Objectives. To compare the therapeutic potential of
Multipotential processed lipoaspirate (PLA) cells extracted from five human infrapatellar fat pads and embedded into fibrin glue nodules, were induced into the chondrogenic phenotype using chondrogenic media. The remaining cells were placed in osteogenic media and were transfected with an adenovirus carrying the cDNA for bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2). We evaluated the
The efficacy of β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) loaded with bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2)-gene-modified bone-marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) was evaluated for the repair of experimentally-induced osteonecrosis of the femoral head in goats. Bilateral early-stage osteonecrosis was induced in adult goats three weeks after ligation of the lateral and medial circumflex arteries and delivery of liquid nitrogen into the femoral head. After core decompression, porous β-TCP loaded with BMP-2 gene- or β-galactosidase (gal)-gene-transduced BMSCs was implanted into the left and right femoral heads, respectively. At 16 weeks after implantation, there was collapse of the femoral head in the untreated group but not in the BMP-2 or β-gal groups. The femoral heads in the BMP-2 group had a normal density and surface, while those in the β-gal group presented with a low density and an irregular surface. Histologically, new bone and fibrous tissue were formed in the macropores of the β-TCP. Sixteen weeks after implantation, lamellar bone had formed in the BMP-2 group, but there were some empty cavities and residual fibrous tissue in the β-gal group. The new bone volume in the BMP-2 group was significantly higher than that in the β-gal group. The maximum compressive strength and Young’s modulus of the repaired tissue in the BMP-2 group were similar to those of normal bone and significantly higher than those in the β-gal group. Our findings indicate that porous β-TCP loaded with BMP-2-gene-transduced BMSCs are capable of repairing early-stage, experimentally-induced osteonecrosis of the femoral head and of restoring its mechanical function.
We have evaluated The results showed that the degree of bone formation was dependent on the properties of the graft material. The osteoconductive sintered matrix structure showed significant formation of bone at the implant-bone interface. The addition of autogenous marrow increased the penetration of new bone further into the central area of the matrix and also increased the degree of revascularisation. The osteoinductive growth factor BMP-7 induced penetration of new bone throughout the entire structure of the implant. The most effective treatment was with the combination of marrow cells and osteoinductive BMP-7.
Objectives. Meniscal injuries are often associated with an active lifestyle. The damage of meniscal tissue puts young patients at higher risk of undergoing meniscal surgery and, therefore, at higher risk of osteoarthritis. In this study, we undertook proof-of-concept research to develop a cellularized human meniscus by using 3D bioprinting technology. Methods. A 3D model of bioengineered medial meniscus tissue was created, based on MRI scans of a human volunteer. The Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) data from these MRI scans were processed using dedicated software, in order to obtain an STL model of the structure. The chosen 3D Discovery printing tool was a microvalve-based inkjet printhead. Primary mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were isolated from bone marrow and embedded in a collagen-based bio-ink before printing. LIVE/DEAD assay was performed on realized cell-laden constructs carrying MSCs in order to evaluate cell distribution and viability. Results. This study involved the realization of a human cell-laden collagen meniscus using 3D bioprinting. The meniscus prototype showed the biological potential of this technology to provide an anatomically shaped, patient-specific construct with viable cells on a biocompatible material. Conclusion. This paper reports the preliminary findings of the production of a custom-made, cell-laden, collagen-based human meniscus. The prototype described could act as the starting point for future developments of this collagen-based,
The discrepancy between successful experimental studies of cartilage repair and the clinical results is unexplained. We have evaluated the effect of metabolic alterations in joint homeostasis owing to an articular defect on the outcome of cartilage repair using tissue engineering methods. We used 21 adolescent Dutch goats divided into three groups. The control knees were left untreated while the contralateral knee was randomised to receive either no treatment (N), early treatment (E) or late treatment (L). The metabolism of proteoglycans in the surrounding joint surface was determined and correlated with the O’Driscoll score used to quantify the histological aspect of the repair of the defect. Synthesis of proteoglycan (PG) was increased in all groups. The release of glucosaminoglycan (GAG) was significantly higher in the untreated but not after early transplantation (1.3 v 1.8 NS). The cartilage repair scores in the early treatment group were not as good as those of the normal control group, but were significantly better when compared with both the untreated defects and the late treated defects. Defects which had been treated late showed a significantly decreased score when compared with those which had had early treatment or the normal control group and did not differ (p = 0.12) from those with no treatment. The histological and biochemical scores closely resembled the macroscopic and functional parameters which showed a significant deterioration for the late treated group and those without treatment compared with animals treated early. Thus,
To assess the structure and extracellular matrix molecule expression of osteogenic cell sheets created via culture in medium with both dexamethasone (Dex) and ascorbic acid phosphate (AscP) compared either Dex or AscP alone. Osteogenic cell sheets were prepared by culturing rat bone marrow stromal cells in a minimal essential medium (MEM), MEM with AscP, MEM with Dex, and MEM with Dex and AscP (Dex/AscP). The cell number and messenger (m)RNA expression were assessed Objectives
The major problem with repair of an articular cartilage injury
is the extensive difference in the structure and function of regenerated,
compared with normal cartilage. Our work investigates the feasibility
of repairing articular osteochondral defects in the canine knee
joint using a composite lamellar scaffold of nano-ß-tricalcium phosphate
(ß-TCP)/collagen (col) I and II with bone marrow stromal stem cells
(BMSCs) and assesses its biological compatibility. The bone–cartilage scaffold was prepared as a laminated composite,
using hydroxyapatite nanoparticles (nano-HAP)/collagen I/copolymer
of polylactic acid–hydroxyacetic acid as the bony scaffold, and
sodium hyaluronate/poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) as the cartilaginous
scaffold. Ten-to 12-month-old hybrid canines were randomly divided
into an experimental group and a control group. BMSCs were obtained
from the iliac crest of each animal, and only those of the third
generation were used in experiments. An articular osteochondral
defect was created in the right knee of dogs in both groups. Those
in the experimental group were treated by implanting the composites
consisting of the lamellar scaffold of ß-TCP/col I/col II/BMSCs.
Those in the control group were left untreated.Objectives
In a rabbit model we investigated the efficacy of a silk fibroin/hydroxyapatite (SF/HA) composite on the repair of a segmental bone defect. Four types of porous SF/HA composites (SF/HA-1, SF/HA-2, SF/HA-3, SF/HA-4) with different material ratios, pore sizes, porosity and additives were implanted subcutaneously into Sprague-Dawley rats to observe biodegradation. SF/HA-3, which had characteristics more suitable for a bone substitite based on strength and resorption was selected as a scaffold and co-cultured with rabbit bone-marrow stromal cells (BMSCs). A segmental bone defect was created in the rabbit radius. The animals were randomised into group 1 (SF/HA-3 combined with BMSCs implanted into the bone defect), group 2 (SF/HA implanted alone) and group 3 (nothing implanted). They were killed at four, eight and 12 weeks for visual, radiological and histological study. The bone defects had complete union for group 1 and partial union in group 2, 12 weeks after operation. There was no formation of new bone in group 3. We conclude that SF/HA-3 combined with BMSCs supports bone healing and offers potential as a bone-graft substitute.
Ovine articular chondrocytes were isolated from cartilage biopsy and culture expanded All defects were assessed using the International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) classification. Those treated with ACFC, ACI and AF exhibited median scores which correspond to a nearly-normal appearance. On the basis of the modified O’Driscoll histological scoring scale, ACFC implantation significantly enhanced cartilage repair compared to ACI and AF. Using scanning electron microscopy, ACFC and ACI showed characteristic organisation of chondrocytes and matrices, which were relatively similar to the surrounding adjacent cartilage. Implantation of ACFC resulted in superior hyaline-like cartilage regeneration when compared with ACI. If this result is applicable to humans, a better outcome would be obtained than by using conventional ACI.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of hyaluronic acid supplementation on chondrocyte metabolism Bovine articular chondrocytes were isolated and seeded into alginate constructs. These were cultured in medium containing hyaluronic acid at varying concentrations. Samples were assayed for biochemical and histological changes. There was a dose-dependent response to the exposure of hyaluronic acid to bovine articular chondrocytes
The treatment of osteochondral lesions and osteoarthritis
remains an ongoing clinical challenge in orthopaedics. This review
examines the current research in the fields of cartilage regeneration,
osteochondral defect treatment, and biological joint resurfacing, and
reports on the results of clinical and pre-clinical studies. We
also report on novel treatment strategies and discuss their potential
promise or pitfalls. Current focus involves the use of a scaffold
providing mechanical support with the addition of chondrocytes or mesenchymal
stem cells (MSCs), or the use of cell homing to differentiate the
organism’s own endogenous cell sources into cartilage. This method
is usually performed with scaffolds that have been coated with a
chemotactic agent or with structures that support the sustained
release of growth factors or other chondroinductive agents. We also
discuss unique methods and designs for cell homing and scaffold
production, and improvements in biological joint resurfacing. There
have been a number of exciting new studies and techniques developed
that aim to repair or restore osteochondral lesions and to treat
larger defects or the entire articular surface. The concept of a
biological total joint replacement appears to have much potential. Cite this article:
Bovine and human articular chondrocytes were seeded in 2% alginate constructs and cultured for up to 19 days in a rotating-wall-vessel (RWV) and under static conditions. Culture within the RWV enhanced DNA levels for bovine chondrocyte-seeded constructs when compared with static conditions but did not produce enhancement for human cells. There was a significant enhancement of glycosaminoglycans and hydroxyproline synthesis for both bovine and human chondrocytes. In all cases, histological analysis revealed enhanced Safranin-O staining in the peripheral regions of the constructs compared with the central region. There was an overall increase in staining intensity after culture within the RWV compared with static conditions. Type-II collagen was produced by both bovine and human chondrocytes in the peripheral and central regions of the constructs and the staining intensity was enhanced by culture within the RWV. A capsule of flattened cells containing type-I collagen developed around the constructs maintained under static conditions when seeded with either bovine or human chondrocytes, but not when cultured within the RWV bioreactor.
When transferring tissue regenerative strategies
involving skeletal stem cells to human application, consideration needs
to be given to factors that may affect the function of the cells
that are transferred. Local anaesthetics are frequently used during
surgical procedures, either administered directly into the operative
site or infiltrated subcutaneously around the wound. The aim of
this study was to investigate the effects of commonly used local anaesthetics
on the morphology, function and survival of human adult skeletal
stem cells. Cells from three patients who were undergoing elective hip replacement
were harvested and incubated for two hours with 1% lidocaine, 0.5%
levobupivacaine or 0.5% bupivacaine hydrochloride solutions. Viability
was quantified using WST-1 and DNA assays. Viability and morphology
were further characterised using CellTracker Green/Ethidium Homodimer-1
immunocytochemistry and function was assessed by an alkaline phosphatase
assay. An additional group was cultured for a further seven days
to allow potential recovery of the cells after removal of the local
anaesthetic. A statistically significant and dose dependent reduction in cell
viability and number was observed in the cell cultures exposed to
all three local anaesthetics at concentrations of 25% and 50%, and
this was maintained even following culture for a further seven days. This study indicates that certain local anaesthetic agents in
widespread clinical use are deleterious to skeletal progenitor cells
when studied
Perilesional changes of chronic focal osteochondral defects were assessed in the knees of 23 sheep. An osteochondral defect was created in the main load-bearing region of the medial condyle of the knees in a controlled, standardised manner. The perilesional cartilage was evaluated macroscopically and biopsies were taken at the time of production of the defect (T0), during a second operation one month later (T1), and after killing animals at three (T3; n = 8), four (T4; n = 8), and seven (T7; n = 8) months. All the samples were histologically assessed by the International Cartilage Repair Society grading system and Mankin histological scores. Biopsies were taken from human patients (n = 10) with chronic articular cartilage lesions and compared with the ovine specimens. The ovine perilesional cartilage presented with macroscopic and histological signs of degeneration. At T1 the International Cartilage Repair Society ‘Subchondral Bone’ score decreased from a mean of 3.0 ( The perilesional cartilage in the animal model became chronic at one month and its histological appearance may be considered comparable with that seen in human osteochondral defects after trauma.
An increasing number of patients are treated by autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI). This study tests the hypothesis that culture within a defined chondrogenic medium containing TGF-β enhances the reexpression of a chondrocytic phenotype and the subsequent production of cartilaginous extracellular matrix by human chondrocytes used in ACI. Chondrocytes surplus to clinical requirements for ACI from 24 patients were pelleted and cultured in either DMEM (Dulbecco’s modified eagles medium)/ITS+Premix/TGF-β1 or DMEM/10%FCS (fetal calf serum) and were subsequently analysed biochemically and morphologically. Pellets cultured in DMEM/ITS+/TGF-β1 stained positively for type-II collagen, while those maintained in DMEM/10%FCS expressed type-I collagen. The pellets cultured in DMEM/ITS+/TGF-β1 were larger and contained significantly greater amounts of DNA and glycosaminoglycans. This study suggests that the use of a defined medium containing TGF-β is necessary to induce the re-expression of a differentiated chondrocytic phenotype and the subsequent stimulation of glycosaminoglycan and type-II collagen production by human monolayer expanded chondrocytes.
Gene therapy with insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) increases matrix production and enhances chondrocyte proliferation and survival A total of 16 horses underwent arthroscopic repair of a single 15 mm cartilage defect in each femoropatellar joint. One joint received 2 × 107 AdIGF-1 modified chondrocytes and the contralateral joint received 2 × 107 naive (unmodified) chondrocytes. Repairs were analysed at four weeks, nine weeks and eight months after surgery. Morphological and histological appearance, IGF-1 and collagen type II gene expression (polymerase chain reaction, Genetic modification of chondrocytes significantly increased IGF-1 mRNA and ligand production in repair tissue for up to nine weeks following transplantation. The gross and histological appearance of IGF-1 modified repair tissue was improved over control defects. Gross filling of defects was significantly improved at four weeks, and a more hyaline-like tissue covered the lesions at eight months. Histological outcome at four and nine weeks post-transplantation revealed greater tissue filling of defects transplanted with genetically modified chondrocytes, whereas repair tissue in control defects was thin and irregular and more fibrous. Collagen type II expression in IGF-1 gene-transduced defects was increased 100-fold at four weeks and correlated with increased collagen type II immunoreaction up to eight months. Genetic modification of chondrocytes with AdIGF-1 prior to transplantation improved early (four to nine weeks), and to a lesser degree long-term, cartilage healing in the equine model. The equine model of cartilage healing closely resembles human clinical cartilage repair. The results of this study suggest that cartilage healing can be enhanced through genetic modification of chondrocytes prior to transplantation.