Following recommendations in the NHS Plan, all Trusts in the UK now send copies of correspondence to patients as standard practice. It is not clear whether patients wish to receive such correspondence, nor whether this practices an additional workload on the NHS as patients seek clarification on the medical terminology used in their letters. We surveyed 90 consecutive patients in three Consultant Foot & Ankle surgeons' new outpatient clinics at our institution. Sixty patients received a copy of the letter sent to their GP (standard practice) and 30 patients received a letter in plain English addressed to the patient and a copy was sent to the GP (new practice). Patients were sent a cover letter explaining the study a copy of their clinic note and also a questionnaire that asked details about their preferred methods of communication. In addition qualitative interviews with 4 GP Partners were carried out to harbour their opinions.Introduction
There are approximately 1.2 million patients using orthotics in the UK costing the NHS in excess of £100 million per annum. Despite this, there is little data available to determine efficacy and patient compliance. There have been a few reports on patient satisfaction, which indicate that between 13-50% of patients are dissatisfied with their orthotics. Our aim was to evaluate patient reported satisfaction with orthotics prescribed and to investigate the reasons behind patient dissatisfaction. Seventy consecutive patients receiving foot orthoses at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital were retrospectively asked to complete a questionnaire and to bring their shoes and orthotics to research clinic. The inside width of the shoes and corresponding width of the orthotic were measured. A semi-structured interview was carried out on 10 patients, including those that were satisfied or unsatisfied, using qualitative research methods to identify issues that are important to patients.Introduction