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1. The effect of immobilisation on bone formation has been investigated in the rat. As chlortetracycline has the property of being deposited preferentially in areas of newly deposited bone, its uptake can be used as a reflection of osseous formation.

2. One hind limb of albino rats was immobilised either by section of the second, third and fourth lumbar nerve trunks or by section of tendo calcaneus and ligamentum patellae. The incorporation of chlortetracycline was determined quantitatively in the femur and tibia of both hind limbs at intervals after immobilisation.

3. Tetracycline uptake is expressed in terms of bone weight, this being most important in order to obtain correct values.

4. A comparison between the tetracycline uptake and the weight of the bones gives information about the rate of bone destruction.

5. In animals immobilised by nerve section three phases can be distinguished: a first phase with diminished bone formation, a second with increased formation and increased destruction and a third phase with diminished bone formation. Both mechanisms, decreased formation and increased destruction, are therefore important in the production of immobilisation osteoporosis; their relative importance depending upon the duration of the immobilisation.

6. In animals immobilised by tendon section the mechanical function becomes restored in the second week as a result of healing: this explains the rapid compensation for the initial loss of weight of the bones accompanied by a marked increase in tetracycline uptake.

7. These results are discussed and compared with information in the literature. Variations in bone formation and destruction rates with time could explain the varied results reported by other authors.

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