External fixators are attached to bones with percutaneous pins and wires inserted through soft tissues and bone increasing the risk of infections. Such infections compromise patient outcomes e.g., through pin loosening or loss, failure of fixator to stabilise the fracture, additional surgery, increased pain, and delayed mobilisation. These infections also impact the healthcare system for example, increased OPD visits, hospitalisations, treatments, surgeries and costs. Nurses have a responsibility in the care and management of patients with external fixators and ultimately in the prevention of pin-site infection. Yet, evidence on best practices in the prevention of pin-site infection is limited and variation in pin-site management practices is evident. Various strategies are used for the prevention of pin-site infection including the use of different types of non-medicated and medicated wound dressings. The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate the use of dry gauze or iodine tulle dressings for the prevention of pin-site infections in patients with lower limb external fixators.
A retrospective study of patients with lower limb external fixators who attended the research site between 2015–2022. Setting & Sample: The setting was the outpatient's (OPD) orthopaedic clinic in a University Teaching Hospital in Dublin, Ireland. Eligibility Criteria:
Over the age of 16, treated with an Ilizarov, Taylor Spatial frame (TSF) or Limb Reconstruction System (LRS) external fixators on lower limbs,
Pin-sites dressed with dry gauze or iodine tulle,
Those with pre-existing infected wounds close to the pin site and/or were on long term antibiotics were excluded.
Follow Up Period: From time of external fixator application to first pin-site infection or removal of external fixator. Outcome Assessment: The primary outcome was pin-site infection, secondary outcomes included but were not limited to frequency of pin-site infection according to types of bone fixation, frequency of pin/wire removal and hospitalisation due to infection. Data analysis: IBM SPSS Version 25 was used for statistical analysis. Descriptive and inferential statistics were conducted as appropriate. Categorical data were analysed by counting the frequencies (number and percentages) of participants with an event as opposed to counting the number of episodes for each event. Differences between groups were analysed using Chi-square test or Fisher's exact test, where appropriate. Continuous variables were reported using mean and standard deviations and difference analysed using a two-sample independent t-test or non-parametric test (Mann-Whitney), where appropriate. Using Kaplan-Meier, survival analysis explored time to development of infection. Ethical approval: granted by local institute Research Ethics Committee on 12th March 2018.