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This review explores recent advances in fixator design and used in contemporary orthopaedic practice including the management of bone loss, complex deformity and severe isolated limb injury.
The August 2015 Hip &
Pelvis Roundup360 looks at: The well-fixed acetabular revision; Predicting complications in revision arthroplasty; Is infection associated with fixation?; Front or back? An enduring question in hip surgery; Muscle-sparing approaches?; Gabapentin as a post-operative analgesic adjunct; An Indian take on AVN of the hip; Weight loss and arthroplasty
The August 2015 Knee Roundup360 looks at: Two days as good as three in TKA; Bilateral TKA: minimising the risks; Tranexamic acid in knee arthroplasty: everyone should be using it, but how?; Initial follow-up for knee arthroplasty?; Navigation finds its niche?; Another take on navigation?; Multimodal care for early knee osteoarthritis; ACL graft fixation methods under the spotlight
The August 2015 Foot &
Ankle Roundup360 looks at: Is orthosis more important than physio in tibialis posterior deficiency?; Radiographic evaluation of ankle injury; Sciatic catheter quite enough!; A fresh look at avascular necrosis of the talus; Total ankle and VTE; Outcomes of posterior malleolar fracture; Absorbable sutures in the Achilles tendon; Lisfranc injuries under the spotlight
The August 2015 Wrist &
Hand Roundup360 looks at: Scaphoid screws out?; Stiff fingers under the spotlight; Trigger finger: is complexity needed?; Do we really need to replace the base of the thumb?; Scapholunate ligament injuries and their treatment: a missed research opportunity?; Proximal row carpectomy
The August 2015 Shoulder &
Elbow Roundup360 looks at: Clavicular fractures are being fixed – but how?;
The August 2015 Spine Roundup360 looks at: Steroids may be useful in avoiding dysphagia in anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF); Perhaps X-Stop ought to stop?; Is cervical plexus block in ACDF the gateway to day case spinal surgery?; Epidural past its heyday?; Steroids in lumbar back pain; Lumbar disc replacement improving; Post-discectomy arthritis
The August 2015 Trauma Roundup360 looks at: Thromboprophylaxis not required in lower limb fractures; Subclinical thyroid dysfunction and fracture risk: moving the boundaries in fracture; Posterior wall fractures refined; Neurological injury and acetabular fracture surgery; Posterior tibial plateau fixation; Tibial plateau fractures in the longer term; Comprehensive orthogeriatric care and hip fracture; Compartment syndrome: in the eye of the beholder?
The August 2015 Oncology Roundup360 looks at: Glasgow prognostic score in soft-tissue sarcoma; Denosumab in giant cell tumour; Timing, complications and radiotherapy; Pigmented villonodular synovitis and arthroscopy; PATHFx: estimating survival in pathological cancer; Prosthetic lengthening of short stumps; Chondrosarcoma and pathological fracture
The August 2015 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: Learning the Pavlik; MRI and patellar instability; Cerebral palsy and hip dysplasia; ‘Pick your poison’: elastic nailing under the spotlight; Club feet and surgery; Donor site morbidity in vascularised fibular grafting; Cartilage biochemistry with hip dysplasia; SUFE and hip decompression: a good option?
The August 2015 Research Roundup360 looks at: Lightbulbs, bleeding and procedure durations; Infection and rheumatoid agents; Infection rates and ‘bundles of care’ revisited; ACI: new application for a proven technology?; Hydrogel coating given the thumbs up; Hydroxyapatite as a smart coating?