We compared the intracompartmental pressures
(ICPs) of open and closed tibial fractures with the same injury pattern
in a
Aims. Little is known about the effect of haemorrhagic shock and resuscitation
on fracture healing. This study used a
We investigated the effect of locally administered bisphosphonate on distraction osteogenesis in a
We have previously shown that joint distraction and movement with a hinged external fixation device for 12 weeks was useful for repairing a large articular cartilage defect in a
Our aim was to investigate vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression after lacerations of a meniscus in a
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have several properties that may support their use as an early treatment option for osteoarthritis (OA). This study investigated the role of multiple injections of allogeneic bone marrow-derived stem cells (BMSCs) to alleviate the progression of osteoarthritic changes in the various structures of the mature rabbit knee in an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)-deficient OA model. Two months after bilateral section of the ACL of Japanese white rabbits aged nine months or more, either phosphate buffered saline (PBS) or 1 x 106 MSCs were injected into the knee joint in single or three consecutive doses. After two months, the articular cartilage and meniscus were assessed macroscopically, histologically, and immunohistochemically using collagen I and II.Aim
Materials and Methods
We studied the effects of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) and zoledronic acid (ZA) on posterior lumbar fusion using a validated animal model. A total of 40 New Zealand white rabbits underwent posterior lumbar fusion at L5–6 with autogenous iliac bone grafting. They were divided randomly into four groups as follows: group 1, control; group 2, HBO (2.4 atm for two hours daily); group 3, local ZA (20 μg of ZA mixed with bone graft); and group 4, combined HBO and local ZA. All the animals were killed six weeks after surgery and the fusion segments were subjected to radiological analysis, manual palpation, biomechanical testing and histological examination. Five rabbits died within two weeks of operation. Thus, 35 rabbits (eight in group 1 and nine in groups 2, 3 and 4) completed the study. The rates of fusion in groups 3 and 4 (p = 0.015) were higher than in group 1 (p <
0.001) in terms of radiological analysis and in group 4 was higher than in group 1 with regard to manual palpation (p = 0.015). We found a statistically significant difference in the biomechanical analysis between groups 1 and 4 (p = 0.024). Histological examination also showed a statistically significant difference between groups 1 and 4 (p = 0.036). Our results suggest that local ZA combined with HBO may improve the success rate in posterior lumbar spinal fusion.
We aimed to evaluate the temperature around the nerve root during drilling of the lamina and to
determine whether irrigation during drilling can reduce the chance of nerve root injury. Lumbar nerve roots were exposed to frictional heat by high-speed drilling of the lamina in a live
rabbit model, with saline (room temperature (RT) or chilled saline) or without saline (control)
irrigation. We measured temperatures surrounding the nerve root and made histological
Materials and Methods
The method of producing osteogenic sarcoma in rabbits by the injection of beryllium in the form of "zinc beryllium silicate" is presented. In five of ten animals which had such injections, osteogenic sarcomas developed several months later. There was new bone formation in the medullary cavities of the long bones before malignant changes were apparent. It is of particular interest to note that there was atrophy of the spleen in those animals in which bone tumours developed, whereas the spleen seemed to be quite normal in the rabbits which did not develop bone tumours. The tumours usually developed in the metaphysial regions. More than one tumour often developed in the same animal.
We investigated whether strontium-enriched calcium
phosphate cement (Sr-CPC)-treated soft-tissue tendon graft results
in accelerated healing within the bone tunnel in reconstruction
of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). A total of 30 single-bundle
ACL reconstructions using tendo Achillis allograft were performed
in 15 rabbits. The graft on the tested limb was treated with Sr-CPC,
whereas that on the contralateral limb was untreated and served
as a control. At timepoints three, six, nine, 12 and 24 weeks after
surgery, three animals were killed for histological examination.
At six weeks, the graft–bone interface in the control group was
filled in with fibrovascular tissue. However, the gap in the Sr-CPC
group had already been completely filled in with new bone, and there
was evidence of the early formation of Sharpey fibres. At 24 weeks,
remodelling into a normal ACL–bone-like insertion was found in the
Sr-CPC group. Coating of Sr-CPC on soft tissue tendon allograft
leads to accelerated graft healing within the bone tunnel in a rabbit
model of ACL reconstruction using Achilles tendon allograft. Cite this article:
1. Degenerative arthritis has been produced consistently in adult rabbits by the injection of the proteolytic plant enzyme papain into the hip joint. Arthritic changes were recognisable radiographically after six weeks. 2. A progression of changes occurred, from loss of acid mucopolysaccharide staining in the matrix, fibrillation, fissuring and erosion of articular cartilage with death of chondrocytes in the weight-bearing areas, to secondary bony changes of subchondral sclerosis, occasional cysts and osteophyte formation. 3. Synovial inflammation occurred with accumulation of cartilage and bone debris in the inferior capsule and later capsular thickening. 4. It is suggested that this arthritis is sufficiently similar to human osteoarthritis to be useful as a model for further studies of the pathogenesis of the disease and the effects of different methods of treatment.
1. In two-month-old rabbits the femoral heads were made necrotic by transecting the ligament of the femoral head and applying a ligature around the femoral neck. The animals were killed at different periods, from six hours to twenty-one weeks after the operation. The changes in the femoral heads were studied histologically, microradiographically and radiographically. 2. In the first three weeks the necrotic bone marrow was penetrated by granulation tissue in which cellular differentiation gradually developed. Subsequently large quantities of new bone were deposited on the dead trabeculae. This led to an increase in the bone volume at the expense of the marrow volume; this increase coincided with an increase in the radiographic density (sclerosis) of the femoral head. The new bone tissue was attached to the necrotic trabeculae by a specific cement line and showed the features of woven bone. At a later stage lamellar bone was deposited. From six weeks on a normal bone-marrow ratio was gradually restored with concomitant radiographic loss of sclerosis. 3. It is suggested that mechanical weakening of the femoral head is the consequence of this late post-operative restoration of the normal pre-operative bone-to-marrow ratio, the new bone trabeculae being mechanically inferior because of the presence of woven bone and cement lines. This weakness may initiate collapse and deformation of the revascularised femoral head.
1. The source of nutrition of articular cartilage still remains a subject of controversy. 2. Experiments are described in which an attempt to demonstrate the direct transfer of fluid from the subchondral bone has been made using 355 and an autoradiographic technique. These experiments were based on ones originally performed by Ekholm (1951), except that two distinct groups of animals were used : immature rabbits and adult rabbits whose skeletons were mature. 3. The transfer of fluid to the cartilage could be demonstrated only in the immature rabbits. 4. It is suggested that some of the conflicting opinions which have been advanced on this subject stem from a failure to distinguish between mature and immature joint cartilage. Subchondral nutrition is a feature only of the immature animal.
1. Transplantations of autografts and of Kiel bone to the iliac bone and to muscle tissue were performed in rabbits. Through labelling with two tetracycline compounds which have different fluorescent colours in ultraviolet light, bone formation between the labelling periods could be followed. 2. It was shown that bone formation between the fifth and the tenth day after transplantation to bone took place in about 50 per cent of the fresh autografts. Storage of the transplants in saline for one hour before replacement had little adverse effect, whereas exposure to air for one hour seemed to reduce the osteogenic effect of the grafts. Bone formation was not observed in grafts of Kiel bone during this period. 3. The fact that new bone formation in fresh autografts could be demonstrated even during the first four days after transplantation to bone indicates that osteogenic cells from the fresh autografts continue their activity under favourable conditions. This is supported by microradiographic and histological evidence. 4. The amount of callus which developed in close contact with the grafts during the first ten days after transplantation to bone was more pronounced both in fresh autografts and in autografts kept in saline than in autografts exposed to air for one hour. Callus developing at a later stage showed no significant difference between the various grafts, including those of Kiel bone. 5. In fresh autografts transplanted to muscle tissue callus formation could be demonstrated in most cases by the tenth day, indicating either survival of osteoblasts or the transformation of more primitive cells from the graft or from the host bone into osteogenic cells. No bone formation was observed when Kiel bone was embedded in muscle tissue.
The growth plates of the femoral head of Japanese white rabbits aged 5, 10, 15 and 20 weeks were stained for apoptotic and proliferating chondrocytes using the TUNEL and PCNA antibody staining techniques. Both TUNEL- and PCNA-positive chondrocytes were detected in all of the specimens. The positive ratios of both stainings were calculated for the whole plate and for the resting, proliferating and hypertrophic zones. The highest ratios in both stainings occurred in the hypertrophic zone in all age groups. With growth, the TUNEL-positive ratio increased whereas the proliferating ratio decreased. We suggest that the increase in chondrocytic death by apoptosis and the decrease in cell proliferation potential led to closure of the growth plate.
1. Synovitis was induced in the hip joints of fifty-six rabbits by the intra-articular injection of surgical talc. The opposite hip joint and eleven suitable"sham" operations served as controls. 2. The results in the hips injected with talc were as follows. Widening of the medial joint space and sometimes acetabular changes were seen; enlargement of the femoral head and neck in two planes was found, with, in most cases, flattening of the superior aspect of the head; there was thickening of the joint cartilage and sometimes deformity of the capital epiphysis; thickening of the cartilage was the main cause of the coxa magna, cervix magna and ischium magnum. 3. The embryology, micro-anatomy and development of the hip joint is reviewed and attention is drawn to the configuration of the layers of germinal cartilage cells. The effect of an induced synovitis in producing hyperplasia of the joint cartilage, incongruity of the articulating surfaces and subsequent subluxation is discussed.
1. An investigation was made of the tolerance of the cells in the femoral head in rabbits for ischaemia brought about by transecting the ligament of the femoral head and applying a ligature around the femoral neck. The animals were killed two, six, twelve, twenty-four and seventy-two hours after operation. 2. In the cells of the bone marrow and in the osteoblasts distinct histological signs of disintegration were present six hours after operation. Pyknosis of the osteocyte nuclei was found after twenty-four hours' ischaemia; sometimes vacuolar clarifications could be observed in these pyknotic nuclei. After three days of ischaemia the staining affinity for Feulgen and haematoxylin of a number of osteocyte nuclei had visibly decreased. 3. The Feulgen-DNA content of the osteocyte nuclei-as measured in individual nuclei by means of an integrated microdensitometer-was significantly reduced as compared with similar nuclei from the control side as early as after six hours of ischaemia. This DNA loss was progressive with the period of ischaemia. From these facts, the conclusion was reached that in the femoral head of the rabbit the period of reversible damage for osteocytes must have ended within six hours.
1. A quantitative study of phosphatase distribution in the limb bones of growing rabbits is reported. 2. Alkaline phosphatase is present in high concentrations in areas of deposition of new bone. Both local concentrations and the total alkaline phosphatase content of a bone are found to decrease with age. There is good correlation between total alkaline phosphatase activity and monthly increment of weight. 3. Acid phosphatase is present in these bones in greatly less concentrations than alkaline phosphatase. 4. The acid phosphatase of bone shows nearly full activity in the presence of 0·5 per cent formaldehyde. It can be subdivided into two enzymes with characteristically different distributions by the effect of M/100 tartrate on activity. 5. The formaldehyde-stable and tartrate-stable acid phosphatase of rabbit bone (FTS) has a distribution very similar to that of alkaline phosphatase, though very much less in amount, and, like the latter, declines in activity as the bone matures. 6. Tartrate-inhibited, formaldehyde-stable acid phosphatase (FSTI) is found mainly in red marrow and cancellous bone, and full activity persists in mature bone. This enzyme may be associated with resorption and remodelling of bone, or it may represent residual activity under these conditions of the acid phosphatase of developing erythrocytes in the marrow.
The experiments showed that the administration of sodium citrate retards fracture healing. This is probably due to a change in the solubility of the calcium or to a relative calcium deficiency on account of the excretion in the urine, or to a combination of both factors. Other reasons cannot, however, be excluded, such as a biochemical effect on the ground substance or an enzyme deficiency.
We evaluated the effects of a serum protein coating on prosthetic infection in 29 adult male rabbits divided into three groups: control, albumin-coated and uncoated. We used 34 grit-blasted, commercially pure titanium implants. Eleven were coated with cross-linked albumin. All the implants were exposed to a suspension of Our findings showed that albumin-coated implants had a much lower infection rate (27%) than the uncoated implants (62%). This may be a useful method of reducing the infection of prostheses.
An experimental method is described which permits observations on the early stages of repair after acute displacement of the upper femoral epiphysis. Because the epiphysis is intra-articular, displacement brings about avascular necrosis which is slowly repaired by ingrowth of callus and blood vessels from the stump of the neck. As the bulk of the epiphysial plate remainsattached to the epiphysis, it acts as a barrier to successful revascularisation. Deliberate removal of the epiphysial cartilage allows earlier revascularisation. It is suggested that in clinical cases reduction be done through the epiphysial plate rather than through the neck, and that it be accompanied by curettage of the remaining part of the epiphysial plate from the under surface of the head.
Little is known of the effects of synovectomy on articular cartilage. In order to investigate this matter, anterior synovectomy of the knee was performed in thirty-five normal adult rabbits and in thirty-five which were given 25 milligrams of hydrocortisone intramuscularly each week afterwards. The animals were killed at intervals from four to 110 days after synovectomy. Histological examination of the regenerating synovium in both groups showed complete structural and functional regeneration by eighty days in the first group and a delay in regeneration in the steroid group. 35Sulphur autoradiographs of the articular cartilage of femoral and tibial condyles revealed surface fibrillation and chondrocyte death in 23 per cent of normal knees after eighty days but only 1·8 per cent of knees of animals receiving hydrocortisone. Thus synovectomy in a healthy joint may have an unfavourable effect on the physiology of cartilage by alteration of synovial composition and hyaluronate content in normal joints. Systemically-administered hydrocortisone may reduce this harmful effect in normal cartilage.
Comparison was made between the behaviour of fresh autogenous grafts of rabbit tendon and that of homogenous grafts inserted after the graft had been preserved for approximately one week, either in ethanol or merthiolate or by lyophilisation. Regardless of the method of transplantation or preservation, a viable tendon-like structure of compact connective tissue bundles longitudinally oriented was eventually present at the sites of the grafts, with ingrowth of fibroblasts and capillaries from host to graft. The period between transplantation and recognisable viability of the grafts varied from less than one week for the autogenous transplants, to from three to five weeks for the preserved grafts. Either autogenous or homogenous grafts will take in rabbits.
1. The principal nutrient canal of the femur in day-old rabbits was occluded and subsequent femoral growth observed. 2. An initial shortening is followed by equalisation and a final absolute shortening of the order of 3 per cent in occluded femora as compared with controls. 3. It is emphasised that the medullary arterial system, fed by principal nutrient, metaphysial and epiphysial arteries, is the mechanism for the delivery of arterial blood to long bones, and that the arteries of bone extremities are of overwhelming importance in the nutrition of the long bone as a whole.
The effect of early fusion on growth of the spine has been studied in rabbits. Free periosteal grafts from the tibia were transplanted either posteriorly between the spinous and articular processes or postero-laterally between the articular and transverse processes. Sound bony fusion was achieved in both the thoracic and the lumbar spine. Spinal fusion caused local narrowing and wedging of the intervertebral spaces, followed by retardation of growth and wedging of the vertebrae. A progressive structural scoliosis developed after unilateral postero-lateral fusion and a lordosis developed after posterior fusion.
1. The normal vascular anatomy of flexor tendons and extensor tendons in the hind limb of the rabbit is outlined. A marked difference between a tendon in a sheath and a tendon with a paratenon is shown, the latter having a much better blood supply. 2. The vascular reaction in flexor tendon divided within a sheath is shown. 3. The revascularisation of free grafts is illustrated and the differences between tendon with sheath and tendon with paratenon are detailed. 4. Experiments are reported to show that the microcirculation within a "vascular" tendon can support a pedicle graft in the rabbit. Such pedicle grafts are shown to be inferior to free grafts of "avascular" tendon, but the vascularity within the pedicle tendon graft may be modified by "blocking" the surface with silastic tubing. 5. The implications of this work on tendon grafting are discussed, together with a review of additional experimental work in related fields.
Aims. Options for the treatment of intra-articular ligament injuries are limited, and insufficient ligament reconstruction can cause painful joint instability, loss of function, and progressive development of degenerative arthritis. This study aimed to assess the capability of a biologically enhanced matrix material for ligament reconstruction to withstand tensile forces within the joint and enhance ligament regeneration needed to regain joint function. Materials and Methods. A total of 18 New Zealand rabbits underwent bilateral anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction by autograft, FiberTape, or FiberTape-augmented autograft. Primary outcomes were biomechanical assessment (n = 17), microCT (µCT) assessment (n = 12), histological evaluation (n = 12), and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) analysis (n = 6). Results. At eight weeks, FiberTape alone or FiberTape-augmented autograft demonstrated increased biomechanical stability compared with autograft regarding ultimate load to failure (p = 0.035), elongation (p = 0.006), and energy absorption (p = 0.022). FiberTape-grafted samples also demonstrated increased bone mineral density in the bone tunnel (p = 0.039). Histological evaluation showed integration of all grafts in the bone tunnels by new bone formation, and limited signs of inflammation overall. A lack of prolonged inflammation in all samples was confirmed by quantification of inflammation biomarkers. However, no regeneration of ligament-like tissue was observed along the suture tape materials. Except for one autograft failure, no adverse events were detected. Conclusion. Our results indicate that FiberTape increases the biomechanical performance of intra-articular ligament reconstructions in a verified
Although success has been achieved with implantation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (bMSCs) in degenerative discs, its full potential may not be achieved if the harsh environment of the degenerative disc remains. Axial distraction has been shown to increase hydration and nutrition. Combining both therapies may have a synergistic effect in reversing degenerative disc disease. In order to evaluate the effect of bMSC implantation, axial distraction and combination therapy in stimulating regeneration and retarding degeneration in degenerative discs, we first induced disc degeneration by axial loading in a
Several bisphosphonates are now available for the treatment of osteoporosis. Porous hydroxyapatite/collagen (HA/Col) composite is an osteoconductive bone substitute which is resorbed by osteoclasts. The effects of the bisphosphonate alendronate on the formation of bone in porous HA/Col and its resorption by osteoclasts were evaluated using a
Platelet-leucocyte gel (PLG), a new biotechnological blood product, has hitherto been used primarily to treat chronic ulcers and to promote soft-tissue and bone regeneration in a wide range of medical fields. In this study, the antimicrobial efficacy of PLG against Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923) was investigated in a
Arthroscopic microfracture is a conventional form of treatment for patients with osteochondritis of the talus, involving an area of < 1.5 cm2. However, some patients have persistent pain and limitation of movement in the early postoperative period. No studies have investigated the combined treatment of microfracture and shortwave treatment in these patients. The aim of this prospective single-centre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was to compare the outcome in patients treated with arthroscopic microfracture combined with radial extracorporeal shockwave therapy (rESWT) and arthroscopic microfracture alone, in patients with ostechondritis of the talus. Patients were randomly enrolled into two groups. At three weeks postoperatively, the rESWT group was given shockwave treatment, once every other day, for five treatments. In the control group the head of the device which delivered the treatment had no energy output. The two groups were evaluated before surgery and at six weeks and three, six and 12 months postoperatively. The primary outcome measure was the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) Ankle-Hindfoot Scale. Secondary outcome measures included a visual analogue scale (VAS) score for pain and the area of bone marrow oedema of the talus as identified on sagittal fat suppression sequence MRI scans.Aims
In a
This study compared patients who underwent arthroscopic repair of large to massive rotator cuff tears (LMRCTs) with isolated incomplete repair of the tear and patients with incomplete repair with biceps tendon augmentation. We aimed to evaluate the additional benefit on clinical outcomes and the capacity to lower the re-tear rate. We retrospectively reviewed 1,115 patients who underwent arthroscopic rotator cuff repair for full-thickness tears between October 2011 and May 2019. From this series, we identified 77 patients (28 male, 49 female) with a mean age of 64.1 years (50 to 80). Patients were classified into groups A (n = 47 incomplete) and B (n = 30 with biceps augmentation) according to the nature of their reconstruction. Clinical scores were checked preoperatively and at six months, one year, and two years postoperatively. In preoperative MRI, we measured the tear size, the degree of fatty infiltration, and muscle volume ratio of the supraspinatus. In postoperative MRI, the integrity of the repaired rotator cuff tendon was assessed using the Sugaya classification. Tendon thickness at the footprint was evaluated on T2-weighted oblique coronal view.Aims
Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS), defined by an age at presentation of 11 to 18 years, has a prevalence of 0.47% and accounts for approximately 90% of all cases of idiopathic scoliosis. Despite decades of research, the exact aetiology of AIS remains unknown. It is becoming evident that it is the result of a complex interplay of genetic, internal, and environmental factors. It has been hypothesized that genetic variants act as the initial trigger that allow epigenetic factors to propagate AIS, which could also explain the wide phenotypic variation in the presentation of the disorder. A better understanding of the underlying aetiological mechanisms could help to establish the diagnosis earlier and allow a more accurate prediction of deformity progression. This, in turn, would prompt imaging and therapeutic intervention at the appropriate time, thereby achieving the best clinical outcome for this group of patients. Cite this article:
Rebound growth after hemiepiphysiodesis may be
a normal event, but little is known about its causes, incidence
or factors related to its intensity. The aim of this study was to
evaluate rebound growth under controlled experimental conditions. A total of 22 six-week-old rabbits underwent a medial proximal
tibial hemiepiphysiodesis using a two-hole plate and screws. Temporal
growth plate arrest was maintained for three weeks, and animals
were killed at intervals ranging between three days and three weeks
after removal of the device. The radiological angulation of the proximal
tibia was studied at weekly intervals during and after hemiepiphysiodesis.
A histological study of the retrieved proximal physis of the tibia
was performed. The mean angulation achieved at three weeks was 34.7° (standard
deviation (. sd). 3.4), and this remained unchanged for the
study period of up to two weeks. By three weeks after removal of
the implant the mean angulation had dropped to 28.2° (. sd. 1.8)
(p <
0.001). Histologically, widening of the medial side was
noted during the first two weeks. By three weeks this widening had
substantially disappeared and the normal columnar structure was
virtually re-established. In our
We studied bone-tendon healing using immunohistochemical methods in a
Our study establishes a
We have developed a new drug-delivery system using reconstituted bone xenograft to treat chronic osteomyelitis. This material, which has the capabilities of osteoinduction and osteoconduction, was supplemented with up to 2000 times the minimum inhibitory concentration of gentamicin against Staphylococcus aureus to prepare a gentamicin-reconstituted bone xenograft-composite (G-RBX-C). In a
The formation of restrictive adhesions around the musculotendinous unit after injury is one of the most vexing processes faced by the surgeon. In flexor tendons it has been shown that the synovial tissue is the source of aggressive fibroblasts which contribute to this process. Using a
We used a
We aimed to determine whether extracorporeal shock waves of varying intensity would damage the intact tendo Achillis and paratenon in a
We used an experimental
We investigated the effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on distraction osteogenesis in a
Despite recent advances in arthroscopic rotator cuff repair, re-tear rates remain high. New methods to improve healing rates following rotator cuff repair must be sought. Our primary objective was to determine if adjunctive bone marrow stimulation with channelling five to seven days prior to arthroscopic cuff repair would lead to higher Western Ontario Rotator Cuff (WORC) scores at 24 months postoperatively compared with no channelling. A prospective, randomized controlled trial was conducted in patients undergoing arthroscopic rotator cuff repair. Patients were randomized to receive either a percutaneous bone channelling of the rotator cuff footprint or a sham procedure under ultrasound guidance five to seven days prior to index surgery. Outcome measures included the WORC, American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES), and Constant scores, strength, ultrasound-determined healing rates, and adverse events.Aims
The aim of this study was to develop a single-layer hybrid organic-inorganic sol-gel coating that is capable of a controlled antibiotic release for cementless hydroxyapatite (HA)-coated titanium orthopaedic prostheses. Coatings containing gentamicin at a concentration of 1.25% weight/volume (wt/vol), similar to that found in commercially available antibiotic-loaded bone cement, were prepared and tested in the laboratory for: kinetics of antibiotic release; activity against planktonic and biofilm bacterial cultures; biocompatibility with cultured mammalian cells; and physical bonding to the material (n = 3 in all tests). The sol-gel coatings and controls were then tested in vivo in a small animal healing model (four materials tested; n = 6 per material), and applied to the surface of commercially pure HA-coated titanium rods.Aims
Antibiotic resistance represents a threat to human health. It has been suggested that by 2050, antibiotic-resistant infections could cause ten million deaths each year. In orthopaedics, many patients undergoing surgery suffer from complications resulting from implant-associated infection. In these circumstances secondary surgery is usually required and chronic and/or relapsing disease may ensue. The development of effective treatments for antibiotic-resistant infections is needed. Recent evidence shows that bacteriophage (phages; viruses that infect bacteria) therapy may represent a viable and successful solution. In this review, a brief description of bone and joint infection and the nature of bacteriophages is presented, as well as a summary of our current knowledge on the use of bacteriophages in the treatment of bacterial infections. We present contemporary published in vitro and in vivo data as well as data from clinical trials, as they relate to bone and joint infections. We discuss the potential use of bacteriophage therapy in orthopaedic infections. This area of research is beginning to reveal successful results, but mostly in nonorthopaedic fields. We believe that bacteriophage therapy has potential therapeutic value for implant-associated infections in orthopaedics. Cite this article:
The aim of this study was to explore risk factors for complications associated with dural tear (DT), including the types of DT, and the intra- and postoperative management of DT. Between 2012 and 2017, 12 171 patients with degenerative lumbar diseases underwent primary lumbar spine surgery. We investigated five categories of potential predictors: patient factors (sex, age, body mass index, and primary disease), surgical factors (surgical procedures, operative time, and estimated blood loss), types of DT (inaccessible for suturing/clipping and the presence of cauda equina/nerve root herniation), repair techniques (suturing, clipping, fibrin glue, polyethylene glycol (PEG) hydrogel, and polyglycolic acid sheet), and postoperative management (drainage duration). Postoperative complications were evaluated in terms of dural leak, prolonged bed rest, headache, nausea/vomiting, delayed wound healing, postoperative neurological deficit, surgical site infection (SSI), and reoperation for DT. We performed multivariable regression analyses to evaluate the predictors of postoperative complications associated with DT.Aims
Patients and Methods
The success of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR)
depends on osseointegration at the graft-tunnel interface and intra-articular
ligamentization. Our aim was to conduct a systematic review of clinical
and preclinical studies that evaluated biological augmentation of
graft healing in ACLR. In all, 1879 studies were identified across three databases.
Following assessment against strict criteria, 112 studies were included
(20 clinical studies; 92 animal studies). Aims
Materials and Methods
Calcium sulphate (CaSO4) is a resorbable material
that can be used simultaneously as filler of a dead space and as
a carrier for the local application of antibiotics. Our aim was
to describe the systemic exposure and the wound fluid concentrations
of vancomycin in patients treated with vancomycin-loaded CaSO4 as
an adjunct to the routine therapy of bone and joint infections. A total of 680 post-operative blood and 233 wound fluid samples
were available for analysis from 94 implantations performed in 87
patients for various infective indications. Up to 6 g of vancomycin
were used. Non-compartmental pharmacokinetic analysis was performed
on the data from 37 patients treated for an infection of the hip.Aims
Patients and Methods
Bacterial infection in orthopaedic surgery can be devastating, and is associated with significant morbidity and poor functional outcomes, which may be improved if high concentrations of antibiotics can be delivered locally over a prolonged period of time. The two most widely used methods of doing this involve antibiotic-loaded polymethylmethacrylate or collagen fleece. The former is not biodegradable and is a surface upon which secondary bacterial infection may occur. Consequently, it has to be removed once treatment has finished. The latter has been used successfully as an adjunct to systemic antibiotics, but cannot effect a sustained release that would allow it to be used on its own, thereby avoiding systemic toxicity. This review explores the newer biodegradable carrier systems which are currently in the experimental phase of development and which may prove to be more effective in the treatment of osteomyelitis.
Implant-associated infection is a major source
of morbidity in orthopaedic surgery. There has been extensive research
into the development of materials that prevent biofilm formation,
and hence, reduce the risk of infection. Silver nanoparticle technology
is receiving much interest in the field of orthopaedics for its
antimicrobial properties, and the results of studies to date are
encouraging. Antimicrobial effects have been seen when silver nanoparticles are
used in trauma implants, tumour prostheses, bone cement, and also
when combined with hydroxyapatite coatings. Although there are promising
results with Cite this article:
We examined whether enamel matrix derivative
(EMD) could improve healing of the tendon–bone interface following
reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) using a hamstring
tendon in a rat model. ACL reconstruction was performed in both
knees of 30 Sprague-Dawley rats using the flexor digitorum tendon.
The effect of commercially available EMD (EMDOGAIN), a preparation
of matrix proteins from developing porcine teeth, was evaluated.
In the left knee joint the space around the tendon–bone interface
was filled with 40 µl of EMD mixed with propylene glycol alginate
(PGA). In the right knee joint PGA alone was used. The ligament
reconstructions were evaluated histologically and biomechanically
at four, eight and 12 weeks (n = 5 at each time point). At eight weeks,
EMD had induced a significant increase in collagen fibres connecting
to bone at the tendon–bone interface (p = 0.047), whereas the control
group had few fibres and the tendon–bone interface was composed
of cellular and vascular fibrous tissues. At both eight and 12 weeks,
the mean load to failure in the treated specimens was higher than
in the controls (p = 0.009). EMD improved histological tendon–bone
healing at eight weeks and biomechanical healing at both eight and
12 weeks. EMD might therefore have a human application to enhance
tendon–bone repair in ACL reconstruction.
This paper reviews the current literature concerning the main clinical factors which can impair the healing of fractures and makes recommendations on avoiding or minimising these in order to optimise the outcome for patients. The clinical implications are described.
We hypothesised that meniscal tears treated with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) together with a conventional suturing technique would show improved healing compared with those treated by a conventional suturing technique alone. In a controlled laboratory study 28 adult pigs (56 knees) underwent meniscal procedures after the creation of a radial incision to represent a tear. Group 1 (n = 9) had a radial meniscal tear which was left untreated. In group 2 (n = 19) the incision was repaired with sutures and fibrin glue and in group 3, the experimental group (n = 28), treatment was by MSCs, suturing and fibrin glue. At eight weeks, macroscopic examination of group 1 showed no healing in any specimens. In group 2 no healing was found in 12 specimens and incomplete healing in seven. The experimental group 3 had 21 specimens with complete healing, five with incomplete healing and two with no healing. Between the experimental group and each of the control groups this difference was significant (p <
0.001). The histological and macroscopic findings showed that the repair of meniscal tears in the avascular zone was significantly improved with MSCs, but that the mechanical properties of the healed menisci remained reduced.
Acetabular dysplasia was produced in 24 immature white rabbits. A rotational acetabular osteotomy was then carried out and radiological and histological studies of the articular cartilage were made. In the hips which did not undergo osteotomy, radiographs at 26 weeks showed that residual subluxation remained and arthritic changes such as narrowing of the joint space or dislocation were still seen. However, in the operated group there was a remarkable increase in cover, but arthritic changes were not observed. After 24 weeks, the Mankin grading score in the operated group was significantly lower than that in the non-operated group. The latter hips showed an irregular surface of the cartilage, exfoliation and proliferation of synovial tissue. In those undergoing osteotomy, primary cloning of chondrocytes or hypercellularity was seen and at 24 weeks after operation and metaplasia of the cartilage in the fibrous tissue was observed in the boundary between the medial area of the acetabulum and the acetabular fossa.
Articular cartilage repair remains a challenge to surgeons and basic scientists. The field of tissue engineering allows the simultaneous use of material scaffolds, cells and signalling molecules to attempt to modulate the regenerative tissue. This review summarises the research that has been undertaken to date using this approach, with a particular emphasis on those techniques that have been introduced into clinical practice, via in vitro and preclinical studies.
Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is known
to stimulate osteoblast or osteoprogenitor cell activity. We investigated
the effect of locally applied PDGF from poly- These results indicate that local application of PDGF from biodegradable
PDLLA-coated implants significantly accelerates fracture healing
in experimental animals. Further development may help fracture healing
in the clinical situation.
This review is aimed at clinicians appraising
preclinical trauma studies and researchers investigating compromised bone
healing or novel treatments for fractures. It categorises the clinical
scenarios of poor healing of fractures and attempts to match them
with the appropriate animal models in the literature. We performed an extensive literature search of animal models
of long bone fracture repair/nonunion and grouped the resulting
studies according to the clinical scenario they were attempting
to reflect; we then scrutinised them for their reliability and accuracy
in reproducing that clinical scenario. Models for normal fracture repair (primary and secondary), delayed
union, nonunion (atrophic and hypertrophic), segmental defects and
fractures at risk of impaired healing were identified. Their accuracy
in reflecting the clinical scenario ranged greatly and the reliability
of reproducing the scenario ranged from 100% to 40%. It is vital to know the limitations and success of each model
when considering its application.
The administration of intra-articular local anaesthetic is common following arthroscopy of the knee. However, recent evidence has suggested that bupivacaine may be harmful to articular cartilage. This study aimed to establish whether infiltration of bupivacaine around the portals is as effective as intra-articular injection. We randomised 137 patients to receive either 20 ml 0.5% bupivacaine introduced into the joint (group 1) or 20 ml 0.5% bupivacaine infiltrated only around the portals (group 2) following arthroscopy. A visual analogue scale was administered one hour post-operatively to assess pain relief. Both patients and observers were blinded to the treatment group. A power calculation was performed. The mean visual analogue score was 3.24 ( Infiltration of bupivacaine around the portals had an equivalent effect on pain scores at one hour, and we would therefore recommend this technique to avoid the possible chondrotoxic effect of intra-articular bupivacaine.
We have investigated the effectiveness of the transplantation of bone-marrow-derived mononuclear cells (BMMNCs) with interconnected porous calcium hydroxyapatite (IP-CHA) on early bone repair for osteonecrosis of the femoral head. We studied 22 patients (30 hips) who had osteonecrosis with a minimum follow-up of one year after implantation of BMMNCs. The mean age at surgery was 41 years (18 to 64) and the mean period of follow-up was 29 months (19 to 48). In a control group, cell-free IP-CHA was implanted into a further eight patients (9 hips) with osteonecrosis of the femoral head and the outcomes were compared. A reduction in the size of the osteonecrotic lesion was observed subsequent to hypertrophy of the bone in the transition zone in the BMMNC group. In three patients in the treatment group progression to extensive collapse was detected. In the control group subtle bone hypertrophy was observed, but severe collapse of the femoral head occurred in six of eight hips. In this limited study the implantation of BMMNCs and IP-CHA appears to confer benefit in the repair of osteonecrosis and in the prevention of collapse.
Corticosteroids are prescribed for the treatment of many medical conditions and their adverse effects on bone, including steroid-associated osteoporosis and osteonecrosis, are well documented. Core decompression is performed to treat osteonecrosis, but the results are variable. As steroids may affect bone turnover, this study was designed to investigate bone healing within a bone tunnel after core decompression in an experimental model of steroid-associated osteonecrosis. A total of five 28-week-old New Zealand rabbits were used to establish a model of steroid-induced osteonecrosis and another five rabbits served as controls. Two weeks after the induction of osteonecrosis, core decompression was performed by creating a bone tunnel 3 mm in diameter in both distal femora of each rabbit in both the experimental osteonecrosis and control groups. An In the osteonecrosis group all measurements of bone healing and maturation were lower compared with the control group. Impaired osteogenesis and remodelling within the bone tunnel was demonstrated in the steroid-induced osteonecrosis, accompanied by inferior mechanical properties of the bone. We have confirmed impaired bone healing in a model of bone defects in rabbits with pulsed administration of corticosteroids. This finding may be important in the development of strategies for treatment to improve the prognosis of fracture healing or the repair of bone defects in patients receiving steroid treatment.
We used interconnected porous calcium hydroxyapatite ceramic to bridge a rabbit ulnar defect. Two weeks after inducing the defect we percutaneously injected rabbit bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells labelled with ferumoxide. The contribution of an external magnetic targeting system to attract these cells into the ceramic and their effect on subsequent bone formation were evaluated. This technique significantly facilitated the infiltration of ferumoxide-labelled cells into ceramic and significantly contributed to the enhancement of bone formation even in the chronic phase. As such, it is potentially of clinical use to treat fractures, bone defects, delayed union and nonunion.
We describe a patient with insufficient bone regeneration of the tibia after bone transport over an intramedullary nail, in whom union was ultimately achieved after exchange nailing and intramedullary application of rh-bone morphogenetic protein-7 at the site of distraction.
We have used Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) to characterise the chemical and structural composition of the tendons of the rotator cuff and to identify structural differences among anatomically distinct tears. Such information may help to identify biomarkers of tears and to provide insight into the rates of healing of different sizes of tear. The infrared spectra of 81 partial, small, medium, large and massive tears were measured using FTIR and compared with 11 uninjured control tendons. All the spectra were classified using standard techniques of multivariate analysis. FTIR readily differentiates between normal and torn tendons, and different sizes of tear. We identified the key discriminating molecules and spectra altered in torn tendons to be carbohydrates/phospholipids (1030 cm−1 to 1200 cm−1), collagen (1300 cm−1 to 1700 cm−1 and 3000 cm−1 to 3350 cm−1) and lipids (2800 cm−1 to 3000 cm−1). Our study has shown that FTIR spectroscopy can identify tears of the rotator cuff of varying size based upon distinguishable chemical and structural features. The onset of a tear is mainly associated with altered structural arrangements of collagen, with changes in lipids and carbohydrates. The approach described is rapid and has the potential to be used peri-operatively to determine the quality of the tendon and the extent of the disease, thus guiding surgical repair.
We used a biodegradable mesh to convert an acetabular defect into a contained defect in six patients at total hip replacement. Their mean age was 61 years (46 to 69). The mean follow-up was 32 months (19 to 50). Before clinical use, the strength retention and hydrolytic in vitro degradation properties of the implants were studied in the laboratory over a two-year period. A successful clinical outcome was determined by the radiological findings and the Harris hip score. All the patients had a satisfactory outcome and no mechanical failures or other complications were observed. No protrusion of any of the impacted grafts was observed beyond the mesh. According to our preliminary laboratory and clinical results the biodegradable mesh is suitable for augmenting uncontained acetabular defects in which the primary stability of the implanted acetabular component is provided by the host bone. In the case of defects of the acetabular floor this new application provides a safe method of preventing graft material from protruding excessively into the pelvis and the mesh seems to tolerate bone-impaction grafting in selected patients with primary and revision total hip replacement.
Conventional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and newer specific cyclo-oxygenase-2 (cox-2) inhibitors are commonly used in musculoskeletal trauma and orthopaedic surgery to reduce the inflammatory response and pain. These drugs have been reported to impair bone metabolism. In reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament the hamstring tendons are mainly used as the graft of choice, and a prerequisite for good results is healing of the tendons in the bone tunnel. Many of these patients are routinely given NSAIDs or cox-2 inhibitors, although no studies have elucidated the effects of these drugs on tendon healing in the bone tunnel. In our study 60 female Wistar rats were randomly allocated into three groups of 20. One received parecoxib, one indometacin and one acted as a control. In all the rats the tendo-Achillis was released proximally from the calf muscles. It was then pulled through a drill hole in the distal tibia and sutured anteriorly. The rats were given parecoxib, indometacin or saline intraperitoneally twice daily for seven days. After 14 days the tendon/bone-tunnel interface was subjected to mechanical testing. Significantly lower maximum pull-out strength (p <
0.001), energy absorption (p <
0.001) and stiffness (p = 0.035) were found in rats given parecoxib and indometacin compared with the control group, most pronounced with parecoxib.
This study was undertaken to elucidate the mechanism of biological repair at the tendon-bone junction in a rat model. The stump of the toe flexor tendon was sutured to a drilled hole in the tibia (tendon suture group, n = 23) to investigate healing of the tendon-bone junction both radiologically and histologically. Radiological and histological findings were compared with those observed in a sham control group where the bone alone was drilled (n = 19). The biomechanical strength of the repaired junction was confirmed by pull-out testing six weeks after surgery in four rats in the tendon suture group. Callus formation was observed at the site of repair in the tendon suture group, whereas in the sham group callus formation was minimal. During the pull-out test, the repaired tendon-bone junction did not fail because the musculotendinous junction always disrupted first. In order to understand the factors that influenced callus formation at the site of repair, four further groups were evaluated. The nature of the sutured tendon itself was investigated by analysing healing of a tendon stump after necrosis had been induced with liquid nitrogen in 16 cases. A proximal suture group (n = 16) and a partial tenotomy group (n = 16) were prepared to investigate the effects of biomechanical loading on the site of repair. Finally, a group where the periosteum had been excised at the site of repair (n = 16) was examined to study the role of the periosteum. These four groups showed less callus formation radiologically and histologically than did the tendon suture group. In conclusion, the sutured tendon-bone junction healed and achieved mechanical strength at six weeks after suturing, showing good local callus formation. The viability of the tendon stump, mechanical loading and intact periosteum were all found to be important factors for better callus formation at a repaired tendon-bone junction.
The response of the muscle is critical in determining the functional outcome of limb lengthening. We hypothesised that muscle response would vary with age and therefore studied the response of the muscles during tibial lengthening in ten young and ten mature rabbits. A bromodeoxyuridine technique was used to identify the dividing cells. The young rabbits demonstrated a significantly greater proliferative response to the distraction stimulus than the mature ones. This was particularly pronounced at the myotendinous junction, but was also evident within the muscle belly. Younger muscle adapted better to lengthening, suggesting that in patients in whom a large degree of muscle lengthening is required it may be beneficial to carry out this procedure when they are young, in order to achieve the optimal functional result.
In developmental dysplasia of the hip, a deficient acetabulum may be augmented by placing local autogenous iliac osseous graft, or the ilium itself, over the head of the femur with the expectation that the added bone will function as a bearing surface. We analysed this bone obtained
An understanding of the remodelling of tendon is crucial for the development of scientific methods of treatment and rehabilitation. This study tested the hypothesis that tendon adapts structurally in response to changes in functional loading. A novel model allowed manipulation of the mechanical environment of the patellar tendon in the presence of normal joint movement via the application of an adjustable external fixator mechanism between the patella and the tibia in sheep, while avoiding exposure of the patellar tendon itself. Stress shielding caused a significant reduction in the structural and material properties of stiffness (79%), ultimate load (69%), energy absorbed (61%), elastic modulus (76%) and ultimate stress (72%) of the tendon compared with controls. Compared with the material properties the structural properties exhibited better recovery after re-stressing with stiffness 97%, ultimate load 92%, energy absorbed 96%, elastic modulus 79% and ultimate stress 80%. The cross-sectional area of the re-stressed tendons was significantly greater than that of stress-shielded tendons. The remodelling phenomena exhibited in this study are consistent with a putative feedback mechanism under strain control. This study provides a basis from which to explore the interactions of tendon remodelling and mechanical environment.
In order to clarify the role of cytokines in the remodelling of the grafted tendon for ligament reconstruction we compared the responses to interleukin (IL)-1β, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-BB and transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1 of extrinsic fibroblasts infiltrating the frozen-thawed patellar tendon in rats with that of the normal tendon fibroblasts, in regard to the gene expression of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-13, using Northern blot analysis. We also examined, immunohistologically, the local expression of IL-1β, PDGF-BB, and TGF-β1 in fibroblasts infiltrating the frozen-thawed patellar tendon. Northern blot analysis showed that fibroblasts derived from the patellar tendon six weeks after the freeze-thaw procedure
Failure of fixation is a common problem in the treatment of osteoporotic fractures around the hip. The reinforcement of bone stock or of fixation of the implant may be a solution. Our study assesses the existing evidence for the use of bone substitutes in the management of these fractures in osteoporotic patients. Relevant publications were retrieved through Medline research and further scrutinised. Of 411 studies identified, 22 met the inclusion criteria, comprising 12 experimental and ten clinical reports. The clinical studies were evaluated with regard to their level of evidence. Only four were prospective and randomised. Polymethylmethacrylate and calcium-phosphate cements increased the primary stability of the implant-bone construct in all experimental and clinical studies, although there was considerable variation in the design of the studies. In randomised, controlled studies, augmentation of intracapsular fractures of the neck of the femur with calcium-phosphate cement was associated with poor long-term results. There was a lack of data on the long-term outcome for trochanteric fractures. Because there were only a few, randomised, controlled studies, there is currently poor evidence for the use of bone cement in the treatment of fractures of the hip.
We examined the mechanical properties of Vicryl (polyglactin 910) mesh Mesh fibres were visible at six weeks but had been completely resorbed by 12 weeks, with no evidence of chronic inflammation. The tendon-implant neoenthesis was predominantly an indirect type, with tendon attached to the bone-hydroxyapatite surface by perforating collagen fibres.
We developed a new porous scaffold made from a synthetic polymer, poly(DL-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLG), and evaluated its use in the repair of cartilage. Osteochondral defects made on the femoral trochlear of rabbits were treated by transplantation of the PLG scaffold, examined histologically and compared with an untreated control group. Fibrous tissue was initially organised in an arcade array with poor cellularity at the articular surface of the scaffold. The tissue regenerated to cartilage at the articular surface. In the subchondral area, new bone formed and the scaffold was absorbed. The histological scores were significantly higher in the defects treated by the scaffold than in the control group (p <
0.05). Our findings suggest that in an animal model the new porous PLG scaffold is effective for repairing full-thickness osteochondral defects without cultured cells and growth factors.
We have investigated Approximately 50% of the FGF-2 was released from the sealant within 24 hours while its original bioactivity was maintained. The implantation of the fibrin sealant incorporating FGF-2 successfully induced healing of the surface with hyaline cartilage and concomitant repair of the subchondral bone at eight weeks after the creation of the defect. Our findings suggest that this delivery method for FGF-2 may be useful for promoting regenerative repair of full-thickness defects of articular cartilage in humans.
Ovine articular chondrocytes were isolated from cartilage biopsy and culture expanded All defects were assessed using the International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) classification. Those treated with ACFC, ACI and AF exhibited median scores which correspond to a nearly-normal appearance. On the basis of the modified O’Driscoll histological scoring scale, ACFC implantation significantly enhanced cartilage repair compared to ACI and AF. Using scanning electron microscopy, ACFC and ACI showed characteristic organisation of chondrocytes and matrices, which were relatively similar to the surrounding adjacent cartilage. Implantation of ACFC resulted in superior hyaline-like cartilage regeneration when compared with ACI. If this result is applicable to humans, a better outcome would be obtained than by using conventional ACI.
We produced large full-thickness articular cartilage defects in 33 rabbits in order to evaluate the effect of joint distraction and autologous culture-expanded bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal cell transplantation (ACBMT) at 12 weeks. After fixing the knee on a hinged external fixator, we resected the entire surface of the tibial plateau. We studied three groups: 1) with and without joint distraction; 2) with joint distraction and collagen gel, and 3) with joint distraction and ACBMT and collagen gel. The histological scores were significantly higher in the groups with ACBMT collagen gel (p <
0.05). The area of regenerated soft tissue was smaller in the group allowed to bear weight (p <
0.05). These findings suggest that the repair of large defects of cartilage can be enhanced by joint distraction, collagen gel and ACBMT.