Introduction. Charcot neuroarthropathy is a limb threatening condition and the optimal surgical strategy for limb salvage in gross foot deformity remains unclear. We present our experience of using fine wire frames to correct severe
Purpose. Operative treatment of Lisfranc joint injuries typically includes reduction and stabilization of the medial and middle columns of the
Introduction. Surgical approaches to the dorsum of the foot are common for management of
The mid foot joints are usually the first to be affected in Charcot neuroarthropathy(CN). Reconstruction is technically demanding and fraught with complications. Fixation methods have evolved over time from cancellous screws, plates, bolts and a combination of these. We present our experience of mid foot fusion in CN from a tertiary diabetic foot centre. In this series we undertook mid foot corrective fusion in 27 feet (25patients) and are presenting the results of those with a minimumof six months follow up. Twelve of these had concurrent hindfoot fusion. Eleven patients had type 1 diabetes, 12 had type 2 and 2 were non-diabetics. 23 patients were ASA grade3 and 2 were ASA 2. 21 feet had ulcers preoperatively and mean HbA1c was 8.2. 13 patients had diabetic retinopathy and 6 had nephropathy. Average patient age was 59 (43 to 80) and our mean follow up was 35 months (7 to 67). One patient was lost to follow up and 2 patients died. 18 patients had plates, 3 had bolts and 6 had a combination. Complete follow up data was available for 26 feet in 24 patients. Satisfactory correction of deformity was achieved in all patients. The mean correction of calcaneal pitch was from 0.6 preoperatively to 10.6 degrees postoperatively, mean Meary angle from 22 to 9 degrees, talo- metatarsal angle on AP view from 33 to 13 degree. Bony union was achieved in 21 out of 26 feet and atleast one joint failed to fuse in 5. 19 out of 24 patients were able to mobilize fully or partially weight bearing. We had 6 patients with persisting and 3 withrecurrent ulceration. Seven repeat procedures were carried out which included 2 revision fixations. 4 out of 5 non-unions were seen where bolts were used alone or supplemented with plates. With our technique and a strict protocol 100% limb salvage and 81% union was achieved. 80% patients were mobile and ulcer healing was achieved in 72%. Corrective mid foot fusion is an effective procedure in these complex casesbut require the input of a multidisciplinary team for perioperative care.
Aim. The aim of this paper is to analyse the cause of neuropathic diabetic foot ulcers and discuss their preventive measures. Methods. Review of patients with foot ulcers managed in our diabetic MDT clinics since Feb 2018 were analysed. Based on this observation and review of pertinent literature, following observations were made. Results. Forefoot. Progressive hindfoot equinus from contraction of gastroc-soleus-tendo-Achilles complex, with additional contraction of tibialis posterior and peroneal longus muscles and, progressive plantar flexed metatarsal heads secondary to claw toe deformity results in increased forefoot plantar pressures. In patients with insensate feet, this result in ulcer formation under the metatarsal heads from shear stress when walking. Callosity under the metatarsal heads is the earliest clinical sign. Most patients by this time have fixed tightness of the muscle groups as assessed by negative Silfverskiold test. Percutaneous tendo-Achilles lengthening (TAL) has shown to reduce the mid-forefoot plantar pressures by 32% and ulcer healing in 96% of patients within 10 weeks (± 4 weeks). Additional z-lengthening of peroneal longus and tibialis posterior tendons helped in patients with big-toe and 5. th. metatarsal head ulcers. Proximal metatarsal osteotomies further reduce the forefoot pressures to near normality.
Introduction. Charcot Arthropathy related foot and ankle deformities are a serious challenge. Surgical treatment of these deformities is now well established. The traditional surgical method of extensive surgical exposure, excision of bone, acute correction and internal fixation is not always appropriate in presence of active ulceration, deep infection and poor bone quality. Minimally invasive osteotomies and gradual correction of deformities with a circular frame are proving helpful in minimizing complications. We present our experience with the use of Taylor Spatial Frame (TSF) in 10 patients with recurrent ulceration and deformity. Materials and Methods. Our indication for the treatment with TSF is recurrent or intractable ulceration with or without active bone infection or a history of infection in a deformed foot and/or ankle. There are 2 female and 8 male patients in this cohort. We used a long bone module for ankle and hindfoot deformities (3 patients) and a forefoot 6×6 butt frame (7 patients) for
Introduction. Hindfoot surgery is assumed to be more painful than
In 2010, we published results of Ponseti versus primary posteromedial release (PMR) for congenital talipes equinovarus (CTEV) in 51 prospective patients. This study reports outcomes at a median of 15 years from original treatment. We followed 51 patients at a median of 15 years (range 13–17 years) following treatment of CTEV with either Ponseti method (25 patients; 38 feet) or PMR (26 patients; 42 feet). Thirty-eight patientsd were contacted and 33 participated in clinical review (65%), comprising patient reported outcomes, clinical examination, 3-D gait analysis and plantar pressures. Sixteen of 38 Ponseti treated feet (42%) and 20 of 42 PMR treated feet (48%) had undergone further surgery. The PMR treated feet were more likely to have osteotomies and intra- articular surgeries (16 vs 5 feet, p<0.05). Of the 33 patients reviewed with multimodal assessment, the Ponseti group demonstrated better scores on the Dimeglio (5.8 vs 7.0, p<0.05), the Disease Specific Instrument (80 vs 65.6, p<0.05), the Functional Disability Inventory (1.1 vs 5.0, p<0.05) and the AAOS Foot & Ankle Questionnaire (52.2 vs. 46.6, p < 0.05), as well as improved total sagittal ankle range of motion in gait, ankle plantarflexion range at toe off and calf power generation. The primary PMR group displayed higher lateral
Introduction. Continuous compression implants (CCIs) are small memory alloy bone staples that can provide continuous compression across a fracture site, which change shape due to temperature changes. Reviews of CCIs in orthopaedics have documented their use in mainly foot and ankle surgery, with very limited descriptions in trauma. They could be beneficial in the management of complex or open injuries due to their low profile and quick insertion time. The aim of this case series were to clarify the use of CCIs in modern day limb reconstruction practice. Materials & Methods. This was a single centred study looking retrospectively at prospective data for patients who were treated for an acute fracture or non-union with a CCI between September 2019 and May 2023. Primary outcome was to determine the function and indication of the CCI as judged retrospectively and secondary outcomes investigated unplanned returns to theatre for infection or CCI failure. Results. Sixty patients were eligible with a mean age of 44.2 (range 8–89). Fifty-one patients were treated for acute fractures, nine for non-unions; and almost half (27 patients) had open injuries. There were seven different sites for treatment with a CCI, the most common being tibia (25 patients) and humerus (14 patients). Of the 122 CCIs used, 80 were used as adjuncts for fixation in 48 patients. Their indication as an adjunct fell into three distrinct categories – reduction of fracture (39 CCIs), fixation of key fragments (38 CCIs) and compression (3 CCIs). Of these 48 patients, 4 patients had a frame fixation, 19 had a nail fixation, 24 patients had a plate fixation. Forty-two CCIs were used in isolation as definitive fixation, all were for
The Lisfranc fracture dislocation of the tarsometatarsal joint (TMTJ) is a complex injury with a reported incidence of 9.2 to 14/100,000 person-years. Lisfranc fixation involves dorsal bridge plating, transarticular screws, combination or primary arthrodesis. We aimed to identify predictors of poor patient reported outcome measures at long term follow up after operative intervention. 127 patients underwent Lisfranc fixation at our Level One Trauma Centre between November 2007 and July 2013. At mean follow-up of 10.7 years (8.0-13.9), 85 patients (66.92%) were successfully contacted. Epidemiological data including age, gender and mechanism of injury and fracture characteristics such as number of columns injured, direction of subluxation/dislocation and classification based on those proposed by Hardcastle and Lau were recorded. Descriptive analysis was performed to compare our primary outcomes (AOFAS and FFI scores). Univariate analysis and multivariate regression analysis was done adjusted for age and sex to compare the entirety of our data set. P<0.05 was considered significant. The primary outcomes were the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS)
Lisfranc injuries account for 0.2% of all fractures and have been linked to poorer functional outcomes, in particular resulting in post-traumatic arthritis,
Aim. The aim of this work was to evaluate, via foot and ankle TC scans, the outcomes of the use of a bone substitute (CERAMENT|™G) and the growth of native bone in the treatment of osteomyelitis (OM) of the diabetic foot. Method. In nine patients from July 2014 to December 2016 we used a Calcium Sulphate Hemihydrate + Hydroxyapatite + Gentamicin Sulfate (CSH + HA + GS) compound to fill resected bone voids following surgical intervention in OM diabetic foot cases. Of these nine patients, three were female and six were male and their ages were between 49 and 72 years. Four patients had hindfoot involvement and underwent partial calcanectomy. Two patients presented a rocker-bottom Charcot foot pattern III according to Sanders and Frykberg's classification and were treated with esostectomy of the symptomatic bony prominence of the
Objective. To assess the usefulness of radiographs alone to evaluate acute
Flexible flat foot is considered one of the commonest normal variants in children's orthopaedic practice. The weightbearing foot is usually regarded as flexible on the basis of results from clinical and radiographic examination as well as measured foot-ground pressure pattern. Our aim was to compare the pedobarographic and radiographic findings of normal arched and symptomatic flexible flat feet and investigate if there were sensitive markers that could be used in selecting patients for surgical correction. We retrospectively collected data from eighteen patients (ten to sixteen year old). Our control group consisted of ten patients (twenty feet) with normal arched feet and the study group of eight patients (fifteen feet) with symptomatic flat feet who were awaiting surgical correction. The mean and standard deviations of three radiographic markers (Calcaneal pitch, Naviculocuboid overlap and lateral Talo-1st metatarsal angle) in addition to foot pressures measured at the hindfoot, medial/lateral/total
Introduction. Recurrence in CTEV is not uncommon and as the child becomes older the foot in question is often stiffer and less amenable to the more traditional serial casting Ponseti method. Treatment of these recurrent CTEV feet with external fixators has been previously documented. We aim to present the Sheffield technique of an external circular frame with adjunctive hindfoot and
Background. Benefits of day case foot and ankle surgery includes reduced hospital stay, associated cost savings for the hospital, high patient satisfaction and quicker recovery with no increase in complication rates. In 2007, we set up the preoperative foot and ankle group. Patients were seen three weeks before surgery by a specialist nurse, physiotherapist and a preoperative evaluation is done. The therapist explains the patient's weightbearing status and advices on how to carry this out. Our aim was to reduce inpatient hospital stay and increase our day case procedures. Methods. We evaluated length of stay and physiotherapy intervention for all our patients during the first three months of 2007 to 2011. Mean length of stay was calculated and Mann-Whitney U test was performed using median. Results. Mean length of stay for combined forefoot and
Aim. Since July 2013 our group has been using an antibiotic bone substitute, composed of calcium sulphate, hydroxyapatite and gentamicin sulphate (CSH + HA + GS), in the treatment of osteomyelitis (OM) in diabetic foot. The aim of this work was to evaluate the mid-term efficacy of this treatment regime on outcomes. A favourable outcome in diabetic foot includes no recurrence of OM, healed soft tissues and the ability to weight-bear. Method. To date we have used the CSH + HA + GS bone substitute in 24 diabetic patients with OM. In this study we reviewed patients treated from July 2013 to December 2014, in which we used CSH + HA + GS to treat OM of the forefoot,
Tarsometatarsal arthritis must be evaluated in conjunction with naviculocuneiform joint arthritis, as the two generally coexist. Primary osteoarthritis or systemic arthritis generally leads to uncomplicated non-deformity correction through arthrodesis. Challenges in correction become more pronounced following Lisfranc injury, where deformity and ligament instability introduce malalignment that mandates osteotomies to correct deformity. Diagnosis hinges on both CT scan data and selective diagnostic injections under fluoroscopy. The surgeon must simultaneously consider minimising bone resection to lessen the impact of metatarsal shortening. In addition, the three columns of the foot must be respected with reference to
Introduction. Taylor Spatial Frame (TSF) has been designed to treat complex tibial, foot and ankle deformities using computer software. We have performed various osteotomies in combination with different soft tissue procedures, with the use of TSF. Material and Methods. A retrospective study of 20 consecutive patients operated by, senior author SSM, from 2004 onwards who underwent surgical correction of tibia, ankle,
Background. Lateral column lengthening combining bony and soft tissue procedures has been described for symptom relief and deformity correction in the planovalgus foot. There are relatively few reports on its outcomes in childhood. We present our medium term outcomes using this technique in children. Methods. Twenty-five symptomatic mobile planovalgus feet in fifteen patients were operated upon between 2005 and 2008. The mean age at surgery was 12 years 6 months. Ten patients had idiopathic pes planovalgus, two had overcorrected congenital talipes equinovarus, and one had skewfoot deformity. The surgery included one or more bony elements - lengthening calcaneal osteotomy, heel shift, medial cuneiform osteotomy - iliac crest tricortical bone graft harvest and one or more soft tissue procedures - peroneus brevis/peroneus longus transfer, plantar fascia release and tibialis posterior advancement. The extent of surgery was decided per-operatively in an a la carte fashion. The Visual Analogue Score for Foot and Ankle (VAS FA) and American Foot and Ankle Association (AOFAS) ankle-hindfoot and