The aim of this study is to print 3D polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffolds at high and low temperature (HT/LT) combined with salt leaching to induced porosity/larger pore size and improve material degradation without compromising cellular activity of printed scaffolds.
Bioactive glasses, such as 45S5 Bioglass (BG), have been shown to promote bone ingrowth both in vitro and in vivo. The goal of this study was to analyze the effect of a high dose of BG (20%) in Direct Ink Writing (DIW)-produced controlled-geometry PCL-BG composite scaffolds in both their mechanical and biological performance. Porous cubes of 5 × 5 × 5 mm, 50% porosity and pore size and strut diameter of 400 µm were fabricated in a 3D-Bioplotter (EnvisionTec) to investigate their biological performance (n = 3). Additionally, cylindrical specimens (10 mm diameter; 15 mm height) with same internal structure were fabricated for mechanical testing (n = 6). The cylindrical specimens were tested by compression in a universal testing machine (ZwickRoell) with a 10 kN load cell. The tests were performed at 1.00 mm/min with extensometers in both sides. For biological characterization, scaffolds were sterilized in 70% ethanol overnight and pre-incubated with DMEM for 1 hour at room temperature. 1×10. 5. human gingival mesenchymal stem cells (hGMSCs) in 50 µl DMEM were seeded on the scaffolds using agarose molds to improve cell adhesion, and cultured in standard cell-culture conditions for 3, 7 and 14 days. To measure cell proliferation, the reagent CellTiter 96® AQueous One Solution Cell Proliferation Assay (MTS, Promega) was added to the cell-seeded scaffolds at each time point, using non-seeded scaffolds as blank controls. The OD (490 nm) was measured in a BioTek 800 TS plate reader. Both the apparent elastic modulus and yield stress were significantly lower in the scaffolds with 20% BG than their
Electrospinning is an advantageous technique for cartilage tissue engineering (CTE) applications due to its ability to produce nanofibers recapitulating the size and alignment of the collagen fibers present within the articular cartilage superficial zone. Moreover, coaxial electrospinning allows the fabrication of core-shell fibers able to encapsulate and release bioactive molecules in a sustained manner. Kartogenin (KTG) is a small heterocyclic molecule, which was demonstrated to promote the chondrogenic differentiation of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem/stromal cells(hBMSCs)[1]. In this work, we developed and evaluated the biological performance of core-shell poly(glycerol sebacate)(PGS)/poly(caprolactone)(PCL) aligned nanofibers (core:PGS/shell:PCL) mimicking the native articular cartilage extracellular matrix(ECM) and able to promote the sustained release of the chondroinductive drug KTG[2]. The produced coaxial aligned PGS/
Postoperative knee stability is critical in determining the success after reconstruction; however, only posterior and anterior stability is assessed. Therefore, this study investigates medial and lateral rotational knee laxity changes after partial and complete
Critical-sized bone defects can result from trauma, inflammation, and tumor resection. Such bone defects, often have irregular shapes, resulting in the need for new technologies to produce suitable implants. Bioprinting is an additive manufacturing method to create complex and individualised bone constructs, which can already include vital cells. In this study, we established an extrusion-based printing technology to produce osteoinductive scaffolds based on polycaprolactone (PCL) combined with calcium phosphate, which is known to induce osteogenic differentiation of stem cells. The model was created in python based on the signed distance functions. The shape of the 3D model is a ring with a diameter of 20 mm and a height of 10 mm with a spongiosa-like structure. The interconnected irregular pores have a diameter of 2 mm +/− 0.2 mm standard deviation. Extrusion-based printing was performed using the BIO X6. To produce the bioink,
Introduction and Objective. Several in vitro studies have shed light on the osteogenic and chondrogenic potential of graphene and its derivatives. Now it is possible to combine the different biomaterial properties of graphene and 3D printing scaffolds produced by tissue engineering for cartilage repair. Owing to the limited repair capacity of articular cartilage and bone, it is essential to develop tissue-engineered scaffolds for patients suffering from joint disease and trauma. However, chondral lesions cannot be considered independently of the underlying bone tissue. Both the microcirculation and the mechanical support provided with bone tissue must be repaired. One of the distinctive features that distinguish graphene from other nanomaterials is that it can have an inductive effect on both bone and cartilage tissue. In this study, the effect of different concentrations of graphene on the in vivo performance of single-layer poly-ε-caprolactone based-scaffolds is examined. Our hypothesis is that graphene nanoplatelet- containing, robocast
Abstract. Objectives. Direct ink writing (DIW) has gained considerable attention in production of personalized medical implants. Laponite nanoclay is added in polycaprolactone (PCL) to improve printability and bioactivity for bone implants. The 3D structure of DIW printed
Purpose. To compare postoperative clinical outcomes between posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) retaining and resecting total knee arthroplasty (TKA) using same cruciate-substituting (CS) inserts, and to elucidate the clinical relevance of the residual
Tendon-to-bone multi-tissue transition exhibits a hierarchical and continuous gradient of matrix composition and alignment, allowing for efficient transmission of mechanical loading between tendon and bone. Upon injury, main problems associated with tendon-to-bone regeneration include disorganized matrix deposition, with a gradual loss of mineral content resulting in poor mechanical properties, limiting tissue integration and the formation of a graded interface. Therefore, we propose to assembly two types of continuous microfibres with distinct topological and compositional features tailored to guide cell alignment and matrix deposition while matching the mechanical requirements of the native tissue. Wet-spinning was used to produce textured composite microfibres using different flow rates and two polymer blends to replicate the anisotropic architecture of tendon (PCL/Gelatin, 22/9%, w/v) and the isotropic organization together with mineral composition of bone (PCL/Gelatin/Hydroxyapatite, 22/9% w/v and 7.7% w/w HAp). Obtained microfibres morphology, chemical and mechanical properties were evaluated. Biological performance was studied using human adipose-derived stem cells (hASCs). Cytoskeleton alignment, nuclei elongation and matrix mineralization were evaluated. Textile techniques were used to create a 3D fibrous scaffold. Morphological features were analyzed by micro-CT.
The extracellular matrix (ECM) is the non-cellular structural support that provides cells with a network of biochemical and biomechanical factors for cellular processes. The ECM regulates cell function, differentiation and homeostasis. Here, we present a proteomics characterization of three commonly used additive manufactured polymers: polylactic acid (PLA), polyactive (PEOT/PBT) and polycaprolactone (PCL). We cultured human mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSCs) and make them undergo chondrogenic and osteogenic differentiation on 3D printed
Conventional 3D printing by itself is incapable of creating pores on a micro scale within deposited filaments throughout 3D scaffolds. These pores and hence larger surface areas are needed for cells to be adhered, proliferated, and differentiated. The aim of this work was to fabricate 3D polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffolds with internal multiscale porosity by using two different 3D printing techniques (ink/pellet of polymer-salt composite in low/high temperature printing) combined with salt leaching to improve cell adhesion, and cell proliferation besides to change degradation rate of
A spine compression fracture is a very common form of fracture in elderly with osteoporosis. Injection of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) to fracture sites is a minimally invasive surgical treatment, but PMMA has considerable clinical risks. We develop a novel type thermoplastic injectable bone substitute contains the proprietary composites of synthetic ceramic bone substitute and absorbable thermoplastic polymer. We used thermoplastic biocompatible polymers Polycaproactone (PCL) to encapsulate calcium-based bone substitutes hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, HA) and tricalcium phosphate (TCP) to form a biodegradable injectable bone composite material. The space occupation ration
INTRODUCTION. In the treatment of nonunions, and other complications of bone repair, an attractive alternative to bone autografts would be the use of a combination of autologous mesenchymal progenitors cells (MSCs), biomaterials and growth factors. Our goal was to determine the therapeutic potential and contribution to the repair process of different sources of mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of nonunions. METHODS. The right femur of Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats was stabilized with an aluminum plate (20 mm long, 4 mm wide, 2 mm thick) and four screws (1.5 mm diameter, 8 mm long). A diaphyseal critical size defect was performed (5 mm). Six groups (n=6–8 animals each) were created. A nonunion group (Control group, empty defect); LBA group, live bone allograft; BMP2 group, rhBMP-2 (2 μg) in collagen sponge;
Extensive annulus fibrosus (AF) radial tears lead to intervertebral disc (IVD) herniation. While unrepaired defects in the AF are associated with postoperative reherniation and high IVD degeneration prevalence, current surgical strategies are limited to symptomatic treatment of pain and disregard the structural integrity of the AF. For all these reasons, this study is focused on i) designing polycaprolactone (PCL) electrospun implants that mimic the multi-lamellar fibrous structure of the native tissue and ii) assessing their ability to properly close and repair an AF defect in a sheep in vivo model. Oriented
Abstract. Objectives. The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of solvents and rheological properties of
Summary. Properties of human amniotic membrane are particularly interesting. To use it as an Advanced Therapeutic Medicinal Product in bone surgery, we are evaluating its association with a potentially osteoinductive scaffold. Introduction. The human Amniotic Membrane (hAM) is known to have a good potential to help the regeneration of tissues. It has been used for 100 years in many medical disciplines because of its properties: a membrane containing stem cells and growth factors, with low immunogenicity and anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-fibrotic and analgesic properties. Moreover, previous published data showed the possibility of in vitro osteodifferenciation of the whole tissue. We aim to use hAM as an Advanced Therapeutic Medicinal Product for bone repair to treat large defects or pseudarthrosis. So we are studying the association of hAM with nanofiber jet sprayed polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffolds and the possibility to induce its osteodifferenciation. Materials and Methods. HAM from cesarean delivery were provided by a local bank of tissue. A biodegradable microfiber
Summary. A promising approach to stimulate in vivo bone formation by using our newly developed magnesium-based bone substitutes, which can be an alternative to treat the patients with bone loss in addition to the anticatabolic drugs and growth factors. Introduction. Bone impairment arising from osteoporosis as well as other pathological diseases is a major health problem. Anti-catabolic drugs such as bisphosphonates and other biological agents such as bone morphogenetic proteins and insulin-like growth factor can theoretically apply to stimulate bone formation. However, the formation of more brittle bone and uncontrolled release rate are still a challenge nowadays. Hence, we propose to stimulate bone formation by using a newly developed magnesium-based bone substitute. Indeed, the presence of magnesium ions can stimulate bone growth and healing by enhancing osteoblastic activity. This study aims to investigate the mechanical, in vitro and in vivo properties of this novel bone substitute. Methods. The bone substitutes were prepared by incorporating 9% TMSPM-treated Mg granules (i.e. 45μm & 150μm) into biodegradable polymer, polycaprolactone (PCL). The TMSPM silane-coupling agent treatment was used to protect the Mg particles from rapid degradation. Compression test was performed to study the mechanical properties of the bone substitute by using the MTS machine. A 7-day stimulated body fluid (SBF) immersion test was conducted to test their bioactivity. The surface composition was checked by energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDX) after immersion. The cytocompatibility and osteogenic differentiation properties of the bone substitutes were studied by MTT, ALP assays and qRT-PCR with the use of MC3T3-E1 pre-osteoblasts. Finally, the in vivo response of the bone substitutes was evaluated by using rat model of 2 months. Micro-CT was used to monitor the volume change of bone formation. Pure
Introduction and Objective. In the elderly population, chronic rotator cuff tears are often associated with high re-rupture rates after surgical tendon refixation. Implant materials, especially in combination with additives are supposed to positively influence healing outcome. Furthermore, adequate mechanical properties are crucial. In order to realize degradable implants with high specific surface area, polycaprolactone (PCL) was chosen as basic material and processed by electrospinning to achieve a high surface area for growth factor implementation and subsequent cell attachment. Materials and Methods.
More than 250,000 people are suffering from Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) related injuries each year in the US, with a cost of $17–25K/patient. There is an unmet clinical demand for improving grafts/scaffolds to provide biological integration in addition to mechanical support. Currently, no data is available for the utilization of fibrous scaffolds with bimodal distribution for ACL regeneration. The novelty in this study is that it proposes for the first time to investigate the collagen fibril diameter distribution in healthy and injured bovine ACL tissue, and utilization of such structure for scaffold design. Objectives are 1) developing a bovine ACL tear model and measuring the collagen fibril diameter distribution of both healthy and injured ACL tissues, and 2) fabricating scaffolds to mimic the structural properties of healthy and injured ACL tissue. Bovine ACL tissues (1–3 years old) were harvested and characterized for their fibril diameter distribution using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and biomechanical properties under tension. The electrospun polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffolds were characterized using SEM and mechanical testing. Healthy and injured ACL fibril diameter, and that of
Articular cartilage is often damaged, and its treatment is usually performed by surgical operation. Today, tissue engineering offers an alternative treatment option for injuries or diseases with increasing importance. Infrapatellar fat pad (IPFP) is a densely vascularized and innervated extra synovial tissue that fills the anterior knee compartment. Adipose-derived stem cells from infrapatellar fat pad (IPFP-ASCs) have multipotency means that they can differentiate into connective tissue cells and have age-independent differentiation capacity as compared to other stem cells. In this study, the osteochondral tissue construct was designed with different inner pattern due to original osteochondral tissue structure and fabrication of it was carried out by 3D printing. For this purpose, alginate (3% w/v) and carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) (9%w /v) were used as bioink. Also, IPFP-ASCs were isolated with enzymatic degradation. Osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation of IPFP-ASCs were investigated with Alizarin Red and Alcian Blue staining, respectively. IPFP-ASCs-laden osteochondral graft differentiation will be induced by controlled release of growth factor BMP-2 and TGF-β. Before this step, nanocapsules formation with double emission technique with model protein BSA was carried out with different concentration of