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Volume 2, Issue 6 June 2013

P. Harvie D. Whitwell


Guidelines for the management of patients with metastatic bone disease (MBD) have been available to the orthopaedic community for more than a decade, with little improvement in service provision to this increasingly large patient group. Improvements in adjuvant and neo-adjuvant treatments have increased both the number and overall survival of patients living with MBD. As a consequence the incidence of complications of MBD presenting to surgeons has increased and is set to increase further. The British Orthopaedic Oncology Society (BOOS) are to publish more revised detailed guidelines on what represents ‘best practice’ in managing patients with MBD. This article is designed to coincide with and publicise new BOOS guidelines and once again champion the cause of patients with MBD.


A series of short cases highlight common errors frequently being made in managing patients with MBD despite the availability of guidelines.

R. A. Patel R. F. Wilson P. A. Patel R. M. Palmer


To review the systemic impact of smoking on bone healing as evidenced within the orthopaedic literature.


A protocol was established and studies were sourced from five electronic databases. Screening, data abstraction and quality assessment was conducted by two review authors. Prospective and retrospective clinical studies were included. The primary outcome measures were based on clinical and/or radiological indicators of bone healing. This review specifically focused on non-spinal orthopaedic studies.

H. D. Ismail P. Phedy E. Kholinne Y. Kusnadi L. Sandhow M. Merlina


Nonunion is one of the most troublesome complications to treat in orthopaedics. Former authors believed that atrophic nonunion occurred as a result of lack of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). We evaluated the number and viability of MSCs in site of atrophic nonunion compared with those in iliac crest.


We enrolled five patients with neglected atrophic nonunions of long bones confirmed by clinical examinations and plain radiographs into this study. As much as 10 ml bone marrow aspirate was obtained from both the nonunion site and the iliac crest and cultured for three weeks. Cell numbers were counted using a haemocytometer and vitality of the cells was determined by trypan blue staining. The cells were confirmed as MSCs by evaluating their expression marker (CD 105, CD 73, HLA-DR, CD 34, CD 45, CD 14, and CD 19). Cells number and viability were compared between the nonunion and iliac creat sites.

Children's Orthopaedics
B. J. Duijnisveld Ç. Saraç M. J. A. Malessy The ICF Brachial Plexus Advisory Board T. P. M. Vliet Vlieland R. G. H. H. Nelissen


Symptoms of obstetric brachial plexus injury (OBPI) vary widely over the course of time and from individual to individual and can include various degrees of denervation, muscle weakness, contractures, bone deformities and functional limitations. To date, no universally accepted overall framework is available to assess the outcome of patients with OBPI. The objective of this paper is to outline the proposed process for the development of International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Core Sets for patients with an OBPI.


The first step is to conduct four preparatory studies to identify ICF categories important for OBPI: a) a systematic literature review to identify outcome measures, b) a qualitative study using focus groups, c) an expert survey and d) a cross-sectional, multicentre study. A first version of ICF Core Sets will be defined at a consensus conference, which will integrate the evidence from the preparatory studies. In a second step, field-testing among patients will validate this first version of Core Sets for OBPI.