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The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 85-B, Issue 8 | Pages 1190 - 1195
1 Nov 2003
Martos-Rodríguez A Santos-Alvarez I Campo-Ruíz V González S García-Ruiz JP Delgado-Baeza E

Our aim was to evaluate the expression of transcription factors CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein-beta (C/EBP. β. ) and C/EBP-homologous protein (CHOP) in the growth plate. Proximal tibial epiphyseal growth plates from ten 15-day-old Wistar rats were used. Additionally, anti-proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), anti-5-bromo-2’-deoxyuridine (BrdU) immunostaining, terminal transferase dUTP nick end-labelling (TUNEL) and nucleolar organiser region-associated proteins (AgNOR) techniques were peformed. The histological morphology of the growth plate from C/EBP. β. knock-out mice was also analysed. The normal growth plate showed that C/EBP. β. and CHOP factors are expressed both in the germinative/ upper proliferative and in the lower proliferative zones. Furthermore, BdrU+ and PCNA+ cells were present exclusively in the germinative and proliferative zones, while TUNEL+ and AgNOR+ cells were seen in all three zones of the growth plate. Acellular areas, hypocellularity, the increase in cell death and anomalies in the architecture of the cell columns were observed in the growth plates of C/EBP. β. (−/ −) knockout mice. We suggest that C/EBP. β. and CHOP transcription factors may be key modulators participating in the chondrocyte differentiation process in the growth plate

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 41-B, Issue 4 | Pages 836 - 847
1 Nov 1959
Hulth A Westerborn O

The present investigation has shown that crude papain can be used to produce rapid changes in the epiphysial cartilage of various young laboratory animals (rabbits, mice, rats, guinea pigs and cats). 1. Single injections of crude papain produce profound changes in the epiphysial cartilage. These changes disappear within a few days. They are radiographically visible as a narrowing of the epiphysial plates. Histologically, the formation of bony trabeculae in the primary spongiosa is found to be arrested. 2. Repeated injections of crude papain cause permanent damage to the epiphysial cartilage, often with bony closure. Consequently, the longitudinal growth of the injected animals, when compared to the controls, is found to be retarded or permanently arrested, and there may be severe bony deformity. 3. Using inactivated crystalline papain, we have been able to produce changes in the epiphysial cartilage identical with those caused by the injection of crude papain. 4. The injection of crude papain is dispelled by the addition of cysteine, but retains its full strength if hydrogen peroxide is added

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 41-B, Issue 3 | Pages 590 - 599
1 Aug 1959
Ramamurti P Taylor HE

1 . Young Wistar rats fed on a diet containing 0·3 per cent semicarbazide hydrochloride developed the characteristic lesions of osteolathyrism. This consisted of kyphoscoliosis, displacement of epiphyses and dislocations of joints. A pathological study of the skeletal lesions showed widening, disorganisation and tears of the epiphysial plate with the zone of maturing cartilage showing the greatest increase in width. The severe kyphoscoliosis was due to a derangement and displacement at and through the epiphysial plates of the twelfth thoracic or first lumbar vertebra. 2. Some of the compounds that are known to produce osteolathyrism in laboratory animals are beta aminopropionitrile, amino acetonitrile, mercaptoethylamine and semicarbazide. The mode of action of the lathyrogenic compounds was analysed in the light of a number of experiments done in this laboratory. 3. lt is possible that they interfere with the metabolism of the epiphysial plate. There appears to be a decreased polymerisation of the ground substance of the epiphysial cartilage, but the exact metabolic reaction involved is not known. Other chemicals of similar structure, with the same reactive groups, did not show lathyrogenic properties. It is concluded that it is not a particular chemical structure, configuration or specific reactive group that is responsible for the production of osteolathyrism. The chemistry of the lesions still remains to be solved

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 82-B, Issue 1 | Pages 138 - 141
1 Jan 2000
Skripitz R Andreassen TT Aspenberg P

Intermittent treatment with parathyroid hormone (PTH) has an anabolic effect on both intact cancellous and cortical bone. Very little is known about the effect of the administration of PTH on the healing of fractures or the incorporation of orthopaedic implants. We have investigated the spontaneous ingrowth of callus and the formation of bone in a titanium chamber implanted at the medioproximal aspect of the tibial metaphysis of the rat. Four groups of ten male rats weighing approximately 350 g were injected with human PTH (1-34) in a dosage of 0, 15, 60 or 240 μg/kg/day, respectively, for 42 days from the day of implantation of the chamber. During the observation period the chamber became only partly filled with callus and bone and no difference in ingrowth distance into the chamber was found between the groups. The cancellous density was increased by 90%, 132% and 173% in the groups given PTH in a dosage of 15, 60 or 240 μg/kg/day, respectively. There was a linear correlation between bone density and the log PTH doses (r. 2. = 0.6). Our findings suggest that treatment with PTH may have a potential for enhancement of the incorporation of orthopaedic implants as well as a beneficial effect on the healing of fractures when it is given in low dosages

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 44-B, Issue 2 | Pages 424 - 430
1 May 1962
Melcher AH Dreyer CJ

1. Penetrating defects were cut in the femora of twenty-five albino rats. In fifteen of the animals the defects in the right legs were protected with cellulose-acetate shields while those in the left legs were unprotected and allowed to heal as controls. In the remaining ten animals the defects in both legs were protected with shields made of homogenous organic bone. 2. New bone was found to proliferate into the concavity of the shields in most of the animals and this protruded beyond the contour of the femur. The development of the protuberance appeared to depend upon the degree to which the shield was adapted to the femoral surface. 3. The cellulose-acetate shield was not removed by the host, but the homogenous organic bone was actively resorbed; multinucleated giant cells were associated with this process. 4. There are indications that the maintenance of the protuberance is dependent upon the continued presence of the shield. Exostoses protected by intact cellulose-acetate shields have been recognised up to eighteen months after operation. 5. The function of the shield in the formation of the bony protuberance is thought to be two-fold, in that it protects the haematoma from invasion by non-osteogenic extra-skeletal connective tissue, and that it governs the size of the haematoma and prevents its distortion by the pressure of the overlying soft tissue

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 83-B, Issue 3 | Pages 437 - 440
1 Apr 2001
Skripitz R Aspenberg P

The intermittent administration of parathyroid hormone (PTH) increases the formation of bone by stimulating osteoblastic activity. Our study evaluates the possibility that intermittent treatment with PTH (1-34) may also enhance the implant-bone fixation of stainless-steel screws. Twenty-eight rats received one screw in either one (n = 8) or in both (n = 20) proximal tibiae. We administered either PTH (1-34) in a dosage of 60 μg/kg/day (n = 14) or vehicle (n = 14) over a period of four weeks. At the end of this time, the degree of fixation was assessed by measuring the removal torque on one screw in each rat (n = 28) and the pull-out strength on the contralateral screw (n = 20). PTH increased the mean removal torque from 1.1 to 3.5 Ncm (p = 0.001) and the mean pull-out strength from 66 to 145 N (p = 0.002). No significant differences in body-weight or ash weight of the femora were seen. Histological examination showed that both groups had areas of soft tissue at the implant-bone interface, but these appeared less in the PTH group. These results indicate that intermittent treatment with PTH may enhance the early fixation of orthopaedic implants

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 36-B, Issue 3 | Pages 474 - 489
1 Aug 1954
Schajowicz F Cabrini RL

1. Histochemical studies have been made of the distribution of alkaline phosphatase, glycogen and acid mucopolysaccharides in normal growing bones (mice, rats and men) and also in forty cases of pathological bone processes (neoplastic and dystrophic). 2. The study of normal material confirmed that alkaline phosphatase is plentiful in calcification of cartilage and even more plentiful in bone formation (whether enchondral or direct). 3. It was observed that glycogen increased in the cartilage areas about to be calcified, and that it disappeared in those calcified. It seemed that osteoblasts did not always contain glycogen. 4. In the pathological material (tumours and dystrophic processes) there was great phosphatase activity in the osteogenic areas and also in the cartilage about to be calcified. Whereas glycogen was plentiful in some cases of neoplastic or reactive osteogenesis, it was absent from others. 5. In every area of normal or pathological ossification, the presence of phosphatase seems to be a rule; glycogen is often but not always present. 6. It appears that alkaline phosphatase plays an important role in the formation of the protein matrix of bone, but is not associated with the elaboration of the mucoprotein cartilage matrix. We believe it is premature to draw any definite conclusion on the behaviour and role of the metachromatic substances in the processes of calcification and ossification. The histochemical study of alkaline phosphatase has shown that this is a valuable method in the detection of reactionary or pathological osteogenic processes which in some cases are difficult to demonstrate with the usual histological methods

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 47-B, Issue 1 | Pages 145 - 156
1 Feb 1965
Storey E

1. Stable strontium in large amount in the diet of rats initially inhibits calcification and induces rickets. 2. Changes later become atypical and a complex series of epiphysial plate defects develops: formation of localised osteoid wedges in the metaphysis; invagination of the epiphysial plate and sequestration of multiple cartilage nodules into the marrow cavity; and, in severely affected animals, localised loss of part or parts of the epiphysial plate with formation of large cartilage nodules in the metaphysis and epiphysis. 3. The appearance of cartilage nodules in the metaphysis in man has been shown to be associated with changes in the epiphysial plate, but much of the information is radiological and therefore incomplete, and detailed cellular changes are seldom available. 4. Some of the conditions mentioned, which have presented difficulty in interpretation, partly because of their rarity but also because of lack of knowledge of the fundamental processes concerned, are multiple exostoses and endochondromatoses, metaphysial dysostosis and osteochondritis. 5. Comparison of basic mechanisms revealed in this study with those supposed to occur in human cartilage dystrophies demonstrates that strontium rickets mimics some changes occurring in chronic renal rickets; that invagination of the epiphysial plate and cartilage nodule sequestration could account for the development of multiple exostoses and some endochondromatoses; and that localised endochondral defects in calcification can induce epiphysial changes resembling osteochondritis juvenilis, demonstrating that avascular necrosis is not necessarily the mechanism initiating epiphysial deformity

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 46-B, Issue 4 | Pages 764 - 771
1 Nov 1964
Landry M Fleisch H

1. The effect of immobilisation on bone formation has been investigated in the rat. As chlortetracycline has the property of being deposited preferentially in areas of newly deposited bone, its uptake can be used as a reflection of osseous formation. 2. One hind limb of albino rats was immobilised either by section of the second, third and fourth lumbar nerve trunks or by section of tendo calcaneus and ligamentum patellae. The incorporation of chlortetracycline was determined quantitatively in the femur and tibia of both hind limbs at intervals after immobilisation. 3. Tetracycline uptake is expressed in terms of bone weight, this being most important in order to obtain correct values. 4. A comparison between the tetracycline uptake and the weight of the bones gives information about the rate of bone destruction. 5. In animals immobilised by nerve section three phases can be distinguished: a first phase with diminished bone formation, a second with increased formation and increased destruction and a third phase with diminished bone formation. Both mechanisms, decreased formation and increased destruction, are therefore important in the production of immobilisation osteoporosis; their relative importance depending upon the duration of the immobilisation. 6. In animals immobilised by tendon section the mechanical function becomes restored in the second week as a result of healing: this explains the rapid compensation for the initial loss of weight of the bones accompanied by a marked increase in tetracycline uptake. 7. These results are discussed and compared with information in the literature. Variations in bone formation and destruction rates with time could explain the varied results reported by other authors

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 31-B, Issue 3 | Pages 450 - 451
1 Aug 1949
Perry WLM

1. Three groups of one month old rats were fed for a period of four to five weeks on a rachitogenic diet (group R), the same rachitogenic diet with vitamin D (group N), and a complete diet (group S). 2. Young's modulus of elasticity E for bone can be derived from measurements of the deflexion of the centre of a femur loaded at the centre and supported at its ends. 3. The three different diets produced significant differences in breaking stress S. B. , Young's modulus E, and percentage ash in the bones. It has not been shown conclusively that higher ash content alone is responsible for the greater S. B. and E values of bones produced on the better diets. 4. The value of E in group R was 0·6 x 10. 6. lb./in. 2. ; in group N 1·0 x 10. 6. lb./in. 2. ; and in group S (which can be taken as normal) 1·6 x 10. 6. lb./in. 2. . 5. There is a high correlation between S. B. and E even when the effect of diet is eliminated. 6. Although the bones produced on the good diet (group S) were much stronger than those of groups N or R, the strain at the elastic limit was the same (about 1·5 per cent.). The strain at rupture tended to be higher in groups N and R than in group S. 7. The properties of bone as a structural material are discussed

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 79-B, Issue 5 | Pages 824 - 830
1 Sep 1997
Yasui N Sato M Ochi T Kimura T Kawahata H Kitamura Y Nomura S

We developed a rat model of limb lengthening to study the basic mechanism of distraction osteogenesis, using a small monolateral external fixator. In 11-week-old male rats we performed a subperiosteal osteotomy in the midshaft of the femur with distraction at 0.25 mm every 12 hours from seven days after operation. Radiological and histological examinations showed a growth zone of constant thickness in the middle of the lengthened segment, with formation of new bone at its proximal and distal ends. Osteogenic cells were arranged longitudinally along the tension vector showing the origin and the fate of individual cells in a single section. Typical endochondral bone formation was prominent in the early stage of distraction, but intramembraneous bone formation became the predominant mechanism of ossification at later stages. We also showed a third mechanism of ossification, ‘transchondroid bone formation’. Chondroid bone, a tissue intermediate between bone and cartilage, was formed directly by chondrocyte-like cells, with transition from fibrous tissue to bone occurring gradually and consecutively without capillary invasion. In situ hybridisation using digoxigenin-11-UTP-labelled complementary RNAs showed that the chondroid bone cells temporarily expressed type-II collagen mRNA. They did not show the classical morphological characteristics of chondrocytes, but were assumed to be young chondrocytes undergoing further differentiation into bone-forming cells. We found at least three different modes of ossification during bone lengthening by distraction osteogenesis. We believe that this is the first report of such a rat model, and have shown the validity of in situ hybridisation techniques for the study of the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in distraction osteogenesis

Bone & Joint Research
Vol. 7, Issue 10 | Pages 548 - 560
1 Oct 2018
Qayoom I Raina DB Širka A Tarasevičius Š Tägil M Kumar A Lidgren L

During the last decades, several research groups have used bisphosphonates for local application to counteract secondary bone resorption after bone grafting, to improve implant fixation or to control bone resorption caused by bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs). We focused on zoledronate (a bisphosphonate) due to its greater antiresorptive potential over other bisphosphonates. Recently, it has become obvious that the carrier is of importance to modulate the concentration and elution profile of the zoledronic acid locally. Incorporating one fifth of the recommended systemic dose of zoledronate with different apatite matrices and types of bone defects has been shown to enhance bone regeneration significantly in vivo. We expect the local delivery of zoledronate to overcome the limitations and side effects associated with systemic usage; however, we need to know more about the bioavailability and the biological effects. The local use of BMP-2 and zoledronate as a combination has a proven additional effect on bone regeneration. This review focuses primarily on the local use of zoledronate alone, or in combination with bone anabolic factors, in various preclinical models mimicking different orthopaedic conditions.

Cite this article: I. Qayoom, D. B. Raina, A. Širka, Š. Tarasevičius, M. Tägil, A. Kumar, L. Lidgren. Anabolic and antiresorptive actions of locally delivered bisphosphonates for bone repair: A review. Bone Joint Res 2018;7:548–560. DOI: 10.1302/2046-3758.710.BJR-2018-0015.R2.

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 55-B, Issue 4 | Pages 759 - 773
1 Nov 1973
Swanson SAV Freeman MAR Heath JC

1. Currently available total replacement hip and knee prostheses were tested in a machine enabling flexion-extension movements to be applied whilst the prostheses were surrounded with Ringer's solution or other liquid and loaded within the physiological range. 2. Prostheses of which both components were made in cobalt-chromium-molybdenum alloy produced visible quantities of alloy particles, whose sizes ranged down to about 0·1 microns, and cobalt and molybdenum ions in solution. 3. No metallic or plastic particles were detected during tests on a hip prosthesis made of stainless steel and high density polyethylene. 4. The frictional moments in cobalt-chromium-molybdenum hip prostheses were higher than in stainless steel-polyethylene hip prostheses, by a factor of at least 2 to 1. 5. It is accepted that the conditions of these tests were probably more severe than in life, but the difference is held to be one of degree and not one of kind. 6. The particulate alloy debris, when injected in massive doses into the muscles of rats, gave an incidence of malignant tumours which was comparable to that already established for pure cobalt powder, whereas particles of several other metals, tested in the same way, gave no tumours. 7. It is argued that the particles which are known to be produced in at least some patients using cobalt-chromium-molybdenum total replacement joint prostheses constitute a risk of tumour formation which is certainly small, possibly negligible, but not accurately calculable at present. 8. The results of these tests, particularly the differences in frictional moment and in the production of particulate debris, suggest a preference for high density polyethylene as one component of a total joint replacement prosthesis

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 45-B, Issue 1 | Pages 162 - 175
1 Feb 1963
Melcher AH Irving JT

1. The effect of implanting heterogenous anorganic bone, homogenous organic bone, autogenous compact bone from the iliac crest, and autogenous bony callus into circumscribed defects in the femur of albino rats of the Wistar strain is described. 2. Neither heterogenous anorganic bone nor homogenous organic bone appeared to induce new bone formation in a healing defect. 3. Some of the osteogenic cells of autogenous callus implants survived transplantation to a bone defect and gave rise to new bone formation. This did not occur when compact bone from autogenous iliac crest was implanted. 4. Implants of autogenous callus, autogenous compact bone, homogenous organic bone and heterogenous anorganic bone all impeded the normal development of host bone trabeculae in a healing bone defect, seemingly because they acted as physical barriers to the proliferating host callus. None of the implant materials appeared to suppress the healing reaction ofthe host. 5. Implanted homogenous organic bone was removed and replaced by host bone more quickly than was implanted heterogenous anorganic bone, and it appears to be the better material for grafting into bone defects. 6. Autogenous callus or autogenous cancellous bone is a superior implant material to autogenous compact bone and is the bone graft material of choice. 7. The absorption of all the implant materials used in this investigation was associated with the presence of multinucleated giant cells. 8. The activity of multinucleated giant cells may be influenced by the organic matrix of the material which is to be absorbed. 9. Except when fresh autogenous callus was implanted into the defects, the rate of healing in the grafted defects was slower than that in the control defects. In the defects grafted with fresh autogenous callus the healing rates of the control and grafted defects were the same

Bone & Joint Research
Vol. 7, Issue 2 | Pages 179 - 186
1 Feb 2018
Wu T Zhang J Wang B Sun Y Liu Y Li G


As one of the heat-stable enterotoxins, Staphylococcal enterotoxin C2 (SEC2) is synthesized by Staphylococcus aureus, which has been proved to inhibit the growth of tumour cells, and is used as an antitumour agent in cancer immunotherapy. Although SEC2 has been reported to promote osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), the in vivo function of SCE2 in animal model remains elusive. The aim of this study was to further elucidate the in vivo effect of SCE2 on fracture healing.

Materials and Methods

Rat MSCs were used to test the effects of SEC2 on their proliferation and osteogenic differentiation potentials. A rat femoral fracture model was used to examine the effect of local administration of SEC2 on fracture healing using radiographic analyses, micro-CT analyses, biomechanical testing, and histological analyses.

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 85-B, Issue 1 | Pages 126 - 132
1 Jan 2003
Mittlmeier T Vollmar B Menger MD Schewior L Raschke M Schaser K

A major pathway of closed soft-tissue injury is failure of microvascular perfusion combined with a persistently enhanced inflammatory response. We therefore tested the hypothesis that hypertonic hydroxyethyl starch (HS/HES) effectively restores microcirculation and reduces leukocyte adherence after closed soft-tissue injury. We induced closed soft-tissue injury in the hindlimbs of 14 male isoflurane-anaesthetised rats. Seven traumatised animals received 7.5% sodium chloride-6% HS/HES and seven isovolaemic 0.9% saline (NS). Six non-injured animals did not receive any additional fluid and acted as a control group. The microcirculation of the extensor digitorum longus muscle (EDL) was quantitatively analysed two hours after trauma using intravital microscopy and laser Doppler flowmetry, i.e. erythrocyte flux. Oedema was assessed by the wet-to-dry-weight ratio of the EDL. In NS-treated animals closed soft-tissue injury resulted in massive reduction of functional capillary density (FCD) and a marked increase in microvascular permeability and leukocyte-endothelial cell interaction as compared with the control group. By contrast, HS/HES was effective in restoring the FCD to 94% of values found in the control group. In addition, leukocyte rolling decreased almost to control levels and leukocyte adherence was found to be reduced by ~50%. Erythrocyte flux in NS-treated animals decreased to 90 ± 8% (mean . sem. ), whereas values in the HS/HES group significantly increased to 137 ± 3% compared with the baseline flux. Oedema in the HS/HES group (1.06 ± 0.02) was significantly decreased compared with the NS-group (1.12 ± 0.01). HS/HES effectively restores nutritive perfusion, decreases leukocyte adherence, improves endothelial integrity and attenuates oedema, thereby restricting tissue damage evolving secondary to closed soft-tissue injury. It appears to be an effective intervention, supporting nutritional blood flow by reducing trauma-induced microvascular dysfunction

Bone & Joint Research
Vol. 7, Issue 1 | Pages 6 - 11
1 Jan 2018
Wong RMY Choy MHV Li MCM Leung K K-H. Chow S Cheung W Cheng JCY


The treatment of osteoporotic fractures is a major challenge, and the enhancement of healing is critical as a major goal in modern fracture management. Most osteoporotic fractures occur at the metaphyseal bone region but few models exist and the healing is still poorly understood. A systematic review was conducted to identify and analyse the appropriateness of current osteoporotic metaphyseal fracture animal models.

Materials and Methods

A literature search was performed on the Pubmed, Embase, and Web of Science databases, and relevant articles were selected. A total of 19 studies were included. Information on the animal, induction of osteoporosis, fracture technique, site and fixation, healing results, and utility of the model were extracted.

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 41-B, Issue 1 | Pages 160 - 179
1 Feb 1959
Chalmers J

1 . Fresh bone autografts to a muscle bed in the rat gave rise to vigorous new bone formation from about the fourth day. The graft took the form of a hollow ossicle with central bone marrow at eighteen days: it became progressively more regular in outline and was still present at six months. 2. Fresh bone homografts produced two separate phases of new bone formation–early and late. In the early phase non-lamellar woven bone appeared at about the fourth day, continued to grow until eight days, and subsequently died. It arose from osteogenic cells of the homograft. In the late phase, which developed in relation to a few grafts after four weeks, the new bone was lamellar in character, and remained closely applied to the graft surface. Evidence is presented that this bone arose by metaplasia of the host connective tissues at the graft site. There was a local inflammatory response to the bone homograft. 3. Both phases of homograft new bone formation were abolished if the animal was prepared by a skin homograft from the same donor four weeks before, but not if four months elapsed between the two grafting procedures. 4. Freeze-dried bone homografts did not give rise to the early phase of homograft new bone but produced a few examples of the late phase after five months. The inflammatory response was less intense with freeze-dried homografts than with fresh homografts. 5. Skin homografts three weeks after fresh bone homografts from the same donor underwent an early rejection at five to six days. 6. Skin homografts three weeks after freeze-dried bone homografts from the same donor had a mean survival time of twelve days, which was significantly longer than the mean survival time of l0·9 days in normal rats

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 55-B, Issue 2 | Pages 402 - 417
1 May 1973
Salama R Burwell RG Dickson IR

1. This paper reports a histological study of the fate of sheep and calf cancellous bone grafts impregnated with autologous red marrow of Wistar rats and implanted intramuscularly as composite xenograft-autografts for two to twelve weeks. It also includes some biochemical estimations of certain types of sheep and calf bone used to prepare these composite grafts. 2. Only one of 223 devitalised bone xenografts implanted without autologous marrow formed new bone; in contrast 216 of 223 transplanted with marrow formed new bone. 3. The new bone formed by the composite grafts is derived from the autologous marrow. There was no evidence for an inductive effect upon the marrow of the various types of xenograft bone studied as described previously for allograft bone (Burwell 1966). 4. The highest score of new bone formation was found in composite grafts based on fully deproteinised sheep iliac bone prepared at Oswestry. Statistically this score was significantly higher than those registered by composite grafts prepared from intact (frozen and freeze-dried), decalcified (frozen and freeze-dried) and Kiel sheep bone, and by Kiel and Oswestry calf bone (Table II). 5. The histological evidence reported suggests that the high score with the sheep Oswestry composite grafts is because Oswestry bone is feebly immunogenic, if at all; and that such feeble or absent immunogenicity permits more marrow cells to differentiate into osteoblasts and lay down new bone without impediment. 6. The lower scores of new bone formation in most of the undeproteinised composite grafts of sheep origin–intact frozen, intact freeze-dried and Kiel–are attributed to residual immunogenicity within the organic material of the donor bone, because each type evoked the formation of mature plasma cells. 7. The Kiel bone grafts appeared to evoke less of a plasma cell reaction and may be less immunogenic than the intact and decalcified bone xenografts. 8. The sheep Oswestry CXA's formed significantly more new bone than did the calf Oswestry CXA's. This difference may be due to the different physical properties of the bone obtained from old sheep compared with the bone obtained from a young calf

Bone & Joint Research
Vol. 6, Issue 6 | Pages 366 - 375
1 Jun 2017
Neves N Linhares D Costa G Ribeiro CC Barbosa MA


This systematic review aimed to assess the in vivo and clinical effect of strontium (Sr)-enriched biomaterials in bone formation and/or remodelling.


A systematic search was performed in Pubmed, followed by a two-step selection process. We included in vivo original studies on Sr-containing biomaterials used for bone support or regeneration, comparing at least two groups that only differ in Sr addition in the experimental group.