The February 2025 Spine Roundup360 looks at: The effect of thoraco-lumbo-sacral orthosis wear time and clinical risk factors on curve progression for individuals with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis; Does operative level impact dysphagia severity after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion? A multicentre prospective analysis; Who gets better after surgery for degenerative cervical myelopathy? A responder analysis from the multicentre Canadian spine outcomes and research network; Do obese patients have worse outcomes in adult spinal deformity surgeries?; An update to the management of spinal cord injury; Classifying thoracolumbar injuries; High- versus moderate-density constructs in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis are equivalent at two years; Romosozumab for protecting against proximal junctional kyphosis in deformity surgery.
The February 2013 Wrist & Hand Roundup360 looks at: to splint or not to splint; salvage of the unsalvageable; a close shave for malunions; a classic approach to malunion; diabetic carpal tunnel; capsulodesis; a wrist from a fibula; thumb-based osteoarthritis - a further opinion from the Editor-in-Chief.
The October 2012 Trauma Roundup360 looks at: which patients die from pelvic ring fractures; monolateral distraction osteogenesis; surgical management of pelvic and peroneal blast injuries; weekend warriors at risk of going AWOL; early experience with the locking attachment plate; and fibula nailing - an alternate, and viable technique.