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Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_9 | Pages 68 - 68
17 Apr 2023
Lazaro-Pacheco D Holsgrove T
Full Access

Little information exists when using cell viability assays to evaluate cells within whole tissue, particularly specific types such as the intervertebral disc (IVD). When comparing the reported methodologies and the protocols issued by manufacturers, the processing, working times, and dye concentrations vary significantly, making the assay's reproducibility a costly and time-consuming trial and error process. This study aims to develop a detailed step-by-step cell viability assay protocol for evaluating IVD tissue. IVDs were harvested from bovine tails (n=8) and processed at day 0 and after 7 days of culture. Nucleus pulposus (NP) and the annulus fibrosus (AF) 3 mm cuts were incubated at room temperature (26˚C) with a Viability/Cytotoxicity Kit containing Calcein AM and Ethidium Ethidium homodimer-1 for 2 hr, followed by flash freezing in liquid nitrogen. Thirty µm sections were placed in glass slides and sealed with nail varnish or Antifade Mounting Medium. The IVD tissue was imaged within the next 4h after freezing using an inverted confocal laser-scanning microscope equipped with 488 and 543 nm laser lines. Cell viability at day 0 (NP: 92±9.6 % and AF:80±14.0%) and day 7 (NP: 91±7.9% and AF:76±20%) was successfully maintained and evaluated. The incubation time required is dependent on the working temperatures and tissue thickness. The calcein-AM dye will not be retained in the cells for more than four hours. The specimen preparation and culturing protocol have demonstrated good cell viability at day 0 and after seven days of culture. Processing times and sample preparation play an essential role as the cell viability components in most kits hydrolyse or photobleach quickly. A step-by-step replicable protocol for evaluating the cell viability in IVD will facilitate the evaluation of cell and toxicity-related outcomes of biomechanical testing protocols and IVD regenerative therapies

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_7 | Pages 75 - 75
4 Apr 2023
Numpaisal P Khatsee S Arunsan P Ruksakulpiwat Y
Full Access

Silk fibroin (SF) has been used as a scaffold for cartilage tissue engineering. Different silkworms strain produced different protein. Also, molecular weight of SF depends on extraction method. We hypothesised that strain of silkworm and method of SF extraction would effect biological properties of SF scaffold. Therefore, cell viability and chondrogenic gene expression of human chondrogenic progenitor cells (HCPCs) treated with SF from 10 silkworm strains and two common SF extraction methods were investigate in this study. Twenty g of 10 strains silk cocoons were separately degummed in 0.02M Na2CO3 solution and dissolved in 100๐C for 30 minutes. Half of them were then dissolved in CaCl2/Ethanol/H2O [1:2:8 molar ratio] at 70±5๐C (method 1) and other half was dissolved in 46% w/v CaCl2 at 105±5๐C (method 2) for 4 hours. HCPCs were cultured in SF added cultured medial according to strain and extraction method. Cell viability at day 1, 3, and 7, were determined. Expression of collagen I, collagen II, and aggrecan at day 7 and 14, was studied. All experiment were done in triplicated samples. Generally, method 1 SF extraction showed higher cell viability in all strains. Cell viability from Nanglai Saraburi, Laung Saraburi and Nangtui strains were higher than those without SF in every time point while Wanasawan and J108 had higher viability at day 1 and decreased by time. Expression in collagen 1, collagen 2 and aggrecan in method 1 are higher at day 7 and day 14. Collagen 1 expression was highest in Nangnoi Srisaket, followed by Laung Saraburi and Nanglai Saraburi in day 7. Nangnoi Srisaket also had highest expression at day 14, followed by Nanglai Saraburi and Laung Saraburi respectively. Nangseaw had highest collagen 2 expression, follow by Laung Saraburi and Nangnoi Srisaket respectively. Higher aggrecan gene expression of Tubtimsiam, Wanasawan, UB 1 and Nangnoi Srisaket was observed at day 7 and increased expression of all strains at day 14. SF extraction using CaCl2/Ethanol/H2O offered better cell viability and chondrogenic expression. Nangseaw, Laung Saraburi and Nangnoi Srisaket strains expressed more chondrogenic phenotype

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_7 | Pages 80 - 80
4 Apr 2023
Prabhakaran V Hawkswell R Paxton J
Full Access

3D spheroid culture is a bridge between standard 2D cell culture and in vivo research which mimics the physiological microenvironment in scaffold-free conditions. Here, this 3D technique is being investigated as a potential method for engineering bone tissue in vitro. However, spheroid culture can exhibit limitations, such as necrotic core formation due to the restricted access of oxygen and nutrients. It is therefore important to determine if spheroids without a sizeable necrotic core can be produced. This study aims to understand necrotic core formation and cell viability in 3D bone cell spheroids using different seeding densities and media formulations. Differentiated rat osteoblasts (dRObs) were seeded in three different seeding densities (1×10. 4. , 5×10. 4. , 1×10 cells) in 96 well U-bottom cell-repellent plates and in three different media i.e., Growth medium (GM), Mineralisation medium 1 (MM1) and MM2. Spheroids were analysed from day 1 to 28 (N=3, n=2). Cell count and viability was assessed by trypan blue method. One way ANOVA and post-hoc Tukey test was performed to compare cell viability among different media and seeding densities. Histological spheroid sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) to identify any visible necrotic core. Cell number increased from day 1 to 28 in all three seeding densities with a notable decrease in cell viability. 1×10. 4. cells proliferated faster than 5×10. 4. and 1×10. 5. cells and had proportionately similar cell death. The necrotic core area was relatively equivalent between all cell seeding densities. The larger the spheroid size, the larger is the size of the necrotic core. This study has demonstrated that 3D spheroids can be formed from dRobs at a variety of seeding densities with no marked difference in necrotic core formation. Future studies will focus on utilising the bone cell spheroids for engineering scalable scaffold-free bone tissue constructs

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 103-B, Issue SUPP_13 | Pages 139 - 139
1 Nov 2021
Müller M Thierbach M Aurich M Wildemann B
Full Access

Introduction and Objective. The rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament is a common sports injury and surgical reconstruction is often required to restore full function of the knee. Hamstring tendons are usually used as autografts. In addition to knee pain and stiffness, infections are feared complications after surgery. Incubation of the autograft in a vancomycin solution until implantation reduced the infection rate by about ten-fold. Recent studies showed no negative effect of vancomycin on the biomechanical properties of porcine tendons. A negative effect of high vancomycin concentrations on chondrocytes and osteoblast is reported, but the effect on tendon and tenocytes is not known. Materials and Methods. Rat Achilles tendons or isolated tenocytes were incubated with an increasing concentration of vancomycin (0 – 10 mg). Tendons were incubated for 0 – 40 minutes, while tenoyctes were incubated for 20 minutes followed by culturing for up to 7 days. Cell viability was assessed with PrestoBlue Assay and live/dead stain. The potential effect of vancomycin on the expression of tendon specific genes and extracellular matrix (ECM) genes was quantified. Possible structural changes of the tendon are analyzed. Results. Incubation of the tendons or tenocytes with 5 mg vancomycin for 20 minutes (clinical use) had no negative effects on the cell viability in the tendons or the isolated tenocytes, while incubation with the toxic control (ethanol) significantly reduced cell viability. Even twice the concentration and a longer incubation time had no negative effect on the cells in the tendons or the isolated cells. Vancyomycin did not affect the expression of Col1a1, Col3a1, and the tenocyte markers mohawk, scleraxis and tenomodulin. Conclusions. The results showed that clinical practice of wrapping the autograft in vancomycin did not impair the tenocyte viability. The expression of collagens and tenocyte markers was also not affected, neither in the incubated tendons nor in the isolated cells. This indicates that vancomycin had no effect on cell phenotype and the formation of the extracellular matrix, which, in addition to cell viability, is important for the performance of the autograft

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 106-B, Issue SUPP_1 | Pages 130 - 130
2 Jan 2024
Ergene E Liman G Demirel G Yilgor P
Full Access

Skeletal muscle tissue engineering has made progress towards production of functional tissues in line with the development in materials science and fabrication techniques. In particular, combining the specificity of 3D printing with smart materials has introduced a new concept called the 4D printing. Inspired by the unique properties of smart/responsive materials, we designed a bioink made of gelatin, a polymer with well-known cell compatibility, to be 3D printed on a magnetically responsive substrate. Gelatin was made photocrosslinkable by the methacrylate reaction (GELMA), and its viscosity was finetuned by blending with alginate which was later removed by alginate lyase treatment, so that the printability of the bioink as well as the cell viability can be finetuned. C2C12 mouse myoblasts-laden bioink was then 3D printed on a magnetic substrate for 4D shape-shifting. The magnetic substrate was produced using silicon rubber (EcoFlex) and carbonyl iron powders. After 3D printing, the bioink was crosslinked on the substrate, and the substrate was rolled with the help of a permanent magnet. Unrolled (Open) samples were used as the control group. The stiffness of the bioink matrix was found to be in the range of 13–45 kPa, which is the appropriate value for the adhesion of C2C12 cells. In the cell viability analysis, it was observed that the cells survived and could proliferate within the 7-day duration of the experiment. As a result of the immunofluorescence test, compared to the Open Group, more cell nuclei were observed overlapping MyoD1 expression in the Rolled Group; this indicated that the cells in these samples had more cell-cell interactions and therefore tended to form more myotubes. Acknowledgements: This research was supported by the TÜBİTAK 2211-A and YÖK 100/2000 scholarship programs

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_9 | Pages 19 - 19
17 Apr 2023
Niessen L Wendlandt R Schulz A
Full Access

A promising application of Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) is the treatment of non-unions. Substituting bone grafts, MSCs are directly injected into the fracture gap. High cell viability seems to be a prerequisite for therapeutic success. Administration of the MSCs via injection creates shear stresses possibly damaging or destroying the cells. Aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the injection process on cell viability. MSCs were isolated and cultivated from femoral tissue of five subjects undergoing arthroplasty. Prior to injection, the cells were identified as MSCs. After dissolving to a concentration of 1 Million cells/ml, 1 ml of the suspension was injected through a cannula of 200 mm length and 2 mm diameter (14 G) with flow rates of 38 and 100 ml/min. The viability of the MSCs at different flow rates was evaluated by staining to detect the healthy cell fraction. It was analyzed statistically against a control group via the Kruskal-Wallis-test and for equivalence via the TOST procedure. Significance level was set to 5 %, equivalence margin to 20 %. The healthy cell fraction of the control group was 85.88 ± 2.98 %, 86.04 ± 2.53 % at 38 ml/min and 85.48 ± 1.64 % at 100 ml/min. There was no significant difference between the fraction of healthy cells (p = 0.99) for different volume flows, but a significant equivalence between the control group and the two volume flows (38 ml/min: p = 0.002, 100 ml/min: p = 0.001). When injecting MSC solutions, e.g. into a non-union, the viability of the injected cells does not deterioriate significant. The injecting technique is therefore feasible

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_8 | Pages 54 - 54
11 Apr 2023
Šećerović A Ristaniemi A Cui S Li Z Alini M Weder G Heub S Ledroit D Grad S
Full Access

A novel ex vivo intervertebral disc (IVD) organ model and corresponding sample holder were developed according to the requirements for six degrees of freedom loading and sterile culture in a new generation of multiaxial bioreactors. We tested if the model can be maintained in long-term IVD organ culture and validated the mechanical resistance of the IVD holder in compression, tension, torsion, and bending. An ex vivo bovine caudal IVD organ model was adapted by retaining 5-6 mm of vertebral bone to machine a central cross and a hole for nutrient access through the cartilaginous endplate. A counter cross was made on a customized, circular IVD holder. The new model was compared to a standard model with a minimum of bone for the cell viability and height changes after 3 weeks of cyclic compressive uniaxial loading (0.02-0.2 MPa, 0.2 Hz, 2h/ day; n= 3 for day 0, n= 2 for week 1, 2, and 3 endpoints). Mechanical tests were conducted on the assembly of IVD and holder enhanced with different combinations of side screws, top screws, and bone adhesive (n=3 for each test). The new model retained a high level of cell viability after three weeks of in vitro culture (outer annulus fibrosus 82%, inner annulus fibrosus 69%, nucleus pulposus 75%) and maintained the typical values of IVD height reduction after loading (≤ 10%). The holder-IVD interface reached the following highest average values in the tested configurations: 320.37 N in compression, 431.86 N in tension, 1.64 Nm in torsion, and 0.79 Nm in bending. The new IVD organ model can be maintained in long-term culture and when combined with the corresponding holder resists sufficient loads to study IVD degeneration and therapies in a new generation of multiaxial bioreactors

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 106-B, Issue SUPP_2 | Pages 137 - 137
2 Jan 2024
Tavernaraki N Platania V Chatzinikolaidou M
Full Access

Bone is a dynamic tissue that undergoes continuous mechanical forces. Mechanical stimuli applied on scaffolds resembling a part of the human bone tissue affects the osteogenesis [1]. Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) is a piezoelectric material that responds to mechanical stimulation producing an electrical signal, which in turn promotes the osteogenic differentiation of bone-forming cells by opening voltage-gated calcium channels [2]. In this study we examined the biological behavior of pre-osteoblastic cells seeded onto lyophilized piezoelectric PEDOT-containing scaffolds applying uniaxial compression. Two different concentrations of PEDOT (0.10 and 0.15% w/v) were combined with a 5% w/v poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and 5% w/v gelatin, casted into wells, freeze dried and crosslinked with 2% v/v (3-glycidyloxypropyl)trimethoxysilane and 0.025% w/v glutaraldehyde. The scaffolds were physicochemically characterized by FTIR, measurement of the elastic modulus, swelling ratio and degradation rate. The cell-loaded scaffolds were subjected to uniaxial compression with a frequency of 1 Hz and a strain of 10% for 1 h every second day for 21 days. The loading parameters were selected to resemble the in vivo loading situation [3]. Cell viability and morphology on the PEDOT/PVA/gelatin scaffolds was determined. The alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, the collagen and calcium production were determined. The elastic modulus of PEDOT/PVA/gelatin scaffolds ranged between 1 and 5 MPa. The degradation rate indicates a mass loss of 15% after 21 days. The cell viability assessment displays excellent biocompatibility, while SEM images display well-spread cells. The ALP activity at days 3, 7 and 18 as well as the calcium production are higher in the dynamic culture compared to the static one. Moreover, energy dispersive spectroscopy analysis revealed the presence of calcium phosphate in the extracellular matrix after 14 days. The results demonstrate that PEDOT/PVA/gelatin scaffolds promote the adhesion, proliferation, and osteogenic differentiation of pre-osteoblastic cells under mechanical stimulation, thus favoring bone regeneration

Bone & Joint Research
Vol. 7, Issue 6 | Pages 414 - 421
1 Jun 2018
Yu CD Miao WH Zhang YY Zou MJ Yan XF

Objectives. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of miR-126 in the development of osteoarthritis, as well as the potential molecular mechanisms involved, in order to provide a theoretical basis for osteoarthritis treatment and a novel perspective for clinical therapy. Methods. Human chondrocyte cell line CHON-001 was administrated by different doses of interleukin (IL)-1β to simulate inflammation. Cell viability, migration, apoptosis, IL-6, IL-8, and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α expression, as well as expression of apoptosis-related factors, were measured to assess inflammation. miR-126 expression was measured by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Cells were then transfected with miR-126 inhibitor to assess the effect of miR-126 on IL-1β-injured CHON-001 cells. Expression of B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) and the activity of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) / Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling pathway were measured by Western blot to explore the underlying mechanism through which miR-126 affects IL-1β-induced inflammation. Results. After IL-1β administration, cell viability and migration were suppressed while apoptosis was enhanced. Expression of IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α were all increased, and miR-126 was upregulated. In IL-1β-administrated CHON-001 cells, miR-126 inhibitor suppressed the effect of IL-1β on cell viability, migration, apoptosis, and inflammatory response. Bcl-2 expression was negatively regulated with miR-126 in IL-1β-administrated cells, and thus affected expressions of phosphorylated MAPK and JNK. Conclusion. IL-1β-induced inflammatory markers and miR-126 was upregulated. Inhibition of miR-126 decreased IL-1β-induced inflammation and cell apoptosis, and upregulated Bcl-2 expression via inactivating the MAKP/JNK signalling pathway. Cite this article: C. D. Yu, W. H. Miao, Y. Y. Zhang, M. J. Zou, X. F. Yan. Inhibition of miR-126 protects chondrocytes from IL-1β induced inflammation via upregulation of Bcl-2. Bone Joint Res 2018;7:414–421. DOI: 10.1302/2046-3758.76.BJR-2017-0138.R1

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 103-B, Issue SUPP_13 | Pages 58 - 58
1 Nov 2021
Soubrier A Kasper H Alini M Jonkers I Grad S
Full Access

Introduction and Objective. Low back pain (LBP) is a major cause of long-term disability in adults worldwide and it is frequently attributed to intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration. So far, no consensus has been reached regarding appropriate treatment and LBP management outcomes remain disappointing. Spine unloading or traction protocols are common non-surgical approaches to treat LBP. These treatments are widely used and result in pain relief, decreased disability or reduced need for surgery. However, the underlying mechanisms -namely, the IVD unloading mechanobiology- have not yet been studied. The aim of this first study was to assess the feasibility of IVD unloading in a large animal organ culture set-up and evaluate its impact on mechanobiology. Materials and Methods. Bovine tail discs (diameter 16.1 mm ± 1.2 mm), including the endplates, were isolated and prepared for culture. Beside the day0 sample that was processed directly, three other discs were cultured for 3 days and processed on day4. One disc was loaded in the bioreactor according to a previously established physiological (compressive) loading protocol (2h/day, 0.2Hz). The two other discs were embedded in biocompatible resin, leaving the cartilage endplate free to permit nutrient diffusion, and fitted in the traction holder; one of these discs was kept in free swelling conditions, whereas the second was submitted to cyclic traction loading (2h/day, 0.2Hz) corresponding to 30% of the animal body weight corrected for organ culture. Results. The cell viability assessed on lactate dehydrogenase and ethidium homodimer stained histological slides was not different between the three cultured discs. This means that the disc viability was not affected neither by the embedding, nor by the traction itself. Compared to the physiologically loaded disc, the gene expression of COL1, COL2 and ACAN was higher in the nucleus pulposus and inner annulus fibrosus of the traction treated disc. In the outer annulus fibrosus of this disc TAGLN and MKX were higher expressed upon traction than in the physiologically loaded disc. Conclusions. Based on these preliminary data, we can conclude that large animal organ culture allows effective unloading of the disc, while preserving cell viability and modulating cellular gene expression responses. This sets the ground for future experiments and opens the door to an evidence-based improvement of clinical spine traction protocols and LBP management overall

Bone & Joint Research
Vol. 8, Issue 2 | Pages 41 - 48
1 Feb 2019
Busse P Vater C Stiehler M Nowotny J Kasten P Bretschneider H Goodman SB Gelinsky M Zwingenberger S

Objectives. Intra-articular injections of local anaesthetics (LA), glucocorticoids (GC), or hyaluronic acid (HA) are used to treat osteoarthritis (OA). Contrast agents (CA) are needed to prove successful intra-articular injection or aspiration, or to visualize articular structures dynamically during fluoroscopy. Tranexamic acid (TA) is used to control haemostasis and prevent excessive intra-articular bleeding. Despite their common usage, little is known about the cytotoxicity of common drugs injected into joints. Thus, the aim of our study was to investigate the effects of LA, GC, HA, CA, and TA on the viability of primary human chondrocytes and tenocytes in vitro. Methods. Human chondrocytes and tenocytes were cultured in a medium with three different drug dilutions (1:2; 1:10; 1:100). The following drugs were used to investigate cytotoxicity: lidocaine hydrochloride 1%; bupivacaine 0.5%; triamcinolone acetonide; dexamethasone 21-palmitate; TA; iodine contrast media; HA; and distilled water. Normal saline served as a control. After an incubation period of 24 hours, cell numbers and morphology were assessed. Results. Using LA or GC, especially triamcinolone acetonide, a dilution of 1:100 resulted in only a moderate reduction of viability, while a dilution of 1:10 showed significantly fewer cell counts. TA and CA reduced viability significantly at a dilution of 1:2. Higher dilutions did not affect viability. Notably, HA showed no effects of cytotoxicity in all drug dilutions. Conclusion. The toxicity of common intra-articular injectable drugs, assessed by cell viability, is mainly dependent on the dilution of the drug being tested. LA are particularly toxic, whereas HA did not affect cell viability. Cite this article: P. Busse, C. Vater, M. Stiehler, J. Nowotny, P. Kasten, H. Bretschneider, S. B. Goodman, M. Gelinsky, S. Zwingenberger. Cytotoxicity of drugs injected into joints in orthopaedics. Bone Joint Res 2019;8:41–48. DOI: 10.1302/2046-3758.82.BJR-2018-0099.R1

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 100-B, Issue SUPP_14 | Pages 104 - 104
1 Nov 2018
Alruwaili M Reynaud E Rodriguez B
Full Access

Hydrogels are hydrated 3-dimensional (3D) polymer networks that can be chemically or physically crosslinked. Interest in the use of hydrogels for tissue engineering applications has been growing in the past few decades due to their excellent biocompatibility and biodegradability. One of the major drawbacks of the use of hydrogels in such applications is their lack of structural strength. To address this, in this work, we have combined two hydrogel types, namely gelatin and alginate. In this work, a 1 ml volume of gelatin alginate hydrogel was molded in each well of a 24 well-plate and crosslinked with different concentrations of calcium chloride (CaCl. 2. ) (20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 mM) to investigate the influence of concentration on hydrogel properties and cell viability. The hydrogel was characterized using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometry, environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM), and an Alamar blue assay to assess the chemical structure, the surface morphology, and the epithelial cell viability of the hydrogel, respectively. The FTIR analysis shows that network formation improved with increasing concentration; decreased ion-polymer interactions have been noted for concentrations ≤ 60 mM. This appears to be in agreement with ESEM images that show an evolution from a smooth, featureless surface to the appearance of surface pore structure for concentrations ≥ 80 mM. Perhaps as ion concentration increases and network formation improves, the effect is evidenced as surface porosity; low concentrations result in swelling and a smooth surface. In terms of cell viability, viability has been found to increase with increasing concentration. The cell viability is 90 % at 100 mM CaCl. 2. , in contrast to 50 % for a concentration of 20 mM after 9 days of incubation. It is possible that the reduced viability can be attributed to the high proportion of uncrosslinked polymer chains at low concentrations. Overall, these results provide useful information about the role of crosslinking concentration on hydrogel properties, knowledge that may be applied to 3D bioprinting

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 106-B, Issue SUPP_1 | Pages 40 - 40
2 Jan 2024
Lin J Chen P Tan ZJ Sun Y Tam W Ao D Shen W Leung V Cheung KMC To M
Full Access

Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) possess anti-inflammatory activities and have been widely deployed for promoting tissue repair. Here we explored the efficacy of AgNPs on functional recovery after spinal cord injury (SCI). Our data indicated that, in a SCI rat model, local AgNPs delivery could significantly recover locomotor function and exert neuroprotection through reducing of pro-inflammatory M1 survival. Furthermore, in comparison with Raw 264.7-derived M0 and M2, a higher level of AgNPs uptake and more pronounced cytotoxicity were detected in M1. RNA-seq analysis revealed the apoptotic genes in M1 were upregulated by AgNPs, whereas in M0 and M2, pro-apoptotic genes were downregulated and PI3k-Akt pathway signaling pathway was upregulated. Moreover, AgNPs treatment preferentially reduced cell viability of human monocyte-derived M1 comparing to M2, supporting its effect on M1 in human. Overall, our findings reveal AgNPs could suppress M1 activity and imply its therapeutic potential in promoting post-SCI motor recovery

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 106-B, Issue SUPP_2 | Pages 51 - 51
2 Jan 2024
Grad S
Full Access

Mechanical loading is important to maintain the homeostasis of the intervertebral disc (IVD) under physiological conditions but can also accelerate cell death and tissue breakdown in a degenerative state. Bioreactor loaded whole organ cultures are instrumental for investigating the effects of the mechanical environment on the IVD integrity and for preclinical testing of new therapies under simulated physiological conditions. Thereby the loading parameters that determine the beneficial or detrimental reactions largely depend on the IVD model and its preparation. Within this symposium we are discussing the use of bovine caudal IVD culture models to reproduce tissue inflammation or matrix degradation with or without bioreactor controlled mechanical loading. Furthermore, the outcome parameters that define the degenerative state of the whole IVD model will be outlined. Besides the disc height, matrix integrity, cell viability and phenotype expression, the tissue secretome can provide indications about potential interactions of the IVD with other cell types such as neurons. Finally, a novel multiaxial bioreactor setup capable of mimicking the six degrees-of-freedom loading environment of IVDs will be introduced that further advances the relevance of preclinical ex-vivo testing

Bone & Joint Research
Vol. 6, Issue 8 | Pages 464 - 471
1 Aug 2017
Li QS Meng FY Zhao YH Jin CL Tian J Yi XJ

Objectives. This study aimed to investigate the functional effects of microRNA (miR)-214-5p on osteoblastic cells, which might provide a potential role of miR-214-5p in bone fracture healing. Methods. Blood samples were obtained from patients with hand fracture or intra-articular calcaneal fracture and from healthy controls (HCs). Expression of miR-214-5p was monitored by qRT-PCR at day 7, 14 and 21 post-surgery. Mouse osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells were transfected with antisense oligonucleotides (ASO)-miR-214-5p, collagen type IV alpha 1 (COL4A1) vector or their controls; thereafter, cell viability, apoptotic rate, and the expression of collagen type I alpha 1 (COL1A1), type II collagen (COL-II), and type X collagen (COL-X) were determined. Luciferase reporter assay, qRT-PCR, and Western blot were performed to ascertain whether COL4A1 was a target of miR-214-5p. Results. Plasma miR-214-5p was highly expressed in patients with bone fracture compared with HCs after fracture (p < 0.05 or p < 0.01). Inhibition of miR-214-5p increased the viability of MC3T3-E1 cells and the expressions of COL1A1 and COL-X, but decreased the apoptotic rate and COL-II expression (p < 0.05 or p < 0.01). COL4A1 was a target of miR-214-5p, and was negatively regulated by miR-214-5p (p < 0.05 or p < 0.01). Overexpression of COL4A1 showed a similar impact on cell viability, apoptotic rate, and COL1A1, COL-II, and COL-X expressions inhibiting miR-214-5p (p < 0.01). Conclusion. Inhibition of miR-214-5p promotes cell survival and extracellular matrix (ECM) formation of osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells by targeting COL4A1. Cite this article: Q. S. Li, F. Y. Meng, Y. H. Zhao, C. L. Jin, J. Tian, X. J. Yi. Inhibition of microRNA-214-5p promotes cell survival and extracellular matrix formation by targeting collagen type IV alpha 1 in osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells. Bone Joint Res 2017;6:464–471. DOI: 10.1302/2046-3758.68.BJR-2016-0208.R2

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 106-B, Issue SUPP_1 | Pages 61 - 61
2 Jan 2024
Graziani G
Full Access

Functionalization of biomimetic nanomaterials allows to reproduce the composition of native bone, permitting better regeneration, while nanoscale surface morphologies provide cues for cell adhesion, proliferation and differentiation. Functionalization of 3D printed and bioprinted constructs, by plasma-assisted deposition of calcium phosphates-based (CaP) nanostructured coatings and by nanoparticles, respectively, will be presented. Stoichiometric and ion doped CaP- based nanocoatings, including green materials (mussel seashells and cuttlefish bone), will be introduced to guide tissue regeneration. We will show interactions between biomimetic surfaces and MSCs to address bone regeneration and SAOS-2 cells for bone tumor models. Our results show that combining AM and nanostructured biomimetic films permits to reproduce the architecture and the mechanical and compositional characteristics of bone. Stability behavior of the coatings, as well as MSCs behavior strongly depend on the starting CaP material, with more soluble CaPs and ion-doped ones showing better biological behavior. Green materials appear promising, as biomimetic films can be successfully obtained upon conversion of the marine precursors into hydroxyapatite. Last-not-least, nanoparticles-loaded scaffolds could be bioprinting without loss of cell viability, but ink characteristics depend on ion-doping as demonstrated for SAOS-2 cells over 14 days of culture. Biomimetic nanomaterials for functionalization in AM is a promising approach for bone modelling and regeneration

Bone & Joint Research
Vol. 5, Issue 12 | Pages 602 - 609
1 Dec 2016
Muto T Kokubu T Mifune Y Inui A Sakata R Harada Y Takase F Kurosaka M

Objectives. Triamcinolone acetonide (TA) is widely used for the treatment of rotator cuff injury because of its anti-inflammatory properties. However, TA can also produce deleterious effects such as tendon degeneration or rupture. These harmful effects could be prevented by the addition of platelet-rich plasma (PRP), however, the anti-inflammatory and anti-degenerative effects of the combined use of TA and PRP have not yet been made clear. The objective of this study was to determine how the combination of TA and PRP might influence the inflammation and degeneration of the rotator cuff by examining rotator cuff-derived cells induced by interleukin (IL)-1ß. Methods. Rotator cuff-derived cells were seeded under inflammatory stimulation conditions (with serum-free medium with 1 ng/ml IL-1ß for three hours), and then cultured in different media: serum-free (control group), serum-free + TA (0.1mg/ml) (TA group), serum-free + 10% PRP (PRP group), and serum-free + TA (0.1mg/ml) + 10% PRP (TA+PRP group). Cell morphology, cell viability, and expression of inflammatory and degenerative mediators were assessed. Results. Exposure to TA significantly decreased cell viability and changed the cell morphology; these effects were prevented by the simultaneous administration of PRP. Compared with the control group, expression levels of inflammatory genes and reactive oxygen species production were reduced in the TA, PRP, and TA+PRP groups. PRP significantly decreased the expression levels of degenerative marker genes. Conclusions. The combination of TA plus PRP exerts anti-inflammatory and anti-degenerative effects on rotator cuff-derived cells stimulated by IL-1ß. This combination has the potential to relieve the symptoms of rotator cuff injury. Cite this article: T. Muto, T. Kokubu, Y. Mifune, A. Inui, R. Sakata, Y. Harada, F. Takase, M. Kurosaka. Effects of platelet-rich plasma and triamcinolone acetonide on interleukin-1ß-stimulated human rotator cuff-derived cells. Bone Joint Res 2016;5:602–609. DOI: 10.1302/2046-3758.512.2000582

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_7 | Pages 6 - 6
4 Apr 2023
Jamieson S Mawdesley A Hyde P Kirby J Tyson-Capper A
Full Access

Total hip replacement (THR) is indicated for patients with osteoarthritis where conservative treatment has failed. Metal alloys used in THR implants such as cobalt-chromium (CoCr) have been known to cause pro-inflammatory reactions in patients, therefore leading to the need for costly revision surgery. This study therefore aimed to investigate the role of TLR4 in the activation of a human osteoblast model in response to CoCr particles in vitro. Human osteoblasts (MG-63 cell line) were seeded at a density of 100,000 cells and treated with 0.5, 5, 50mm3 CoCr particles per cell for 24-hours. Trypan blue and the XTT Cell Proliferation Kit II were then used in conjunction with the cells to assess CoCr-induced cytotoxicity. Cells were pre-treated with a commercially available TLR4-specific small molecule inhibitor (CLI-095) for 6 hours. Untreated cells were used as a negative control and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was used as a positive control. Following treatment the cell supernatant was collected and used for enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) to measure the secretion of interleukin-8 (IL-8), CXCL10, and interleukin-6 (IL-6). Trypan blue and XTT analysis showed that there was no significant changes to cell viability or proliferation at any dose used of CoCr after 24 hours. There was a significant increase in protein secretion of IL-8 (p<0.001), CXCL10 (p<0.001), and IL-6 (p<0.001) in the cells which received the highest dosage of CoCr. This pro-inflammatory secretory response was ameliorated by TLR4 blockade (p<0.001). CoCr particles are not cytotoxic to osteoblasts but they do induce pro-inflammatory changes as characterised by increased secretion of chemokines IL-8, CXCL10, and IL-6. These responses occur via a TLR4-mediated pathway and upon inhibition they can be effectively ameliorated. This is particularly important as TLR4 could be a potential target for pharmacological intervention used in patients experiencing immunological reactions to metal implant debris

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_8 | Pages 68 - 68
11 Apr 2023
Turnbull G Picard F Clarke J Shu W
Full Access

As arthroplasty demand grows worldwide, the need for a novel cost-effective treatment option for articular cartilage (AC) defects tailored to individual patients has never been greater. 3D bioprinting can deposit patient cells and other biomaterials in user-defined patterns to build tissue constructs from the “bottom-up,” potentially offering a new treatment for AC defects. The aim of this research was to create bioinks that can be injected or 3D bioprinted to aid osteochondral defect repair using human cells. Novel composite bioinks were created by mixing different ratios of methacrylated alginate (AlgMA) with methacrylated gelatin (GelMA). Chondrocytes or mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were then encapsulated in the bioinks and 3D bioprinted using a custom-built extrusion bioprinter. UV and double-ionic (BaCl2 and CaCl2) crosslinking was deployed following bioprinting to strengthen bioink stability in culture. Chondrocyte and MSC spheroids were also produced via 3D culture and then bioprinted to accelerate cell growth and development of ECM in bioprinted constructs. Excellent viability of chondrocytes and MSCs was seen following bioprinting (>95%) and maintained in culture over 28 days, with accelerated cell growth seen with inclusion of MSC or chondrocyte spheroids in bioinks (p<0.05). Bioprinted 10mm diameter constructs maintained shape in culture over 28 days, whilst construct degradation rates and mechanical properties were improved with addition of AlgMA (p<0.05). Composite bioinks were also injected into in vitro osteochondral defects (OCDs) and crosslinked in situ, with maintained cell viability and repair of osteochondral defects seen over a 14-day period. In conclusion we developed novel composite AlgMA/GelMA bioinks that can be triple-crosslinked, facilitating dense chondrocyte and MSC growth in constructs following 3D bioprinting. The bioink can be injected or 3D bioprinted to successfully repair in vitro OCDs, offering hope for a new approach to treating AC defects

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_8 | Pages 108 - 108
11 Apr 2023
Turnbull G Picard F Clarke J Li B Shu W
Full Access

As arthroplasty demand grows worldwide, the need for a novel cost-effective treatment option for articular cartilage (AC) defects tailored to individual patients has never been greater. 3D bioprinting can deposit patient cells and other biomaterials in user-defined patterns to build tissue constructs from the “bottom-up,” potentially offering a new treatment for AC defects. The aim of this research was to create bioinks that can be injected or 3D bioprinted to aid osteochondral defect repair using human cells. Novel composite bioinks were created by mixing different ratios of methacrylated alginate (AlgMA) with methacrylated gelatin (GelMA). Chondrocytes or mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were then encapsulated in the bioinks and 3D bioprinted using a custom-built extrusion bioprinter. UV and double-ionic (BaCl2 and CaCl2) crosslinking was deployed following bioprinting to strengthen bioink stability in culture. Chondrocyte and MSC spheroids were also bioprinted to accelerate cell growth and development of ECM in bioprinted constructs. Excellent viability of chondrocytes and MSCs was seen following bioprinting (>95%) and maintained in culture over 28 days, with accelerated cell growth seen with inclusion of MSC or chondrocyte spheroids in bioinks (p<0.05). Bioprinted 10mm diameter constructs maintained shape in culture over 28 days, whilst construct degradation rates and mechanical properties were improved with addition of AlgMA (p<0.05). Composite bioinks were also injected into in vitro osteochondral defects (OCDs) and crosslinked in situ, with maintained cell viability and repair of osteochondral defects seen over a 14-day period. In conclusion we developed novel composite AlgMA/GelMA bioinks that can be triple-crosslinked, facilitating dense chondrocyte and MSC growth in constructs following 3D bioprinting. The bioink can be injected or 3D bioprinted to successfully repair in vitro OCDs, offering hope for a new approach to treating AC defects