1. The epiphyses of the metatarsal heads of 250-gramme rabbits were separated at the zone of cell columns, stripped of perichondrium, labelled with tritiated thymidine and transplanted into the back muscles of the same animals. 2.
1. The pattern of tritiated thymidine labelling in the cells of the epiphysial cartilage and metaphysis of the tibia in the rat is described for intervals of one hour to twenty-eight days after injection. 2. The region of dividing cells is defined and evidence given for a zone of reserve cells at the top of the cartilage columns. 3. The difficulties of quantitative grain count studies are discussed, and some approximate values are given for the generation time and mitotic cycle periods of the cartilage plate cells. 4. Some further evidence is given about the life cycles of the osteoblast and the osteoclast.
The role of three genetically distinct collagen types in the formation of endochondral bone and in calcification and resorption of cartilage has been assessed. Using antibodies specific to types I, II and III collagen we have demonstrated in the embryonic chick tibia that endochondral bone formation began with deposition of type III collagen in lacunae of hypertropic chondrocytes by invading bone-marrow-derived cells. This was followed by the deposition of type I collagen, which is the collagenous constituent of endochondral osteoid. At later stages of development endochondral osteoid was found in the epiphysial growth plate in apparently intact lacunae of hypertrophic chondrocytes; this indicated that the latter might contribute to the synthesis of osteoid type I collagen. Immuno-histological staining for collagen types, and von Kossa staining for calcium phosphate on parallel sections, demonstrated that type I and type II collagen matrices were substrates for calcification. Endochondral bone (with type I collagen) was found on scaffolding of both uncalcified and calcified cartilage (with type II collagen), indicating that calcification of endochondral osteoid and of the underlying cartilage occurred independentyl. Spicules of endochondral cancellous bone of a four-week-old chick contained a core of calcified type II collagen.
Bone fracture healing is regulated by a series of complex physicochemical and biochemical processes. One of these processes is bone mineralization, which is vital for normal bone development. Phosphatase, orphan 1 (PHOSPHO1), a skeletal tissue-specific phosphatase, has been shown to be involved in the mineralization of the extracellular matrix and to maintain the structural integrity of bone. In this study, we examined how PHOSPHO1 deficiency might affect the healing and quality of fracture callus in mice. Tibial fractures were created and then stabilized in control wild-type (WT) and Objectives
Large bone defects remain a tremendous clinical challenge. There is growing evidence in support of treatment strategies that direct defect repair through an endochondral route, involving a cartilage intermediate. While culture-expanded stem/progenitor cells are being evaluated for this purpose, these cells would compete with endogenous repair cells for limited oxygen and nutrients within ischaemic defects. Alternatively, it may be possible to employ extracellular vesicles (EVs) secreted by culture-expanded cells for overcoming key bottlenecks to endochondral repair, such as defect vascularization, chondrogenesis, and osseous remodelling. While mesenchymal stromal/stem cells are a promising source of therapeutic EVs, other donor cells should also be considered. The efficacy of an EV-based therapeutic will likely depend on the design of companion scaffolds for controlled delivery to specific target cells. Ultimately, the knowledge gained from studies of EVs could one day inform the long-term development of synthetic, engineered nanovesicles. In the meantime, EVs harnessed from
Aims. Distraction osteogenesis (DO) is a useful orthopaedic procedure employed to lengthen and reshape bones by stimulating bone formation through controlled slow stretching force. Despite its promising applications, difficulties are still encountered. Our previous study demonstrated that pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) treatment significantly enhances bone mineralization and neovascularization, suggesting its potential application. The current study compared a new, high slew rate (HSR) PEMF signal, with different treatment durations, with the standard Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved signal, to determine if HSR PEMF is a better alternative for bone formation augmentation. Methods. The effects of a HSR PEMF signal with three daily treatment durations (0.5, one, and three hours/day) were investigated in an established rat DO model with comparison of an FDA-approved classic signal (three hrs/day). PEMF treatments were applied to the rats daily for 35 days, starting from the distraction phase until termination. Radiography, micro-CT (μCT), biomechanical tests, and histological examinations were employed to evaluate the quality of bone formation. Results. All rats tolerated the treatment well and no obvious adverse effects were found. By comparison, the HSR signal (three hrs/day) treatment group achieved the best healing outcome, in that
We observed the healing process under rigid external fixation after Salter-Harris type-1 or type-2 physeal separation at the proximal tibia in immature rabbits. Metaphyseal vessels grew across the gap with little delay; the site of separation then came to lie in the metaphysis and was bridged by
We studied bone-tendon healing using immunohistochemical methods in a rabbit model. Reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament was undertaken using semitendinosus tendon in 20 rabbits. Immunohistochemical evaluations were performed at one, two, four and eight weeks after the operation. The expression of CD31, RAM-11, VEGF, b-FGF, S-100 protein and collagen I, II and III in the bone-tendon interface was very similar to that in the
Osteochondrosis juvenilis is caused by a dysfunction of
For the treatment of ununited fractures, we developed
a system of delivering magnetic labelled mesenchymal stromal cells
(MSCs) using an extracorporeal magnetic device. In this study, we
transplanted ferucarbotran-labelled and luciferase-positive bone
marrow-derived MSCs into a non-healing femoral fracture rat model
in the presence of a magnetic field. The biological fate of the
transplanted MSCs was observed using luciferase-based bioluminescence
imaging and we found that the number of MSC derived photons increased
from day one to day three and thereafter decreased over time. The
magnetic cell delivery system induced the accumulation of photons at
the fracture site, while also retaining higher photon intensity
from day three to week four. Furthermore, radiological and histological
findings suggested improved callus formation and
We studied the precise role of the fracture haematoma in healing by the experimental transplantation of the haematoma at two days and four days after fracture of the rat femur to subperiosteal and intramuscular sites. We used bone marrow and peripheral blood haematomas for control experiments. The transplanted two-day fracture haematoma produced new bone by
Old calcified fibrin coagula are frequently found in simple bone cysts. They provide a scaffold on which new bone is laid down, in a process analogous to
1. The utilisation of radioactive sulphur in vivo has been demonstrated both macroscopically and microscopically during the preosseous stage of bone repair. 2. The labelled mucopolysaccharide complex, chondroitin sulphuric acid, has been studied during the formation of the medullary and periosteal blastemata in the healing of a fracture. 3. The appearance and possible significance of mast cells adjacent to a fracture, and resulting from the stimulus of trauma, are discussed. 4. Cortisone has been seen to affect the formation of the periosteal cartilaginous blastema and subsequent process of
1. Grafts of joint cartilage from immature lambs were used to repair articular cartilage defects in other lambs and in adult sheep. 2. Stability of these grafts in a functional state was found in most for periods up to fourteen months. Although a limited homograft reaction occurred this did not lead to destruction of the cartilage, even though parts of it were well vascularised. 3. The results suggest that the process of
A quantitative study of the vascularity and a qualitative study of the remodelling of the calcified cartilage and subchondral bone end-plate of adult human femoral and humeral heads were performed with respect to age. In the femoral head the number of vessels per unit area was found to fall 20% from adolescence until the seventh decade and in the humeral head 15% until the sixth decade. Thereafter an increase was noted in the femur but none in the humerus. More vessels were present at all ages in the more loaded areas of the articular surfaces: 25% more for the femur and 15% more for the humerus. The degree of active remodelling by
We studied radiographs of 125 children (105 boys, 20 girls) with unilateral Legg-Calvé-Perthes’ disease to examine the epiphyseal development of the femoral head in the contralateral (unaffected) hip. The epiphyseal height (EH) and width (EW) of the unaffected hip were measured on the initial anteroposterior pelvic radiograph. In 109 of the patients (87.2%) the EH was below the mean for normal Japanese children and a significantly small EH (below −2 . sd. s) was observed in 23 patients (18.4%). By contrast, the EW of most patients (95.2%) lay within ± 2 SDs of normal values except for six with a significantly small EW. A strong positive linear correlation (R = 0.87) was observed in the EH:EW ratio in the patients. A smaller EH than expected for EW in our series indicated epiphyseal flattening of the femoral head in Legg-Calvé-Perthes’ disease. Our findings support the hypothesis that a delay in
The residual shortening of the affected limbs in 55 patients treated by subtrochanteric varus derotation osteotomy was compared with that in 71 patients treated with weight-relieving calipers. When last examined, 43 of the former group and 47 of the latter had reached complete or near-complete skeletal maturity. The average follow-up was 9.1 years in the osteotomised patients and 5.25 years in the conservatively treated group. The average residual shortening (0.9 cm) was identical in both groups. In most patients the initial shortening caused by the osteotomy gradually corrected as, over a period of several years, the postosteotomy angle gradually became less varus. Any residual shortening depended principally on the severity of inhibition of
The histology and mechanics of leg lengthening by callus distraction were studied in 27 growing rabbits. Tibial diaphyses were subjected to subperiosteal osteotomy, held in a neutral position for 10 days and then slowly distracted at 0.25 mm/12 hours, using a dynamic external fixator. Radiographs showed that the gap became filled with callus having three distinct zones. Elongation appeared to occur in a central radiolucent zone; this was bounded by two sclerotic zones. Histologically, the radiolucent zone consisted of longitudinally arranged cartilage and fibrous tissue while the sclerotic zones were formed by fine cancellous bone. New bone occasionally contained islands of cartilage, suggesting it had been formed by
We studied the cellular response to physeal distraction in the growth plates of skeletally immature rabbits. We used a new method of labelling and detection of proliferating cells with bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) and an anti-BUdR antibody. The application of an external fixator but no distraction force produced no changes in the growth plates. After five days of distraction at a maximum force of 20 N, the growth plate became thicker, mainly because of an increase in the number of hypertrophic chondrocytes, but there was no evidence of increased cell proliferation. Recent fractures were seen at the junction of growth plate and metaphysis but the increase in bone length was insignificant. After ten days of distraction at the same maximum force, the chondrocyte columns had become disorganised and cell proliferation was significantly decreased. There was an increase in bone length due to distraction of the fracture gap. In this model, physeal distraction did not stimulate cell proliferation, but actually inhibited it. The apparent increase in growth-plate thickness produced by distraction is not due to increased cell production, but results from inhibition of
We have examined the process of fusion of the intertransverse processes and bone graft in the rabbit by in situ hybridisation and evaluated the spatial and temporal expression of genes encoding pro-α1 (I) collagen (COL1A1), pro-α1 (II) collagen (COL2A1) and pro-α1 (X) collagen (COL10A1). Beginning at two weeks after operation, osteogenesis and chondrogenesis occurred around the transverse process and the grafted bone at the central portion of the area of the fusion mass. Osteoblasts and osteocytes at the newly-formed woven bone expressed COL1A1. At the cartilage, most chondrocytes expressed COL2A1 and some hypertrophic chondrocytes COL10A1. In some regions, co-expression of COL1A1 and COL2A1 was observed. At four weeks, such expressions for COL1A1, COL2A1 and COL10A1 became prominent at the area of the fusion mass. From four to six weeks, bone remodelling progressed from the area of the transverse processes towards the central zone. Osteoblasts lining the trabeculae expressed a strong signal for COL1A1. At the central portion of the area of the fusion mass,
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic degenerative joint disease characterized by progressive cartilage degradation, synovial membrane inflammation, osteophyte formation, and subchondral bone sclerosis. Pathological changes in cartilage and subchondral bone are the main processes in OA. In recent decades, many studies have demonstrated that activin-like kinase 3 (ALK3), a bone morphogenetic protein receptor, is essential for cartilage formation, osteogenesis, and postnatal skeletal development. Although the role of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signalling in articular cartilage and bone has been extensively studied, many new discoveries have been made in recent years around ALK3 targets in articular cartilage, subchondral bone, and the interaction between the two, broadening the original knowledge of the relationship between ALK3 and OA. In this review, we focus on the roles of ALK3 in OA, including cartilage and subchondral bone and related cells. It may be helpful to seek more efficient drugs or treatments for OA based on ALK3 signalling in future.
We undertook a comparative study of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) vertebral morphometry of thoracic vertebrae of girls with adolescent idiopathic thoracic scoliosis (AIS) and age and gender-matched normal subjects, in order to investigate abnormal differential growth of the anterior and posterior elements of the thoracic vertebrae in patients with scoliosis. Previous studies have suggested that disproportionate growth of the anterior and posterior columns may contribute to the development of AIS. Whole spine MRI was undertaken on 83 girls with AIS between the age of 12 and 14 years, and Cobb’s angles of between 20° and 90°, and 22 age-matched controls. Multiple measurements of each thoracic vertebra were obtained from the best sagittal and axial MRI cuts. Compared with the controls, the scoliotic spines had longer vertebral bodies between T1 and T12 in the anterior column and shorter pedicles with a larger interpedicular distance in the posterior column. The differential growth between the anterior and the posterior elements of each thoracic vertebra in the patients with AIS was significantly different from that in the controls (p <
0.01). There was also a significant positive correlation between the scoliosis severity score and the ratio of differential growth between the anterior and posterior columns for each thoracic vertebra (p <
0.01). Compared with age-matched controls, the longitudinal growth of the vertebral bodies in patients with AIS is disproportionate and faster and mainly occurs by
1. The methods by which epiphyses receive their blood supply was studied by means of India ink injections in monkeys. Two types were identified depending upon whether the epiphysis was entirely or partly covered by articular cartilage. In the former, nutrient vessels enter the epiphysis by traversing the perichondrium at the periphery of the plate. In the latter they enter the epiphysis by penetrating the cortex at the side of the epiphysis at a point remote from the epiphysial plate. 2. The histological changes after separation of the second type of epiphysis were also studied. After temporary interference with
This study aimed to demonstrate the promoting effect of elastic fixation on fracture, and further explore its mechanism at the gene and protein expression levels. A closed tibial fracture model was established using 12 male Japanese white rabbits, and divided into elastic and stiff fixation groups based on different fixation methods. Two weeks after the operation, a radiograph and pathological examination of callus tissue were used to evaluate fracture healing. Then, the differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) were examined in the callus using proteomics. Finally, in vitro cell experiments were conducted to investigate hub proteins involved in this process.Aims
1. Autografts, isografts and homografts of fibrocartilaginous callus were observed in the anterior chamber of the eye in rats. Proliferation of cartilage ceased,
The aim of this study was to determine the fracture haematoma (fxH) proteome after multiple trauma using label-free proteomics, comparing two different fracture treatment strategies. A porcine multiple trauma model was used in which two fracture treatment strategies were compared: early total care (ETC) and damage control orthopaedics (DCO). fxH was harvested and analyzed using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Per group, discriminating proteins were identified and protein interaction analyses were performed to further elucidate key biomolecular pathways in the early fracture healing phase.Aims
The experiments were performed to answer three main questions. These and our answers may be summarised as follows. What is the precise mechanism of healing of a raw bony surface in a joint? What cells are involved? Where do they originate?âIn all the implant experiments and in the control series the fundamental mechanism of healing was similar. 1. A massive proliferation of fibroblasts occurred from the cut periosteum, from the cut joint capsule, and to a lesser extent from the medullary canal. 2. Fibroblasts grew centripetally in the first few weeks after operation, attempting to form a "fibroblast cap" to the cut bone end. 3. Fibroblasts of this cap near the cut bone spicules metamorphosed to become prechondroblasts, chondroblasts laying down cartilage matrix, and hypertrophied (alkaline phosphatase-secreting) chondrocytes lying in a calcified matrix. 4. This calcified cartilage matrix was invaded by dilated capillaries probably bearing osteoblasts which laid down perivascular (endochondral) bone. 5. Some of the cells of projecting bone spicules died and their matrix was eroded in the presence of many osteoclasts. 6. In the control experiments of simple excision of the radial head new bone was produced at the periphery only by processes (3) and (4). This sealed off the underlying peripheral cortical bone from the superficially placed peripheral articular surface of fibrocartilage. At about a year from operation the central portion of the articular surface was still formed of bare bone, or of bone spicules covered by a thin layer of irregularly arranged collagen fibres. The opposite capitular articular cartilage was badly eroded. Does the introduction of a dead cartilage implant over the raw bone end affect in any way the final constitution of the new articular surface?âIn the implant experiments the new bone produced by processes (3) and (4) formed, after about a year, a complete cortical plate which entirely sealed off the cut end of the radius and left a superficially placed articular covering of smooth fibrocartilage, closely resembling a normal joint surface. The opposite capitular articular surface was normal. What is the final fate of such an implant?âWhale cartilage implants underwent replacement by fibroblasts and collagen fibres, and took about nine months to disappear. The cartilage of fixed autotransplants and homotransplants underwent similar gradual replacement, and took about the same time in each case. The dead bone, implanted in association with the cartilage in both cases, acted as a nidus for hyaline cartilage production by chondrocytes derived from fibroblasts. This cartilage underwent
Excessive chondrocyte hypertrophy is a common feature in cartilage degeneration which is susceptible to joint overloading, but the relationship between mechanical overloading and chondrocyte hypertrophy still remains elusive. The aim of our study was to explore the mechanism of mechanical compression-induced chondrocyte hypertrophy. In this study, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) degeneration model was built through forced mandibular retrusion (FMR)-induced compression in TMJ. Chondrocytes were also mechanically compressed in vitro. The role of O-GlcNAcylation in mechanical compression-induced chondrocyte hypertrophy manifested through specific activator Thiamet G and inhibitor OSMI-1.Aims
The August 2024 Oncology Roundup360 looks at: What factors are associated with osteoarthritis after cementation for benign aggressive bone tumour of the knee joint: a systematic review and meta-analysis; Recycled bone grafts treated with extracorporeal irradiation or liquid nitrogen freezing after malignant tumour resection; Intercalary resection of the tibia for primary bone tumours: are vascularized fibula autografts with or without allografts a durable reconstruction?; 3D-printed modular prostheses for the reconstruction of intercalary bone defects after joint-sparing limb salvage surgery for femoral diaphyseal tumours; Factors influencing the outcome of patients with primary Ewing’s sarcoma of the sacrum; The significance of surveillance imaging in children with Ewing’s sarcoma and osteosarcoma; Resection margin and soft-tissue sarcomas of the extremities treated with limb-sparing surgery and postoperative radiotherapy.
Impaired fracture repair in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is not fully understood. In this study, we aimed to characterize the local changes in gene expression (GE) associated with diabetic fracture. We used an unbiased approach to compare GE in the fracture callus of Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats relative to wild-type (WT) littermates at three weeks following femoral osteotomy. Zucker rats, WT and homozygous for leptin receptor mutation (ZDF), were fed a moderately high-fat diet to induce T2DM only in the ZDF animals. At ten weeks of age, open femoral fractures were simulated using a unilateral osteotomy stabilized with an external fixator. At three weeks post-surgery, the fractured femur from each animal was retrieved for analysis. Callus formation and the extent of healing were assessed by radiograph and histology. Bone tissue was processed for total RNA extraction and messenger RNA (mRNA) sequencing (mRNA-Seq).Aims
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a highly prevalent and disabling disease with an unmet therapeutic need. The characteristic cartilage loss and alteration of other joint structures result from a complex interaction of multiple risk factors, with mechanical overload consistently playing a central role. This overload generates an inflammatory response in the cartilage due to the activation of the innate immune response in chondrocytes, which occurs through various cellular mechanisms. Moreover, risk factors associated with obesity, being overweight, and metabolic syndrome enhance the inflammatory response both locally and systemically. OA chondrocytes, the only cells present in articular cartilage, are therefore inflamed and initiate an anabolic process in an attempt to repair the damaged tissue, which ultimately results in an aberrant and dysfunctional process. Under these circumstances, where the cartilage continues to be subjected to chronic mechanical stress, proposing a treatment that stimulates the chondrocytes’ anabolic response to restore tissue structure does not appear to be a therapeutic target with a high likelihood of success. In fact, anabolic drugs proposed for the treatment of OA have yet to demonstrate efficacy. By contrast, multiple therapeutic strategies focused on pharmacologically managing the inflammatory component, both at the joint and systemic levels, have shown promise. Therefore, prioritizing the control of chronic innate pro-inflammatory pathways presents the most viable and promising therapeutic strategy for the effective management of OA. As research continues, this approach may offer the best opportunity to alleviate the burden of this incapacitating disease. Cite this article:
The “2 to 10% strain rule” for fracture healing has been widely interpreted to mean that interfragmentary strain greater than 10% predisposes a fracture to nonunion. This interpretation focuses on the gap-closing strain (axial micromotion divided by gap size), ignoring the region around the gap where osteogenesis typically initiates. The aim of this study was to measure gap-closing and 3D interfragmentary strains in plated ovine osteotomies and associate local strain conditions with callus mineralization. MicroCT scans of eight female sheep with plated mid-shaft tibial osteotomies were used to create image-based finite element models. Virtual mechanical testing was used to compute postoperative gap-closing and 3D continuum strains representing compression (volumetric strain) and shear deformation (distortional strain). Callus mineralization was measured in zones in and around the osteotomy gap.Aims
To assess the alterations in cell-specific DNA methylation associated with chondroitin sulphate response using peripheral blood collected from Kashin-Beck disease (KBD) patients before initiation of chondroitin sulphate treatment. Peripheral blood samples were collected from KBD patients at baseline of chondroitin sulphate treatment. Methylation profiles were generated using reduced representation bisulphite sequencing (RRBS) from peripheral blood. Differentially methylated regions (DMRs) were identified using MethylKit, while DMR-related genes were defined as those annotated to the gene body or 2.2-kilobase upstream regions of DMRs. Selected DMR-related genes were further validated by quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) to assess expression levels. Tensor composition analysis was performed to identify cell-specific differential DNA methylation from bulk tissue.Aims
Transforming growth factor-beta2 (TGF-β2) is recognized as a versatile cytokine that plays a vital role in regulation of joint development, homeostasis, and diseases, but its role as a biological mechanism is understood far less than that of its counterpart, TGF-β1. Cartilage as a load-resisting structure in vertebrates however displays a fragile performance when any tissue disturbance occurs, due to its lack of blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatics. Recent reports have indicated that TGF-β2 is involved in the physiological processes of chondrocytes such as proliferation, differentiation, migration, and apoptosis, and the pathological progress of cartilage such as osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). TGF-β2 also shows its potent capacity in the repair of cartilage defects by recruiting autologous mesenchymal stem cells and promoting secretion of other growth factor clusters. In addition, some pioneering studies have already considered it as a potential target in the treatment of OA and RA. This article aims to summarize the current progress of TGF-β2 in cartilage development and diseases, which might provide new cues for remodelling of cartilage defect and intervention of cartilage diseases.
Heterotopic ossification (HO) is a common complication after elbow trauma and can cause severe upper limb disability. Although multiple prognostic factors have been reported to be associated with the development of post-traumatic HO, no model has yet been able to combine these predictors more succinctly to convey prognostic information and medical measures to patients. Therefore, this study aimed to identify prognostic factors leading to the formation of HO after surgery for elbow trauma, and to establish and validate a nomogram to predict the probability of HO formation in such particular injuries. This multicentre case-control study comprised 200 patients with post-traumatic elbow HO and 229 patients who had elbow trauma but without HO formation between July 2019 and December 2020. Features possibly associated with HO formation were obtained. The least absolute shrinkage and selection operator regression model was used to optimize feature selection. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was applied to build the new nomogram: the Shanghai post-Traumatic Elbow Heterotopic Ossification Prediction model (STEHOP). STEHOP was validated by concordance index (C-index) and calibration plot. Internal validation was conducted using bootstrapping validation.Aims
Magnesium ions (Mg2+) play an important role in promoting cartilage repair in cartilage lesions. However, no research has focused on the role of Mg2+ combined with microfracture (MFX) in hyaline-like cartilage repair mediated by cartilage injury. This study aimed to investigate the beneficial effects of the combination of MFX and Mg2+ in cartilage repair. A total of 60 rabbits were classified into five groups (n = 12 each): sham, MFX, and three different doses of Mg2+ treatment groups (0.05, 0.5, and 5 mol/L). Bone cartilage defects were created in the trochlear groove cartilage of rabbits. MFX surgery was performed after osteochondral defects. Mg2+ was injected into knee joints immediately and two and four weeks after surgery. At six and 12 weeks after surgery, the rabbits were killed. Cartilage damage was detected by gross observation, micro-CT, and histological analysis. The expression levels of related genes were detected by real-time quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR).Aims
Tendon is a bradytrophic and hypovascular tissue, hence, healing remains a major challenge. The molecular key events involved in successful repair have to be unravelled to develop novel strategies that reduce the risk of unfavourable outcomes such as non-healing, adhesion formation, and scarring. This review will consider the diverse pathophysiological features of tendon-derived cells that lead to failed healing, including misrouted differentiation (e.g. de- or transdifferentiation) and premature cell senescence, as well as the loss of functional progenitors. Many of these features can be attributed to disturbed cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) or unbalanced soluble mediators involving not only resident tendon cells, but also the cross-talk with immigrating immune cell populations. Unrestrained post-traumatic inflammation could hinder successful healing. Pro-angiogenic mediators trigger hypervascularization and lead to persistence of an immature repair tissue, which does not provide sufficient mechano-competence. Tendon repair tissue needs to achieve an ECM composition, structure, strength, and stiffness that resembles the undamaged highly hierarchically ordered tendon ECM. Adequate mechano-sensation and -transduction by tendon cells orchestrate ECM synthesis, stabilization by cross-linking, and remodelling as a prerequisite for the adaptation to the increased mechanical challenges during healing. Lastly, this review will discuss, from the cell biological point of view, possible optimization strategies for augmenting Achilles tendon (AT) healing outcomes, including adapted mechanostimulation and novel approaches by restraining neoangiogenesis, modifying stem cell niche parameters, tissue engineering, the modulation of the inflammatory cells, and the application of stimulatory factors. Cite this article:
This study aimed to explore the biological and clinical importance of dysregulated key genes in osteoarthritis (OA) patients at the cartilage level to find potential biomarkers and targets for diagnosing and treating OA. Six sets of gene expression profiles were obtained from the Gene Expression Omnibus database. Differential expression analysis, weighted gene coexpression network analysis (WGCNA), and multiple machine-learning algorithms were used to screen crucial genes in osteoarthritic cartilage, and genome enrichment and functional annotation analyses were used to decipher the related categories of gene function. Single-sample gene set enrichment analysis was performed to analyze immune cell infiltration. Correlation analysis was used to explore the relationship among the hub genes and immune cells, as well as markers related to articular cartilage degradation and bone mineralization.Aims
Autologous bone graft (ABG) is considered the ‘gold standard’ among graft materials for bone regeneration. However, complications including limited availability, donor site morbidity, and deterioration of regenerative capacity over time have been reported. P-15 is a synthetic peptide that mimics the cell binding domain of Type-I collagen. This peptide stimulates new bone formation by enhancing osteogenic cell attachment, proliferation, and differentiation. The objective of this study was to conduct a systematic literature review to determine the clinical efficacy and safety of P-15 peptide in bone regeneration throughout the skeletal system. PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library were searched for relevant articles on 13 May 2023. The systematic review was reported according to the PRISMA guidelines. Two reviewers independently screened and assessed the identified articles. Quality assessment was conducted using the methodological index for non-randomized studies and the risk of bias assessment tool for randomized controlled trials.Aims
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most prevalent systemic musculoskeletal disorder, characterized by articular cartilage degeneration and subchondral bone (SCB) sclerosis. Here, we sought to examine the contribution of accelerated growth to OA development using a murine model of excessive longitudinal growth. Suppressor of cytokine signalling 2 (SOCS2) is a negative regulator of growth hormone (GH) signalling, thus mice deficient in SOCS2 ( We examined vulnerability of Aims
Acquired heterotopic ossification (HO) is a debilitating disease characterized by abnormal extraskeletal bone formation within soft-tissues after injury. The exact pathogenesis of HO remains unknown. It was reported that Achilles tendon puncture (ATP) mouse model was performed on ten-week-old male C57BL/6J mice. One week after ATP procedure, the mice were given different treatments (e.g. JQ1, shMancr). Achilles tendon samples were collected five weeks after treatment for RNA-seq and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) analysis; the legs were removed for micro-CT imaging and subsequent histology. Human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (hBMSCs) were isolated and purified bone marrow collected during surgeries by using density gradient centrifugation. After a series of interventions such as knockdown or overexpressing Aims
Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS), defined by an age at presentation of 11 to 18 years, has a prevalence of 0.47% and accounts for approximately 90% of all cases of idiopathic scoliosis. Despite decades of research, the exact aetiology of AIS remains unknown. It is becoming evident that it is the result of a complex interplay of genetic, internal, and environmental factors. It has been hypothesized that genetic variants act as the initial trigger that allow epigenetic factors to propagate AIS, which could also explain the wide phenotypic variation in the presentation of the disorder. A better understanding of the underlying aetiological mechanisms could help to establish the diagnosis earlier and allow a more accurate prediction of deformity progression. This, in turn, would prompt imaging and therapeutic intervention at the appropriate time, thereby achieving the best clinical outcome for this group of patients. Cite this article:
1 . The magnitude of the problem of congenital anomalies becomes evident when one takes into consideration the fact that they cause the death of approximately one quarter of the human race either before or shortly after birth, and handicap an appreciable proportion of the survivors throughout their lives. Further, a significant percentage of infants judged to be normal at birth are found in later life to suffer from "disguised" anomalies of the skeleton and soft tissues. Though the study of genetic factors leading to congenital defects has attracted a great deal of attention during the last few decades, the importance of environmental causes of human malformations has received relatively less emphasis. The association of congenital anomalies such as cataract and cardiac septal defects with maternal intercurrent infection of rubella during the early months of pregnancy demonstrates clearly that changes in the germplasm cannot always be invoked as the cause of developmental abnormalities. Congenital malformations that are sometimes genetically determined, such as microphthalmos, cleft palate, and certain skeletal abnormalities, can be caused in the offspring not only by maternal nutritional deficiencies and x-radiation but also, at least in some animals, such as chickens, rats and rabbits, by the introduction of certain substances like insulin into the environment of the embryo during its development. 2. Since very little is known of the detailed histology of the early human embryo, the histological examination of cases of perverted growth is mainly limited to aborted foetuses which, unfortunately, tend to present varying degrees of post-mortem degeneration before accurate histological methods can be applied. It is exactly in this field that animal experiments can offer valuable help. According to Mall and other embryologists the pathological changes that take place in human foetuses and those obtained experimentally in animals are not merely "analogous or similar but identical.". 3. An attempt has been made to review, in some detail, the more important work which has been carried out on experimental teratogenesis, on the epidemiological implications of developmental arrests in humans, and on foetal abnormalities associated with maternal metabolic and hormonal disorders during pregnancy. 4. The technique employed for injection of insulin into the egg yolk has been described. Methods used for the estimation of blood sugar in chick embryos at various stages after injection of insulin and special histochemical techniques for localising polysaccharides in cartilage have been outlined. 5. A few salient experimental results have been tabulated, and some of the insulin-induced abnormalities have been illustrated. 6. The possible mechanism of action of insulin in the causation of the various developmental anomalies has been discussed. Broadly speaking, insulin seems to affect primarily the part or tissue which is in the most active stage of growth or differentiation at the time of the injection. Within the range of 0·05 to 6 units of insulin employed, the incidence, severity and distribution of the deformities appear to increase with the dose of the hormone. It has been observed that the hypoglycaemia caused by insulin injection is not counteracted till about the twelfth day of incubation, presumably because of excessive accumulation of glycogen in the yolk-sac membrane immediately after the injection, and because of lack of glycogen storage in the embryonic liver and the absence of active secretion in the endocrine glands concerned with the carbohydrate metabolism of the embryo. It has been suggested that this unchecked hypoglycaemia may deprive the mesenchyme, pre-cartilage and cartilage of glycogen and mucopolysaccharides (chondroiten-sulphuric acid complexes), depending on the time of injection and the dose of insulin, and thus not only give rise to a variety of single and multiple deformities in the cartilaginous skeleton but also interfere with the normal
We aimed to develop a gene signature that predicts the occurrence of postmenopausal osteoporosis (PMOP) by studying its genetic mechanism. Five datasets were obtained from the Gene Expression Omnibus database. Unsupervised consensus cluster analysis was used to determine new PMOP subtypes. To determine the central genes and the core modules related to PMOP, the weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WCGNA) was applied. Gene Ontology enrichment analysis was used to explore the biological processes underlying key genes. Logistic regression univariate analysis was used to screen for statistically significant variables. Two algorithms were used to select important PMOP-related genes. A logistic regression model was used to construct the PMOP-related gene profile. The receiver operating characteristic area under the curve, Harrell’s concordance index, a calibration chart, and decision curve analysis were used to characterize PMOP-related genes. Then, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) was used to verify the expression of the PMOP-related genes in the gene signature.Aims
Alcoholism is a well-known detrimental factor in fracture healing. However, the underlying mechanism of alcohol-inhibited fracture healing remains poorly understood. MicroRNA (miR) sequencing was performed on bone mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs). The effects of alcohol and miR-19a-3p on vascularization and osteogenic differentiation were analyzed in vitro using BMSCs and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). An in vivo alcohol-fed mouse model of femur fracture healing was also established, and radiological and histomorphometric analyses were used to evaluate the role of miR-19a-3p. The binding of miR-19a-3p to forkhead box F2 (FOXF2) was analyzed using a luciferase reporter assay.Aims
A growing number of fractures progress to delayed or nonunion, causing significant morbidity and socioeconomic impact. Localized delivery of stem cells and subcutaneous parathyroid hormone (PTH) has been shown individually to accelerate bony regeneration. This study aimed to combine the therapies with the aim of upregulating fracture healing. A 1.5 mm femoral osteotomy (delayed union model) was created in 48 female juvenile Wistar rats, aged six to nine months, and stabilized using an external fixator. At day 0, animals were treated with intrafracture injections of 1 × 106 cells/kg bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) suspended in fibrin, daily subcutaneous injections of high (100 μg/kg) or low (25 μg/kg) dose PTH 1-34, or a combination of PTH and MSCs. A group with an empty gap served as a control. Five weeks post-surgery, the femur was excised for radiological, histomorphometric, micro-CT, and mechanical analysis.Aims
Chondrocyte hypertrophy represents a crucial turning point during endochondral bone development. This process is tightly regulated by various factors, constituting a regulatory network that maintains normal bone development. Histone deacetylase 4 (HDAC4) is the most well-characterized member of the HDAC class IIa family and participates in different signalling networks during development in various tissues by promoting chromatin condensation and transcriptional repression. Studies have reported that HDAC4-null mice display premature ossification of developing bones due to ectopic and early-onset chondrocyte hypertrophy. Overexpression of HDAC4 in proliferating chondrocytes inhibits hypertrophy and ossification of developing bones, which suggests that HDAC4, as a negative regulator, is involved in the network regulating chondrocyte hypertrophy. Overall, HDAC4 plays a key role during bone development and disease. Thus, understanding the role of HDAC4 during chondrocyte hypertrophy and endochondral bone formation and its features regarding the structure, function, and regulation of this process will not only provide new insight into the mechanisms by which HDAC4 is involved in chondrocyte hypertrophy and endochondral bone development, but will also create a platform for developing a therapeutic strategy for related diseases.
Here we introduce a wide and complex study comparing effects of growth factors used alone and in combinations on human mesenchymal stem cell (hMSC) proliferation and osteogenic differentiation. Certain ways of cell behaviour can be triggered by specific peptides – growth factors, influencing cell fate through surface cellular receptors. In our study transforming growth factor β (TGF-β), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) were used in order to induce osteogenesis and proliferation of hMSCs from bone marrow. These cells are naturally able to differentiate into various mesodermal cell lines. Effect of each factor itself is pretty well known. We designed experimental groups where two and more growth factors were combined. We supposed cumulative effect would appear when more growth factors with the same effect were combined. The cellular metabolism was evaluated using MTS assay and double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) amount using PicoGreen assay. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, as early osteogenesis marker, was observed. Phase contrast microscopy was used for cell morphology evaluation.Aims
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is known to impair fracture healing. Increasing evidence suggests that some microRNA (miRNA) is involved in the pathophysiology of diabetes and its complications. We hypothesized that the functions of miRNA and changes to their patterns of expression may be implicated in the pathogenesis of impaired fracture healing in DM. Closed transverse fractures were created in the femurs of 116 rats, with half assigned to the DM group and half assigned to the control group. Rats with DM were induced by a single intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin. At post-fracture days five, seven, 11, 14, 21, and 28, miRNA was extracted from the newly generated tissue at the fracture site. Microarray analysis was performed with miRNA samples from each group on post-fracture days five and 11. For further analysis, real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis was performed at each timepoint.Objectives
Cigarette smoking has a negative impact on the skeletal system, causes a decrease in bone mass in both young and old patients, and is considered a risk factor for the development of osteoporosis. In addition, it disturbs the bone healing process and prolongs the healing time after fractures. The mechanisms by which cigarette smoking impairs fracture healing are not fully understood. There are few studies reporting the effects of cigarette smoking on new blood vessel formation during the early stage of fracture healing. We tested the hypothesis that cigarette smoke inhalation may suppress angiogenesis and delay fracture healing. We established a custom-made chamber with airflow for rats to inhale cigarette smoke continuously, and tested our hypothesis using a femoral osteotomy model, radiograph and microCT imaging, and various biomechanical and biological tests.Aims
Osteoarthritis (OA), one of the most common motor system disorders, is a degenerative disease involving progressive joint destruction caused by a variety of factors. At present, OA has become the fourth most common cause of disability in the world. However, the pathogenesis of OA is complex and has not yet been clarified. Long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) refers to a group of RNAs more than 200 nucleotides in length with limited protein-coding potential, which have a wide range of biological functions including regulating transcriptional patterns and protein activity, as well as binding to form endogenous small interference RNAs (siRNAs) and natural microRNA (miRNA) molecular sponges. In recent years, a large number of lncRNAs have been found to be differentially expressed in a variety of pathological processes of OA, including extracellular matrix (ECM) degradation, synovial inflammation, chondrocyte apoptosis, and angiogenesis. Obviously, lncRNAs play important roles in regulating gene expression, maintaining the phenotype of cartilage and synovial cells, and the stability of the intra-articular environment. This article reviews the results of the latest research into the role of lncRNAs in a variety of pathological processes of OA, in order to provide a new direction for the study of OA pathogenesis and a new target for prevention and treatment. Cite this article:
Experimental studies indicate that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may have negative effects on fracture healing. This study aimed to assess the effect of immediate and delayed short-term administration of clinically relevant parecoxib doses and timing on fracture healing using an established animal fracture model. A standardized closed tibia shaft fracture was induced and stabilized by reamed intramedullary nailing in 66 Wistar rats. A ‘parecoxib immediate’ (Pi) group received parecoxib (3.2 mg/kg bodyweight twice per day) on days 0, 1, and 2. A ‘parecoxib delayed’ (Pd) group received the same dose of parecoxib on days 3, 4, and 5. A control group received saline only. Fracture healing was evaluated by biomechanical tests, histomorphometry, and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) at four weeks.Objectives
Kashin-Beck disease (KBD) is a kind of chronic osteochondropathy, thought to be caused by environmental risk factors such as T-2 toxin. However, the exact aetiology of KBD remains unclear. In this study, we explored the functional relevance and biological mechanism of cartilage oligosaccharide matrix protein (COMP) in the articular cartilage damage of KBD. The articular cartilage specimens were collected from five KBD patients and five control subjects for cell culture. The messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein expression levels were detected by quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) and western blot. The survival rate of C28/I2 chondrocyte cell line was detected by MTT assay after T-2 toxin intervention. The cell viability and mRNA expression levels of apoptosis related genes between Aims
As one of the heat-stable enterotoxins, Rat MSCs were used to test the effects of SEC2 on their proliferation and osteogenic differentiation potentials. A rat femoral fracture model was used to examine the effect of local administration of SEC2 on fracture healing using radiographic analyses, micro-CT analyses, biomechanical testing, and histological analyses.Objectives
Materials and Methods
A balanced inflammatory response is important for successful fracture healing. The response of osteoporotic fracture healing is deranged and an altered inflammatory response can be one underlying cause. The objectives of this review were to compare the inflammatory responses between normal and osteoporotic fractures and to examine the potential effects on different healing outcomes. A systematic literature search was conducted with relevant keywords in PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science independently. Original preclinical studies and clinical studies involving the investigation of inflammatory response in fracture healing in ovariectomized (OVX) animals or osteoporotic/elderly patients with available full text and written in English were included. In total, 14 articles were selected. Various inflammatory factors were reported; of those tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin (IL)-6 are two commonly studied markers. Preclinical studies showed that OVX animals generally demonstrated higher systemic inflammatory response and poorer healing outcomes compared to normal controls (SHAM). However, it is inconclusive if the local inflammatory response is higher or lower in OVX animals. As for clinical studies, they mainly examine the temporal changes of the inflammatory stage or perform comparison between osteoporotic/fragility fracture patients and normal subjects without fracture. Our review of these studies emphasizes the lack of understanding that inflammation plays in the altered fracture healing response of osteoporotic/elderly patients. Taken together, it is clear that additional studies, preclinical and clinical, are required to dissect the regulatory role of inflammatory response in osteoporotic fracture healing. Cite this article:
The objective of this study was to investigate the therapeutic effect of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNCs) treated with quality and quantity control culture (QQ-culture) to expand and fortify angiogenic cells on the acceleration of fracture healing. Human PBMNCs were cultured for seven days with the QQ-culture method using a serum-free medium containing five specific cytokines and growth factors. The QQ-cultured PBMNCs (QQMNCs) obtained were counted and characterised by flow cytometry and real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Angiogenic and osteo-inductive potentials were evaluated using tube formation assays and co-culture with mesenchymal stem cells with osteo-inductive medium Objectives
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been reported as key regulators of bone formation, signalling, and repair. Fracture healing is a proliferative physiological process where the body facilitates the repair of a bone fracture. The aim of our study was to explore the effects of microRNA-186 (miR-186) on fracture healing through the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signalling pathway by binding to Smad family member 6 (SMAD6) in a mouse model of femoral fracture. Microarray analysis was adopted to identify the regulatory miR of SMAD6. 3D micro-CT was performed to assess the bone volume (BV), bone volume fraction (BVF, BV/TV), and bone mineral density (BMD), followed by a biomechanical test for maximum load, maximum radial degrees, elastic radial degrees, and rigidity of the femur. The positive expression of SMAD6 in fracture tissues was measured. Moreover, the miR-186 level, messenger RNA (mRNA) level, and protein levels of SMAD6, BMP-2, and BMP-7 were examined.Objectives
The osteoprotegerin (OPG) and receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand (RANKL) balance is of the utmost importance in fracture healing. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate the impact of nonosteogenic factors on OPG and RANKL levels. Serum obtained from 51 patients with long bone fractures was collected over 48 weeks. The OPG and serum sRANKL (soluble RANKL) concentrations were measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Smoking habit, diabetes, and alcohol consumption were recorded.Objectives
The aim of this study was to review the impact of smoking tobacco on the musculoskeletal system, and on bone fractures in particular. English-language publications of human and animal studies categorizing subjects into smokers and nonsmokers were sourced from MEDLINE, The Cochrane Library, and SCOPUS. This review specifically focused on the risk, surgical treatment, and prevention of fracture complications in smokers.Objectives
Long bone defects often require surgical intervention for functional restoration. The ‘gold standard’ treatment is autologous bone graft (ABG), usually from the patient’s iliac crest. However, autograft is plagued by complications including limited supply, donor site morbidity, and the need for an additional surgery. Thus, alternative therapies are being actively investigated. Autologous bone marrow (BM) is considered as a candidate due to the presence of both endogenous reparative cells and growth factors. We aimed to compare the therapeutic potentials of autologous bone marrow aspirate (BMA) and ABG, which has not previously been done. We compared the efficacy of coagulated autologous BMA and ABG for the repair of ulnar defects in New Zealand White rabbits. Segmental defects (14 mm) were filled with autologous clotted BM or morcellized autograft, and healing was assessed four and 12 weeks postoperatively. Harvested ulnas were subjected to radiological, micro-CT, histological, and mechanical analyses.Objectives
Recent studies have shown that modulating inflammation-related
lipid signalling after a bone fracture can accelerate healing in
animal models. Specifically, decreasing 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) activity
during fracture healing increases cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression
in the fracture callus, accelerates chondrogenesis and decreases
healing time. In this study, we test the hypothesis that 5-LO inhibition
will increase direct osteogenesis. Bilateral, unicortical femoral defects were used in rats to measure
the effects of local 5-LO inhibition on direct osteogenesis. The
defect sites were filled with a polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffold
containing 5-LO inhibitor (A-79175) at three dose levels, scaffold
with drug carrier, or scaffold only. Drug release was assessed Objectives
Construction of a functional skeleton is accomplished
through co-ordination of the developmental processes of chondrogenesis,
osteogenesis, and synovial joint formation. Infants whose movement Cite this article:
Osteoarthritis (OA) is caused by complex interactions between genetic and environmental factors. Epigenetic mechanisms control the expression of genes and are likely to regulate the OA transcriptome. We performed integrative genomic analyses to define methylation-gene expression relationships in osteoarthritic cartilage. Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling of articular cartilage from five patients with OA of the knee and five healthy controls was conducted using the Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip (Illumina, San Diego, California). Other independent genome-wide mRNA expression profiles of articular cartilage from three patients with OA and three healthy controls were obtained from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database. Integrative pathway enrichment analysis of DNA methylation and mRNA expression profiles was performed using integrated analysis of cross-platform microarray and pathway software. Gene ontology (GO) analysis was conducted using the Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID).Aim
Patients and Methods
The literature on fracture repair has been reviewed. The traditional concepts of delayed and nonunion have been examined in terms of the phased and balanced anabolic and catabolic responses in bone repair. The role of medical manipulation of these inter-related responses in the fracture healing have been considered.
The treatment of osteoporotic fractures is a major challenge, and the enhancement of healing is critical as a major goal in modern fracture management. Most osteoporotic fractures occur at the metaphyseal bone region but few models exist and the healing is still poorly understood. A systematic review was conducted to identify and analyse the appropriateness of current osteoporotic metaphyseal fracture animal models. A literature search was performed on the Pubmed, Embase, and Web of Science databases, and relevant articles were selected. A total of 19 studies were included. Information on the animal, induction of osteoporosis, fracture technique, site and fixation, healing results, and utility of the model were extracted.Objectives
Materials and Methods
Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disorder characterized by reduced bone mass and deterioration of bone microarchitecture, which results in increased bone fragility and fracture risk. Casein kinase 2-interacting protein-1 (CKIP-1) is a protein that plays an important role in regulation of bone formation. The effect of CKIP-1 on bone formation is mainly mediated through negative regulation of the bone morphogenetic protein pathway. In addition, CKIP-1 has an important role in the progression of osteoporosis. This review provides a summary of the recent studies on the role of CKIP-1 in osteoporosis development and treatment.
Currently, there is no animal model in which
to evaluate the underlying physiological processes leading to the heterotopic
ossification (HO) which forms in most combat-related and blast wounds.
We sought to reproduce the ossification that forms under these circumstances
in a rat by emulating patterns of injury seen in patients with severe
injuries resulting from blasts. We investigated whether exposure
to blast overpressure increased the prevalence of HO after transfemoral
amputation performed within the zone of injury. We exposed rats
to a blast overpressure alone (BOP-CTL), crush injury and femoral
fracture followed by amputation through the zone of injury (AMP-CTL)
or a combination of these (BOP-AMP). The presence of HO was evaluated
using radiographs, micro-CT and histology. HO developed in none
of nine BOP-CTL, six of nine AMP-CTL, and in all 20 BOP-AMP rats.
Exposure to blast overpressure increased the prevalence of HO. This model may thus be used to elucidate cellular and molecular
pathways of HO, the effect of varying intensities of blast overpressure,
and to evaluate new means of prophylaxis and treatment of heterotopic
ossification. Cite this article:
MicroRNAs (miRNAs ) are small non-coding RNAs
that regulate gene expression. We hypothesised that the functions
of certain miRNAs and changes to their patterns of expression may
be crucial in the pathogenesis of nonunion. Healing fractures and
atrophic nonunions produced by periosteal cauterisation were created
in the femora of 94 rats, with 1:1 group allocation. At post-fracture
days three, seven, ten, 14, 21 and 28, miRNAs were extracted from
the newly generated tissue at the fracture site. Microarray and
real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analyses of day 14 samples
revealed that five miRNAs, miR-31a-3p, miR-31a-5p, miR-146a-5p,
miR-146b-5p and miR-223-3p, were highly upregulated in nonunion.
Real-time PCR analysis further revealed that, in nonunion, the expression
levels of all five of these miRNAs peaked on day 14 and declined
thereafter. Our results suggest that miR-31a-3p, miR-31a-5p, miR-146a-5p,
miR-146b-5p and miR-223-3p may play an important role in the development
of nonunion. These findings add to the understanding of the molecular mechanism
for nonunion formation and may lead to the development of novel
therapeutic strategies for its treatment. Cite this article:
To assess the long-term effect of distal trochanteric transfer
(DTT) on the clinical and radiographic outcomes of patients with
Legg-Calvé-Perthes’ disease (LCPD) following a varus derotational
osteotomy (VDRO). For this single centre cross-sectional retrospective study we
analysed the data of 22 patients (24 hips) with LCPD who had greater
trochanteric overgrowth (GTO), following a VDRO performed in our
institution between 1959 and 1983. GTO was defined as an articular
trochanteric distance (ATD) of <
5 mm. We compared the radiographic
and clinical outcomes of patients who underwent DTT for GTO (ten
patients, ten hips) with those who did not (12 patients, 14 hips).
Age at presentation was 6.9 years (4 to 10) and 8.0 years (3.2 to
12) respectively. Symptoms associated with the hip and general quality
of life were assessed using the Harris hip score (HHS) and the Short Form
(SF)-36 questionnaires.Aims
Patients and Methods
In order to screen the altered gene expression profile in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with osteoporosis, we performed an integrated analysis of the online microarray studies of osteoporosis. We searched the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database for microarray studies of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in patients with osteoporosis. Subsequently, we integrated gene expression data sets from multiple microarray studies to obtain differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between patients with osteoporosis and normal controls. Gene function analysis was performed to uncover the functions of identified DEGs.Objectives
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), responsible
for extracellular matrix remodelling and angiogenesis, might play
a major role in the response of the growth plate to detrimental
loads that lead to overuse injuries in young athletes. In order
to test this hypothesis, human growth plate chondrocytes were subjected
to mechanical forces equal to either physiological loads, near detrimental
or detrimental loads for two hours. In addition, these cells were
exposed to physiological loads for up to 24 hours. Changes in the
expression of MMPs -2, -3 and -13 were investigated. We found that expression of MMPs in cultured human growth plate
chondrocytes increases in a linear manner with increased duration
and intensity of loading. We also showed for the first time that
physiological loads have the same effect on growth plate chondrocytes
over a long period of time as detrimental loads applied for a short
period. These findings confirm the involvement of MMPs in overuse injuries
in children. We suggest that training programmes for immature athletes
should be reconsidered in order to avoid detrimental stresses and
over-expression of MMPs in the growth plate, and especially to avoid
physiological loads becoming detrimental. Cite this article:
Bisphosphonates are widely used as first-line treatment for primary and secondary prevention of fragility fractures. Whilst they have proved effective in this role, there is growing concern over their long-term use, with much evidence linking bisphosphonate-related suppression of bone remodelling to an increased risk of atypical subtrochanteric fractures of the femur (AFFs). The objective of this article is to review this evidence, while presenting the current available strategies for the management of AFFs. We present an evaluation of current literature relating to the pathogenesis and treatment of AFFs in the context of bisphosphonate use.Objectives
Osteophytes are products of active endochondral and intramembranous ossification, and therefore could theoretically provide significant efficacy as bone grafts. In this study, we compared the bone mineralisation effectiveness of osteophytes and cancellous bone, including their effects on secretion of growth factors and anabolic effects on osteoblasts. Osteophytes and cancellous bone obtained from human patients were transplanted onto the calvaria of severe combined immunodeficient mice, with Calcein administered intra-peritoneally for fluorescent labelling of bone mineralisation. Conditioned media were prepared using osteophytes and cancellous bone, and growth factor concentration and effects of each graft on proliferation, differentiation and migration of osteoblastic cells were assessed using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, MTS ((3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium)) assays, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, and migration assays.Objectives
The feasibility of bone transport with bone substitute and the factors which are essential for a successful bone transport are unknown. We studied six groups of 12 Japanese white rabbits. Groups A to D received cylindrical autologous bone segments and groups E and F hydroxyapatite prostheses. The periosteum was preserved in group A so that its segments had a blood supply, cells, proteins and scaffold. Group B had no blood supply. Group C had proteins and scaffold and group D had only scaffold. Group E received hydroxyapatite loaded with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 and group F had hydroxyapatite alone. Distraction osteogenesis occurred in groups A to C and E which had osteo-conductive transport segments loaded with osteo-inductive proteins. We conclude that scaffold and proteins are essential for successful bone transport, and that bone substitute can be used to regenerate bone.
This paper reviews the current literature concerning the main clinical factors which can impair the healing of fractures and makes recommendations on avoiding or minimising these in order to optimise the outcome for patients. The clinical implications are described.
The continual cycle of bone formation and resorption
is carried out by osteoblasts, osteocytes, and osteoclasts under
the direction of the bone-signaling pathway. In certain situations
the host cycle of bone repair is insufficient and requires the assistance
of bone grafts and their substitutes. The fundamental properties
of a bone graft are osteoconduction, osteoinduction, osteogenesis,
and structural support. Options for bone grafting include autogenous
and allograft bone and the various isolated or combined substitutes
of calcium sulphate, calcium phosphate, tricalcium phosphate, and
coralline hydroxyapatite. Not all bone grafts will have the same
properties. As a result, understanding the requirements of the clinical
situation and specific properties of the various types of bone grafts
is necessary to identify the ideal graft. We present a review of
the bone repair process and properties of bone grafts and their
substitutes to help guide the clinician in the decision making process. Cite this article:
The purpose of this study was to investigate
the development of the osseous acetabular index (OAI) and cartilaginous
acetabular index (CAI) using MRI. The OAI and CAI were measured
on the coronal MR images of the hip in 81 children with developmental
dysplasia of the hip (DDH), with a mean age of 19.6 months (3 to
70), and 241 normal control children with a mean age of 5.1 years
(1 month to 12.5 years). Additionally the developmental patterns
of the OAI and CAI in normal children were determined by age-based
cross-sectional analysis. Unlike the OAI, the normal CAI decreased rapidly from a mean
of 10.17° (
To explore the therapeutic potential of combining bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) and hydroxyapatite (HA) granules to treat nonunion of the long bone. Ten patients with an atrophic nonunion of a long bone fracture were selectively divided into two groups. Five subjects in the treatment group were treated with the combination of 15 million autologous BM-MSCs, 5g/cm3 (HA) granules and internal fixation. Control subjects were treated with iliac crest autograft, 5g/cm3 HA granules and internal fixation. The outcomes measured were post-operative pain (visual analogue scale), level of functionality (LEFS and DASH), and radiograph assessment.Objectives
Heterotopic ossification occurring after the use of commercially available bone morphogenetic proteins has not been widely reported. We describe four cases of heterotopic ossification in patients treated with either recombinant bone morphogenetic protein 2 or recombinant bone morphogenetic protein 7. We found that while some patients were asymptomatic, heterotopic ossification which had occurred around a joint often required operative excision with good results.
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the femoral
head–neck contour, characterised by the alpha angle, varies with
the stage of physeal maturation using MRI evaluation of an asymptomatic
paediatric population. Paediatric volunteers with asymptomatic hips were recruited to
undergo MRI of both hips. Femoral head physes were graded from 1
(completely open) to 6 (completely fused). The femoral head–neck
contour was evaluated using the alpha angle, measured at the 3:00
(anterior) and 1:30 (anterosuperior) positions and correlated with
physeal grade, with gender sub-analysis performed.Objectives
The bicompartmental acetabulum is one of the morphological changes which may be seen in children with Legg-Calvé-Perthes’ disease. Three-dimensional CT and MRI were used to analyse the detailed morphology of the acetabulum with special reference to its inner surface, in 16 patients with Perthes’ disease and a bicompartmental acetabulum. The bicompartmental appearance was seen on the coronal plane image through the acetabular fossa. The lunate surface was seen to grow laterally resulting in an increased mediolateral thickness of the triradiate cartilage. On the horizontal plane images, the acetabular fossa had deepened and had a distinct prominence at its posterior border. The combination of these morphological changes resulted in a bicompartmental appearance on plain radiography. Acetabular bicompartmentalisation appears to be the result of an imbalance of growth between the cartilage-covered lunate surface and the cartilage-devoid acetabular fossa.
Nanotechnology is the study, production and controlled
manipulation of materials with a grain size <
100 nm. At this
level, the laws of classical mechanics fall away and those of quantum
mechanics take over, resulting in unique behaviour of matter in
terms of melting point, conductivity and reactivity. Additionally,
and likely more significant, as grain size decreases, the ratio
of surface area to volume drastically increases, allowing for greater interaction
between implants and the surrounding cellular environment. This
favourable increase in surface area plays an important role in mesenchymal
cell differentiation and ultimately bone–implant interactions. Basic science and translational research have revealed important
potential applications for nanotechnology in orthopaedic surgery,
particularly with regard to improving the interaction between implants
and host bone. Nanophase materials more closely match the architecture
of native trabecular bone, thereby greatly improving the osseo-integration
of orthopaedic implants. Nanophase-coated prostheses can also reduce
bacterial adhesion more than conventionally surfaced prostheses.
Nanophase selenium has shown great promise when used for tumour
reconstructions, as has nanophase silver in the management of traumatic
wounds. Nanophase silver may significantly improve healing of peripheral
nerve injuries, and nanophase gold has powerful anti-inflammatory
effects on tendon inflammation. Considerable advances must be made in our understanding of the
potential health risks of production, implantation and wear patterns
of nanophase devices before they are approved for clinical use.
Their potential, however, is considerable, and is likely to benefit
us all in the future. Cite this article:
We reviewed 34 knees in 24 children after a double-elevating osteotomy for late-presenting infantile Blount’s disease. The mean age of patients was 9.1 years (7 to 13.5). All knees were in Langenskiöld stages IV to VI. The operative technique corrected the depression of the medial joint line by an elevating osteotomy, and the remaining tibial varus and internal torsion by an osteotomy just below the apophysis. In the more recent patients (19 knees), a proximal lateral tibial epiphysiodesis was performed at the same time. The mean pre-operative angle of depression of the medial tibial plateau of 49° (40° to 60°) was corrected to a mean of 26° (20° to 30°), which was maintained at follow-up. The femoral deformity was too small to warrant femoral osteotomy in any of our patients. The mean pre-operative mechanical varus of 30.6° (14° to 66°) was corrected to 0° to 5° of mechanical valgus in 29 knees. In five knees, there was an undercorrection of 2° to 5° of mechanical varus. At follow-up a further eight knees, in which lateral epiphysiodesis was delayed beyond five months, developed recurrent tibial varus associated with fusion of the medial proximal tibial physis.
The August 2013 Trauma Roundup360 looks at: reverse oblique fractures do better with a cephalomedullary device; locking screws confer no advantage in tibial plateau fractures; it’s all about the radius of curvature; radius of curvature revisited; radial head replacement in complex elbow reconstruction; stem cells in early fracture haematoma; heterotrophic ossification in forearms; and Boston in perspective.
We describe three cases of infantile tibia vara
resulting from an atraumatic slip of the proximal tibial epiphysis
upon the metaphysis. There appears to be an association between
this condition and severe obesity. Radiologically, the condition
is characterised by a dome-shaped metaphysis, an open growth plate
and disruption of the continuity between the lateral borders of
the epiphysis and metaphysis, with inferomedial translation of the
proximal tibial epiphysis. All patients were treated by realignment
of the proximal tibia by distraction osteogenesis with an external
circulator fixator, and it is suggested that this is the optimal
method for correction of this complex deformity. There are differences
in the radiological features and management between conventional
infantile Blount’s disease and this ‘slipped upper tibial epiphysis’
Resveratrol is a polyphenolic compound commonly found in the
skins of red grapes. Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) is a human gene that is activated
by resveratrol and has been shown to promote longevity and boost
mitochondrial metabolism. We examined the effect of resveratrol
on normal and osteoarthritic (OA) human chondrocytes. Normal and OA chondrocytes were incubated with various concentrations
of resveratrol (1 µM, 10 µM, 25 µM and 50 µM) and cultured for 24,
48 or 72 hours or for six weeks. Cell proliferation, gene expression,
and senescence were evaluated.Background
The osteoinductive properties of demineralised
bone matrix have been demonstrated in animal studies. However, its therapeutic
efficacy has yet to be proven in humans. The clinical properties
of AlloMatrix, an injectable calcium-based demineralised bone matrix
allograft, were studied in a prospective randomised study of 50
patients with an isolated unstable distal radial fracture treated
by reduction and Kirschner (K-) wire fixation. A total of 24 patients
were randomised to the graft group (13 men and 11 women, mean age
42.3 years (20 to 62)) and 26 to the no graft group (8 men and 18
women, mean age 45.0 years (17 to 69)). At one, three, six and nine weeks, and six and 12 months post-operatively,
patients underwent radiological evaluation, assessments for range
of movement, grip and pinch strength, and also completed the Disabilities
of Arm, Shoulder and Hand questionnaire. At one and six weeks and
one year post-operatively, bone mineral density evaluations of both
wrists were performed. No significant difference in wrist function and speed of recovery,
rate of union, complications or bone mineral density was found between
the two groups. The operating time was significantly higher in the
graft group (p = 0.004). Radiologically, the reduction parameters
remained similar in the two groups and all AlloMatrix extraosseous leakages
disappeared after nine weeks. This prospective randomised controlled trial did not demonstrate
a beneficial effect of AlloMatrix demineralised bone matrix in the
treatment of this category of distal radial fractures treated by
K-wire fixation. Cite this article:
We describe 22 cases of bizarre parosteal osteochondromatous proliferation, or Nora’s lesion. These are surface-based osteocartilaginous lesions typically affecting the hands and feet. All patients were identified from the records of a regional bone tumour unit and were treated between 1985 and 2009. Nine lesions involved the metacarpals, seven the metatarsals, one originated from a sesamoid bone of the foot and five from long bones (radius, ulna, tibia, and femur in two). The mean age of the patients was 31.8 years (6 to 66), with 14 men and eight women. Diagnosis was based on the radiological and histological features. The initial surgical treatment was excision in 21 cases and amputation of a toe in one. The mean follow-up was for 32 months (12 to 162). Recurrence occurred in six patients (27.3%), with a mean time to recurrence of 49 months (10 to 120). Two of the eight patients with complete resection margins developed a recurrence (25.0%), compared with four of 14 with a marginal or incomplete resection (28.6%). Given the potential surgical morbidity inherent in resection, our data suggest that there may be a role for a relatively tissue-conserving approach to the excision of these lesions.
In patients with traumatic brain injury and fractures
of long bones, it is often clinically observed that the rate of bone
healing and extent of callus formation are increased. However, the
evidence has been unconvincing and an association between such an
injury and enhanced fracture healing remains unclear. We performed
a retrospective cohort study of 74 young adult patients with a mean
age of 24.2 years (16 to 40) who sustained a femoral shaft fracture
(AO/OTA type 32A or 32B) with or without a brain injury. All the
fractures were treated with closed intramedullary nailing. The main
outcome measures included the time required for bridging callus
formation (BCF) and the mean callus thickness (MCT) at the final
follow-up. Comparative analyses were made between the 20 patients
with a brain injury and the 54 without brain injury. Subgroup comparisons
were performed among the patients with a brain injury in terms of
the severity of head injury, the types of intracranial haemorrhage
and gender. Patients with a brain injury had an earlier appearance
of BCF
(p <
0.001) and a greater final MCT value (p <
0.001) than
those without. There were no significant differences with respect
to the time required for BCF and final MCT values in terms of the
severity of head injury (p = 0.521 and p = 0.153, respectively),
the types of intracranial haemorrhage (p = 0.308 and p = 0.189,
respectively) and gender (p = 0.383 and
p = 0.662, respectively). These results confirm that an injury to the brain may be associated
with accelerated fracture healing and enhanced callus formation.
However, the severity of the injury to the brain, the type of intracranial
haemorrhage and gender were not statistically significant factors
in predicting the rate of bone healing and extent of final callus formation.
Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is known
to stimulate osteoblast or osteoprogenitor cell activity. We investigated
the effect of locally applied PDGF from poly- These results indicate that local application of PDGF from biodegradable
PDLLA-coated implants significantly accelerates fracture healing
in experimental animals. Further development may help fracture healing
in the clinical situation.
We attempted to characterise the biological quality
and regenerative potential of chondrocytes in osteochondritis dissecans
(OCD). Dissected fragments from ten patients with OCD of the knee
(mean age 27.8 years (16 to 49)) were harvested at arthroscopy.
A sample of cartilage from the intercondylar notch was taken from
the same joint and from the notch of ten patients with a traumatic
cartilage defect (mean age 31.6 years (19 to 52)). Chondrocytes
were extracted and subsequently cultured. Collagen types 1, 2, and
10 mRNA were quantified by polymerase chain reaction. Compared with
the notch chondrocytes, cells from the dissecate expressed similar
levels of collagen types 1 and 2 mRNA. The level of collagen type
10 message was 50 times lower after cell culture, indicating a loss
of hypertrophic cells or genes. The high viability, retained capacity
to differentiate and metabolic activity of the extracted cells suggests
preservation of the intrinsic repair capability of these dissecates.
Molecular analysis indicated a phenotypic modulation of the expanded
dissecate chondrocytes towards a normal phenotype. Our findings
suggest that cartilage taken from the dissecate can be reasonably
used as a cell source for chondrocyte implantation procedures.
Congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia is an uncommon manifestation of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), but one that remains difficult to treat due to anabolic deficiency and catabolic excess. Bone grafting and more recently recombinant human bone morphogenetic proteins (rhBMPs) have been identified as pro-anabolic stimuli with the potential to improve the outcome after surgery. As an additional pharmaceutical intervention, we describe the combined use of rhBMP-2 and the bisphosphonate zoledronic acid in a mouse model of NF1-deficient fracture repair. Fractures were generated in the distal tibiae of neurofibromatosis type 1-deficient ( When only rhBMP but no zoledronic acid was used to promote repair, 75% of fractures in These data support the concept that preventing bone loss in combination with anabolic stimulation may improve the outcome following surgical treatment for children with congenital pseudarthoris of the tibia and NF1.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the cultivation potential of cartilage taken from the debrided edge of a chronic lesion of the articular surface. A total of 14 patients underwent arthroscopy of the knee for a chronic lesion on the femoral condyles or trochlea. In addition to the routine cartilage biopsy, a second biopsy of cartilage was taken from the edge of the lesion. The cells isolated from both sources underwent parallel cultivation as monolayer and three-dimensional (3D) alginate culture. The cell yield, viability, capacity for proliferation, morphology and the expressions of typical cartilage genes (collagen I, COL1; collagen II, COL2; aggrecan, AGR; and versican, VER) were assessed. The cartilage differentiation indices (COL2/COL1, AGR/VER) were calculated. The control biopsies revealed a higher mean cell yield (1346 cells/mg Our results suggest that the cultivation of chondrocytes solely from the edges of the lesion cannot be recommended for use in autologous chondrocyte implantation.
We describe a patient in whom an initially intact sciatic nerve became rapidly encased in heterotopic bone formed in the abductor compartment after reconstruction of the posterior wall of the acetabulum following fracture. Prompt excision and neural release followed by irradiation and administration of indometacin resulted in a full neurological recovery and no recurrence 27 months later.
Conventional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and newer specific cyclo-oxygenase-2 (cox-2) inhibitors are commonly used in musculoskeletal trauma and orthopaedic surgery to reduce the inflammatory response and pain. These drugs have been reported to impair bone metabolism. In reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament the hamstring tendons are mainly used as the graft of choice, and a prerequisite for good results is healing of the tendons in the bone tunnel. Many of these patients are routinely given NSAIDs or cox-2 inhibitors, although no studies have elucidated the effects of these drugs on tendon healing in the bone tunnel. In our study 60 female Wistar rats were randomly allocated into three groups of 20. One received parecoxib, one indometacin and one acted as a control. In all the rats the tendo-Achillis was released proximally from the calf muscles. It was then pulled through a drill hole in the distal tibia and sutured anteriorly. The rats were given parecoxib, indometacin or saline intraperitoneally twice daily for seven days. After 14 days the tendon/bone-tunnel interface was subjected to mechanical testing. Significantly lower maximum pull-out strength (p <
0.001), energy absorption (p <
0.001) and stiffness (p = 0.035) were found in rats given parecoxib and indometacin compared with the control group, most pronounced with parecoxib.
This study was undertaken to elucidate the mechanism of biological repair at the tendon-bone junction in a rat model. The stump of the toe flexor tendon was sutured to a drilled hole in the tibia (tendon suture group, n = 23) to investigate healing of the tendon-bone junction both radiologically and histologically. Radiological and histological findings were compared with those observed in a sham control group where the bone alone was drilled (n = 19). The biomechanical strength of the repaired junction was confirmed by pull-out testing six weeks after surgery in four rats in the tendon suture group. Callus formation was observed at the site of repair in the tendon suture group, whereas in the sham group callus formation was minimal. During the pull-out test, the repaired tendon-bone junction did not fail because the musculotendinous junction always disrupted first. In order to understand the factors that influenced callus formation at the site of repair, four further groups were evaluated. The nature of the sutured tendon itself was investigated by analysing healing of a tendon stump after necrosis had been induced with liquid nitrogen in 16 cases. A proximal suture group (n = 16) and a partial tenotomy group (n = 16) were prepared to investigate the effects of biomechanical loading on the site of repair. Finally, a group where the periosteum had been excised at the site of repair (n = 16) was examined to study the role of the periosteum. These four groups showed less callus formation radiologically and histologically than did the tendon suture group. In conclusion, the sutured tendon-bone junction healed and achieved mechanical strength at six weeks after suturing, showing good local callus formation. The viability of the tendon stump, mechanical loading and intact periosteum were all found to be important factors for better callus formation at a repaired tendon-bone junction.
The mammalian growth plate is a complex structure which is essential for the elongation of long bones. However, an understanding of how the growth plate functions at the cellular level is lacking. This review, summarises the factors involved in growth-plate regulation, its failure and the consequence of injury. We also describe some of the cellular mechanisms which underpin the increase in volume of the growth-plate chondrocyte which is the major determinant of the rate and extent of bone lengthening. We show how living in situ chondrocytes can be imaged using 2-photon laser scanning microscopy to provide a quantitative analysis of their volume. This approach should give better understanding of the cellular control of bone growth in both healthy and failed growth plates.
Genu varum in the achondroplastic patient has a complex and multifactorial aetiology. There is little mention in the literature of the role of fibular overgrowth. Using the ratio of fibular to tibial length as a measurement of possible fibular overgrowth, we have related it to the development of genu varum. Full-length standing anteroposterior radiographs of 53 patients with achondroplasia were analysed. There were 30 skeletally-immature and 23 skeletally-mature patients. Regression analysis was performed in order to determine if there was a causal relationship between fibular overgrowth and the various indices of alignment of the lower limb. Analysis showed that the fibular to tibial length ratio had a significant correlation with the medial proximal tibial angle and the mechanical axial deviation in the skeletally-immature group. We conclude that there is a significant relationship between fibular overgrowth and the development of genu varum in the skeletally-immature achondroplastic patient.