The October 2014 Knee Roundup. 360 . looks at: microfracture equivalent to OATS; examination better than MRI in predicting
The June 2024 Research Roundup360 looks at: Do the associations of daily steps with mortality and incident cardiovascular disease differ by sedentary time levels?; Large-scale assessment of ChatGPT in benign and malignant bone tumours imaging report diagnosis and its potential for clinical applications; Long-term effects of diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis on physical function: a longitudinal analysis; Effect of intramuscular fat in the thigh muscles on muscle architecture and physical performance in the middle-aged females with knee osteoarthritis; Preoperative package of care for osteoarthritis an opportunity not to be missed?; Superiority of kinematic alignment over mechanical alignment in total knee arthroplasty during medium- to long-term follow-up: a meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis.
The August 2012 Hip &
Pelvis Roundup. 360. looks at: whether cemented hip replacement might be bad for your health; highly cross-linked polyethylene; iHOT-33 - a new hip outcome measure;
The June 2014 Knee Roundup. 360 . looks at: acute repair preferable in
The February 2025 Knee Roundup360 looks at: Once-weekly semaglutide in patients with obesity and knee osteoarthritis; How many patients should have a unicompartmental knee arthroplasty?; Staged revision of the infected knee arthroplasty and endoprosthesis; The metal allergy argument and knee arthroplasty; Is kinematic alignment all it’s cracked up to be?; Is bone-patella-bone the gold standard for revision?; Blood flow restriction and the dissatisfied knee arthroplasty.
The June 2012 Hip &
Pelvis Roundup. 360. looks at: whether metal-on-metal is really such a disaster; resurfacings with unexplained pain; large heads and high ion levels; hip arthroscopy for FAI; the inaccuracy of clinical tests for impingement; arthroscopic lengthening of iliopsoas; the OA hip; the injured
The February 2024 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: Hip impingement after in situ pinning causes decreased flexion and forced external rotation in flexion on 3D-CT; Triplane ankle fracture patterns in paediatric patients; Improved forearm rotation even after early conversion to below-elbow; Selective dorsal rhizotomy and cerebral palsy (CP) hip displacement; Abduction bracing following anterior open reduction for developmental dysplasia of the hip does not improve residual dysplasia or reduce secondary surgery; 40% risk of later total hip arthroplasty for in situ slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) pinning; Does brace treatment following closed reduction of developmental dysplasia of the hip improve acetabular coverage?; Waterproof hip spica casts for paediatric femur fractures.
The October 2013 Knee Roundup360 looks at: Make it easy, release the MCL; Do patients remember clinical information in day surgery?; Osteoarthritis and arthroscopy?; How best to double your bundles; When to operate for infection; Cementless unicompartment knee replacement?; Tibial tubercle-trochlear groove confusion; Tarts, cherries and osteoarthritis
The October 2015 Knee Roundup360 looks at: Allergy and outcome in arthroplasty; Physiotherapy and drains not such a bad combination?; Another nail in the coffin for arthroscopists?; Graft precondition hocus pocus; Extended dose steroids in knee arthritis?; Indolent peri-prosthetic infection; Computer modelling and medial knee arthritis
Not all questions can be answered by prospective randomised controlled trials. Registries were introduced as a way of collecting information on joint replacements at a population level. They have helped to identify failing implants and the data have also been used to monitor the performance of individual surgeons. This review aims to look at some of the less well known registries that are currently being used worldwide, including those kept on knee ligaments, ankle arthroplasty, fractures and trauma.
The June 2015 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: ACL reconstruction in paediatric knees; Hips, slips and cams; The adolescent clavicle; 3D fluoroscopy in DDH?; The psychiatric aspects of hip pain in adolescents; Adolescent bunions: dealer’s choice?; Medial epicondylar fractures revisited
The April 2015 Knee Roundup360 looks at: Genetic determinants of ACL strength; TKA outcomes influenced by prosthesis; Single- or two-stage revision for infected TKA?; Arthroscopic meniscectomy: a problem that just won’t go away!; Failure in arthroscopic ACL reconstruction; ACL reconstruction in the over 50s?; Knee arthroplasty for early osteoarthritis; All inside meniscal repair; Steroids, thrombogenic markers and TKA
The June 2012 Knee Roundup360 looks at: ACI and mosaicplasty; ACI after microfracture; exercise therapy and the degenerate medial meniscal tear; intra-articular bupivacaine or ropivacaine at knee arthroscopy; lateral trochlear inclination and patellofemoral osteoarthritis; bone loss and ACL reconstruction; assessing stability using the contralateral knee; tranexamic acid and a useful review of knee replacement.
The February 2014 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: flexible plasters; dual 8-plate or ablation for knee epiphysiodesis; ultrasounds for pulled elbow; leg length without the radiation; Boyd amputation in limb deficiencies; gold standard club foot treatment; quadrupled semitendinosis graft effective in paediatric ACL reconstruction; and predicting complications following cerebral palsy hip reconstruction
The April 2012 Knee Roundup360 looks at the torn ACL, ACL reconstruction, the risk of ACL rupture, the benefit of warm-ups before exercise, glucosamine and tibiofemoral osteoarthritis, sensitisation and sporting tendinopathy, pain relief after TKR, the long-term results of the Genesis I, the gender specific recovery times after TKR, and the accuracy of the orthopaedic eyeball
The August 2012 Knee Roundup360 looks at: meniscal defects and a polyurethane scaffold; which is best between a single or double bundle; OA of the knee; how to resolve anterior knee pain; whether yoga can be bad for your menisci; metal ions in the serum; whether ACI is any good; the ACL; whether hyaluronic acid delays collagen degradation; and hyaluronan and patellar tendinopathy.