This paper outlines the recent development of an exchange Travelling Fellowship scheme between the British and American Orthopaedic Research Societies.
It has been suggested that a supramalleolar osteotomy can return the load distribution in the ankle joint to normal. However, due to the lack of biomechanical data, this supposition remains empirical. The purpose of this biomechanical study was to determine the effect of simulated supramalleolar varus and valgus alignment on the tibiotalar joint pressure, in order to investigate its relationship to the development of osteoarthritis. We also wished to establish the rationale behind corrective osteotomy of the distal tibia. We studied 17 cadaveric lower legs and quantified the changes in pressure and force transfer across the tibiotalar joint for various degrees of varus and valgus deformity in the supramalleolar area. We assumed that a supramalleolar osteotomy which created a varus deformity of the ankle would result in medial overload of the tibiotalar joint. Similarly, we thought that creating a supramalleolar valgus deformity would cause a shift in contact towards the lateral side of the tibiotalar joint. The opposite was observed. The restricting role of the fibula was revealed by carrying out an osteotomy directly above the syndesmosis. In end-stage ankle osteoarthritis with either a valgus or varus deformity, the role of the fibula should be appreciated and its effect addressed where appropriate.
An increasing number of patients are treated by autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI). This study tests the hypothesis that culture within a defined chondrogenic medium containing TGF-β enhances the reexpression of a chondrocytic phenotype and the subsequent production of cartilaginous extracellular matrix by human chondrocytes used in ACI. Chondrocytes surplus to clinical requirements for ACI from 24 patients were pelleted and cultured in either DMEM (Dulbecco’s modified eagles medium)/ITS+Premix/TGF-β1 or DMEM/10%FCS (fetal calf serum) and were subsequently analysed biochemically and morphologically. Pellets cultured in DMEM/ITS+/TGF-β1 stained positively for type-II collagen, while those maintained in DMEM/10%FCS expressed type-I collagen. The pellets cultured in DMEM/ITS+/TGF-β1 were larger and contained significantly greater amounts of DNA and glycosaminoglycans. This study suggests that the use of a defined medium containing TGF-β is necessary to induce the re-expression of a differentiated chondrocytic phenotype and the subsequent stimulation of glycosaminoglycan and type-II collagen production by human monolayer expanded chondrocytes.
The use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) as an adjuvant
to tissue repair is gaining favour in orthopaedic surgery. Tunnel widening
after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction is a recognised
phenomenon that could compromise revision surgery. The purpose of
this study was to determine whether PRP might prevent tunnel widening
in ACL reconstruction. Patients undergoing ACL reconstruction using a hamstring graft
were randomly allocated either to have PRP introduced into the tunnels
peri-operatively or not. CT scanning of the knees was carried out
on the day after surgery and at three months post-operatively and
the width of the tunnels was measured. Patients were also evaluated
clinically at three months, when laxity was also measured. Each group comprised 25 patients, and at three months post-operatively
all were pain-free with stable knees, a negative Lachman test and
a good range of movement. Arthrometric results had improved significantly
in both groups (p <
0.001). Despite slightly less tunnel widening
in the PRP group, there was no significant difference between the
groups at the femoral opening or the mid-tunnel (p = 0.370 and p
= 0.363, respectively) nor at the tibial opening or mid-tunnel (p
= 0.333 and p = 0.177, respectively). We conclude that PRP has no significant effect in preventing
tunnel widening after ACL reconstruction. Cite this article:
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) is relatively
common in adolescents and results in a complex deformity of the
hip that can lead to femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). FAI may
be symptomatic and lead to the premature development of osteoarthritis
(OA) of the hip. Current techniques for managing the deformity include
arthroscopic femoral neck osteochondroplasty, an arthroscopically
assisted limited anterior approach to the hip, surgical dislocation,
and proximal femoral osteotomy. Although not a routine procedure
to treat FAI secondary to SCFE deformity, peri-acetabular osteotomy
has been successfully used to treat FAI caused by acetabular over-coverage. These
procedures should be considered for patients with symptoms due to
a deformity of the hip secondary to SCFE. Cite this article:
We describe two cases of osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) affecting both femoral condyles in the same knee. The patients presented with recurrent episodes of pain and swelling, but these were initially thought to be ‘growing pains’. Eventually, a delayed diagnosis of bicondylar OCD was established and both patients were referred for further management. After assessing the extent of the disease on MRI, matrix-induced autologous chondrocyte implantation was performed to treat the defects of the lateral condyle in each case, with a plan to address the medial defects at a later stage. Proposed theories on the aetiology of the condition and available methods of treatment are discussed. A diagnosis of OCD should be considered in young patients with persistent knee pain and effusions, and MRI is the investigation of choice for early detection.
We carried out a morphometric analysis of acetabular dysplasia in patients with cerebral palsy requiring hip surgery using three-dimensional CT. We evaluated 54 hips in 27 patients. The contralateral normal hips of ten patients with unilateral Perthes’ disease were used as a control group. The acetabular defects were assessed qualitatively as anterior, posterior or global. Quantitative assessments were made using three-directional acetabular indices (anterosuperior, superolateral and posterosuperior) and measured by multiplanar reformation, from which we calculated the acetabular volume. In the qualitative study, posterior defects were most common in the subluxation group whereas global defects predominated in the dislocation group. In the quantitative study, all acetabular indices in both the subluxation and dislocation groups were higher than those in the control group and the superolateral indices showed a tendency to elevation in the dislocation group. The acetabular volume was largest in the control group, smallest in the dislocation group, and intermediate between the two in the subluxation group.
The February 2013 Wrist &
Hand Roundup360 looks at: to splint or not to splint; salvage of the unsalvageable; a close shave for malunions; a classic approach to malunion; diabetic carpal tunnel; capsulodesis; a wrist from a fibula; thumb-based osteoarthritis - a further opinion from the Editor-in-Chief.
Mesenchymal stem-cell based therapies have been
proposed as novel treatments for intervertebral disc degeneration,
a prevalent and disabling condition associated with back pain. The
development of these treatment strategies, however, has been hindered
by the incomplete understanding of the human nucleus pulposus phenotype
and by an inaccurate interpretation and translation of animal to
human research. This review summarises recent work characterising
the nucleus pulposus phenotype in different animal models and in
humans and integrates their findings with the anatomical and physiological
differences between these species. Understanding this phenotype
is paramount to guarantee that implanted cells restore the native
functions of the intervertebral disc. Cite this article:
The February 2013 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: ABC treated with suction and curettage; peri-acetabular osteotomy; cast index; Perthes’ disease associated with accidental injury; brachial plexus birth palsy; MRI assessment of DDH; total meniscectomy; and paediatric septic arthritis.
We used demineralised bone matrix (DBM) to augment re-attachment of tendon to a metal prosthesis in an A significant increase of 23.5% was observed in functional weight-bearing at six weeks in the DBM-augmented group compared with non-augmented controls (p = 0.004). By 12 weeks augmentation with DBM resulted in regeneration of a more direct-type enthesis, with regions of fibrocartilage, mineralised fibrocartilage and bone. In the controls the interface was predominantly indirect, with the tendon attached to the bone graft-hydroxyapatite base plate by perforating collagen fibres.
We present an update of the clinical and radiological results of 62 consecutive acetabular revisions using impacted morsellised cancellous bone grafts and a cemented acetabular component in 58 patients, at a mean follow-up of 22.2 years (20 to 25). The Kaplan-Meier survivorship for the acetabular component with revision for any reason as the endpoint was 75% at 20 years (95% confidence interval (CI) 62 to 88) when 16 hips were at risk. Excluding two revisions for septic loosening at three and six years, the survivorship at 20 years was 79% (95% CI 67 to 93). With further exclusions of one revision of a well-fixed acetabular component after 12 years during a femoral revision and two after 17 years for wear of the acetabular component, the survivorship for aseptic loosening was 87% at 20 years (95% CI 76 to 97). At the final review 14 of the 16 surviving hips had radiographs available. There was one additional case of radiological loosening and four acetabular reconstructions showed progressive radiolucent lines in one or two zones. Acetabular revision using impacted large morsellised bone chips (0.5 cm to 1 cm in diameter) and a cemented acetabular component remains a reliable technique for reconstruction, even when assessed at more than 20 years after surgery.
Excision of a physeal bar and filling the space with interposition material may allow resumption of normal growth. Both the extent and the location of the bar and the amount of growth remaining from physis must be determined. Computer-assisted surgery is being used increasingly in various fields of orthopaedics. We describe the management of a patient with premature physeal arrest of the right distal tibia in which resection of a physeal bar was achieved under real-time three-dimensional intra-operative monitoring by computer-assisted navigation. The advantage of this method over other means of imaging is that intra-operative identification can increase the accuracy of resection of the bar.
Options for the treatment of subcapital femoral
neck fractures basically fall into two categories: internal fixation
or arthroplasty (either hemiarthroplasty or total hip arthroplasty).
Historically, the treatment option has been driven by a diagnosis-related approach
(non-displaced neck fractures versus displaced neck fractures).
More recently, the traditional paradigm has changed. Instead of
a diagnosis-related approach, it has become more of a patient-related
approach. Treatment options take in to consideration the patient’s age,
functional demands, and individual risk profile. A simple algorithm
can be helpful in terms of directing the treatment. Non-displaced
fractures, regardless of age of the patient, should be treated with
closed reduction and internal fixation. For displaced femoral neck fractures,
the treatment differs depending on the age of the patient. The younger
patient should be treated with urgent ORIF with the goal of an anatomic
reduction. For displaced femoral neck fractures in the elderly,
cognitive function should be determined. For those who are cognitively
functioning, total hip arthroplasty appears to be the best option.
In the cognitively dysfunctional, a bipolar hemiarthroplasty or
a total hip arthroplasty with use of larger heads (32 mm or 36 mm)
and/or constrained sockets are a viable option.
We investigated the use of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) proteins as prognostic markers in chondrosarcoma and the relationship of HIF to the biological characteristics of cartilage tumours. The expression of HIF-1α, HIF-2α, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and microvessel density (MVD) were measured immunohistochemically in 29 specimens of cartilage tumour. There was no HIF-1α and HIF-2α staining in any of the nine benign cartilage tumours. In 20 specimens of chondrosarcoma, the rate of HIF-1α and HIF-2α expression was 40% and 25%, respectively. The tumour size (≥ 8 cm), histological grade (grade 2 and grade 3) surgical margin (marginal and intralesional) and HIF-1α expression (positive) correlated significantly with a shorter disease-free survival. There was a significant association between HIF-1α and the MVD and a strong trend towards a correlation between HIF-1α and the PCNA index or histological grade. Our findings suggest that HIF-1α protein may be a useful objective marker in the assessment of the prognosis in chondrosarcoma, since it plays an important role in tumour angiogenesis and cell proliferation.
The aim of this study was to examine the loading
of the other joints of the lower limb in patients with unilateral osteoarthritis
(OA) of the knee. We recruited 20 patients with no other symptoms
or deformity in the lower limbs from a consecutive cohort of patients
awaiting knee replacement. Gait analysis and electromyographic recordings were
performed to determine moments at both knees and hips, and contraction
patterns in the medial and lateral quadriceps and hamstrings bilaterally.
The speed of gait was reduced in the group with OA compared with
the controls, but there were only minor differences in stance times
between the limbs. Patients with OA of the knee had significant
increases in adduction moment impulse at both knees and the contralateral
hip (adjusted p-values: affected knee: p <
0.01, unaffected knee
p = 0.048, contralateral hip p = 0.03), and significantly increased
muscular co-contraction bilaterally compared with controls (all
comparisons for co-contraction, p <
0.01). The other major weight-bearing joints are at risk from abnormal
biomechanics in patients with unilateral OA of the knee. Cite this article:
We isolated multilineage mesenchymal progenitor cells from haematomas collected from fracture sites. After the haematoma was manually removed from the fracture site it was cut into strips and cultured. Homogenous fibroblastic adherent cells were obtained. Flow cytometry revealed that the adherent cells were consistently positive for mesenchymal stem-cell-related markers CD29, CD44, CD105 and CD166, and were negative for the haemopoietic markers CD14, CD34, CD45 and CD133 similar to bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. In the presence of lineage-specific induction factors the adherent cells could differentiate Our results indicate that haematomas found at a fracture site contain multilineage mesenchymal progenitor cells and play an important role in bone healing. Our findings imply that to enhance healing the haematoma should not be removed from the fracture site during osteosynthesis.
Trochlear dysplasia is a developmental condition characterised by an abnormally flat or dome-shaped trochlea and is an important contributory factor to patellofemoral instability and recurrent dislocation. We studied prospectively a series of 54 consecutive patients (59 knees) with patellofemoral instability secondary to trochlear dysplasia, who were treated by a trochleoplasty by a single surgeon between June 2002 and June 2007. Pre- and post-operative scores were assessed by the patients and a satisfaction questionnaire was completed. Of the 54 patients (59 knees) in the series, 39 (44 knees) were female and 15 (15 knees) were male. Their mean age at surgery was 21 years and 6 months (14 years 4 months to 33 years 11 months). In 40 patients (42 knees) the mean follow-up was for 24 months (12 to 58). One patient was unable to attend for follow-up. An analysis of the results of those patients followed up for at least 12 months showed a statistically significant improvement in outcome (p <
0.001 for all scores). Overall, 50 patients (92.6%) were satisfied with the outcome of their procedure. The early results of trochleoplasty are encouraging in this challenging group of patients.
The December 2012 Knee Roundup360 looks at: the demand for knee replacement; a Japanese knee outcome score; smoking and TKR; coronal alignment as a determinant of outcome in TKR; fixed flexion; MRI detected knee lesions; and lateral domed Oxford unicompartmental knee replacements.