Objectives. Osteochondral injuries, if not treated adequately, often lead
to severe osteoarthritis. Possible treatment options include refixation
of the fragment or replacement therapies such as Pridie drilling,
microfracture or osteochondral grafts, all of which have certain
disadvantages. Only refixation of the fragment can produce a smooth
and resilient joint surface. The aim of this study was the evaluation
of an ultrasound-activated bioresorbable pin for the refixation of
osteochondral fragments under physiological conditions. Methods. In 16 Merino sheep, specific osteochondral fragments of the medial
One commonly used rat fracture model for bone and mineral research
is a closed mid-shaft femur fracture as described by Bonnarens in
1984. Initially, this model was believed to create very reproducible
fractures. However, there have been frequent reports of comminution
and varying rates of complication. Given the importance of precise
anticipation of those characteristics in laboratory research, we
aimed to precisely estimate the rate of comminution, its importance and
its effect on the amount of soft callus created. Furthermore, we
aimed to precisely report the rate of complications such as death
and infection. We tested a rat model of femoral fracture on 84 rats based on
Bonnarens’ original description. We used a proximal approach with
trochanterotomy to insert the pin, a drop tower to create the fracture
and a high-resolution fluoroscopic imager to detect the comminution.
We weighed the soft callus on day seven and compared the soft callus
parameters with the comminution status.Objectives