Nuclear factor erythroid 2–related factor 2 (Nrf2)/antioxidant response element (ARE) pathway is key in maintaining redox homeostasis and the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis (OA) involves oxidative distress. We thus investigated whether Nrf2/ARE signaling may control expression of key chondrogenic differentiation and hyaline cartilage maintenance factor SOX9. In human C-28/I2 chondrocytes SOX9 expression was measured by RT–qPCR after shRNA-mediated knockdown of Nrf2 or its antagonist the Kelch-like erythroid cell-derived protein with cap “n” collar homology-associated protein 1 (Keap1). Putative ARE-binding sites in the proximal SOX9 promoter region were inactivated, cloned into pGL3, and co-transfected with phRL–TK for dual-luciferase assays to verify whether Nrf2 transcriptionally regulates SOX9. While Keap1-specific RNAi increased SOX9 expression, Nrf2-specific RNAi significantly decreased it. Putative ARE sites (ARE1, ARE2) were identified in the Our data suggest that SOX9 expression in articular cartilage is directly Nrf2-dependent and that pharmacological Nrf2 activation may hold potential to diminish age-dependent osteoarthritic changes in knee cartilage through improving protective SOX9 expression.
Many age-related diseases affect our skeletal system, but bone health-targeting drug development strategies still largely rely on 2D in vitro screenings. We aimed at developing a scaffold-free progenitor cell-based 3D biomineralization model for more physiological high-throughput screenings. MC3T3-E1 pre-osteoblast spheroids were cultured in V-shaped plates for 28 days in alpha-MEM (10% FCS, 1% L-Gln, 1X NEAA) with 1% pen/strep, changed every two days, and differentiation was induced by 10mM b-glycerophosphate and 50µg/ml ascorbic-acid. Osteogenic cell differentiation was assessed through profiling mRNA expression of selected osteogenic markers by efficiency corrected normalized 2^DDCq RT-qPCR. Biomineralization in spheroids was evaluated by histochemistry (Alizarin Red/von Kossa staining), Alkaline phosphatase (Alp) activity, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analyses, micro-CT analyses, and scanning electron microscopy on critical point-dried samples. GraphPad Prism 9 analyses comprised Shapiro-Wilk and Brown-Forsythe tests as well as 2-way ANOVA with Tukey post-hoc and non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis with Dunn post-hoc tests. During mineralization, as opposed to non-mineralizing conditions, characteristic mRNA expression profiles of selected early and late osteoblast differentiation markers (e.g., RunX, Alp, Col1a1, Bglap) were observed between day 0 and 28 of culture; Alp was strongly upregulated (p<0.001) from day 7 on, followed by its enzymatic activity (p<0.001). Bglap and Col1a1 expression peaked on (p<0.001) and from day 14 on (p<0.05), respectively. IHC revealed osteocalcin staining in the spheroid core regions at day 14, while type I collagen staining of the cores was most prominent from day 21 on. Alizarin Red and Von Kossa confirmed central and radially outwards expanding mineralization patterns between day 14 and day 28, which was accompanied by a steady increase in extracellular calcium deposition over time (p<0.001). Micro-CT analyses allowed quantitative appreciation of the overall increase in mineral density over time (day21, p<0.05; d28, p<0.001), while SEM-EDX and FTIR ultimately confirmed a bone-like hydroxyapatite mineral deposition in 3D. A novel and thoroughly characterized versatile bone-like 3D biomineralization in vitro model was established, which allows for studying effects of pharmacological interventions on bone mineralization ex vivo under physiomimetic conditions. Ongoing studies currently aim at elucidating in how far it specifically recapitulates intramembranous ossification.
Nuclear factor erythroid 2–related factor 2 (Nrf2) is a crucial transcription factor to maintain cellular redox homeostasis, but is also affecting bone metabolism. As the association between Nrf2 and osteoporosis in elderly females is not fully elucidated, our aim was to shed light on the potential contribution of Nrf2 to the development of age-dependent osteoporosis using a mouse model. Female wild-type (WT, n=18) and Nrf2-knockout (KO, n=12) mice were sacrificed at different ages (12 weeks=young mature adult, and 90 weeks=old), morphological cortical and trabecular properties of femoral bone analyzed by micro-computed tomography (µCT), and compared to histochemistry. Mechanical properties were derived from quasi-static compression tests and digital image correlation (DIC) used to analyze full-field strain distribution. Bone resorbing cells and aromatase expression by osteocytes were evaluated immunohistochemically and empty osteocyte lacunae counted in cortical bone. Wilcoxon rank sum test was used for data comparison and differences considered statistically significant at p<0.05. When compared to old WT mice, old Nrf2-KO mice revealed a significantly reduced trabecular bone mineral density (BMD), cortical thickness (Ct.Th), cortical area (Ct.Ar), and cortical bone fraction (Ct.Ar/Tt.Ar). Surprisingly, these parameters were not different in skeletally mature young adult mice. Metaphyseal trabeculae were thin but present in all old WT mice, while no trabecular bone was detectable in 60% of old KO mice. Occurrence of empty osteocyte lacunae did not differ between both groups, but a significantly higher number of osteoclast-like cells and fewer aromatase-positive osteocytes were found in old KO mice. Furthermore, female Nrf2-KO mice showed an age-dependently reduced fracture resilience when compared to age-matched WT mice. Our results confirmed lower bone quantity and quality as well as an increased number of bone resorbing cells in old female Nrf2-KO mice. Additionally, aromatase expression in osteocytes of old Nrf2-KO mice was compromised, which may indicate a chronic lack of estrogen in bones of old Nrf2-deficient mice. Thus, chronic Nrf2 loss seems to contribute to age-dependent progression of female osteoporosis.
Bioabsorbable metals hold a lot of potential as orthopaedic implant materials. Three metal families are currently being investigated: iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg) and zinc (Zn). Currently, however, biodegradation of such implants is poorly predictable. We thus used Direct Metal Printing to additively manufacture porous implants of a standardized bone-mimetic design and evaluated their mechanical properties and degradation behaviour, respectively, under Atomized powder was manufactured to porous implants of repetitive diamond unit cells, using a ProX DMP 320 (Layerwise, Belgium) or a custom-modified ReaLizer SLM50 metal printer. Degradation behaviour was characterized under static and dynamic conditions in a custom-built bioreactor system (37ºC, 5% CO2 and 20% O2) for up of 28 days. Implants were characterized by micro-CT before and after Micro-CT analyses confirmed average strut sizes (420 ± 4 μm), and porosity (64%), to be close to design values. After 28 days of In summary, DMP allows to accurately control interconnectivity and topology of implants from all three families and micro-structured design holds potential to optimize their degradation speed. This first systematic report sheds light into how design influences degradation behaviour under
The ideal bone substituting biomaterials should possess bone-mimicking mechanical properties; have of porous interconnected structure, and adequate biodegradation behaviour to enable full recovery of bony defects. Direct metal printed porous scaffolds hold potential to satisfy all these requirements and were additively manufactured (AM) from atomized WE43 magnesium alloy powder with grain sizes between 20 and 60 μm. Their micro-structure, mechanical properties, degradation behavior and biocompatibility was then evaluated
Large bone defects still challenge the orthopaedic surgeon. Local vascularity at the site of the fracture has an important influence on the healing procedure. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and it's receptor (VEGFR2) are potent inducer of angiogenesis during the fracture healing. Aim of the present study was the investigation of critical size fracture (CSF) healing in VEGFR2-luc mice using tailored scaffolds. CSFs were performed and stabilised in mouse femur using an external fixator. The fracture was bridged using a synthetic 3D printed scaffold with a defined porosity to promote regeneration. The ß-tricalciumphosphate (ßTCP) and strontium doped ß-tricalciumphosphate (ßTCP+Sr) scaffolds were investigated for their regenerative potential. The expression levels of VEGFR2 could be monitored non-invasively via in vivo bioluminescence imaging for 2 months. After the longitudinal measurements the animals were euthanised for an in depth histological endpoint analysis. The different scaffold induced tissue regeneration was quantified for both, the ßTCP and the ßTCP+Sr group.Background
Transcription factor nuclear factor E2p45-related factor 2 (Nrf2) is crucial for controlling the antioxidant response and maintaining cellular redox homeostasis. Binding of Nrf2 to antioxidant response elements (ARE) promotes the expression of anti-oxidative stress enzymes. In osteoblasts, Nrf2 directly interacts with Runx2, a strong transcriptional activator of osteoblast-specific genes. Sox9, a key regulator of chondrocyte differentiation is dominant over Runx2 in mesenchymal chondrogenic precursors. We therefore aimed to elucidate the role of Nrf2, and its regulation of Sox9, in chondrocytes. ARE sites in SOX9 promoter fragments were inactivated and cloned into pGL3 prior to co-transfection with phRL-TK into C-28/I2 cells for dual luciferase assay (n=4). Analyses of Nrf2 and Sox9 expression (n=3), following Nrf2 RNA interference (RNAi) (Sigma-Mission shRNAs library), was performed by qPCR (Applied Biosystems) as well as by Nrf2 and Sox9 immunohistochemistry in femoral condyle cartilage of wild type (WT) and Nrf2-knockout (KO) mice with ethical approval.Background
Adult chondrocytes experience a hypoxic environment in vivo. Culturing chondrocytes under oxygen tension that more closely resembles the in vivo situation, i.e. hypoxic conditions, has been shown to have positive effects on matrix synthesis. During redifferentiation of expanded chondrocytes, hypoxia increased collagen type II expression. However, the mechanism by which hypoxia enhances redifferentiation is still incompletely elucidated. We employed micro-bioreactor technology to elucidate the contribution of TGF-β superfamily ligands to the chondrocyte differentiation process under hypoxic conditions in vitro. Dedifferentiated chondrocytes in alginate were cultured for 48 hours under hypoxic (1% pO2) or normoxic (20%) conditions, using specialized bioreactor technology. Gene expression of chondrocyte-specific markers (SOX9, COL2A1, COL1A1, AGC1 and MMP13) as well as established hypoxia-controlled genes (GDF1-, PHD3, HAS2, VEGF, COX2) and components of the TGF-β superfamily signaling pathways were analyzed by qPCR and protein expression after 48 hours in combination with TGF-β superfamily ligand-specific siRNA as well as selected TGF-β superfamily receptor inhibitors. Hypoxic culture showed robust upregulation of the selected hypoxia-specific marker genes. In addition, well-established chondrocyte-specific markers like SOX9 and collagen type II were upregulated. TGF-β isoforms were selectively upregulated under hypoxia on both mRNA and protein level. In addition, both Activin receptor-like kinases, ALK1 and ALK5, were upregulated under hypoxia, while respective type II and III receptors were unresponsive. The hypoxia-induced COL2 expression was abrogated by TGF-β2 siRNA, as was ALK5 inhibition. Our data strongly indicates that TGF-β superfamily signaling pathways are involved in chondrocyte redifferentiation under low oxygen tension in vitro.
Aim of the study was to evaluate if abrasion-arthroplasty (AAP) and abrasion-chondroplasty (ACP) leads to a release of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) like cells from the bone marrow to the joint cavity where they probably differentiate into a chondrogenic phenotype. Cartilage demage is a sever problem in our aging society. About 5 million people only in Germany are affected. Osteoathritis is a degeneration of cartilage caused by aging or traumata 50 % of the people over 40 have signs of osteoarthritis. But the ability of self-regeneration of cartilage is strongly limited. There are different approaches to therapy osteoathritic lesions. Arthroscopic treatment of OA includes bone marrow stimulation technique such as abrasion arthroplasty (AAP) and microfracturing (MF). Beside the support of chondrocyte progenitor cells the environment is also important for the commitment to chondrocytes. Therefore insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF-β1) are important factors during the regeneration process. In the present study we characterised the heamarthrosis and the released cells after AAP and its ability to differentiate into the chondrocyte lineage. Postoperative haemarthrosis was taken 5, 22 or 44 hours after surgery. 7.5 mg Dexamethasone (Corticosteroid) was administered into the knee joint to prevent postoperative inflammation. Mononuclear cells were isolated from haemarthrosis from the drainage bottle by ficoll density gradient centrifugation. The isolated cells were characterised using fluorescence-activated cell-sorting (FACS) analysis for characteristic markers of MSC such as CD 44, 73, 90, 105. After expanding cells were cultured in a pellet culture. After 3 weeks, histochemistry and immunohistochemistry against Sox9, collagen II and proteoglycan were performed. The release of IGF1, BMP4 and BMP7 was analysed in haemarthrosis serum by ELISA and Luminex technology.Introduction
Material and Methods
Our aim was to investigate vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression after lacerations of a meniscus in a rabbit model. Specimens of meniscus were examined using immunohistochemistry, enzyme-linked immunoassay and the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction after one, two, five or ten weeks. In the periphery of the meniscus 90% of the lacerations had healed after five and ten weeks, but no healing was observed in the avascular area. Expression of VEGF protein and VEGF mRNA was found in the meniscus of both the operated and the contralateral sites but both were absent in control rabbits which had not undergone operation. The highest expression of VEGF was found in the avascular area after one week (p <
0.001). It then lessened at both the vascular and avascular areas, but still remained greater in comparison with the control meniscus (p <
0.05). Despite greater expression of VEGF, angiogenesis failed at the inner portion. These findings demonstrated the poor healing response in the avascular area which may not be caused by an intrinsic cellular insufficiency to stimulate angiogenesis.