This study aimed to evaluate rasterstereography of the spine as a diagnostic test for adolescent idiopathic soliosis (AIS), and to compare its results with those obtained using a scoliometer. Adolescents suspected of AIS and scheduled for radiographs were included. Rasterstereographic scoliosis angle (SA), maximal vertebral surface rotation (ROT), and angle of trunk rotation (ATR) with a scoliometer were evaluated. The area under the curve (AUC) from receiver operating characteristic (ROC) plots were used to describe the discriminative ability of the SA, ROT, and ATR for scoliosis, defined as a Cobb angle > 10°. Test characteristics (sensitivity and specificity) were reported for the best threshold identified using the Youden method. AUC of SA, ATR, and ROT were compared using the bootstrap test for two correlated ROC curves method.Aims
The aim of this study was to report the long-term prognosis of patients with multiple Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) involving the spine, and to analyze the risk factors for progression-free survival (PFS). We included 28 patients with multiple LCH involving the spine treated between January 2009 and August 2021. Kaplan-Meier methods were applied to estimate overall survival (OS) and PFS. Univariate Cox regression analysis was used to identify variables associated with PFS.Aims
Postoperative complication rates remain relatively high after adult spinal deformity (ASD) surgery. The extent to which modifiable patient-related factors influence complication rates in patients with ASD has not been effectively evaluated. The aim of this retrospective cohort study was to evaluate the association between modifiable patient-related factors and complications after corrective surgery for ASD. ASD patients with two-year data were included. Complications were categorized as follows: any complication, major, medical, surgical, major mechanical, major radiological, and reoperation. Modifiable risk factors included smoking, obesity, osteoporosis, alcohol use, depression, psychiatric diagnosis, and hypertension. Patients were stratified by the degree of baseline deformity (low degree of deformity (LowDef)/high degree of deformity (HighDef): below or above 20°) and age (Older/Younger: above or below 65 years). Complication rates were compared for modifiable risk factors in each age/deformity group, using multivariable logistic regression analysis to adjust for confounders.Aims
C5 nerve root palsy is a rare and potentially
debilitating complication of cervical spine surgery. Currently,
however, there are no guidelines to help surgeons to prevent or
treat this complication. We carried out a systematic review of the literature to identify
the causes of this complication and options for its prevention and
treatment. Searches of PubMed, Embase and Medline yielded 60 articles
for inclusion, most of which addressed C5 palsy as a complication
of surgery. Although many possible causes were given, most authors supported
posterior migration of the spinal cord with tethering of the nerve
root as being the most likely. Early
Aims. The aim of this study was to determine whether the sequential
application of povidone iodine-alcohol (PVI) followed by chlorhexidine
gluconate-alcohol (CHG) would reduce surgical wound contamination
to a greater extent than PVI applied twice in patients undergoing
spinal surgery. Patients and Methods. A single-centre, interventional, two arm, parallel group randomised
controlled trial was undertaken, involving 407 patients who underwent
elective spinal surgery. For 203 patients, the skin was disinfected before surgery using
PVI (10% [w/w (1% w/w available iodine)] in 95% industrial denatured
alcohol, povidone iodine; Videne Alcoholic Tincture) twice, and
for 204 patients using PVI once followed by CHG (2% [w/v] chlorhexidine
gluconate in 70% [v/v] isopropyl alcohol; Chloraprep with tint).
The primary outcome measure was contamination of the wound determined
by aerobic and anaerobic bacterial growth from samples taken after
disinfection. Results. The
Spinal deformity surgery carries the risk of neurological injury. Neurophysiological monitoring allows early identification of intraoperative cord injury which enables early intervention resulting in a better prognosis. Although multimodal monitoring is the ideal, resource constraints make surgeon-directed intraoperative transcranial motor evoked potential (TcMEP) monitoring a useful compromise. Our experience using surgeon-directed TcMEP is presented in terms of viability, safety, and efficacy. We carried out a retrospective review of a single surgeon’s prospectively maintained database of cases in which TcMEP monitoring had been used between 2010 and 2017. The upper limbs were used as the control. A true alert was recorded when there was a 50% or more loss of amplitude from the lower limbs with maintained upper limb signals. Patients with true alerts were identified and their case history analyzed.Aims
To evaluate the histopathological examination of peri-implant tissue samples as a technique in the diagnosis of postoperative spinal implant infection (PSII). This was a retrospective analysis. Patients who underwent revision spinal surgery at our institution were recruited for this study. PSII was diagnosed by clinical signs, histopathology, and microbiological examination of intraoperatively collected samples. Histopathology was defined as the gold standard. The sensitivity for histopathology was calculated. A total of 47 patients with PSII and at least one microbiological and histopathological sample were included in the study.Aims
We reviewed retrospectively the role of monitoring of somatosensory spinal evoked potentials (SSEP) in 99 patients with neuromuscular scoliosis who had had operative correction with Luque-Galveston rods and sublaminar wiring. Our findings showed that SSEP monitoring was useful and that a 50% decrease in the amplitude of the trace optimised both sensitivity and specificity. The
Early cases of cauda equina syndrome (CES) often present with nonspecific symptoms and signs, and it is recommended that patients undergo emergency MRI regardless of the time since presentation. This creates substantial pressure on resources, with many scans performed to rule out cauda equina rather than confirm it. We propose that compression of the cauda equina should be apparent with a limited sequence (LS) scan that takes significantly less time to perform. In all, 188 patients with suspected CES underwent a LS lumbosacral MRI between the beginning of September 2017 and the end of July 2018. These images were read by a consultant musculoskeletal radiologist. All images took place on a 3T or 1.5T MRI scanner at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury, UK, and Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading, UK.Aims
Spinal tuberculosis (TB) remains an important concern. Although spinal TB often has sequelae such as myelopathy after treatment, the predictive factors affecting such unfavourable outcomes are not yet established. We investigated the clinical manifestations and predictors of unfavourable treatment outcomes in patients with spinal TB. We performed a multicentre retrospective cohort study of patients with spinal TB. Unfavourable outcome was defined according to previous studies. The prognostic factors for unfavourable outcomes as the primary outcome were determined using multivariable logistic regression analysis and a linear mixed model was used to compare time course of inflammatory markers during treatment. A total of 185 patients were included, of whom 59 patients had unfavourable outcomes.Aims
Patients and Methods
The widespread use of MRI has revolutionised
the diagnostic process for spinal disorders. A typical protocol
for spinal MRI includes T1 and T2 weighted sequences in both axial
and sagittal planes. While such an imaging protocol is appropriate
to detect pathological processes in the vast majority of patients,
a number of additional sequences and advanced techniques are emerging.
The purpose of the article is to discuss both established techniques
that are gaining popularity in the field of spinal imaging and to
introduce some of the more novel ‘advanced’ MRI sequences with examples
to highlight their potential uses. Cite this article:
The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether concerns about the release of metal ions in metal-on-metal total hip replacements (THR) should be extended to patients with metal-bearing total disc replacements (TDR). Cobalt and chromium levels in whole blood and serum were measured in ten patients with a single-level TDR after a mean follow-up of 34.5 months (13 to 61) using inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry. These metal ion levels were compared with pre-operative control levels in 81 patients and with metal ion levels 12 months after metal-on-metal THR (n = 21) and resurfacing hip replacement (n = 36). Flexion-extension radiographs were used to verify movement of the TDR. Cobalt levels in whole blood and serum were significantly lower in the TDR group than in either the THR (p = 0.007) or the resurfacing group (p <
0.001). Both chromium levels were also significantly lower after TDR These results suggest that there is minimal cause for concern about high metal ion concentrations after TDR, as the levels appear to be only moderately elevated. However, spinal surgeons using a metal-on-metal TDR should still be aware of concerns expressed in the hip replacement literature about toxicity from elevated metal ion levels, and inform their patients appropriately.
This study examined spinal fractures in patients
admitted to a Major Trauma Centre via two independent pathways,
a major trauma (MT) pathway and a standard unscheduled non-major
trauma (NMT) pathway. A total of 134 patients were admitted with
a spinal fracture over a period of two years; 50% of patients were
MT and the remainder NMT. MT patients were predominantly male, had
a mean age of 48.8 years (13 to 95), commonly underwent surgery
(62.7%), characteristically had fractures in the cervico-thoracic
and thoracic regions and 50% had fractures of more than one vertebrae,
which were radiologically unstable in 70%. By contrast, NMT patients
showed an equal gender distribution, were older (mean 58.1 years;
12 to 94), required fewer operations (56.7%), characteristically
had fractures in the lumbar region and had fewer multiple and unstable
fractures. This level of complexity was reflected in the length
of stay in hospital; MT patients receiving surgery were in hospital
for a mean of three to four days longer than NMT patients. These
results show that MT patients differ from their NMT counterparts
and have an increasing complexity of spinal injury. Cite this article:
The lack of an accurate, rapid diagnostic test
for mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) is a major handicap in the management
of spinal TB. GeneXpert, a new, rapid molecular diagnostic test
is recommended as the first line investigation for suspected pulmonary
TB in areas with a high prevalence of HIV or drug resistance, yet
it has not been validated for the diagnosis of musculoskeletal TB. The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of GeneXpert
in diagnosing spinal TB. A prospective clinical study of 69 consecutive adults with suspected
spinal TB was conducted at a tertiary hospital in an area with the
highest incidence and prevalence of TB in the world. GeneXpert was
used on tissue samples of the enrolled patients and its diagnostic
accuracy compared with a reference standard of tissue in liquid culture.
A total of 71 spine samples from 69 patients (two re-biopsies) were
included in the study. The GeneXpert test showed a sensitivity of 95.6% and specificity
of 96.2% for spinal TB. The results of the GeneXpert test were available
within 48 hours compared with a median of 35 days (IQR 15 to 43)
for cultures. All cases of multi-drug resistant TB (MDR TB) were
diagnosed accurately with the GeneXpert test. The MDR TB rate was
5.8%. Cite this article:
Back pain is a common symptom in children and
adolescents. Here we review the important causes, of which defects
and stress reactions of the pars interarticularis are the most common
identifiable problems. More serious pathology, including malignancy
and infection, needs to be excluded when there is associated systemic
illness. Clinical evaluation and management may be difficult and
always requires a thorough history and physical examination. Diagnostic
imaging is obtained when symptoms are persistent or severe. Imaging
is used to reassure the patient, relatives and carers, and to guide
management. Cite this article:
This prospective study of 136 children with progressive infantile scoliosis treated under the age of four years, and followed up for nine years, shows that the scoliosis can be reversed by harnessing the vigorous growth of the infant to early treatment by serial corrective plaster jackets. In 94 children (group 1), who were referred and treated in the early stages of progression, at a mean age of one year seven months (6 to 48 months) and with a mean Cobb angle of 32° (11° to 65°), the scoliosis resolved by a mean age of three years and six months. They needed no further treatment and went on to lead a normal life. At the last follow-up, their mean age was 11 years and two months (1 year 10 months to 25 years 2 months), 23 (24.5%) were at Risser stages 4 and 5 and 13 girls were post-menarchal. In 42 children (group 2), who were referred late at a mean age of two years and six months (11 to 48 months) and with a mean Cobb angle of 52° (23° to 92°), treatment could only reduce but not reverse the deformity. At the last follow-up, at a mean age of ten years and four months (1 year 9 months to 22 years 1 month), eight children (19%) were at Risser stages 4 and 5 and five girls were post-menarchal. Fifteen children (35.7%) had undergone spinal fusion, as may all the rest eventually.
The identification of the extent of neural damage
in patients with acute or chronic spinal cord injury is imperative for
the accurate prediction of neurological recovery. The changes in
signal intensity shown on routine MRI sequences are of limited value
for predicting functional outcome. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)
is a novel radiological imaging technique which has the potential
to identify intact nerve fibre tracts, and has been used to image
the brain for a variety of conditions. DTI imaging of the spinal
cord is currently only a research tool, but preliminary studies
have shown that it holds considerable promise in predicting the
severity of spinal cord injury. This paper briefly reviews our current knowledge of this technique.
The belief that an intervertebral disc must degenerate
before it can herniate has clinical and medicolegal significance,
but lacks scientific validity. We hypothesised that tissue changes
in herniated discs differ from those in discs that degenerate without
herniation. Tissues were obtained at surgery from 21 herniated discs
and 11 non-herniated discs of similar degeneration as assessed by
the Pfirrmann grade. Thin sections were graded histologically, and
certain features were quantified using immunofluorescence combined
with confocal microscopy and image analysis. Herniated and degenerated
tissues were compared separately for each tissue type: nucleus, inner
annulus and outer annulus. Herniated tissues showed significantly greater proteoglycan loss
(outer annulus), neovascularisation (annulus), innervation (annulus),
cellularity/inflammation (annulus) and expression of matrix-degrading
enzymes (inner annulus) than degenerated discs. No significant differences
were seen in the nucleus tissue from herniated and degenerated discs.
Degenerative changes start in the nucleus, so it seems unlikely
that advanced degeneration caused herniation in 21 of these 32 discs.
On the contrary, specific changes in the annulus can be interpreted
as the consequences of herniation, when disruption allows local
swelling, proteoglycan loss, and the ingrowth of blood vessels,
nerves and inflammatory cells. In conclusion, it should not be assumed that degenerative changes
always precede disc herniation. Cite this article:
Inflammatory markers such as the C-reactive protein (CRP), white blood cell count and body temperature are easy to measure and are used as indicators of infection. The way in which they change in the early post-operative period after instrumented spinal surgery has not been reported in any depth. We measured these markers pre-operatively and at one, four, seven and 14 days postoperatively in 143 patients who had undergone an instrumented posterior lumbar interbody fusion. The CRP proved to be the only sensitive marker and had returned to its normal level in 48% of patients after 14 days. The CRP on day 7 was never higher than that on day 4. Age, gender, body temperature, operating time and blood loss were not related to the CRP level. A high CRP does not in itself suggest infection, but any increase after four days may presage infection.
The aim of this study was first, to determine
whether CT scans undertaken to identify serious injury to the viscera were
of use in detecting clinically unrecognised fractures of the thoracolumbar
vertebrae, and second, to identify patients at risk of ‘missed injury’. We retrospectively analysed CT scans of the chest and abdomen
performed for blunt injury to the torso in 303 patients. These proved
to be positive for thoracic and intra-abdominal injuries in only
2% and 1.3% of cases, respectively. However, 51 (16.8%) showed a
fracture of the thoracolumbar vertebrae and these constituted our subset
for study. There were eight women and 43 men with mean age of 45.2
years (15 to 94). There were 29 (57%) stable and 22 (43%) unstable
fractures. Only 17 fractures (33.3%) had been anticipated after
clinical examination. Of the 22 unstable fractures, 11 (50%) were
anticipated. Thus, within the whole group of 303 patients, an unstable spinal
injury was missed in 11 patients (3.6%); no harm resulted as they
were all protected until the spine had been cleared. A subset analysis
revealed that patients with a high Injury Severity Score, a low
Glasgow Coma Scale and haemodynamic instability were most likely
to have a significant fracture in the absence of positive clinical
findings. This is the group at greatest risk. Clinical examination alone cannot detect significant fractures
of the thoracolumbar spine. It should be combined with CT imaging
to reduce the risk of missed injury.