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The International Combined Orthopaedic Research Societies (ICORS), World Congress of Orthopaedic Research, Edinburgh, Scotland, 7–9 September 2022. Part 1 of 3.


The pelvic girdle and spine vertebral column work as a long chain influenced by pelvic tilt. Spinal deformities or other musculoskeletal conditions may cause patients to compensate with excessive pelvic tilt, producing alterations in the degree of lumbar lordosis and subsequently causing pain. The objective of this study is to assess the effect of open and closed chain anterior or posterior pelvic tilt on lumbar spine kinematics using an in vitro cadaveric spine model.

Three human cadaveric spines with intact pelvis were suspended with the skull fixed in a metal frame. Optotrak 3D motion system tracked real-time coordinates of pin markers on the lumbar spine. A force-torque digital gage applied consistent force to standardize the acetabular or sacral axis’ anterior and posterior pelvic tilt during simulated open and closed chain movements, respectively.

In closed chain PPT, significant differences in relative intervertebral compression existed between L1/L2 [-2.54 mm] and L5/S1 [-11.84 mm], and between L3/L4 [-2.78 mm] and L5/S1 [-11.84 mm] [p <.05]. In closed chain APT, significant differences in relative intervertebral decompression existed between spinal levels L1/L2 [2.87mm] and L5/S1[24.48 mm] and between L3/L4 [2.94 mm] and L5/S1 [24.48 mm] [p <.05]. In open chain APT, significant differences in relative intervertebral decompression existed between spinal levels L4/L5 [1.53mm] and L5/S1 [25.14 mm] and between L2/L3 [1.68 mm] and L5/S1 [25.14 mm] [p<.05 for both]. Displacement during closed chain PPT was significantly greater than during open chain PPT, whereas APT showed no significant differences.

In PPT, open chain pelvic tilts did not produce as much lumbar intervertebral displacement compared to closed chain. In contrast, APT saw no significant differences between open and closed chain. Additionally, results illustrate the increase in lumbar lordosis during APT and the loss of lordosis during PPT.
