The World Health Organization (WHO) launched
the first Global Patient Safety Challenge in 2005 and introduced
the ‘5 moments of
Upper limb amputations, ranging from transhumeral to partial
The COVID-19 virus is a tremendous burden for the Italian health system. The regionally-based Italian National Health System has been reorganized. Hospitals' biggest challenge was to create new intensive care unit (ICU) beds, as the existing system was insufficient to meet new demand, especially in the most affected areas. Our institution in the Milan metropolitan area of Lombardy, the epicentre of the infection, was selected as one of the three regional hub for major trauma, serving a population of more than three million people. The aims were the increase the ICU beds and the rationalization of human and structural resources available for treating COVID-19 patients. In our hub hospital, the reorganization aimed to reduce the risk of infection and to obtained resources, in terms of beds and healthcare personnel to be use in the COVID-19 emergency. Non-urgent outpatient orthopaedic activity and elective surgery was also suspended. A training programme for healthcare personnel started immediately. Orthopaedic and radiological pathways dedicated to COVID-19 patients, or with possible infection, have been established. In our orthopaedic department, we passed from 70 to 26 beds. Our goal is to treat trauma surgery's patient in the “golden 72 hours” in order to reduce the overall hospital length of stay. We applied an objective priority system to manage the flow of surgical procedures in the emergency room based on clinical outcomes and guidelines. Organizing the present to face the emergency is a challenge, but in the global plan of changes in hospital management one must also think about the near future. We reported the Milan metropolitan area orthopaedic surgery management during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our decisions are not based on scientific evidence; therefore, the decision on how reorganize hospitals will likely remain in the
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are among the most common and debilitating knee injuries in professional athletes with an incidence in females up to eight-times higher than their male counterparts. ACL injuries can be career-threatening and are associated with increased risk of developing knee osteoarthritis in future life. The increased risk of ACL injury in females has been attributed to various anatomical, developmental, neuromuscular, and hormonal factors. Anatomical and hormonal factors have been identified and investigated as significant contributors including osseous anatomy, ligament laxity, and hamstring muscular recruitment. Postural stability and impact absorption are associated with the stabilizing effort and stress on the ACL during sport activity, increasing the risk of noncontact pivot injury. Female patients have smaller diameter hamstring autografts than males, which may predispose to increased risk of re-rupture following ACL reconstruction and to an increased risk of chondral and meniscal injuries. The addition of an extra-articular tenodesis can reduce the risk of failure; therefore, it should routinely be considered in young elite athletes. Prevention programs target key aspects of training including plyometrics, strengthening, balance, endurance and stability, and neuromuscular training, reducing the risk of ACL injuries in female athletes by up to 90%. Sex disparities in access to training facilities may also play an important role in the risk of ACL injuries between males and females. Similarly, football boots, pitches quality, and football size and weight should be considered and tailored around females’ characteristics. Finally, high levels of personal and sport-related stress have been shown to increase the risk of ACL injury which may be related to alterations in attention and coordination, together with increased muscular tension, and compromise the return to sport after ACL injury. Further investigations are still necessary to better understand and address the risk factors involved in ACL injuries in female athletes. Cite this article:
The recently published Prophylactic Antibiotic Regimens In Tumor Surgery (PARITY) trial found no benefit in extending antibiotic prophylaxis from 24 hours to five days after endoprosthetic reconstruction for lower limb bone tumours. PARITY is the first randomized controlled trial in orthopaedic oncology and is a huge step forward in understanding antibiotic prophylaxis. However, significant gaps remain, including questions around antibiotic choice, particularly in the UK, where cephalosporins are avoided due to concerns of Cite this article:
Despite being one of the most common injuries around the elbow, the optimal treatment of olecranon fractures is far from established and stimulates debate among both general orthopaedic trauma surgeons and upper limb specialists. It is almost universally accepted that stable non-displaced fractures can be safely treated nonoperatively with minimal specialist input. Internal fixation is recommended for the vast majority of displaced fractures, with a range of techniques and implants to choose from. However, there is concern regarding the complication rates, largely related to symptomatic metalwork resulting in high rates of implant removal. As the number of elderly patients sustaining these injuries increases, we are becoming more aware of the issues associated with fixation in osteoporotic bone and the often fragile soft-tissue envelope in this group. Given this, there is evidence to support an increasing role for nonoperative management in this high-risk demographic group, even in those presenting with displaced and/or multifragmentary fracture patterns. This review summarizes the available literature to date, focusing predominantly on the management techniques and available implants for stable fractures of the olecranon. It also offers some insights into the potential avenues for future research, in the hope of addressing some of the pertinent questions that remain unanswered. Cite this article:
The development of spinal deformity in children with underlying neurodisability can affect their ability to function and impact on their quality of life, as well as compromise provision of nursing care. Patients with neuromuscular spinal deformity are among the most challenging due to the number and complexity of medical comorbidities that increase the risk for severe intraoperative or postoperative complications. A multidisciplinary approach is mandatory at every stage to ensure that all nonoperative measures have been applied, and that the treatment goals have been clearly defined and agreed with the family. This will involve input from multiple specialities, including allied healthcare professionals, such as physiotherapists and wheelchair services. Surgery should be considered when there is significant impact on the patients’ quality of life, which is usually due to poor sitting balance, back or costo-pelvic pain, respiratory complications, or problems with self-care and feeding. Meticulous preoperative assessment is required, along with careful consideration of the nature of the deformity and the problems that it is causing. Surgery can achieve good curve correction and results in high levels of satisfaction from the patients and their caregivers. Modern modular posterior instrumentation systems allow an effective deformity correction. However, the risks of surgery remain high, and involvement of the family at all stages of decision-making is required in order to balance the risks and anticipated gains of the procedure, and to select those patients who can mostly benefit from spinal correction.
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has led to unprecedented challenges to healthcare systems worldwide. Orthopaedic departments have adopted business continuity models and guidelines for essential and non-essential surgeries to preserve hospital resources as well as protect patients and staff. These guidelines broadly encompass reduction of ambulatory care with a move towards telemedicine, redeployment of orthopaedic surgeons/residents to the frontline battle against COVID-19, continuation of education and research through web-based means, and cancellation of non-essential elective procedures. However, if containment of COVID-19 community spread is achieved, resumption of elective orthopaedic procedures and transition plans to return to normalcy must be considered for orthopaedic departments. The COVID-19 pandemic also presents a moral dilemma to the orthopaedic surgeon considering elective procedures. What is the best treatment for our patients and how does the fear of COVID-19 influence the risk-benefit discussion during a pandemic? Surgeons must deliberate the fine balance between elective surgery for a patient’s wellbeing versus risks to the operating team and utilization of precious hospital resources. Attrition of healthcare workers or Orthopaedic surgeons from restarting elective procedures prematurely or in an unsafe manner may render us ill-equipped to handle the second wave of infections. This highlights the need to develop effective screening protocols or preoperative COVID-19 testing before elective procedures in high-risk, elderly individuals with comorbidities. Alternatively, high-risk individuals should be postponed until the risk of nosocomial COVID-19 infection is minimal. In addition, given the higher mortality and perioperative morbidity of patients with COVID-19 undergoing surgery, the decision to operate must be carefully deliberated. As we ramp-up elective services and get “back to business” as orthopaedic surgeons, we have to be constantly mindful to proceed in a cautious and calibrated fashion, delivering the best care, while maintaining utmost vigilance to prevent the resurgence of COVID-19 during this critical transition period. Cite this article:
Nerve transfer has become a common and often effective reconstructive strategy for proximal and complex peripheral nerve injuries of the upper limb. This case-based discussion explores the principles and potential benefits of nerve transfer surgery and offers in-depth discussion of several established and valuable techniques including: motor transfer for elbow flexion after musculocutaneous nerve injury, deltoid reanimation for axillary nerve palsy, intrinsic re-innervation following proximal ulnar nerve repair, and critical sensory recovery despite non-reconstructable median nerve lesions.Abstract
The aim of this study was to assess the current evidence relating
to the benefits of virtual reality (VR) simulation in orthopaedic
surgical training, and to identify areas of future research. A literature search using the MEDLINE, Embase, and Google Scholar
databases was performed. The results’ titles, abstracts, and references
were examined for relevance.Aims
Materials and Methods
The diagnosis of periprosthetic joint infection can be difficult
due to the high rate of culture-negative infections. The aim of
this study was to assess the use of next-generation sequencing for
detecting organisms in synovial fluid. In this prospective, single-blinded study, 86 anonymized samples
of synovial fluid were obtained from patients undergoing aspiration
of the hip or knee as part of the investigation of a periprosthetic
infection. A panel of synovial fluid tests, including levels of
C-reactive protein, human neutrophil elastase, total neutrophil
count, alpha-defensin, and culture were performed prior to next-generation
Materials and Methods
‘Big data’ is a term for data sets that are so
large or complex that traditional data processing applications are
inadequate. Billions of dollars have been spent on attempts to build predictive
tools from large sets of poorly controlled healthcare metadata.
Companies often sell reports at a physician or facility level based
on various flawed data sources, and comparative websites of ‘publicly
reported data’ purport to educate the public. Physicians should
be aware of concerns and pitfalls seen in such data definitions,
data clarity, data relevance, data sources and data cleaning when
evaluating analytic reports from metadata in health care. Cite this article:
Episodic, or bundled payments, is a concept now
familiar to most in the healthcare arena, but the models are often
misunderstood. Under a traditional fee-for-service model, each provider
bills separately for their services which creates financial incentives
to maximise volumes. Under a bundled payment, a single entity, often
referred to as a convener (maybe the hospital, the physician group,
or a third party) assumes the risk through a payer contract for
all services provided within a defined episode of care, and receives
a single (bundled) payment for all services provided for that episode.
The time frame around the intervention is variable, but defined
in advance, as are included and excluded costs. Timing of the actual payment
in a bundle may either be before the episode occurs (prospective
payment model), or after the end of the episode through a reconciliation
(retrospective payment model). In either case, the defined costs
over the defined time frame are borne by the convener. Cite this article:
The mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) are a group of
inherited lysosomal storage disorders with clinical manifestations relevant
to the orthopaedic surgeon. Our aim was to review the recent advances
in their management and the implications for surgical practice. The current literature about MPSs is summarised, emphasising
orthopaedic complications and their management. Recent advances in the diagnosis and management of MPSs include
the recognition of slowly progressive, late presenting subtypes,
developments in life-prolonging systemic treatment and potentially
new indications for surgical treatment. The outcomes of surgery
in these patients are not yet validated and some procedures have
a high rate of complications which differ from those in patients
who do not have a MPS. The diagnosis of a MPS should be considered in adolescents or
young adults with a previously unrecognised dysplasia of the hip.
Surgeons treating patients with a MPS should report their experience
and studies should include the assessment of function and quality
of life to guide treatment. Cite this article:
As residency training programmes around the globe
move towards competency-based medical education (CBME), there is
a need to review current teaching and assessment practices as they
relate to education in orthopaedic trauma. Assessment is the cornerstone
of CBME, as it not only helps to determine when a trainee is fit
to practice independently, but it also provides feedback on performance
and guides the development of competence. Although a standardised
core knowledge base for trauma care has been developed by the leading
national accreditation bodies and international agencies that teach
and perform research in orthopaedic trauma, educators have not yet established
optimal methods for assessing trainees’ performance in managing
orthopaedic trauma patients. This review describes the existing knowledge from the literature
on assessment in orthopaedic trauma and highlights initiatives that
have recently been undertaken towards CBME in the United Kingdom,
Canada and the United States. In order to support a CBME approach, programmes need to improve
the frequency and quality of assessments and improve on current
formative and summative feedback techniques in order to enhance
resident education in orthopaedic trauma. Cite this article:
Given the growing prevalence of obesity around
the world and its association with osteoarthritis of the knee, orthopaedic
surgeons need to be familiar with the management of the obese patient
with degenerative knee pain. The precise mechanism by which obesity
leads to osteoarthritis remains unknown, but is likely to be due
to a combination of mechanical, humoral and genetic factors. Weight loss has clear medical benefits for the obese patient
and seems to be a logical way of relieving joint pain associated
with degenerative arthritis. There are a variety of ways in which
this may be done including diet and exercise, and treatment with
drugs and bariatric surgery. Whether substantial weight loss can
delay or even reverse the symptoms associated with osteoarthritis
remains to be seen. Surgery for osteoarthritis in the obese patient can be technically
more challenging and carries a risk of additional complications.
Substantial weight loss before undertaking total knee replacement
is advisable. More prospective studies that evaluate the effect
of significant weight loss on the evolution of symptomatic osteoarthritis
of the knee are needed so that orthopaedic surgeons can treat this
patient group appropriately.