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Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_11 | Pages 47 - 47
7 Jun 2023
Malik-Tabassum K Ahmed M Jones HW Gill K Board T Gambhir A
Full Access

Musculoskeletal disorders have been recognised as common occupational risks for all orthopaedic surgeons. The nature of tasks performed by hip surgeons often requires both forceful and repetitive manoeuvres, potentially putting them at higher risk of musculoskeletal injuries compared to other orthopaedic sub-specialities. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of musculoskeletal conditions among hip surgeons and evaluate the association between their workplace and lifestyle factors and musculoskeletal health. An online questionnaire consisting of 22 questions was distributed to UK-based consultant hip surgeons via email and social media platforms. This survey was completed by 105 hip surgeons. The mean age of the respondents was 49 years (range 35–69), with an average of 12 years (range 1–33) in service. 94% were full-time and 6% worked part-time. 49% worked at a district general hospital, 49% at a tertiary centre and 4% at a private institution. 80% were on the on-call rota and 69% had additional trauma commitments. 91% reported having one or more, 50% with three or more and 13% with five or more musculoskeletal conditions. 64% attributed their musculoskeletal condition to their profession. The most common musculoskeletal conditions were base of thumb arthritis (22%), subacromial impingement (20%), degenerative lumbar spine (18%) and medial or lateral epicondylitis (18%). 60% stated that they experienced lower back pain. Statistical analysis showed that being on the on-call rota was significantly (P<0.001) associated with a higher musculoskeletal burden. Regular resistance and/or endurance training and BMI<30 were statistically significant protective factors (P<0.001). Over the last few decades, most of the hip-related literature has focused on improving outcomes in patients, yet very little is known about the impact of hip surgery on the musculoskeletal health of hip surgeons. This study highlights a high prevalence of musculoskeletal conditions among UK-based hip surgeons. Hip surgeons have a pivotal role to play in the ongoing recovery of elective orthopaedics services. There is a pressing need for the identification of preventative measures and improvement in the surgical environment of our hip surgeons

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 88-B, Issue SUPP_I | Pages 40 - 40
1 Mar 2006
Dreinhöfer K Merx H Puhl W
Full Access

Objective: To report on health care utilization and associated cost for musculoskeletal conditions in Germany. Methods: As part of a Bone and Joint Decade project data were collected from governmental bodies, health insurance companies, pension funds, hospital discharge reports and other sources for the year 2002. Results: According to the hospital discharge reports 17.8 % of all acute hospital days were due to musculoskeletal conditions or injuries, with joint disorders and back problems being the most frequent reasons for admission. 40% of all inpatient rehabilitation treatments were caused by musculoskeletal conditions. In the ambulatory segment, 27% of all patients visited during a 12 month period an orthopaedic surgeon or a rheuma-tologist. In addition, 37% of all GP consultations were due to musculoskeletal complains. These disorders were also responsible for about 40% of all days lost from work and 25% of all early retirements. The overall cost for musculoskeletal conditions in 1999 in Germany was about 40 Billion Euro, with back problems responsible for about 50%, and joint problems for another 30%. Conclusion: Musculoskeletal conditions are the major cause of morbidity in the German society and substantially influence health and quality of life, with enormous cost to health systems. Considering the demographic changes immediate strategies have to be developed to address these problems, to prevent the diseases and to allow for early and appropriate care

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 88-B, Issue SUPP_I | Pages 7 - 7
1 Mar 2006
åkesson K
Full Access

The number of people suffering from pain or limitation of daily activities as a result of conditions related to the musculoskeletal system is increasing in Europe and worldwide. It is therefore essential to develop strategies to prevent both the occurrence of these conditions and the impact of these conditions. Most musculoskeletal conditions occur in the elderly and as the elderly population will reach above 20% within the next 20 years this will further augment the problem within Europe, particularly as these conditions also increase with advancing age. It must be recognized that at most levels within the health care systems or within society, the impact of these conditions today and for the future is underestimated, both regarding number and regarding consequences; disability, handicap, social implications and costs. The major challenge is, however, not to make recommendations for preventive strategies but to implement them in order to secure a change, leading to improved care and improved quality of life for patient, regardless of age. The first step in order to make a change is to define the size of the problem – the burden of musculoskeletal conditions. With respect to the incidence and prevalence the size of the problem is relatively well known. The size of the problem when it comes to the impact on the individual is less well known, as is the burden in terms of economic and societal costs. For many conditions the risk factors are identified and common to many conditions. The second step involves evidence – evidence for the effectiveness of the interventions available today. When evaluating evidence it is useful to define population in terms of the normal or healthy population, those at risk, those at early or moderate stage and those at late stage of the condition since this will translate into preventive strategies appropriate for each level. The final step is implementation and this is the major challenge at all levels, from policies trying to influence the entire population to adopt a healthier life style, to change the management of the individual patient in the doctor’s office. Based on knowledge of size and evidence, it is possible to transform recommendations into an actual action plan at national, regional and local levels. The principles for successful implementations are to a large extent similar for all levels. The tools for success need to be identified and they may include financial or economic mechanisms, regulatory mechanisms, and educational or organisational mechanisms. It is particularly important to identify barriers and facilitators that will influence the outcome of the proposed strategy. Musculoskeletal conditions have many risk factors and interventions in common with other conditions that affect public health, such as diabetes and cardiovascular conditions. In primary prevention it is therefore key to collaborate not only within the musculoskeletal field but also with other fields in order to improve also musculoskeletal health

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 86-B, Issue SUPP_III | Pages 222 - 222
1 Mar 2004
Dreinhöfer K
Full Access

Aims: The purpose of this presentation is to discuss what population interventions are effective, what the evidence for the different interventions for the different conditions is and how one can identify those who will benefit most. Methods: Evidence of effective interventions for primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of the individual conditions has been identified from systematic reviews and guidelines through literature review. From this and expert opinion, recommendations have been developed which follow a template to enable common themes appropriate to the different musculoskeletal conditions to emerge. Results: Common factors with an effect on the population level on different musculoskeletal conditions include exercise, body weight, diet, smoking, alcohol and occupational factors. One specific factor is injury prevention including falls to prevent osteoporotic fractures. One recommendation supported by evidence that applies to all conditions considered is the need for early appropriate intervention for those at highest risk or with early features of the condition. Evidence for the different interventions for the conditions will be presented Conclusions: Prevention of musculoskeletal conditions on a population level is possible. If risk factors for the different conditions are identified, development of effective interventions is necessary

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 86-B, Issue SUPP_III | Pages 222 - 222
1 Mar 2004
Dreinhöfer K
Full Access

Aims: The purpose of this presentation is to discuss what population interventions are effective, what the evidence for the different interventions for the different conditions is and how one can identify those who will benefit most. Methods: Evidence of effective interventions for primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of the individual conditions has been identified from systematic reviews and guidelines through literature review. From this and expert opinion, recommendations have been developed which follow a template to enable common themes appropriate to the different musculo-skeletal conditions to emerge. Results: Common factors with an effect on the population level on different musculoskeletal conditions include exercise, body weight, diet, smoking, alcohol and occupational factors. One specific factor is injury prevention including falls to prevent osteoporotic fractures. One recommendation supported by evidence that applies to all conditions considered is the need for early appropriate intervention for those at highest risk or with early features of the condition. Evidence for the different interventions for the conditions will be presented Conclusions: Prevention of musculoskeletal conditions on a population level is possible. If risk factors for the different conditions are identified, development of effective interventions is necessary

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 99-B, Issue SUPP_10 | Pages 7 - 7
1 May 2017
Woodman J Ballard K Glover L
Full Access

Background and objectives

The Alexander Technique (AT) is a self-care method usually taught in one-to-one lessons. AT lessons have been shown to be helpful in managing long-term health-related conditions (Int J Clin Pract 2012;66:98−112). This systematic review aims to draw together evidence of the effectiveness of AT lessons in managing musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions, with empirically based evidence of physiological changes following AT training, to provide a putative theoretical explanation for the observed benefits of Alexander lessons.

Methods and results

Systematic searches of a range of databases were undertaken to identify prospective studies evaluating AT instruction for any musculoskeletal condition, using PICO criteria, and for studies assessing the physiological effects of AT training. Citations (N=332) were assessed and seven MSK intervention studies were included for further analysis. In two large well-designed randomised controlled trials, AT lessons led to significant long-term (1 year) reductions in pain and incapacity caused by chronic back or neck pain (usual GP-led care comparator). Three smaller RCTs in chronic back and neck pain, respectively, and a pain clinic service evaluation broadly supported these findings. A pilot study reported preliminary evidence for pain reduction in knee osteoarthritis patients. Further studies showed significant improvements in general coordination, walking gait, motor control and balance, possibly resulting from improved postural muscle tone regulation and adaptability, in people with extensive AT training.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 88-B, Issue SUPP_I | Pages 7 - 7
1 Mar 2006
Knahr K
Full Access

Osteoarthritis is a slowly progressive musculoskeletal disorder that can occur in any joint and is characterised by symptoms of pain, stiffness or loss of function. Studies showed that the work related disability rate with osteoarthritis varied from 30 to 50%, it is also a frequent cause of early retirement.

Age is the strongest predictor of the development and progression of radiographic osteoarthritis. Further risk factors are physical activity, injuries, high bone mass index and intensive sport activities.

Targets that are most important in the prevention or management of osteoarthritis are to reduce pain, disability and to prevent radiological progression.

There are various life style factors that increase the risk of developing osteoarthritis, increase its rate of progression and may increase pain and functional limitation. Preventable or modifyable risk factors are obesity and mechanical aspects of the joint f.e. joint laxity or malalignment. Tears of menisci or ligaments may lead to at normal loading of articular cartilage and result in the increased deveopment of osteoarthritis. Further risk factors are certain occupations (f.e. farmers for hip- and knee osteoarthritis), intensive sport participation, muscle weakness and nutritional factors.

Pharmacological interventions are mainly to treat the symptom of pain and have nearly no effect on tissue damage. Nevertheless activity and participation is improved as well as using simple analgesics, antiinflammatory drugs, disease modifying therapies, hyaluronic acid and intraarticular steroids. There is no evidence that pharmacological interventions can prevent osteoarthritis as defined by radiological changes.

Biomechanic deficiencies may lead to joint damage and result in pain and disability. Therefore surgical correction of these abnormalities can relief pain and improve function. Further surgical interventions to reduce the impact of osteoarthritis include cartilage repair and joint preserving surgeries. For severely damaged joints, partial or total replacement of the joint is now possible for all those joints that are commonly affected by osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis is commonly associated with limited function that can be improved with a wide variety of rehabilitative interventions. Symptoms of pain may be reduced by joint specific exercises, transient immobilisation, heat or cold packings and braces or other devices. Further attention can be put on modifiying the environment as adaptions at home and at work, support services or other social interventions. Eduction and self managements play an important role as well in early as in late stages of the disease.

Bone & Joint Open
Vol. 3, Issue 1 | Pages 54 - 60
14 Jan 2022
Leo DG Green G Eastwood DM Bridgens A Gelfer Y


The aim of this study is to define a core outcome set (COS) to allow consistency in outcome reporting amongst studies investigating the management of orthopaedic treatment in children with spinal dysraphism (SD).


Relevant outcomes will be identified in a four-stage process from both the literature and key stakeholders (patients, their families, and clinical professionals). Previous outcomes used in clinical studies will be identified through a systematic review of the literature, and each outcome will be assigned to one of the five core areas, defined by the Outcome Measures in Rheumatoid Arthritis Clinical Trials (OMERACT). Additional possible outcomes will be identified through consultation with patients affected by SD and their families.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 86-B, Issue SUPP_III | Pages 221 - 221
1 Mar 2004
åkesson K
Full Access

With the increasing number of people suffering from pain or limitation of daily activities as a result of conditions related to the musculoskeletal system, it is essential to develop strategies to prevent both the occurrence of these conditions and the impact of these conditions.

The Bone and Joint Decade initiative was developed around the core issue of improving the health related quality of life for those afflicted with a musculoskeletal condition. It was recognised that at most levels within the health care system or within society, the impact of these conditions today and for the future were underestimated both regarding number and regarding consequences; disability, handicap, societal implications or costs. The increasing population of elderly, reaching above 20% within the next 20 year, will further augment the problem within Europe, as these conditions also increase with advancing age.

In order to make a change, strategies needs to be developed addressing a number of issues: what is the incidence and prevalence of these conditions today, what is burden in terms of economic and societal costs, what is the impact on the individual and what is the outcome for the individual with optimal care but also with sub-optimal care. From systematic reviews of evidence-based interventions and collation of guidelines, recommendations for strategies including multiprofessional approaches have been developed. The evidence for interventions is identified in terms of effectiveness in dealing with symptoms, tissue damage, activities and participation. Policies can than be based on what is achievable and what is needed after local adaptation.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 88-B, Issue SUPP_I | Pages 7 - 7
1 Mar 2006
Woolf AD
Full Access

Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common inflammatory disease of the joints affecting about 0.5% of adults, women more often than men with a peak age of onset of 35–45 years. It is usually progressive affecting further joints and the destructive disease process causes irreversible bony erosions and the joints become structurally deformed, with long-term pain and disability. It has an early and significant impact on the person’s ability to work and socio-economic status with work capacity restricted in a third within a year and within 3 years almost half 40 may be registered work disabled.

The aims of management of rheumatoid arthritis are to reduce pain an inflammation; reduce disability; prevent joint damage and progression; and to reduce the comorbidities that are associated with the disease. As joint damage is irreversible it is important to diagnose the disease and institute disease modifying anti-rheumatic therapy as soon as possible. There is as yet no way of preventing the disease.

Lifestyle interventions of avoiding obesity, maintaining physical activity and avoiding smoking may improve outcome. Symptoms can be effectively controlled with analgesics and NSAIDs and joint damage can be reduced with disease modifying antirheumatic therapy with consequent benefits to quality of life. Biological therapies, such as anti TNF, are the latest advance that is dramatically improving the outlook for those developing RA. Rehabilitation interventions can improve and maintain function, including dynamic training. Surgery also has an important role, predominantly arthroplasty when pharmacological therapies have not adequately prevented joint damage.

Effective management of rheumatoid arthritis requires early diagnosis and treatment by recognising those with early inflammatory arthritis and for expert assessment within 6 weeks to decide about disease modifying anti-rheumatic therapy. This should be in addition to symptomatic therapy, rehabilitation and education to improve understanding of their chronic disease and to encourage self management. Such management should be provided through a multiprofessional and multidisciplinary group. People with RA need regular monitoring to ensure optimal disease management. This will reduce the risk of longterm joint damage and disability and will lessen indirect costs of RA. This approach requires systems for early diagnosis and for referral to experts, which includes education of primary care physicians to enable them to recognise synovitis. Public education is also needed to ensure early presentation to the primary care physician at the onset of symptoms.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_8 | Pages 70 - 70
11 Apr 2023
Domingues I Cunha R Domingues L Silva E Carvalho S Lavareda G Carvalho R
Full Access

Renal Osteodystrophy is a type of metabolic bone disease characterized by bone mineralization deficiency due to electrolyte and endocrine abnormalities. Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are more likely to experience falls and fractures due to renal osteodystrophy and the high prevalence of risk factors for falls. Treatment involves medical management to resolve the etiology of the underlying renal condition, as well as management (and prevention) of pathological fractures. A 66-year-old female patient, with severe osteoporosis and chronic kidney disease undergoing haemodialysis, has presented with multiple fractures along the years. She was submitted to bilateral proximal femoral nailing as fracture treatment on the left and prophylactically due to pathological bone injury on the right, followed by revision of the left nail with a longer one after varus angulation and fracture distal to the nail extremity. Meanwhile, the patient suffered a pathological fracture of the radial and cubital diaphysis and was submitted to conservative treatment with cast, with consolidation of the fracture. Posteriorly, she re-fractured these bones after a fall and repeated the conservative treatment. Clinical management: There is a multidisciplinary approach to manage the chronic illness of the patient, including medical management to resolve the etiology and consequences of her chronic kidney disease, pain control, conservative or surgical fracture management and prevention of falls. The incidence of chronic renal disease is increasing and the patients with this condition live longer than previously and are more physically active. Thus, patients may experience trauma as a direct result of increased physical activity in a setting of weakened pathologic bone. Their quality of life is primarily limited by musculoskeletal problems, such as bone pain, muscle weakness, growth retardation, and skeletal deformity. A multidisciplinary approach is required to treat these patients, controlling their chronic diseases, managing fractures and preventing falls

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 106-B, Issue SUPP_19 | Pages 27 - 27
22 Nov 2024
Dudareva M Lama S Scarborough C Miyazaki K Wijendra A Tissingh E Kumin M Scarborough M McNally M
Full Access

Aim. People awaiting surgery for bone and joint infection may be recommended to stop smoking to improve anaesthetic and surgical outcomes. However, restricting curative surgical treatment to non-smokers on the basis of potentially worse surgical outcomes is not validated for functional outcomes or quality of life differences between patients who do and do not smoke. This study used secondary analysis of trial data to ask: do peri-operative non-smokers have a greater improvement in their quality of life 12 months after surgery for bone and joint infection, compared with non-smokers?. Method. Participants in the SOLARIO and OVIVA clinical trials who had complete baseline and 12 month EQ-5D-5L or EQ-5D-3L scores were included. Smoking status was ascertained at baseline study enrolment from participant self-report. Normalised quality of life scores were calculated for participants at baseline and 12 months, based on contemporaneous health state scores for England. Baseline and 12 month scores were compared to calculate a post-operative increment in quality of life. Results. Mean quality of life increment over 12 months was +0.17 for people who reported smoking peri-operatively (95% confidence interval −0.55 to +0.89), compared to +0.23 for people who did not report smoking peri-operatively (95% confidence interval −0.48 to +0.94). Linear regression analysis found no significant difference between the improvement in quality of life for smokers and non-smokers (p>0.1). Mean increments for both groups were greater than estimates of Minimal Clinically Important Difference in quality of life in musculoskeletal conditions. [1,2]. Conclusions. People who smoke peri-operatively still experience an improvement in quality of life after surgery for orthopaedic infections, commensurate with the improvement experienced by non-smokers. Surgery should not be denied to people on the basis of reported smoking status alone

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_7 | Pages 25 - 25
4 Apr 2023
Amirouche F Dolan M Mikhael M Bou Monsef J
Full Access

The pelvic girdle and spine vertebral column work as a long chain influenced by pelvic tilt. Spinal deformities or other musculoskeletal conditions may cause patients to compensate with excessive pelvic tilt, producing alterations in the degree of lumbar lordosis and subsequently causing pain. The objective of this study is to assess the effect of open and closed chain anterior or posterior pelvic tilt on lumbar spine kinematics using an in vitro cadaveric spine model. Three human cadaveric spines with intact pelvis were suspended with the skull fixed in a metal frame. Optotrak 3D motion system tracked real-time coordinates of pin markers on the lumbar spine. A force-torque digital gage applied consistent force to standardize the acetabular or sacral axis’ anterior and posterior pelvic tilt during simulated open and closed chain movements, respectively. In closed chain PPT, significant differences in relative intervertebral compression existed between L1/L2 [-2.54 mm] and L5/S1 [-11.84 mm], and between L3/L4 [-2.78 mm] and L5/S1 [-11.84 mm] [p <.05]. In closed chain APT, significant differences in relative intervertebral decompression existed between spinal levels L1/L2 [2.87mm] and L5/S1[24.48 mm] and between L3/L4 [2.94 mm] and L5/S1 [24.48 mm] [p <.05]. In open chain APT, significant differences in relative intervertebral decompression existed between spinal levels L4/L5 [1.53mm] and L5/S1 [25.14 mm] and between L2/L3 [1.68 mm] and L5/S1 [25.14 mm] [p<.05 for both]. Displacement during closed chain PPT was significantly greater than during open chain PPT, whereas APT showed no significant differences. In PPT, open chain pelvic tilts did not produce as much lumbar intervertebral displacement compared to closed chain. In contrast, APT saw no significant differences between open and closed chain. Additionally, results illustrate the increase in lumbar lordosis during APT and the loss of lordosis during PPT

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 106-B, Issue SUPP_15 | Pages 4 - 4
7 Aug 2024
Draper-Rodi J Abbey H Brownhill K Vogel S
Full Access

Purpose and Background. Guidelines recommend biopsychosocial care for chronic, complex musculoskeletal conditions, including non-specific low back pain. The aims were: 1/ to assess how patients with low back pain respond to osteopathic treatment, both before and after an osteopath has completed a Biopsychosocial Pain Management (BPM) course; and 2/ to assess if it is feasible and acceptable for osteopath participants to receive weekly SCED data and use it to guide patient management. Methods and Results. A multiple baseline single case experimental design trial (. , on 18/10/2021, ID number NCT05120921) with 11 UK osteopaths was conducted. Patients were randomised to early, middle or late treatment start dates. Statistical analysis assessed the change between baseline, intervention and follow-up periods. Primary outcomes were the Numeric Pain Rating (NPR) and Patient Specific Function Scales (PSFS), measured during the baseline, the 6-week intervention, and during a 12-week follow-up period. At baseline, the osteopaths reported stronger biopsychosocial attitudes to pain, compared to biomedical beliefs (PABS: 34 behavioural scale; 29 biomedical scale). Overall, patient participants showed daily increases in symptoms during the pre-treatment phase (+0.24/day, p<0.001), and daily decreases during treatment (−2.94 over the treatment phase, p<0.001), which continued post-treatment (−3.36 over 12 weeks, p=0.04). Similar improvements were observed for function. Conclusion. Osteopathic care was shown to help patients with persistent low back pain. Patient recruitment was challenging because of the randomisation. With further development, the method shows feasibility as a means of enhancing research activity among practising clinicians. Previous presentations or publications of the work. The protocol was published (. ) and presented at SBPR in 2022. The results were presented to an osteopathic conference in October 2023. Ethics approval was received from the University College of Osteopathy Research Ethics Committee. Conflicts of interests. Jerry Draper-Rodi receives fees from the sales of the e-learning course on the biopsychosocial management on the UCO CPD platform. Sources of funding. The research was funded by the Osteopathic Foundation

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_17 | Pages 50 - 50
24 Nov 2023
Hotchen A Tsang SJ Dudareva M Sukpanichy S Corrigan R Ferguson J Stubbs D McNally M
Full Access

Aim. Patient quality of life (QoL) in untreated bone infection was compared to other chronic conditions and stratified by disease severity. Method. Patients referred for treatment of osteomyelitis (including fracture related infection) were identified prospectively between 2019 and 2023. Patients with confirmed infection completed the EuroQol EQ-5D-5L questionnaire. Clinicians blinded to EQ-index score, grouped patients according to JS-BACH Classification into ‘Uncomplicated’, ‘Complex’ or ‘Limited treatment options’. A systematic review of the literature was performed of other conditions that have been stratified using EQ-index score. Results. 257 patients were referred, and 219 had suspected osteomyelitis. 196 patients had long bone infection and reported an average EQ-index score of 0.455 (SD 0.343). 23 patients with pelvic osteomyelitis had an average EQ-index score of 0.098 (SD 0.308). Compared to other chronic conditions, patients with long-bone osteomyelitis had worse QoL when compared to different types of malignancy (including bladder, oropharyngeal, colorectal, thyroid and myeloma), cardiorespiratory disease (including asthma, COPD and ischaemic heart disease), psychiatric conditions (including depression, pain and anxiety), endocrine disorders (including diabetes mellitus), neurological conditions (including Parkinson's disease, chronic pain and radiculopathy) and musculoskeletal conditions (including osteogenesis imperfecta, fibrous dysplasia and x-linked hypophosphataemic rickets). QoL in long-bone infection was similar to conditions such as Prada-Willi syndrome, Crohn's disease and juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Patients who had a history of stroke or multiple sclerosis reported worse QoL scores compared to long-bone infection. Patients who had pelvic osteomyelitis gave significantly lower QoL scores when compared to all other conditions that were available for comparison in the literature. In long bone infection, 41 cases (21.0%) were classified as ‘Uncomplicated’, 136 (69.4%) as ‘Complex’ and 19 (9.7%) as ‘Limited treatment options available’. Within classification stratification, patients with ‘Uncomplicated’ long bone infections reported a mean EQ-index score of 0.618 (SD 0.227) which was significantly higher compared to ‘Complex’ (EQ-index: 0.410 SD 0.359, p=0.004) and ‘Limited treatment options available’ (EQ-index: 0.400 SD 0.346, p=0.007). Conclusions. Bone and joint infections have a significant impact on patient quality of life. It is much worse when compared to other common chronic conditions, including malignancy, cardiovascular and neurological diseases. This has not been previously reported but may focus attention on the need for more investment in this patient group

Background. Osteopathy has been shown to be effective in the management of chronic low back pain. Guidelines recommend biopsychosocial care for chronic, complex musculoskeletal conditions, including non-specific low back pain but there is a lack of evidence comparing standard osteopathic care, which has traditionally been based on dated and disputed biomechanical theories of dysfunction, with more contemporary biopsychosocial approaches. Methods and results. A multiple baseline single case experimental design trial with 11 UK osteopaths and 60 patients is currently assessing effectiveness of osteopathic treatment for patients with non-specific low back pain of more than 12 weeks’ duration. Patients are randomised to early, middle, or late treatment start dates to increase the validity of inferences about the effects of treatment. Osteopaths have participated in one course on the study protocol and processes pre-participation and will take an e-learning course on the biopsychosocial management of patients with low back pain after the first patient recruitment stage. Statistical analysis will assess the degree and rate of change between baseline, intervention and follow-up periods, and whether differences in effect are observed after the osteopaths have completed the biopsychosocial patient management training course. Primary outcomes will be the Numeric Pain Rating and Patient Specific Function Scales, measured daily at baseline and for 6 weeks during the intervention stage, and weekly or fortnightly during a 12-week follow-up period. Conclusion. This experimental design will offer osteopaths in practice the opportunity to engage in research evaluating the effectiveness of osteopathic care and the influence of a training programme to augment biopsychosocial osteopathic care. Study registration: . Sources of funding: The Osteopathic Foundation. Conflict of interest: The authors declare no competing interests. Previous publication of work: This protocol is under review with a peer-reviewed journal

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 100-B, Issue SUPP_2 | Pages 40 - 40
1 Feb 2018
Birkinshaw H Bartlam B Saunders B Hill J
Full Access

Purpose of Study and Background. Population ageing will facilitate an increase in health problems common in older adults, such as musculoskeletal conditions. Musculoskeletal conditions are the fourth largest contributor to disease burden in older adults; affecting quality of life, physical activity, mental wellbeing and independence. Therefore primary care health services must provide appropriate and efficacious management and treatment. However there are a number of complexities specific to older adults that are essential to address. Methods and Results. In order to identify these complexities, a review of the background literature was undertaken in addition to a Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) session. The PPIE group consisted of eight older adults who experience chronic musculoskeletal pain. This session was used to discuss and explore what factors are important to consider in GP consultations for musculoskeletal pain for older adults, in addition to those identified through background literature. A number of factors were highlighted through these methods, including the difference in mood and aspirations for older adults; taking a holistic approach; the impact of comorbidities; whether the GP is listening and ‘on the same wavelength’, and older adults' expectations regarding their pain and the consultation. Conclusion. Management of musculoskeletal pain for older adults in GP consultations is complex due to a range of factors, reinforcing the importance of taking a holistic approach. The impact of these factors upon the experience and outcomes of GP consultations will be further explored through in depth interviews with older adults with musculoskeletal pain. Conflicts of interest. No conflicts of interest. Sources of funding. This PhD is funded as part of an ACORN studentship awarded by Keele University. This PhD is nested within the Treatment for Aches and Pains Study, funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) under its Programme Grants for Applied Research scheme (grant number: RP-PG-1211-20010)

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 95-B, Issue SUPP_17 | Pages 13 - 13
1 Apr 2013
Allen S Harte A Dunwoody L Gracey J
Full Access

Background and purpose. Pilates is a popular exercise approach which is increasingly used in the management of LBP. However, to date the evidence base remains poor with a need to define the Pilates intervention and the outcome measures required for future high quality studies. The objective of this study was to explore the client's view of participating in Pilates classes: in particular the reasons for attendance and its effects. Methods. Purposeful sampling was used to recruit clients (n=25; 4 male and 21 female, age range 28 to 65 years) who had attended Body Control Pilates classes for at least 24 sessions. Focus group discussions were guided by pre-determined questions, these were transcribed verbatim and analysed using the thematic approach. Ethical approval was obtained for the study from the University of Ulster's School of Health Sciences. Results. Clients attended Pilates classes mainly for the management of musculoskeletal conditions particularly low back pain. They reported that Pilates reduced pain, improved strength, flexibility, balance, core stability and body awareness. 5 main themes emerged (1) long-term commitment to Pilates (2) improved health and well-being (3) personalised form of exercise and (4) belief in the Pilates instructor (5) barriers to Pilates. Conclusions. Pilates classes provide individually-modified exercises in a group setting and enable clients in the self-management of long term musculoskeletal conditions. The results of this study informed the design of a UK wide survey to further establish this information. Conflicts of interest: None. Sources of funding: This study is funded by The Department for Education and Learning (DEL). This abstract has not been previously published in whole or substantial part nor has it been presented previously at a national meeting

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 93-B, Issue SUPP_IV | Pages 489 - 489
1 Nov 2011
Kendall N Burton A Main C Watson P
Full Access

Background: Psychosocial factors are well-known contributors to the suffering and disability associated with common musculoskeletal problems. How to identify salient obstacles to recovery or return to work, and how to manage them effectively remains difficult. This project interpreted the evidence base and presented it as solution-focused guidance for everyday practical use by the key players (clinicians, employers, funders, case managers, etc) to help people remain active and working. Methods and Results: Two methods were used to identify evidence and practical advice, and synthesize this into use-able statements:. existing reviews;. an international think tank charged with producing updated reviews and identifying research gaps. An extended conceptual development of a ‘flags framework’, based on the earlier approach of Yellow Flags, was used to prepare an easily understood and pragmatic approach. The framework integrates obstacles related to the person (yellow flags), the workplace (blue flags) and the context (black flags). A full-colour 32-page document suitable for distribution as both print and electronic media was developed. This contains a clear explanation of how to identify psychosocial flags, how to develop a plan to address them effectively, and how to take action to overcome the obstacles. Poster-style summaries for clinicians, the workplace, and the individual are included, and are available for download. International consultation was used to ensure system-independent applicability and language. Conclusion: The new document provides practical guidance on identifying and managing psychosocial issues relevant to common musculoskeletal problems based on the latest evidence and conceptual approaches. Conflict of Interest: none. Sources of Funding: Society for Back Pain Research, Faculty of Occupational Medicine, BackCare, Transport for London, Royal Mail, HCML, TSO

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 85-B, Issue SUPP_I | Pages 35 - 36
1 Jan 2003
Williams J
Full Access

At least 10% of consultations in General Practice are for musculoskeletal problems. It would seem appropriate that the diagnosis and management of common musculoskeletal problems should form an important part of the “core” curriculum of any undergraduate medical training. Time is always short in an undergraduate teaching program and the pressures not to overload the curriculum are constant. The planned increased in student numbers is likely to stretch the ability of most teaching departments to provide a high level of undergraduate training in musculoskeletal disease. A postal survey of the provision of undergraduate teaching in T& O was performed in the UK. All 23 medical schools in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland were. To gain further insight into non-specialist general training in T& O after qualification a survey of the Vocational Training Schemes (VTS) for General practitioners in the Northern Deanery was performed. Ninety-one percent of Medical Schools replied. The average length of the orthopaedic attachments (all years combined) was five weeks. However, all but two programs were combined with other clinical subjects. The dilutional effect of these other subjects resulted in the average duration of the T& O attachment being reduced to 2.7 weeks (range 1.5 – 6). All the modules in orthopaedic surgery except one included trauma within the curriculum. There are four VTSs in the Northern Deanery. All of these had schemes that included A& E but not for every trainee. No scheme had either a rheumatology or orthopaedic surgery placement, although some exposure to rheumatology occurred during attachments in general medicine. This study shows that there is a significant discrepancy between the amount of time, within the curriculum (4%), devoted to musculoskeletal/orthopaedic teaching and the number of consultations in General Practice (10%); this discrepancy is not made up during VTS placements. In addition, such short exposure to a large subject may encourage superficial learning which medical education is specifically trying to avoid