 3.1; 0.8 ± 4.0; 2.4 ± 5.5; 1.4 ± 4.1;|y-error|, more experienced: 12.0 ± 9.1; 3.2 ± 2.6; 6.2 ± 6.6; 3.0 ± 1.9;|y-error|, less experienced: 6.1 ± 3.1; 3.4 ± 1.6; 4.6 ± 3.3; 3.2 ± 2.6;total error, more experienced: 13.5 ± 8.9; 6.6 ± 3.5; 9.8 ± 4.1; 5.4 ± 3.4;total error, less experienced: 8.5 ± 2.7; 4.9 ± 1.5; 6.5 ± 2.5; 6.7 ± 3.8.

Our experimental results show that mental 2D/3D matching for cup positioning in pelvises with bony defects is a difficult task, and that mental 2D/3D matching cannot be expected to yield the correct 3D cup positions corresponding to positions predefined in radiographs. The largest errors were found in the patient with the lowest image quality suggesting that image quality plays an important role. On contrary, experience was not found to be an important factor.

We believe that in clinical practice mental 2D/3D matching between pre-operative radiographs and the surgical site without the help of 3D imaging or special tools would be more difficult than the task given in this study because only small portions of the pelvis would be exposed. Furthermore, as additional aspects of cup positioning would need to be taken into consideration simultaneously, the mental load could be expected to be higher. We conclude that in hips with large bony defects cup positioning based on pre-operative radiographs is highly unreliable without additional computer-assistance or intra-operative imaging. If pre-operative radiographs are needed for functional analyses, combination with 3D image data seems attractive: Firstly, 3D images can easily be used for navigation; secondly, they allow for the generation of highly standardised views, which is essential for comparability across multiple patients.

Future studies relying on more datasets with a wider range of defects could also investigate whether cranio-caudal or medio-lateral positioning errors prevail. This is an interesting question since the BLB score usually is much more specific in the medio-lateral direction than in the cranio-caudal direction, implying that correct 2D/3D matching for the cranio-caudal direction appears less important. In the current study involving only four hips, however, no clear tendency could be observed.

This work has been funded in part by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) in the framework of the orthoMIT project under grant No. BMBF 01EQ0802/BMBF 01IBE02C.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 94-B, Issue SUPP_XLIV | Pages 54 - 54
1 Oct 2012
Eschweiler J Fieten L Schmidt F Kabir K Gravius S de la Fuente M Radermacher K
Full Access

Consideration of biomechanical aspects during computer assisted orthopaedic surgery (CAOS) is recommendable in order to obtain satisfactory long-term results in total hip arthroplasty (THA). In addition to the absolute value of the hip joint resultant force R the pre- and post-operative orientation of R is an important aspect in the context of the development of a planning module for computer-assisted THA and furthermore for planning of acetabular orientation in periacetabular osteotomy interventions. It is possible to estimate the orientation of hip joint resultant force R for individual patients based on geometrical and anthropometrical parameters. The aim of this study was to examine how far the choice of the mathematical model influences the computational results for the orientation of R in the frontal plane. A further aspect was the comparison of the results with in-vivo data published in the open access OrthoLoad database (

Our comparative study included the 2D-models suggested by Pauwels, Blumentritt and Debrunner as well as the 3D-model suggested by Iglič and three patient datasets from the Orthoload database. As computation of R according to each model relies on standardized X-ray imaging, three anterior-posterior (a.p.) digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRRs) were generated from CT data (x21_x21, x8_x8, x12_x12). The orientation of R was expressed in terms of the angle δ for these three patient individual datasets. The angle δ is defined as the angle between the longitudinal axis and R. The computation results were also compared with in vivo telemetric measurement data from the OrthoLoad database. The following data were used to evaluate R in the frontal plane: the highest load peak of the single leg stance (static conditions) of three patients (EBL, HSR, KWR) respectively in the same manner for planar gait (dynamic conditions) of one patient (KWR). The mean value of the orientation of R under static conditions in single leg stance was calculated in order to get a reference value. For the orientation of R under dynamic conditions δ was calculated by using only the highest peak of three cycles (heel strike to toe off) determined in one single patient (among the three patients involved in the measurements under static conditions) of the database.

The following values of δ were obtained:

Pauwels: 18.26°/20.34°/17.31° (x21_x21/x8_x8/x12_x12) Debrunner: 12.37°/14.30°/12.59° Blumentritt: 5.18°/6.52°/6.14° Iglič: 9.24°/9.01°/9.20°

OrthoLoad database (in-vivo): 28.41°/17.08°/13.32°-static (EBL/HSR/KWR) 16.44°-dynamic (KWR)

The differences in the computational results appear to depend more on the hip model than on the variability of patient-specific geometrical and anthropometrical parameters. The results obtained with in-vivo measurement data are best approximated by using Pauwels' model. The mean values of Pauwels (18.64°), Debrunner (13.09°) and Iglič (9.15°) are a little bit more vertically orientated than the mean value of the static in-vivo results (19.60°). Only Pauwels' model result has a larger angle δ than the in-vivo dynamic result (KWR = 16.44°). By comparing the in-vivo values obtained under dynamic conditions, i.e. gait, (16.44°) with the static in-vivo values of the same patient (13.32°), it could be recognized that the static values are a little bit more vertically orientated than the dynamic result. But both are in the same range as the mathematical models.

The computational biomechanical hip models try to approximate the physiological conditions of the hip joint and the OrthoLoad database represents the physiological reconstructed (artificial) hip joint. Therefore, we think our validation approach is useful for a comparison of the biomechanical computation models.

In contrast, Blumentritt's model outcomes have the largest deviation from the other models as well as from the in-vivo data (static and dynamic conditions). Blumentritt used the weight bearing surface as a reference. He defined it being perpendicular to the longitudinal axis [3]. He postulated that a valid and optimal orientation of R is approximately perpendicular on the weight bearing surface respectively parallel to the longitudinal axis. This approach for validation is questionable because the results show that in the three included and analysed DDR's the orientation is in the mean value 5.95° to the longitudinal axis. It can be concluded that Blumentritt's model assumptions have to be carefully reviewed due to the deviations from in-vivo measurement data.

Among the limitations of our study is the fact that the OrthoLoad database offers only a small number of patient datasets. There is only one dataset for the direct comparison of static (single leg stance) and dynamic (free planar gait) in-vivo measurement data of the same patient included. Furthermore, the individual anatomic geometry data of the patients included in the database are not revealed. Additionally, a source of errors could be an inaccuracy during the data acquisition from the DRR.

Further research seems to be recommendable in the context of implementing a biomechanical hip model in a planning module for computer-assisted THA or periacetabular osteotomy interventions, respectively. Sensitivity analyses and parameter studies for different mathematical models using a multi-body-simulation system are objectives of our ongoing work.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 94-B, Issue SUPP_XLIV | Pages 100 - 100
1 Oct 2012
Fieten L Eschweiler J Kabir K Gravius S Randau T Radermacher K
Full Access

Biomechanical considerations are relevant to cup positioning in total hip replacement (THR) to optimise the patient-specific post-operative outcome. One goal is to place the hip centre of rotation (COR) such that parameters characterising the biomechanics of the hip joint lie within physiological ranges. Different biomechanical models have been developed and are based on exact knowledge about muscle insertion points whose positions can be estimated on the basis of bony landmarks. Therefore, accurate landmark localisation is necessary to obtain reliable and comparable parameter values.

As most biomechanical considerations are limited to the frontal plane, landmark localisation relying on standardised pre-operative radiographs has been established in clinical practice. One potential drawback of this approach is that user-interactive landmark localisation in radiographs might be more error-prone and subjective than localisation in 3D images. Therefore, we investigated the possibility of increasing the reproducibility of interactive landmark localisation by providing 3D localisation techniques. As the so-called BLB score based on Blumentritt's biomechanical hip model has already been introduced into clinical practice as a criterion for cup position planning, we examined the anatomical landmarks involved in BLB score evaluation. We developed a CT-based simulation tool allowing for the generation of 3D bone surface models and standardised digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRRs). Correspondences between points in the 2D DRR and rays in the 3D bone surface model are automatically established and optionally visualised by the tool.

Two modes of landmark localisation were examined: In the 2D-mode, only AP DRRs were displayed, and the users had to localise the landmarks by clicking within the DRR image. In the 3D-mode, additionally the arbitrarily rotatable bone surface models together with the aforementioned 2D/3D correspondences were visualised. The user could then choose between landmark localisation by clicking either within the DRR image or within the 3D view. In either case, the 2D landmark positions within the DRR were recorded.

The participants were given both an example AP pelvis radiograph with highlighted anatomical landmarks and the following landmark descriptions from the user's manual (v2.06) of the mediCAD software (Hectec GmbH, Landshut, Germany): P4: ca. 3cm distal lesser trochanter minor (in the imagined direction of pull of the rectus femoris muscle towards the medial upper edge of the patella); P5:lateral, most proximal edge of the trochanter major; P6: most cranial edge of the sclerotic area; P7:spina iliaca anterior inferior; P8/P9:most lateral/cranial point of the wing of the ilium.

(P1 and P2 are only needed to define the position of the mid-sagittal plane, and P3 is the pre-operative COR. Due to correct radiograph standardisation, we assumed this plane and P3 to be known prior to landmark localisation.)

Thirteen surgeons repeated the experiments on four hips (CT datasets of two male patients).

The following results were obtained (SD of relevant coordinates obtained with 2D localisation vs. SD of those obtained with 3D localisation) in the first patient (left hip: 1L; right hip: 1R) and the second patient (left hip: 2L; right hip: 2R):P4: 6.3 vs. 9.0 (1L); 6.7 vs. 5.6 (1R); 9.0 vs. 11.1 (2L); 7.1 vs. 8.6 (2R); P5: 4.4 vs. 2.8 (1L); 3.1 vs. 3.1 (1R); 4.3 vs. 2.4 (2L); 4.7 vs. 4.1 (2R); P6: 4.8 vs. 3.8 (1L); 2.9 vs. 2.8 (1R); 3.7 vs. 5.2 (2L); 6.9 vs. 3.5 (2R); P7: 12.2 vs. 6.1 (1L); 12.1 vs. 3.7 (1R); 7.6 vs. 4.6 (2L); 6.2 vs. 4.5 (2R); P8: 1.2 vs. 2.8 (1L); 2.0 vs. 2.6 (1R); 1.5 vs. 2.1 (2L); 2.0 vs. 1.6 (2R);P8: 4.1 vs. 2.1 (1L); 7.3 vs. 3.9 (1R); 1.6 vs. 2.6 (2L); 4.1 vs. 3.2 (2R).

The greatest differences in reproducibility were observed in P7, which was barely distinguishable in the radiographs and, hence, showed very low reproducibility only for the 2D-mode. P4 showed low reproducibility in both modes due to its vague description and the relatively small portions of the femurs contained in the CT-scanned volume. In P9 the low reproducibility obtained with the 2D-mode might be partly explained by truncation artefacts present in the DRRs.

Although our study needs to be extended to more datasets, we conclude that the availability of 3D data allows for higher landmark localisation reproducibility when compared with the conventional X-ray-based approach, which has additional drawbacks: Standardisation of X-ray imaging, which is necessary to retain comparability of biomechanical parameter values determined in different patients, is hard to achieve; specifications e.g. concerning the central beam may be met only after acquiring several radiographs. Moreover, once a 2D target cup position is defined based on the 2D biomechanical analyses, the transfer of this position into the 3D surgical site is difficult without additional 3D imaging.

Hence, the use of 3D imaging and 3D landmark localisation techniques seems more promising for cup positioning based on biomechanical models, which, however, need validation.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 94-B, Issue SUPP_XLIV | Pages 46 - 46
1 Oct 2012
Ladenburger A Nebelung S Buschmann C Strake M Ohnsorge J Radermacher K de la Fuente M
Full Access

Fluoroscopic guidance is common in interventional pain procedures. In spine surgery, injections are used for differential diagnosis and determination of indication for surgical treatment as well. Fluoroscopy ensures correct needle placement and accurate delivery of the drug. Also, exact documentation of the intervention performed is possible. However, besides the patient, interventional pain physicians, surgeons and other medical staff are chronically exposed to low dose scatter radiation. The long-term adverse consequences of low dose radiation exposure to the medical staff are still unclear. Especially in university hospital settings, where education of trainees is performed, fluoroscopy time and total radiation exposure are significantly higher than in private practice settings. It remains a challenge for university hospitals to reduce the fluoroscopic time while maintaining the quality of education.

Multiple approaches have been made to reduce radiation exposure in fluoroscopy, including the wide spread use of pulsed fluoroscopy, or rarely used techniques like laser guided needle placement systems. The Zero-Dose-C-Arm-Navigation (ZDCAN) allows an optimal positioning of the c-arm without exposure to radiation. For training purposes, relevant anatomical structures can be highlighted for each interventional procedure, so injection needles can be best positioned next to the target area.

The Zero-Dose-C-Arm-Navigation (ZDCAN) module was developed to display a radiation free preview of the expected fluoroscopic image of the spine. Using an optical tracking system and a registered 3D-spine model, the expected x-ray image is displayed in real-time as a projection of the model. Additionally, selected anatomical structures including nerve roots, facet joints, vertebral discs and the epidural space, can be displayed. A seamless integration of the ZDCAN in a c-arm system already used in clinical practice for years could be achieved. For easy use, a tool was developed allowing the admission and use of regular single-use syringes and spinal needles. Accordingly, these can be used as pointers in the sterile area, a sterilization of the whole tool after every single injection is not required. We evaluated the efficiency and accuracy of this procedure compared to conventional fluoroscopically guided interventional procedures. In sawbones of the lumbar spine, facet joint injections (N = 50), perineural injections (N = 46) and epidural injections (N = 20) were performed.

Highlighting the target area in the radiation free preview model, an optimal positioning of the c-arm could be achieved even by unskilled medical staff. The desired anatomical structures could be identified easily in the x-rays taken, as they were displayed in the 3D model aside. As already seen evaluating a previous version of the ZDCAN module for the lower limb, the total number of x-ray images taken could be reduced significantly. Compared to the conventional group, the number of x-ray images required for facet joint injections could be reduced from 12.5 (±1.1) to 5.7 (±1.1), from 5.4 (±1.8) to 3.8 (±1.3) for perineural injections and from 4.1 (±0.9) to 2.1 (±0.3) for epidural injections. Total radiation time was reduced accordingly. Likewise, the mean time needed for the interventional procedure could be reduced from 168.3 s (±19.1) to 131.4 s (±16.8) for facet joint injections, was unchanged from 97.7 s (±26.0) to 104.7 s (±31.0) for perineural injections and from 60 s (±14.9) to 52 s (±7.1) for epidural injections.

The ZDCAN is a powerful tool advancing conventional fluoroscopy to another level. Using the radiation free preview model, the c-arm can easily be positioned to show the desired area. The accentuated display of the target structures in the preview model makes the introduction to fluoroscopy guided interventional procedures easier. This feature might reduce the learning curve to achieve better clinical results with lower radiation dose exposure. Thus, the ZDCAN can be a tool to improve education in university hospital settings for physicians as well as for medical staff while reducing radiation dose exposure in general use.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 93-B, Issue SUPP_II | Pages 99 - 99
1 May 2011
Mueller M Belei P Strake M Kabir K Radermacher K Wirtz D
Full Access

Introduction: Femoral neck fractures are common and percutaneous insertion of three cannulated screws is an accepted method of surgical treatment. The accuracy of surgical performance is highly correlated with the cut-out percentages of the screws. The conventional technique relies heavily on fiuoroscopy and could lead to inappropriate implant placement. Further, multiple guidewire passes might prolong the operation time and weaken the cancellous bone. A computer-assisted planning and navigation system based on 2D-fiuoroscopy has been developed for guidewire insertion in order to perform insertion of a guidewire to perform screw insertion. The image acquisition process was supported by a radiation-saving procedure called “Zero-dose C-arm navigation”. The purpose of this experimental study was to compare this technique with conventional C-arm fiuoroscopy with respect to the number of fiuoroscopic images, the number of drilling attempts and operation time. We used two operative settings, with sawbones and with cadavers. For the sawbone study, we also compared the femoral neck and head perforation and the neck-width coverage (the relative area of the femoral neck held by screws).

Methods: Three cannulated hip screws were inserted into 12 femoral sawbones simulating femoral neck fractures and into 6 cadaveric femurs guided by the computer-based navigation. We compared them to the conventional fiuoroscopic technique also using 12 femoral sawbones and 6 cadaveric femurs.

Results: The computer-assisted technique significantly reduced the amount of intraoperative fiuoroscopy (sawbone study: P< 0.001; cadaver study: P< 0.001) and the number of guidewire passes (sawbone study: P< 0.05; cadaver study: P< 0.05) in the sawbone and the cadaver setting. Operation time was significantly longer (sawbone study: P< 0.001; cadaver study: P< 0.05) in the navigation assisted group also in both settings. In the sawbone study, there was no significant difference in the femoral neck and head perforation, whereas the relative neck area held by the screws was significantly (P< 0.05) larger than that in the conventional group.

Discussion: The addition of computer-assisted planning and surgical guidance supported by “Zero-dose C-arm navigation” may be useful for the fixation of femoral neck fractures by cannulated screws as it reduces the amount of intraoperative fiuoroscopy, requires fewer drill tracks and achieves a better neck coverage. Further studies with the goal of reducing the operation time by improving the learning curve are indispensable before integrating this navigation system into the clinical workfiow.