The December 2023 Spine Roundup. 360. looks at: Does size matter in adolescent pedicle screws?; Effect of lumbar fusion and pelvic fixation rigidity on
The October 2023 Trauma Roundup. 360. looks at: Intramedullary nailing versus sliding hip screw in trochanteric fracture management: the INSITE randomized clinical trial; Five-year outcomes for patients with a displaced fracture of the distal tibia; Direct anterior versus anterolateral approach in
The April 2023 Hip & Pelvis Roundup360 looks at: Do technical errors determine outcomes of operatively managed femoral neck fractures in younger adults?; Single-stage or two-stage revision for hip prosthetic joint infection (INFORM); Fixation better than revision in type B periprosthetic fractures of taper slip stems; Can you maximize femoral head size at the expense of liner thickness?; Plasma D-dimer for periprosthetic joint infection?; How important is in vivo oxidation?; Total hip arthroplasty for HIV patients with osteonecrosis.
The December 2023 Research Roundup360 looks at: Tissue integration and chondroprotective potential of acetabular labral augmentation with autograft tendon: study of a porcine model; The Irish National Orthopaedic Register under cyberattack: what happened, and what were the consequences?; An overview of machine learning in orthopaedic surgery: an educational paper; Beware of the fungus…; New evidence for COVID-19 in patients undergoing joint replacement surgery.
The June 2023 Hip & Pelvis Roundup360 looks at: Machine learning to identify surgical candidates for hip and knee arthroplasty: a viable option?; Poor outcome after debridement and implant retention; Can you cement polyethylene liners into well-fixed acetabular shells in hip revision?; Revision stem in primary arthroplasties: the Exeter 44/0 125 mm stem; Depression and anxiety: could they be linked to infection?; Does where you live affect your outcomes after hip and knee arthroplasties?; Racial disparities in outcomes after total hip arthroplasty and total knee arthroplasty are substantially mediated by socioeconomic disadvantage both in black and white patients.
The April 2024 Hip & Pelvis Roundup360 looks at: Impaction bone grafting for femoral revision hip arthroplasty with the Exeter stem; Effect of preoperative corticosteroids on postoperative glucose control in total joint replacement; Tranexamic acid in patients with a history of venous thromboembolism; Bisphosphonate use may be associated with an increased risk of periprosthetic hip fracture; A balanced approach: exploring the impact of surgical techniques on hip arthroplasty outcomes; A leap forward in hip arthroplasty: dual-mobility bearings reduce groin pain; A new perspective on complications: the link between blood glucose and joint infection risks.
The August 2023 Hip & Pelvis Roundup360 looks at: Using machine learning to predict venous thromboembolism and major bleeding events following total joint arthroplasty; Antibiotic length in revision total hip arthroplasty; Preoperative colonization and worse outcomes; Short stem cemented total hip arthroplasty; What are the outcomes of one- versus two-stage revisions in the UK?; To cement or not to cement? The best approach in hemiarthroplasty; Similar re-revisions in cemented and cementless femoral revisions for periprosthetic femoral fractures in total hip arthroplasty; Are hip precautions still needed?
The December 2024 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: Establishing best practice for managing idiopathic toe walking in children: a UK consensus; Long-term outcomes of below-elbow casting in paediatric diaphyseal forearm fractures; Residual dysplasia risk persists in developmental dysplasia of the hip patients after Pavlik harness treatment; 3D printing in paediatricorthopaedics: enhancing surgical efficiency and patient outcomes; Pavlik harness treatment for hip dysplasia does not delay motor skill development in children; High prevalence of hip dysplasia found in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis on routine spine radiographs; Minifragment plates as effective growth modulation for ulnar deformities of the distal radius in children; Long-term success of Chiari pelvic osteotomy in preserving hip function: 30-year follow-up study.
The August 2024 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: Antibiotic prophylaxis and infection rates in paediatric supracondylar humerus fractures; Clinical consensus recommendations for the non-surgical treatment of children with Perthes’ disease in the UK; Health-related quality of life in idiopathic toe walkers: a multicentre prospective cross-sectional study; Children with spinal dysraphism: a systematic review of reported outcomes; No delay in age of crawling, standing, or walking with Pavlik harness treatment: a prospective cohort study; No value found with routine early postoperative radiographs after implant removal in paediatric patients; What do we know about the natural history of spastic hip dysplasia and pain in total-involvement cerebral palsy?; Evaluating the efficacy and safety of preoperative gallows traction for hip open reduction in infants
The February 2023 Hip & Pelvis Roundup360 looks at: Total hip arthroplasty or internal fixation for hip fracture?; Significant deterioration in quality of life and increased frailty in patients waiting more than six months for total hip or knee arthroplasty: a cross-sectional multicentre study; Long-term cognitive trajectory after total joint arthroplasty; Costal cartilage grafting for a large osteochondral lesion of the femoral head; Foley catheters not a problem in the short term; Revision hips still a mortality burden?; How to position implants with a robotic arm; Uncemented stems in hip fracture?
The December 2015 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: Paediatric femoral fractures: a single incision nailing?; Lateral condylar fractures: open or percutaneous?; Forearm refracture: the risks; Tibial spine fractures; The child’s knee in MRI; The mechanics of SUFE; Idiopathic clubfoot
The December 2015 Hip &
Pelvis Roundup360 looks at: Vitamin E infusion helpful in polyethylene; Hip replacement in fracture and arthritis; Non-surgical treatment for arthritis; Cost and approach in hip surgery; Who does well in FAI surgery?; AAOS Thromboembolism guidelines; Thromboprophylaxis and periprosthetic joint infection; Fluid collections not limited to metal-on-metal THR
The October 2015 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: Radiographic follow-up of DDH; When the supracondylar goes wrong; Apophyseal avulsion fractures; The ‘pulled elbow’; Surgical treatment of active or aggressive aneurysmal bone cysts in children; Improving stability in supracondylar fractures; Biological reconstruction may be preferable in children’s osteosarcoma; The paediatric hip fracture
The June 2015 Hip &
Pelvis Roundup360 looks at: neuraxial anaesthesia and large joint arthroplasty; revision total hip arthoplasty: factors associated with re-revision surgery; acetabular version and clinical outcomes in impingement surgery; hip precautions may be ineffective; implant selection and cost effectiveness; femoroacetabular impingement in the older age group; multiple revision in hip arthroplasty
The June 2015 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: ACL reconstruction in paediatric knees; Hips, slips and cams; The adolescent clavicle; 3D fluoroscopy in DDH?; The psychiatric aspects of hip pain in adolescents; Adolescent bunions: dealer’s choice?; Medial epicondylar fractures revisited
The April 2015 Trauma Roundup360 looks at: Negative presure wound therapy in open tibial fractures; Priority-driven approach to pelvic injuries; Early surgery essential in hip fracture management; Sheer fractures to the posteromedial plateau; Fasciotomy closure under the spotlight; Why do patients die from hip fracture?; Acetabular fractures down the line; Biomechanics of femoral neck fractures reviewed
Arthroscopy has become a routine surgical procedure, used as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool for the treatment of joint problems. This article discusses its origins and looks at how it is currently used.
Obesity is a global epidemic of 2.1 billion people and a well known cause of osteoarthritis. Joint replacement in the obese attracts more complications, poorer outcomes and higher revision rates. It is a reversible condition and the fundamental principles of dealing with reversible medical conditions prior to elective total joint replacement should apply to obesity. The dilemma for orthopaedic surgeons is when to offer surgery in the face of a reversible condition, which if treated may obviate joint replacement and reduce the risk and severity of obesity related disease in both the medical arena and the field of orthopaedics.
The December 2013 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: Long term-changes in hip morphology following osteotomy; Arthrogrypotic wrist contractures are surgically amenable; Paediatric femoral lengthening over a nail; Current management of paediatric supracondylar fractures; MRI perfusion index predictive of Perthes’ progression; Abduction bracing effective in residual acetabular deformity; Hurler syndrome in the spotlight; and the Pavlik works for femoral fractures too!
The August 2014 Hip &
Pelvis Roundup360 looks at: Serial MRIs best for pseudotumour surveillance; Is ultrasound good enough for MOM follow-up?; Does weight loss in obese patients help?; Measuring acetabular anteversion on plain films; Two-stage one-stage too many in fungal hip revisions? and 35 is the magic number in arthroplasty.
The August 2014 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: Conservative treatment still OK in paediatric clavicular fractures; Femoral anteversion not the usual suspect in patellar inversion; Shoulder dislocation best treated with an operation; Perthes’ disease results in poorer quality of adult life; Physiotherapy little benefit in supracondylar fractures; Congenital vertical talus addressed at the midtarsal joint; Single-sitting DDH surgery worth the effort; and cubitus valgus associated with simple elbow dislocation
The June 2014 Oncology Roundup360 looks at: Infection still a problem in endoprosthetic reconstruction; massive allografts not as successful as we perhaps think; curopsy for aneurysmal bone cysts?; lengthening prosthesis: days are numbered; new WHO classification in brief; proximal tumours and fluid levels: bad news; infection is predictable in orthopaedic oncology; psychosocial support key in oncological outcomes.
Osteoarthritis is extremely common and many different causes for it have been described. One such cause is abnormal morphology of the affected
The April 2014 Oncology Roundup360 looks at: Eyeball as good as microscope for tumour margins; when is best to stabilise femoral metastases?; fluorine does not cause bone tumours; whether giant cell tumour of the proximal femur ever successfully managed; extraskeletal osteosarcoma; modular lower limb tumour reconstruction; and observational studies the basis for most bone tumour treatment.
Hip replacement is a very successful operation and the outcome is usually excellent. There are recognised complications that seem increasingly to give rise to litigation. This paper briefly examines some common scenarios where litigation may be pursued against hip surgeons. With appropriate record keeping, consenting and surgical care, the claim can be successfully defended if not avoided. We hope this short summary will help to highlight some common pitfalls. There is extensive literature available for detailed study.
The June 2012 Spine Roundup360 looks at: back pain; spinal fusion for tuberculosis; anatomical course of the recurrent laryngeal nerve; groin pain with normal imaging; the herniated intervertebral disc; obesity’s effect on the spine; the medicolegal risks of cauda equina syndrome; and intravenous lidocaine use and failed back surgery syndrome.
The April 2013 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: improving stress distribution in dysplastic hips; the dangers of fashion; the natural history of supracondylar fractures; ankles that perform well as knees; intra-articular hip pathology at osteotomy; the safe removal of flexible nails; supracondylar fracture fixation; and talipes.
Modern athletes are constantly susceptible to performance-threatening injury as they push their bodies to greater limits and endure higher physical stresses. Loss of performance and training time can adversely and permanently affect a sportsperson’s career. Now more than ever with advancing medical technology the answer may lie in biologic therapy. We have been using peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC) clinically and have been able to demonstrate that stem cells differentiate into target cells to enable regenerative repair. The potential of this technique as a regenerative agent can be seen in three broad applications: 1) articular cartilage, 2) bone and 3) soft tissue. This article highlights the successful cases, among many, in all three of these applications.
A comprehensive study of osteology remains a cornerstone of current orthopaedic and traumatological education. Osteology was already established as an important part of surgical education by the 16th century. In order to teach anatomy and osteology, the corpses of executed criminals were dissected by the
The June 2012 Hip &
Pelvis Roundup360 looks at: whether metal-on-metal is really such a disaster; resurfacings with unexplained pain; large heads and high ion levels; hip arthroscopy for FAI; the inaccuracy of clinical tests for impingement; arthroscopic lengthening of iliopsoas; the OA hip; the injured hamstring – football’s most common injury; an algorithm for hip fracture surgery; and sparing piriformis at THR.