Aims. The Clavien-Dindo (CD) classification and Comprehensive Complication Index (CCI) have been validated primarily among general surgical procedures. To date, the validity of these measures has not been assessed in patients undergoing arthroplasty. Methods. This retrospective cohort study included patients undergoing primary
The National Health Service produces over 500,000 tonnes of waste and 25 mega tonnes of CO2 annually. Operating room waste is segregated into different streams which are recycled, disposed of in landfill sites, or undergo costly and energy-intensive incineration processes. By assessing the quantity and recyclability of waste from primary hip and knee arthroplasty cases, we aim to identify strategies to reduce the carbon footprint of arthroplasty surgery. Data was collected prospectively at a tertiary orthopaedic hospital, in the theatres of six arthroplasty surgeons between April – July 2022. Fifteen primary total hip arthroplasty (THA) and 16 primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA) cases were included; revision and complex primary cases were excluded. Waste was categorised into non-hazardous waste, hazardous waste, recycling, sharps, and linens. Each waste category was weighed. Items disposed as non-hazardous waste were catalogued for a sample of 10 TKA and 10 THA cases. Recyclability of items was determined from packaging. Average total waste generated for THA and TKA were 14.46kg and 17.16kg respectively, with TKA generating significantly greater waste (p < 0.05). On average only 5.4% of waste was recycled in TKA and just 2.9% in THA cases. The mean recycled waste was significantly greater in TKA cases compared to THA, 0.93kg and 0.42kg respectively (p < 0.05). Hazardous waste represented the largest proportion of the waste streams for both TKA (69.2%) and THA (73.4%). On average TKA generated a significantly greater amount (11.87kg) compared to THA (10.61kg), p < 0.05. Non-hazardous waste made up 15.1% and 11.3% of total waste for TKA and THA respectively. In the non-hazardous waste, only two items (scrub brush packaging and sterile towel packaging) were identified as recyclable based on packaging. We estimate that annually
Aims. The aim of this meta-analysis was to determine the pooled incidence of postoperative urinary retention (POUR) following
Malnutrition is considered a risk factor for postoperative complications in
Abstract. Introduction. Frailty is associated with poorer outcomes after joint replacement. Targeting frailty pre-operatively via protein supplementation and exercise has the potential to improve outcomes after joint replacement. Before conducting a randomised controlled trial (RCT), a feasibility study is necessary to address key uncertainties and explore how to optimise trial design. Methodology. Joint PREP is a feasibility study for a multicentre, two-arm, parallel group, pragmatic, RCT to evaluate the clinical and cost-effectiveness of prehabilitation for frail patients undergoing
Immigrated Canadians make up approximately 20% of the total population in Canada, and 30% of the population in Ontario. Despite universal health coverage and an equal prevalence of severe arthritis in immigrants relative to non-immigrants, the former may be underrepresented amongst arthroplasty recipients secondary to challenges navigating the healthcare system. The primary aim of this study was to determine if utilization of arthroplasty differs between immigrant populations and persons born in Canada. The secondary aim was to determine differences in outcomes following
Aims. Surgical costs are a major component of healthcare expenditures in the USA. Intraoperative communication is a key factor contributing to patient outcomes. However, the effectiveness of communication is only partially determined by the surgeon, and understanding how non-surgeon personnel affect intraoperative communication is critical for the development of safe and cost-effective staffing guidelines. Operative efficiency is also dependent on high-functioning teams and can offer a proxy for effective communication in highly standardized procedures like primary
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a serious complication after
Background. In surgeon controlled bundled payment and service models, the goal is to reduce cost but preserve quality. The surgeon not only takes on risk for the surgery, but all costs during 90 days after the procedure. If savings are achieved over a previous target price, the surgeon can receive a monetary bonus. The surgeon is placed in a position to optimize the patients preoperatively to minimize expensive postoperative readmissions in a high risk population. Traditionally, surgeons request that primary care providers medically clear the patient for surgery with cardiology consultation at their discretion, and without dictating specific testing. Our participation in the Bundled Payments for Care Improvement (BPCI) program for
Aims. While internet search engines have been the primary information source for patients’ questions, artificial intelligence large language models like ChatGPT are trending towards becoming the new primary source. The purpose of this study was to determine if ChatGPT can answer patient questions about
Aim. Periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) is one of the most serious and frequent complications in prosthetic surgery. Despite significant improvements in the criteria for diagnosis of PJI, the diagnostic workflow remains complex and, sometimes, inconclusive. Host immune factors hold great potential as diagnostic biomarkers in bone and joint infections. We have recently reported that the synovial concentration of the humoral pattern recognition molecule long pentraxin 3 (PTX3) is a sensitive and specific marker of PJI in
Introduction. The purpose of the study was to determine access to and, ability to use telemedicine technology in an adult hip and knee reconstruction patient population and we seek to understand these patients' perceived benefits, risks and preferences of telemedicine. Methods. We performed a cross-sectional telephone administered survey on patients scheduled to undergo primary THA and TKA by one of six surgeons at a single academic institution between March 23 and June 2, 2020. Results. 163 patients were contacted and 113 (69.3%) completed the survey. Of the patients that completed surveys, 88% of patients reported using the internet with 94% reporting owning a device capable of videoconferencing. 78% of patients had participated in a video call in the past year and 37% having done a video visit with their physician. When asked for their preferred method for a physician visit, 80% ranked in-person as their first choice, followed by 18% preferring a video visit. Perceived benefits of telemedicine visits included reduced travel to appointments (87% agree or strongly agree) and reduced cost of attending appointments (63% agree or strongly agree). However, patients were concerned that they would not establish the same patient-physician connection (51% agree or strongly agree) and would not receive the same level of care (33% agree or strongly agree) through telemedicine visits versus in person visits. Conclusion. The majority of
Background. The Bundled Payments for Care Improvement (BPCI) was developed by the US Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) to evaluate a payment and service delivery model to reduce cost but preserve quality. 90 day postoperative expenditures are reconciled against a target price, allowing for a monetary bonus to the provider if savings were achieved. The surgeon is placed in a position to optimize the patients preoperatively to minimize expensive postoperative cardiovascular readmissions in a high risk population. Traditionally, surgeons request that primary care providers medically clear the patient for surgery with or without additional cardiology consultation, without dictating specific testing. Typical screening includes an EKG, occasionally an echocardiogram and nuclear stress test, and rarely a cardiac catheterization. Our participation in the BPCI program for
Patients undergoing
Introduction. It is thought that socioeconomic status and cultural upbringing influence the patient based outcomes of total joint arthroplasty. Previous studies have shown that patients in a lower socioeconomic class had surgery at an earlier age, increased comorbidities, increased severity of symptoms at presentation, and less satisfaction with the outcome. The purpose of this study was to compare the 1) reasons for undergoing total joint replacement and 2) satisfaction with the outcome among patients in different cultures and socioeconomic categories. We hypothesized that the overall reasons for undergoing surgery would be similar among all groups. Method. Patients undergoing
The New Zealand Joint Registry (NZJR) was established in 1999. However, ethnicity data was not recorded by prioritisation in line with Ministry of Health (MoH) recommendations. Recently, cross-referencing with MoH updated ethnicity data for all 326,150 entries in the NZJR database. The objective of this national level, population study was to identify any ethnic disparities in access and outcome for Māori for primary
Introduction. Patients undergoing TJA have higher rates of anxiety and/or depression than the general population and higher costs of care. These preoperative diagnoses lead to higher levels of postoperative dissatisfaction and depression patients alone have higher readmission rates. There is significant crossover between anxiety and depressive disorders, and many patients are classed as combined. Our goal was to evaluate readmission rates of patients undergoing
Elevated plasma levels of D-dimer have been found to be a useful screening tool in the diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) in the general population. In the post operative setting however their role is less clear. The majority of NHS trusts use D-dimer as a prerequisite test prior to radiological imaging to diagnose DVT. Aims and method: This study evaluates the effectiveness of D-dimer as a screening tool for DVT in the postoperative period following
Aims. The purpose of this study was to assess early physical function
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to utilise data from the Canadian Joint Replacement Registry (CJRR) to determine trends in the 43,000