Background. Patients presenting to fracture clinic who have had initial management of a fracture performed by Accident and Emergency (A+E) often require further intervention to correct unacceptable position. This usually takes the form of booking a patient for a general anaesthetic to have manipulation under anaesthesia (MUA) or open surgery. Methods. Prospective data collection over a 6-month period. Included subjects were those that had initial management of a fracture performed by A+E, who went on to require re-manipulation in fracture-clinic. Manipulations were performed by trained plaster technicians using entonox analgesia followed by application of moulded
To ensure clinical relevance, the in vitro engineering of tissues for implantation requires artificial replacements to possess properties similar to native anatomy. Our overarching study is focussed on developing a bespoke bone-tendon in vitro model replicating the anatomy at the flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) tendon insertion site at the distal phalanx. Anatomical morphometric analysis has guided FDP tendon model design consisting of hard and soft tissue types. Here, we investigate potential materials for creation of the model's bone portion by comparison of two bone cements; brushite and genex (Biocomposites Ltd). 3D printed molds were prepared based on anatomical morphometric analysis of the FDP tendon insertion site and used to
Renal Osteodystrophy is a type of metabolic bone disease characterized by bone mineralization deficiency due to electrolyte and endocrine abnormalities. Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are more likely to experience falls and fractures due to renal osteodystrophy and the high prevalence of risk factors for falls. Treatment involves medical management to resolve the etiology of the underlying renal condition, as well as management (and prevention) of pathological fractures. A 66-year-old female patient, with severe osteoporosis and chronic kidney disease undergoing haemodialysis, has presented with multiple fractures along the years. She was submitted to bilateral proximal femoral nailing as fracture treatment on the left and prophylactically due to pathological bone injury on the right, followed by revision of the left nail with a longer one after varus angulation and fracture distal to the nail extremity. Meanwhile, the patient suffered a pathological fracture of the radial and cubital diaphysis and was submitted to conservative treatment with
Introduction. Shared decision making (SDM) was introduced in hospital Lillebelt in 2019 and research reports that patients are more satisfied with their treatment, if they play an active role in choosing treatment. A Decision-Helper was constructed and introduced in the treatment for Colles fractures. This study aimed to understand how patients experience shared decision-making (SDM) for an acute illness, and how it affects them when making decisions about the treatment of their distal radius fracture. Method. An exploratory, qualitative study design was performed to understand the patient's experience, during the choice of treatment with SDM. 12 were recruited when they came to their first follow-up 5 days after the injury, in the outpatient clinic. 10 were interviewed; 3 face to face and 7 by telephone. All women aged 57-87 years and all had a displaced Colles fracture, which had been reduced in the Emergency Room. Result. Analyzing the interviews three themes emerged: 1) Acute situation. Patients was positive towards SDM, but found it demanding to participate in. Patients was still in crisis, 5 days after suffering from a fracture. Patients were unable to remember the information given in the ER, regarding the use of the Decision helper. Few had prepared themselves for the consult in the outpatient clinic. 2) Influence on treatment choice. It was unclear to the majority of patients, that
The aim of this study is to print 3D polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffolds at high and low temperature (HT/LT) combined with salt leaching to induced porosity/larger pore size and improve material degradation without compromising cellular activity of printed scaffolds. PCL solutions with sodium chloride (NaCl) particles either directly printed in LT or were
Our study seeks to determine whether characteristics of radiographs taken post-reduction of a forearm fracture can indicate future risk of refracture or loss of reduction. We hypothesize that reducing forearm fractures too precisely may be counterproductive and provide less benefit than reductions left slightly offset prior to
Bone is a dynamic tissue that undergoes continuous mechanical forces. Mechanical stimuli applied on scaffolds resembling a part of the human bone tissue affects the osteogenesis [1]. Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) is a piezoelectric material that responds to mechanical stimulation producing an electrical signal, which in turn promotes the osteogenic differentiation of bone-forming cells by opening voltage-gated calcium channels [2]. In this study we examined the biological behavior of pre-osteoblastic cells seeded onto lyophilized piezoelectric PEDOT-containing scaffolds applying uniaxial compression. Two different concentrations of PEDOT (0.10 and 0.15% w/v) were combined with a 5% w/v poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and 5% w/v gelatin,
Is Non-Weight-Bearing Necessary? (INWN) is a pragmatic multicentre randomised controlled trial comparing immediate protected weight-bearing (IWB) with non-weight-bearing
Introduction and Objective. Ankle fractures are common and affect young adults as well as the elderly. An unstable ankle fracture treatment typically involves surgical fixation, immobilisation, and modified weight-bearing for six weeks. Non-weight bearing (NWB)
Objectives. We aimed to examine the characteristics of deep venous flow in
the leg in a
Introduction. Intraarticular calcaneal fractures often need open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) with plate osteosynthesis. The wound complication is one of the common problems encountered following this and affects the outcome adversely. Our study was done to assess how far postoperative slab/
Lower limb fractures are commonly treated with
Background. Avulsion fractures of the base of the fifth metatarsal are some of the commonest foot injuries. The robust scientific evidence on the optimal non-operative treatment of these fractures is scant. We designed and conducted a prospective randomised non-inferiority controlled trial of symptomatic treatment versus
Abstract. Objectives. The purpose of this trial is to investigate the safety and efficacy of immediate weight-bearing (IWB) and range of motion exercise regimes following ORIF of unstable ankle fractures with a particular focus on functional outcomes and complication rates. Methods. A pragmatic randomised controlled multicentre trial, comparing IWB in a walking boot and ROM within 24 hours versus NWB and immobilisation in a
Introduction. Two randomised trials concluded
Objectives. The evidence base to inform the management of Achilles tendon
rupture is sparse. The objectives of this research were to establish
what current practice is in the United Kingdom and explore clinicians’
views on proposed further research in this area. This study was
registered with the ISRCTN (ISRCTN68273773) as part of a larger
programme of research. Methods. We report an online survey of current practice in the United
Kingdom, approved by the British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society
and completed by 181 of its members. A total of ten of these respondents
were invited for a subsequent one-to-one interview to explore clinician
views on proposed further research in this area. Results. The survey showed wide variations in practice, with patients
being managed in plaster
Introduction and Objective. Postoperative management regimes vary following open reduction and internal fixation of unstable ankle fractures. There is an evolving understanding that poorer outcomes could be associated with non-weight bearing protocols and immobilisation. Traditional non-weight bearing
Abstract. Objectives. Assess and characterise the suitability of a novel silk reinforced biphasic 3D printed scaffold for osteochondral tissue regeneration. Methods. Biphasic hybrid scaffolds consisted of 3D printed poly(ethylene glycol)-terephthalate-poly(butylene terephthalate)(PEGT/PBT) scaffold frame work (pore size 0.75mm), which has been infilled with a
Ponseti method has become the most common and validated initial non-operative and/or minimally invasive treatment modality of idiopathic clubfoot regardless of the severity of the deformity worldwide. Despite hundreds of publications in the literature favoring Ponseti method, the data about secondary procedures performed in the follow-up period of clubfoot and their incidence remains sparse and given as small details in the articles. The objective of this study was to analyse our incidence of secondary procedures performed in the midterm followup period of idiopathic clubfoot patients treated with Ponseti method and review of the relevant literature. For this purpose 86 feet of 60 patients with idiopathic clubfoot who were treated with original Ponseti method were enrolled in this retrospective case control study. Unilateral ankle foot orthosis (AFO) was used rather than standart bar-connected foot abduction orthosis varying from 12 months to 25 months in the follow-up period and 74 of 86 (86%) feet required percutaneous achilles tenotomy. The average age of initial
Cubitus varus following paediatric supra-condylar humeral fracture represents a complex three-dimensional malunion. This affects cosmesis, function and subsequent distal humeral fracture risk. Operative correction is however difficult with high complication rates. We present the 40-year Yorkhill experience of managing this deformity. From a total of 3220 supracondylar humeral fractures, 40 cases of post-traumatic cubitus varus were identified. There were ten undisplaced fractures, treated in