Dual plating of distal femoral fractures with medial and lateral implants has been performed to improve construct mechanics and alignment, in cases where isolated lateral plating would be insufficient. This may potentially compromise vascularity, paradoxically impairing healing. This study investigates effects of single versus dual plating on distal femoral vascularity.
A total of eight cadaveric lower limb pairs were arbitrarily assigned to either 1) isolated lateral plating, or 2) lateral and medial plating of the distal femur, with four specimens per group. Contralateral limbs served as matched controls. Pre- and post-contrast MRI was performed to quantify signal intensity enhancement in the distal femur. Further evaluation of intraosseous vascularity was done with barium sulphate infusion with CT scan imaging. Specimens were then injected with latex medium and dissection was completed to assess extraosseous vasculature.
Between June 1999 and May 2003 we undertook direct primary closure of the skin wounds of 173 patients with Gustilo and Anderson grade-IIIA and grade-IIIB open fractures. These patients were selected from a consecutive group of 557 with type-III injuries presenting during this time. Strict criteria for inclusion in the study included debridement within 12 hours of injury, no sewage or organic contamination, no skin loss either primarily or secondarily during debridement, a Ganga Hospital open injury skin score of 1 or 2 with a total score of ten or less, the presence of bleeding skin margins, the ability to approximate wound edges without tension and the absence of peripheral vascular disease. In addition, patients with polytrauma were excluded.
At a mean follow-up of 6.2 years (5 to 7), the outcome was excellent in 150 (86.7%), good in 11 (6.4%) and poor in 12 (6.9%). A total of 33 complications occurred in 23 patients including superficial infection in 11, deep infection in five and the requirement for a secondary skin flap in three. Six patients developed nonunion requiring further surgery, one of whom declined additional measures to treat an established infected nonunion.
Immediate skin closure when performed selectively with the above indications proved to be a safe procedure.
We reviewed 13 patients with infected nonunion of the distal femur and bone loss, who had been treated by radical surgical debridement and the application of an Ilizarov external fixator. All had severely restricted movement of the knee and a mean of 3.1 previous operations. The mean length of the bony defect was 8.3 cm and no patient was able to bear weight.
The mean external fixation time was 309.8 days. According to Paley’s grading system, eight patients had an excellent clinical and radiological result and seven excellent and good functional results. Bony union, the ability to bear weight fully, and resolution of the infection were achieved in all the patients. The external fixation time was increased when the definitive treatment started six months or more after the initial trauma, the patient had been subjected to more than four previous operations and the initial operation had been open reduction and internal fixation.