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The post-operative changes in the level of inflammatory markers after posterior lumbar interbody fusion

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Inflammatory markers such as the C-reactive protein (CRP), white blood cell count and body temperature are easy to measure and are used as indicators of infection. The way in which they change in the early post-operative period after instrumented spinal surgery has not been reported in any depth.

We measured these markers pre-operatively and at one, four, seven and 14 days postoperatively in 143 patients who had undergone an instrumented posterior lumbar interbody fusion.

The CRP proved to be the only sensitive marker and had returned to its normal level in 48% of patients after 14 days. The CRP on day 7 was never higher than that on day 4. Age, gender, body temperature, operating time and blood loss were not related to the CRP level. A high CRP does not in itself suggest infection, but any increase after four days may presage infection.

Correspondence should be sent to Dr H. Aono; e-mail:

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