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The effect of trochleoplasty on patellar stability and kinematics


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Objective patellar instability has been correlated with dysplasia of the femoral trochlea. This in vitro study tested the hypothesis that trochleoplasty would increase patellar stability and normalise the kinematics of a knee with a dysplastic trochlea. Six fresh-frozen knees were loaded via the heads of the quadriceps. The patella was displaced 10 mm laterally and the displacing force was measured from 0° to 90° of flexion. Patellar tracking was measured from 0° to 130° of knee flexion using magnetic sensors. These tests were repeated after raising the central anterior trochlea to simulate dysplasia, and repeated again after performing a trochleoplasty on each specimen. The simulated dysplasia significantly reduced stability from that of the normal knee (p < 0.001). Trochleoplasty significantly increased the stability (p < 0.001), so that it did not then differ significantly from the normal knee (p = 0.244). There were small but statistically significant changes in patellar tracking (p< 0.001).

This study has provided objective biomechanical data to support the use of trochleoplasty in the treatment of patellar instability associated with femoral trochlear dysplasia.

Correspondence should be sent to Professor A. A. Amis; e-mail:

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