Peri-tendinous injection of local anaesthetic,
both alone and in combination with corticosteroids, is commonly performed
in the treatment of tendinopathies. Previous studies have shown
that local anaesthetics and corticosteroids are chondrotoxic, but
their effect on
The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of tissue hypoxia and apoptosis at different stages of tendinopathy and tears of the rotator cuff.
We studied tissue from 24 patients with eight graded stages of either impingement (mild, moderate and severe) or tears of the rotator cuff (partial, small, medium, large and massive) and three controls. Biopsies were analysed using three immunohistochemical techniques, namely antibodies against HIF-1α (a transcription factor produced in a hypoxic environment), BNip3 (a HIF-1α regulated pro-apoptotic protein) and TUNEL (detecting DNA fragmentation in apoptosis).
The HIF-1α expression was greatest in mild impingement and in partial, small, medium and large tears. BNip3 expression increased significantly in partial, small, medium and large tears but was reduced in massive tears. Apoptosis was increased in small, medium, large and massive tears but not in partial tears.
These findings reveal evidence of hypoxic damage throughout the spectrum of pathology of the rotator cuff which may contribute to loss of cells by apoptosis. This provides a novel insight into the causes of degeneration of the rotator cuff and highlights possible options for treatment.
We used demineralised bone matrix (DBM) to augment re-attachment of tendon to a metal prosthesis in an
A significant increase of 23.5% was observed in functional weight-bearing at six weeks in the DBM-augmented group compared with non-augmented controls (p = 0.004). By 12 weeks augmentation with DBM resulted in regeneration of a more direct-type enthesis, with regions of fibrocartilage, mineralised fibrocartilage and bone. In the controls the interface was predominantly indirect, with the tendon attached to the bone graft-hydroxyapatite base plate by perforating collagen fibres.
The role of inflammatory cells and their products in tendinopathy is not completely understood. Pro-inflammatory cytokines are upregulated after oxidative and other forms of stress. Based on observations that increased cytokine expression has been demonstrated in cyclically-loaded tendon cells we hypothesised that because of their role in oxidative stress and apoptosis, pro-inflammatory cytokines may be present in rodent and human models of tendinopathy. A rat supraspinatus tendinopathy model produced by running overuse was investigated at the genetic level by custom micro-arrays. Additionally, samples of torn supraspinatus tendon and matched intact subscapularis tendon were collected from patients undergoing arthroscopic shoulder surgery for rotator-cuff tears and control samples of subscapularis tendon from ten patients with normal rotator cuffs undergoing arthroscopic stabilisation of the shoulder were also obtained. These were all evaluated using semiquantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain-reaction and immunohistochemistry.
We identified significant upregulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines and apoptotic genes in the rodent model (p = 0.005). We further confirmed significantly increased levels of cytokine and apoptotic genes in human supraspinatus and subscapularis tendon harvested from patients with rotator cuff tears (p = 0.0008).
These findings suggest that pro-inflammatory cytokines may play a role in tendinopathy and may provide a target for preventing tendinopathies.
We investigated the effect of mitomycin-C on the reduction of the formation of peritendinous fibrous adhesions after tendon repair. In 20 Wistar albino rats the tendo Achillis was cut and repaired using a modified Kessler technique. The rats were divided into two equal groups. In group 1, an injection of mitomycin-C was placed between the tendon and skin of the right leg. In group 2, an identical volume of sterile normal saline was injected on the left side in a similar fashion. All the rats received mitomycin-C or saline for four weeks starting from the day of operation. The animals were killed after 30 days. The formation of peritendinous fibrous tissue, the inflammatory reaction and tendon healing were evaluated. The tensile strength of the repaired tendons was measured biomechanically. Microscopic evidence of the formation of adhesions and inflammation was less in group 1. There was no significant difference in the tensile load required to rupture the repaired tendons in the two groups.
Mitomycin-C may therefore provide a simple and inexpensive means of preventing of post-operative adhesions.
We split 100 porcine flexor tendons into five groups of 20 tendons for repair. Three groups were repaired using the Pennington modified Kessler technique, the cruciate or the Savage technique, one using one new device per tendon and the other with two new devices per tendon. Half of the tendons received supplemental circumferential Silfverskiöld type B cross-stitch. The repairs were loaded to failure and a record made of their bulk, the force required to produce a 3 mm gap, the maximum force applied before failure and the stiffness. When only one device was used repairs were equivalent to the Pennington modified Kessler for all parameters except the force to produce a 3 mm gap when supplemented with a circumferential repair, which was equivalent to the cruciate.
When two devices were used the repair strength was equivalent to the cruciate repair, and when the two-device repair was supplemented with a circumferential suture the force to produce a 3 mm gap was equivalent to that of the Savage six-strand technique.
We assessed the predictive value of the macroscopic and detailed microscopic appearance of the coracoacromial ligament, subacromial bursa and rotator-cuff tendon in 20 patients undergoing subacromial decompression for impingement in the absence of full-thickness tears of the rotator cuff. Histologically, all specimens had features of degenerative change and oedema in the extracellular matrix. Inflammatory cells were seen, but there was no evidence of chronic inflammation. However, the outcome was not related to cell counts.
At three months the mean Oxford shoulder score had improved from 29.2 (20 to 40) to 39.4 (28 to 48) (p < 0.0001) and at six months to 45.5 (36 to 48) (p < 0.0001). At six months, although all patients had improved, the seven patients with a hooked acromion had done so to a less extent than those with a flat or curved acromion judged by their mean Oxford shoulder scores of 43.5 and 46.5 respectively (p = 0.046). All five patients with partial-thickness tears were within this group and demonstrated less improvement than the patients with no tear (mean Oxford shoulder scores 43.2 and 46.4, respectively, p = 0.04). These findings imply that in the presence of a partial-thickness tear subacromial decompression may require additional specific treatment to the rotator cuff if the outcome is to be improved further.
We examined the mechanical properties of Vicryl (polyglactin 910) mesh
Mesh fibres were visible at six weeks but had been completely resorbed by 12 weeks, with no evidence of chronic inflammation. The tendon-implant neoenthesis was predominantly an indirect type, with tendon attached to the bone-hydroxyapatite surface by perforating collagen fibres.