The aim of this study was to review the role
of clinical trial networks in orthopaedic surgery. A total of two
electronic databases (MEDLINE and EMBASE) were searched from inception
to September 2013 with no language restrictions. Articles related
to randomised controlled trials (RCTs), research networks and orthopaedic
research, were identified and reviewed. The usefulness of trainee-led
research collaborations is reported and our knowledge of current
clinical trial infrastructure further supplements the review. Searching
yielded 818 titles and abstracts, of which 12 were suitable for
this review. Results are summarised and presented narratively under
the following headings: 1) identifying clinically relevant research
questions; 2) education and training; 3) conduct of multicentre
RCTs and 4) dissemination and adoption of trial results. This review
confirms growing international awareness of the important role research
networks play in supporting trials in orthopaedic surgery. Multidisciplinary
collaboration and adequate investment in trial infrastructure are crucial
for successful delivery of RCTs. Cite this article:
This is the second of a series of reviews of registries. This review looks specifically at worldwide registry data that have been collected on knee arthroplasty, what we have learned from their reports, and what the limitations are as to what we currently know.
The August 2013 Shoulder &
Elbow Roundup360 looks at: the sternoclavicular joint revisited; surgical simulators: more than just a fancy idea?; arthroscopic tennis elbow release; costly clavicle stabilisation; a better treatment for tennis elbow?; shock news: surgeons and radiologists agree; overhead athletes and SLAP repair; and total shoulder arthroplasty more effective than hemiarthroplasty
Fluoronavigation is an image-guided technology which uses intra-operative fluoroscopic images taken under a real-time tracking system and registration to guide surgical procedures. With the skeleton and the instrument registered, guidance under an optical tracking system is possible, allowing fixation of the fracture and insertion of an implant. This technology helps to minimise exposure to x-rays, providing multiplanar views for monitoring and accurate positioning of implants. It allows real-time interactive quantitative data for decision-making and expands the application of minimally invasive surgery. In orthopaedic trauma its use can be further enhanced by combining newer imaging technologies such as intra-operative three-dimensional fluoroscopy and optical image guidance, new advances in software for fracture reduction, and new tracking mechanisms using electromagnetic technology. The major obstacles for general and wider applications are the inability to track individual fracture fragments, no navigated real-time fracture reduction, and the lack of an objective assessment method for cost-effectiveness. We believe that its application will go beyond the operating theatre and cover all aspects of patient management, from pre-operative planning to intra-operative guidance and postoperative rehabilitation.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of laboratory-based simulator training on the ability of surgical trainees to perform diagnostic arthroscopy of the knee. A total of 20 junior orthopaedic trainees were randomised to receive either a fixed protocol of arthroscopic simulator training on a bench-top knee simulator or no additional training. Motion analysis was used to assess performance objectively. Each trainee then received traditional instruction and demonstrations of diagnostic arthroscopy of the knee in theatre before performing the procedure under the supervision of a blinded consultant trainer. Their performance was assessed using a procedure-based assessment from the Orthopaedic Competence Assessment Project and a five-point global rating assessment scale. In theatre the simulator-trained group performed significantly better than the untrained group using the Orthopaedic Competence Assessment Project score (p = 0.0007) and assessment by the global rating scale (p = 0.0011), demonstrating the transfer of psychomotor skills from simulator training to arthroscopy in the operating theatre. This has implications for the planning of future training curricula.
The Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board wants either ‘run through’ or ‘uncoupled’ orthopaedic training to be adopted throughout the United Kingdom but it is not willing to let both continue together as is the current situation. This annotation explores the argument for and against ‘run through’ training.
Orthopaedic surgery is in an exciting transitional period as modern surgical interventions, implants and scientific developments are providing new therapeutic options. As advances in basic science and technology improve our understanding of the pathology and repair of musculoskeletal tissue, traditional operations may be replaced by newer, less invasive procedures which are more appropriately targeted at the underlying pathophysiology. However, evidence-based practice will remain a basic requirement of care. Orthopaedic surgeons can and should remain at the forefront of the development of novel therapeutic interventions and their application. Progression of the potential of bench research into an improved array of orthopaedic treatments in an effective yet safe manner will require the development of a subgroup of specialists with extended training in research to play an important role in bridging the gap between laboratory science and clinical practice. International regulations regarding the introduction of new biological treatments will place an additional burden on the mechanisms of this translational process, and orthopaedic surgeons who are trained in science, surgery and the regulatory environment will be essential. Training and supporting individuals with these skills requires special consideration and discussion by the orthopaedic community. In this paper we review some traditional approaches to the integration of orthopaedic science and surgery, the therapeutic potential of current regenerative biomedical science for cartilage repair and ways in which we may develop surgeons with the skills required to translate scientific discovery into effective and properly assessed orthopaedic treatments.
An international faculty of orthopaedic surgeons
presented their work on the current challenges in hip surgery at
the London Hip Meeting which was attended by over
400 delegates. The topics covered included femoroacetabular impingement, thromboembolic
phenomena associated with hip surgery, bearing surfaces (including metal-on-metal
articulations), outcomes of hip replacement surgery and revision
hip replacement. We present a concise report of the current opinions
on hip surgery from this meeting with appropriate references to
the current literature.
There is no unified national training system for orthopaedic surgeons in China. With such rapid progress in many aspects of life in China, there is an imminent need for improvement in the training of orthopaedic specialists. Since 2003 the orthopaedic community in Hong Kong has been working in collaboration with their colleagues in mainland China to develop a training system for orthopaedic surgery. We adopted the system from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd), setting up a trial centre in the Beijing Jishuitan hospital in 2006, with trainers and trainees attaining the standards set by RCSEd and the Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons (HKCOS). This trial is ongoing, with the success of two trainees who passed the exit examination in 2010 and became the first Chinese orthopaedic surgeons with a joint fellowship of both the RCSEd and the HKCOS. Following this inaugural success, we are confident that China will develop a training system for orthopaedic surgeons to a consistently high international standard.
The integrity of the spinal accessory nerve is fundamental to thoracoscapular function and essential for scapulohumeral rhythm. This nerve is vulnerable along its superficial course. This study assessed the delay in diagnosis and referral for management of damage to this nerve, clarified its anatomical course and function, and documented the results of repair. From examination of our records, 111 patients with lesions of the spinal accessory nerve were treated between 1984 and 2007. In 89 patients (80.2%) the damage was iatropathic. Recognition and referral were seldom made by the surgeon responsible for the injury, leading to a marked delay in instituting treatment. Most referrals were made for painful loss of shoulder function. The clinical diagnosis is straightforward. There is a characteristic downward and lateral displacement of the scapula, with narrowing of the inferior scapulohumeral angle and loss of function, with pain commonly present. In all, 80 nerves were explored and 65 were repaired. The course of the spinal accessory nerve in relation to the sternocleidomastoid muscle was constant, with branches from the cervical plexus rarely conveying motor fibres. Damage to the nerve was predominantly posterior to this muscle. Despite the delay, the results of repair were surprising, with early relief of pain, implying a neuropathic source, which preceded generally good recovery of muscle function.
We performed a retrospective study of a departmental database to assess the efficacy of a new model of orthopaedic care on the outcome of patients with a fracture of the proximal femur. All 1578 patients admitted to a university teaching hospital with a fracture of the proximal femur between December 2007 and December 2009 were included. The allocation of Foundation doctors years 1 and 2 was restructured from individual teams covering several wards to pairs covering individual wards. No alterations were made in the numbers of doctors, their hours, out-of-hours cover, or any other aspect of standard patient care. Outcome measures comprised 30-day mortality and cause, complications and length of stay. Mortality was reduced from 11.7% to 7.6% (p = 0.007, Cox’s regression analysis); adjusted odds ratio was 1.559 (95% confidence interval 1.128 to 2.156). Reductions were seen in These findings may have implications for all specialties caring for patients on several wards, and we believe they justify a prospective trial to further assess this effect.
The aim of this prospective randomised study
was to compare the clinical and radiological results of a cemented
all-polyethylene Ultima acetabular component with those of a cementless
porous-coated acetabular component (PFC) following total hip replacement
(THR). A total of 287 patients received either a polyethylene acetabular
component (group A) or a cobalt–chromium porous-coated component
(group B) with an identical cemented femoral component and 28 mm
cobalt-chromium head, thus making it the largest study of its type.
Patients were evaluated radiologically and clinically using the
Harris hip score (HHS). Group A comprised 183 patients (73 male,
110 female) with a mean age of
71.3 years (55 to 89). Group B comprised 104 patients (48 male,
56 female) with a mean age of 69.8 years (56 to 89). A total of
16 patients (13 in Group A, three in Group B) did not have post-operative
data for analysis. The mean follow-up in group A was 7.52 years
(0.4 to 15.0) and in Group B 7.87 years (0.5 to 14.0). At final follow-up the mean HHS was similar between groups A
and B (74.5 (25 to 100) and 78.0 (37 to 100), respectively; p =
0.068). The total number of revisions for any cause was 28, 17 of
which were in group A and 11 in group B. The ten-year survivorship
was 86.8% (95% confidence interval (CI) 78.4 to 92.1) and 89.2%
(95% CI 78.3 to 94.8) for groups A and B, respectively (log-rank
p-value = 0.938). A total of 20 cemented and two cementless acetabular
components had evidence of acetabular radiolucencies or acetabular
component migration at last follow-up (p = 0.001). These results indicate that patients with a cemented all-polyethylene
and cementless porous-coated polyethylene lined acetabular component
have similar long-term clinical outcomes.
Payments by the NHS Litigation Authority continue to rise each year, and reflect an increase in successful claims for negligence against NHS Trusts. Information about the reasons for which Trusts are sued in the field of trauma and orthopaedic surgery is scarce. We analysed 130 consecutive cases of alleged clinical negligence in which the senior author had been requested to act as an expert witness between 2004 and 2006, and received information on the outcome of 97 concluded cases from the relevant solicitors. None of the 97 cases proceeded to a court hearing. Overall, 55% of cases were abandoned by the claimants’ solicitors, and the remaining 45% were settled out of court. The cases were settled for sums ranging from £4500 to £2.7 million, the median settlement being £45 000. The cases that were settled out of court were usually the result of delay in treatment or diagnosis, or because of substandard surgical technique.
Surgical marking during tendon surgery is often used for technical
and teaching purposes. This study investigates the effect of a gentian
violet ink marker pen, a common surgical marker, on the viability
of the tissue and cells of tendon.
The aim of this study was to validate the use of three models of fracture fixation in the assessment of technical skills. We recruited 21 subjects (six experts, seven intermediates, and eight novices) to perform three procedures: application of a dynamic compression plate on a cadaver porcine model, insertion of an unreamed tibial intramedullary nail, and application of a forearm external fixator, both on synthetic bone models. The primary outcome measures were the Objective Structural Assessment of technical skills global rating scale on video recordings of the procedures which were scored by two independent expert observers, and the hand movements of the surgeons which were analysed using the Imperial College Surgical Assessment Device. The video scores were significantly different for the three groups in all three procedures (p <
0.05), with excellent inter-rater reliability (α = 0.88). The novice and intermediate groups specifically were significantly different in their performance with dynamic compression plate and intramedullary nails (p <
0.05). Movement analysis distinguished between the three groups in the dynamic compression plate model, but a ceiling effect was demonstrated in the intramedullary nail and external fixator procedures, where intermediates and experts performed to comparable standards (p >
0.6). A total of 85% (18 of 21) of the subjects found the dynamic compression model and 57% (12 of 21) found all the models acceptable tools of assessment. This study has validated a low-cost, high-fidelity porcine dynamic compression plate model using video rating scores for skills assessment and movement analysis. It has also demonstrated that Synbone models for the application of and intramedullary nail and an external fixator are less sensitive and should be improved for further assessment of surgical skills in trauma. The availability of valid objective tools of assessment of surgical skills allows further studies into improving methods of training.