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The British Hip Society (BHS) Annual Scientific Meeting, Newport, Wales, March 2020.


Clinical decision-making is often based on evidence of outcome after a specific treatment. Surgeons and patients may, have different perceptions and expectations of what to achieve following a Total Hip Replacement (THR). Several studies have shown that unfulfilled expectations are a principal source of patient dissatisfaction and patients are typically overly optimistic with regards to expected outcomes following surgery. Published data on clinical and functional outcomes show that persistence of symptoms, such as pain, and failure to return to preoperative levels of function are normal. To measure patient's expectations we undertook prospective study reviewing patients' expectations in 1800 THRs over a 21-year period (1997–2018).

Of the whole cohort, 48.98% patients reported they wanted a THR to overcome unbearable pain. 11.75 % wanted a THR to be able to walk without a limp. 9.69% wanted to a THR to increase walk endurance. 61.97% reported it was extremely important to decrease pain following a THR. In 2001, the most important reason for a THR reported by patients was to relieve unbearable pain and this remained the same most important reason in 2018. This result was also statistically significant with a p-value of 0.001. 80.36% reported they anticipated ‘no pain’ after recovery from a THR, 16.75% reported they anticipated ‘some pain’ and 2.89% reported they anticipated ‘extreme pain’ following a THR. 74.71% reported it was extremely important to increase their ability to undertake normal activities. 22.06% reported it was very important, 2.40% reported it was moderately important, 0.55% slightly important and 0.28% reported it was not all to important to increase their ability to undertake normal activity.

In conclusion patients' want to reduce their pain, walk normally and increase their level activities. Differences in expectation fulfilment may be due to unrealistic expectations. To achieve optimal outcome managing patient expectations is vital.
