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Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 98-B, Issue SUPP_9 | Pages 116 - 116
1 May 2016
Park S Jung J
Full Access

Purpose. The purpose of the present study was to compare functional outcomes of medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) in patients with lateral meniscal lesion (LM (+) group) in the preoperative MRI and those without lateral meniscal pathology (LM (−) group) and to evaluate the effect of lateral meniscus lesion in preoperative MR on functional outcomes after UKA. Methods. The outcomes of 66 knees (LM (+) group) were compared to the outcomes of 54knees(LM (−) group)with a median follow-up of 28 month(range 24–36 months). Clinical outcomes including KS object score, KS pain score, lateral side pain, physical exam for lateral meniscal lesion and squatting ability. Radiological parameters (mechanical axis and component position) were compared and their effects on functional outcomes were evaluated at the final follow-up visits. Result. At final follow-up visits, no significant intergroup difference was found about KS object score, presence of lateral side pain, positive physical examination for meniscal lesion and squatting ability. LM(+) group had a tendency of more varus postoperative mechanical axis and showed better KS pain score and more comfortable feeling during squatting activity. Furthermore, no correlation was found between postoperative mechanical axis and functional outcome variables. Conclusions. The result of UKA for medial unicompartmental knee osteoarthritis was excellent regardless of preoperative lateral meniscal pathology in the MRI, if patient had not symptoms related to lateral meniscus lesion. Mild varus alignment for those who had a lateral meniscal lesion provided satisfactory clinical outcome of medial UKA

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 98-B, Issue SUPP_21 | Pages 64 - 64
1 Dec 2016
Corbo G Lording T Burkhart T Getgood A
Full Access

Injury to the anterolateral ligament (ALL) has been reported to contribute to high-grade anterolateral laxity following anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. Failure to address ALL injury has been suggested as a cause of persistent rotational laxity following ACL reconstruction. However, lateral meniscus posterior root (LMPR) tears have also has been shown to cause increased internal rotation and anterior translation of the knee. Due to the anatomic relationship of the ALL and the lateral meniscus, we hypothesise that the ALL and lateral meniscus work synergistically, and that a tear to the LMPR will have the same effect on anterolateral laxity as an ALL tear in the ACL deficient knee. Sixteen fresh frozen cadaveric knee specimens were potted into a hip simulator(femur) and a six degree-of-freedom load cell (tibia). Two rigid optical trackers were inserted into the proximal femur and distal tibia, allowing for the motion of the tibia with respect to the femur to be tracked during biomechanical tests. A series of points on the femur and tibia were digitised to create bone coordinate systems that were used to calculate the kinematic variables. Biomechanical testing involved applying a 5Nm internal rotation moment to the tibia while the knee was in full extension and tested sequentially in the following three conditions: i) ACLintact; ii) Partial ACL injury (ACLam) – anteromedial bundle sectioned; iii) Full ACL injury (ACLfull). The specimens were then randomised to either have the ALL sectioned first (ALLsec) followed by the LMPRsec or vice versa. Internal rotation and anterior translation of the tibia with respect to the femur were calculated. A mixed two-way (serial sectioning by ALL section order) repeated measures ANOVA (alpha = 0.05). Compared to the ACLintact condition, internal rotation was found to be 1.78° (p=0.06), 3.74° (p=0.001), and 3.84° (p=0.001) greater following ACLfull, LMPRsec and ALLsec respectively. LMPRsec and the ALLsec resulted in approximately 20 of additional internal rotation (p=0.004 and p=0.01, respectively) compared with the ACL deficient knee (ACLfull). No difference was observed between the ALL and LMPR sectioned states, or whether the ALL was sectioned before or after the LMPR (p=0.160). A trend of increasing anterior translation was observed when the 5Nm internal rotation moment was applied up until the ACL was fully sectioned; however, these differences were not significant (p=0.070). The ALL and LMPR seem to have a synergistic relationship in aiding the ACL in controlling anterolateral rotational laxity. High-grade anterolateral laxity following ACL injury may be attributed to injuries of the ALL and/or the LMPR. We suggest that the lateral meniscus should be thought of as part of the anterolateral capsulomeniscal complex (i.e., LM, ITB, and ALL) that acts as a stabiliser of anterolateral rotation in conjunction with the ACL

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 95-B, Issue SUPP_19 | Pages 11 - 11
1 Apr 2013
Mandalia V Kassam A Schranz P
Full Access

Introduction. Anatomical reconstruction of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) reconstruction has been shown to be desirable and improve patient outcome. The posterior border of the anterior horn of the lateral meniscus (AHLM) is an easily identifiable arthroscopic landmark, which could guide anatomic tibial tunnel position in the sagital plane. The aim of the study was to establish the relationship between the posterior border of AHLM and the centre of the ACL foot print to facilitate anatomical tibial tunnel placement. Materials/Methods. We analysed 100 knee MRI scans where there was no ACL or lateral meniscal injury. We measured the distance between the posterior border of the AHLM and the midpoint of the tibial ACL footprint in the sagital plane. The measurements were repeated 2 weeks later for intra-observer reliability. Results. The mean distance between the posterior border of the AHLM and the ACL midpoint was −0.1mm (i.e. 0.1mm posterior to the ACL midpoint). The range was 5mm to −4.6mm. The median value was 0.00mm. 95% confidence interval was from 0.3 mm to −0.5 mm. A normal, parametric distribution was observed and Intra-observer variability showed significant correlation (p=0.01) using Pearsons Correlation test. Conclusion. Using the posterior border of the AHLM is a reliable, reproducible and anatomic marker for the midpoint of the ACL footprint in the majority of cases. It can be used intra-operatively as a guide for tibial tunnel and graft placement allowing anatomical reconstruction. There will inevitably be some anatomical variation. Pre-operative MRI assessment of the relationship between AHLM and ACL footprint is advised to improve surgical planning

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 98-B, Issue SUPP_21 | Pages 63 - 63
1 Dec 2016
Mutch J Cracchiolo A Keating P Lemos S
Full Access

The absence of menisci in the knee leads to early degenerative changes. Complete radial tears of the meniscus are equivalent to total meniscectomy and repair should be performed if possible. The purpose of this study was to biomechanically compare the cross suture, hashtag and crosstag meniscal repairs using all-inside implants for radial tears. Radial tears were created at the mid-body of 36 fresh-frozen lateral human menisci and then repaired, in randomiSed order, with Fast-Fix™ 360s (Smith & Nephew, Andover, MA) using the cross suture, hashtag and crosstag techniques. The repaired menisci were tested using an Instron Electropuls E10000 (Instron, Norwood, MA). The tests consisted of cyclic loading from 5 to 30N at 1Hz for 500 cycles, then a load to failure test. Displacement following cyclic loading, load at 3mm of displacement, load to failure, and stiffness were recorded. Any differences between repairs were assessed using Kruskal-Wallis and Mann Whitney tests (p<0.05). Cross suture repairs displaced more following cyclic loading and resisted less load to failure than both the hashtag and crosstag repairs. However, these differences were not statistically significant. The average displacement following cyclic loading of cross suture, hashtag, and crosstag repairs was 4.34 mm (±2.02 mm), 3.46 mm (±2.12 mm), and 3.24 mm (±1.52 mm) respectively (p=0.33). Maximal load to failure was 64.83 N (±17.41 N), 74.52 N (±9.03 N), and 74.98N (±10.50N), respectively (p=0.419). All-inside cross suture, hashtag and crosstag repairs all displaced >3mm with cyclic loading, which is the threshold for meniscal insufficiency. This contrasts previous studies using inside-out sutures, where crosstag and hashtag repairs resisted cyclic loading (< 3mm). Inside-out suturing for radial tears of the lateral meniscus currently remains the gold standard

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 97-B, Issue SUPP_10 | Pages 28 - 28
1 Oct 2015
Mandalia V
Full Access

Introduction. Anatomical reconstruction of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) reconstruction has been shown to improve patient outcome. The posterior border of the anterior horn of the lateral meniscus (AHLM) is an easily identifiable landmark on MRI and arthroscopy, which could help plan tibial tunnel position in the sagittal plane and provide anatomical graft position intra-operatively. Method. Our method for anatomical tibial tunnel placement is to establish the relation of the posterior border of AHLM to the centre of the ACL footprint on a pre-operative sagittal MRI. Based on this relationship studied on preoperative MRI scan, posterior border of AHLM is used as an intra- operative arthroscopic landmark for anatomic tibial tunnel placement during ACL reconstruction. This relationship has been studied on 100 MRI scans where there was no ACL or LM injury (Bone and Joint Journal 2013 vol 95-B, SUPP 19). The aim of the study is to validate our method for anatomical tibial tunnel placement. Results. 25 patients with ACLR where there were both pre and post op MRI scan with good quality images of AHLM and tibial tunnel opening were included in this study. The preoperative relationship between posterior border of AHLM and centre of ACL footprint was compared with that between the posterior border of AHLM and centre of tibial tunnel on postop MRI scans. The measurements were done by two observers on two different occasions to establish intra and inter observer correlation. Discussion and Conclusion. There was significant correlation between pre-op (0.4mm) and post-op (0.4mm) distances between the AHLM and the centre of the ACL footprint/graft. There was significant inter-observer correlation (paired T-test =0.89, p<0.05) in pre- and post-op measurements. No significant difference was found in the difference between the means in pre-op and post-op MRI scans between observers (p=0.79). These results suggest that the AHLM is a reliable and valid intra-operative marker for anatomic ACL tibial tunnel placement

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 106-B, Issue SUPP_14 | Pages 10 - 10
23 Jul 2024
Al-hasani F Mhadi M
Full Access

Meniscal tears commonly co-occur with ACL tears, and many studies address their side, pattern, and distribution. Few studies assess the patient's short-term functional outcome concerning tear radial and circumferential distribution based on the Cooper et al. classification. Meniscal tears require primary adequate treatment to restore knee function. Our hypothesis is to preserve the meniscal rim as much as possible to maintain the load-bearing capacity of the menisci after meniscectomy. The purpose of this study is to document the location and type of meniscal tears that accompany anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears and their effect on patient functional outcomes following arthroscopic ACL reconstruction and meniscectomy. This prospective cross-sectional observational study was conducted at AL-BASRA Teaching Hospital in Iraq between July 2018 and January 2020 among patients with combined ipsilateral ACL injury and meniscal tears. A total of 28 active young male patients, aged 18 to 42 years, were included. All patients were subjected to our questionnaire, full history, systemic and regional examination, laboratory investigations, imaging studies, preoperative rehabilitation, and were followed by Lysholm score 6 months postoperatively. All 28 patients were males, with a mean age of 27 ± 0.14 years. The right knee was the most commonly affected in 20/28 patients (71.4%). The medial meniscus was most commonly injured in 11 patients, 7 patients had lateral meniscal tears, and 10 patients had tears in both menisci. The most common tear pattern of the medial meniscus was a bucket handle tear (36.4%), while longitudinal tears were the most frequent in the lateral meniscus (71.4%) (P-value = 0.04). The most common radial tear location was zone E-F (5/28, 17.8%), and the most common circumferential zone affected was the middle and inner third, reported in 50% of tears. Good and excellent outcomes using the Lysholm score after 6 months were obtained in 42.9% and 17.9% of patients, respectively. Better functional scores were associated with lateral meniscal tears, bucket handle tears, tears extending to a more peripheral vascular area, and if no more than one-third of the meniscus was resected (P-value = 0.002). Less favourable outcomes were reported in smokers, posterior horn tears, and when surgery was delayed more than 1 year (P-value = 0.03). We conclude that there is a negative correlation between the amount of meniscus resected and functional outcome. Delayed ACL reconstruction increases the risk of bimeniscal tears. Bucket handle tears are the most common tears, mostly in the medial meniscus, while longitudinal tears are most common in the lateral meniscus. We recommend performing early ACL reconstruction within 12 months to reduce the risk of bimeniscal injuries

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 106-B, Issue SUPP_8 | Pages 28 - 28
10 May 2024
Warindra T
Full Access

Discoid meniscus (DM) is a congenital variant of the knee joint that involves morphological and structural deformation, with potential meniscal instability. The prevalence of the Discoid Lateral Meniscus (DLM) is higher among the Asians than among other races, and both knees are often involved. Meniscal pathology is widely prevalent in the adult population, secondary to acute trauma and chronic degeneration. The true prevalence in children remains unknown, as pathologies such as discoid menisci often go undiagnosed, or are only found incidentally. A torn or unstable discoid meniscus can present with symptoms of knee pain, a snapping or clicking sensation and/or a decrease in functional activity, although it is not known if a specific presentation is indicative of a torn DM. While simple radiographs may provide indirect signs of DLM, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and arthroscopy is essential for diagnosis and treatment planning. Asymptomatic patients require close follow-up without surgical treatment, while patients with symptoms often require surgery. Partial meniscectomy is currently considered the treatment of choice for DLM. For children are more likely to achieve better results after partial meniscectomy

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 98-B, Issue SUPP_7 | Pages 27 - 27
1 May 2016
Kwon O Baek C Kang K Son J Koh Y
Full Access

Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) is often considered to be attractive alternate surgical technique to total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and high tibial osteotomy (HTO), in particular young patients. In addition, it is recently reported that preservation of joint line in UKA is crucial factor for positive long-term outcome, especially in revision case for UKA. However, the role of this joint line has neither been invested nor is it consciously bothered during surgical implantation. Validated finite element (FE) analysis was introduced in this study to investigate the effects of maximum contact stress on polyethylene (PE) insert and maximum compressive stress in opposite compartments for joint line in fixed-type UKA. As suggested by Weber et al., FE model for joint line was developed by means of determination of the angle between the pre-operative joint line and the reference line from lateral cortical is of the femur. Based on the method above, joint lines were modeled in −3, −2, −1, 0, +1, +2, and +3 mm cases and these seven FE models were compared and analyzed (Fig. 1). All implant components were modeled as linear elastic isotropic materials. However, the model was considered to have plastic characteristics of PE insert. FE analysis was performed using high kinematics displacement and rotation inputs, which were based on the kinematics of the natural knee. ISO standards were used for axial load and flexion (Fig. 2). The FE model was subjected to validation based on cadaveric experimental data available in the literature by Sohn et al. and from previous cadaveric tests conducted by current investigators. The maximum contact stress was found at around 43 % of the gait cycle in 0 mm case. There were no difference between ± 1 and 0 mm cases, but maximum contact stress on PE insert becomes greater in ± 3 mm cases. The maximum compressive stress of the lateral meniscus in 0 mm case occurred at 62 % of the gait cycle. There were no difference in positive joint line cases in maximum compressive stress, however maximum compressive stress of the lateral meniscus becomes greater in - 3 mm cases. This study emphasized the importance of joint line preservation after implantation of UKA. It would be critical to determine the joint line in UKA surgery in future based on the result showing that there has been no remarkable difference in stress but changed rapidly from the position beyond the joint line. In future study, it would be valuable study to compare between joint lines of fixed- and mobile-type UKA

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 102-B, Issue SUPP_8 | Pages 59 - 59
1 Aug 2020
Alaqeel M Martineau PA Tamimi I Crapser A Tat J Schupbach J
Full Access

Several studies have highlighted the relationship between anterior cruciate (ACL) injury and knee geometry particularly tibial slope (TS). However, clinical data are inconsistent, whether the lateral or medial or slopes have a different influence on ACL injury. Our goal was to assess whether the medial, lateral slopes are associated with ACL injury and whether meniscus geometry is associated with ACL injury. In addition, we sought to determine if lateral meniscal height could serve as a simple surrogate measurement for ACL injury risk. A case-controlled study compared 68 patients with an ACL injury and 68 matched nested controls. Radiological analysis of MRI measured the anterior-posterior distance of the medial and lateral plateaus, the tibial slope of both plateaus and meniscus geometry. Groups were compared using a Mann-Whitney test and α < 0 .05. The lateral tibial plateau slope was significantly higher in the ACL injured group (6.92 degrees ±5.8) versus the control group 2.68 ±5.26 (p 0.0001). In addition, the lateral meniscal slope was significantly steeper with (ACL injuries: −1 ±4.7 versus −4.73 ±4.4 (p 0.0001) in the control group. The ACL Injured group had a significantly lower lateral meniscal height 0.76 cm ±0.09, compared to the control group that has 0.88 cm ±0.12 (p 0.0001). The Lateral meniscal height had a sensitivity of 76.47% and specificity 75% for predicting ACL injury using a cut off of. Patients with ACL-injury had significantly higher lateral tibial plateau slope. Lateral meniscus height was found to be an easy measurement to make on MRI with a high specificity for predicting ACL injury. Lateral tibial slope and meniscal Geometry can be used to identify patients with high risk of an ACL injury, that might benefit from further surgery to optimize rotational stability in high-risk patients

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 95-B, Issue SUPP_34 | Pages 250 - 250
1 Dec 2013
Buechel F
Full Access

Introduction:. This is a case report of a 78 year old male who underwent outpatient mini-incision medial UKA using the haptic robotic guidance. The patient subsequently suffered a traumatic lateral meniscus tear and underwent a lateral compartment UKA with the same robotic system instead of converting to a total knee replacement at one year post op and is now 2 years post op on the lateral side as well. Methods:. The patient is a 74 year old male with a BMI of 27, suffering from OA of the right knee. He had a previous TKA on his left side by another surgeon that was followed with a lateral release by still another surgeon with fair to good satisfaction currently; however he did not want another TKA. He had multiple aspirations and injections of corticosteroids for arthritic effusions on his right knee that were moderate to severe and painful. On 7/6/2010 he underwent a right medial UKA using with robotic guidance. The patient had a subsequent injury to his lateral meniscus causing pain for which multiple options were discussed with the patient. The informed patient chose to have a lateral compartment arthroplasty. On 6/21/2011 a lateral compartment UKA was performed on the same patient's right knee through a second mini-lateral incision again using robotic guidance. Results:. The patient is now 35 months after his right medial UKA and 24 months after his right lateral UKA. His function is excellent, his range of motion is excellent at 0–135° compared to 120° pre-operatively, his satisfaction is excellent and he has no self-reported limitations with his right knee. Conclusions:. The complexity of patient-specific planning, the ability to adjust that plan intra-operatively to optimize kinematics and the safety of implementing this plan using haptically guided robotic bone resection provides many advantages in partial knee arthroplasty. In the case presented here, a post-operative lateral meniscal injury subsequent to medial UKA in the same knee was treated with a lateral UKA. Accurate placement of the components and balancing the knee with the existing medial UKA provided by the robotic platform was critical to the excellent post-operative outcomes

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 101-B, Issue SUPP_13 | Pages 19 - 19
1 Nov 2019
Vijayan S Kulkarni MS Shetty S Naik AM Rao SK
Full Access

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are one of the most common ligament injury occurring in young and active individuals. Reconstruction of the torn ligament is the current standard of care. Of the many factors which determine the surgical outcome, fixation of the graft in the bony tunnels has significant role. This study compared the clinical and functional outcome in patients who underwent ACL reconstruction by standard anteromedial portal technique with single bundle hamstring graft anchored in the femoral tunnel using rigidfix and cortical button with adjustable loops. The tibial fixation and rehabilitation protocol were same in both groups. 107 patients underwent ACL reconstruction over a two-year period (87 males, 20 females, 44 after motor vehicle accident, 34 after sports injuries, 79 isolated ACL tear, 21 associated medial meniscus tear, 16 lateral meniscus tear and 11 both menisci). Rigid fix group had 47 patients and adjustable loop 60 patients. Clinical evaluation at end of one year showed better stability in rigid fix group regarding Lachman, anterior drawer, pivot shift tests, KT 1000 arthrometer side to side difference and hop limb symmetry index. However, the differences were not statistically significant. Functional evaluation using IKDC 2000 subjective score and Lysholm score showed better results in rigidfix group than variable loop, but was not statistically significant. However, lower scores were noted in patients with concomitant meniscal injury than in isolated acl tear patients and this was statistically significant in both groups. Rigidfix seems to give better graft fixation on femoral side than variable loop, but by the end of one year the functional outcome is comparable in isolated acl reconstructions

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 102-B, Issue SUPP_6 | Pages 137 - 137
1 Jul 2020
Tynedal J Heard SM Hiemstra LA Buchko GM Kerslake S
Full Access

The purpose of this study was to compare intra-operative, clinical, functional, and patient-reported outcomes following revision anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACL-R) with a matched cohort of primary isolated ACL-R. A secondary purpose was to compare patient-reported outcomes within revision ACL-R based on intra-operative cartilage pathology. Between January 2010 and August 2017, 396 patients underwent revision ACL-R, and were matched to primary isolated ACL-R patients using sex, age, body mass index (BMI), and Beighton score. Intra-operative assessments including meniscal and chondral pathology, and graft diameter were recorded. Lachman and pivot shift tests were completed independently on each patient at two-years post-operative by a physiotherapist and orthopaedic surgeon. A battery of functional tests was assssed including single-leg Bosu balance, and four single-leg hop tests. The Anterior Cruciate Ligament-Quality of Life Questionnaire (ACL-QOL) was completed pre-operatively and two-years post-operatively. Descriptive statistics including means (M) and standard deviations (SD), and as appropriate paired t-tests were used to compare between-groups demographics, the degree and frequency of meniscal and chondral pathology, graft diameter, rate of post-operative ACL graft laxity, the surgical failure rate, and ACL-QOL scores. Comparative assessment of operative to non-operative limb performance on the functional tests was used to assess limb symmetry indices (LSI). Revision ACL-R patients were 52.3% male, mean age 30.7 years (SD=10.2), mean BMI 25.3 kg/m2 (SD=3.79), and mean Beighton score 3.52 (SD=2.51). In the revision group, meniscal (83%) and chondral pathology (57.5%) was significantly more frequent than in the primary group (68.2% and 32.1%) respectively, (p < 0 .05). Mean graft diameter (mm) in the revision ACL-R group for hamstring (M=7.89, SD=0.99), allograft (M=8.42, SD=0.82), and patellar or quadriceps tendon (M=9.56, SD=0.69) was larger than in the primary ACL-R group (M=7.54, SD=0.76, M=8.06, SD=0.55, M=9, SD=1) respectively. The presence of combined positive Lachman and pivot shift tests was significantly more frequent in the revision (21.5%) than primary group (4.89%), (p < 0 .05). Surgical failure rate was higher in the revision (10.3%) than primary group (5.9%). Seventy-three percent of revision patients completed functional testing. No significant LSI differences were demonstrated between the revision and primary ACL-R groups on any of the functional tests. No statistically significant differences were demonstrated in mean preoperative ACL-QOL scores between the revision (M=28.5/100, SD=13.5) and primary groups (M=28.5/100, SD=14.4). Mean two-year scores demonstrated statistically significant and minimally clinically important differences between the revision (M=61.1/100, SD=20.4) and primary groups (M=76.0/100, SD=18.9), (p < 0 .05). Mean two-year scores for revision patients with repair of the medial (M=59.4/100, SD=21.7) or lateral meniscus (M=59.4/100, SD=23.6), partial medial meniscectomy (M=59.7/100, SD=20), grade three or four osteoarthritis (M=55.9/100, SD=19.5), and medial femoral condyle osteoarthritis (M=59.1/100, SD=18) were lower compared with partial lateral meniscectomy (M=67.1/100, SD=19.1), grade one or two osteoarthritis (M=63.8/100, SD=18.9), and lateral femoral condyle osteoarthritis (M=62, SD=21). Revision ACL-R patients demonstrated a greater amount of meniscal and chondral pathology at the time of surgery. Two-years post-operative these patients demonstrated higher rates of graft laxity and lower ACL-QOL scores compared with the primary ACL-R group. Higher grade and medial sided osteoarthritis was associated with inferior ACL-QOL scores in revision ACL-R

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 100-B, Issue SUPP_10 | Pages 80 - 80
1 Jun 2018
Lombardi A
Full Access

Introduction. Persistent pain after medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) is a prevailing reason for revision to total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Many of these pathologies can be addressed arthroscopically. The purpose of this study is to examine the outcomes of patients who undergo an arthroscopy for any reason after medial UKA. Methods. A query of our practice registry revealed 58 patients who had undergone medial UKA between October 2003 and June 2015 with subsequent arthroscopy. Mean interval from UKA to arthroscopy was 22 months (range, 1–101 months). Indications for arthroscopy were acute anterior cruciate ligament tear (1), arthrofibrosis (7), synovitis (12), recurrent hemarthrosis (2), lateral compartment degeneration including isolated lateral meniscus tears (11), and loose cement fragments (25). Results. Mean follow-up after arthroscopy was 37 months (range, 1–134 months). Twelve patients have been revised from UKA to TKA. Relative risk of revision after arthroscopy for lateral compartment degeneration was 4.27 (6 of 11; 55%; p=0.002) and for retrieval of loose cement fragments was 0.05 (0 of 25; 0%; p=0.03). Relative risk for revision after arthroscopy for anterior cruciate ligament tear, arthrofibrosis, synovitis, or recurrent hemarthrosis did not meet clinical significance secondary to the low number of patients in these categories. Conclusions. The results of this study suggest that arthroscopic retrieval of cement fragments does not compromise UKA longevity. However, arthroscopy for lateral compartment degradation after UKA predicts a high risk of revision to TKA regardless of its relative radiographic insignificance

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 99-B, Issue SUPP_5 | Pages 111 - 111
1 Mar 2017
Reynolds R Walker P Buza J Borukhov I
Full Access

INTRODUCTION. Understanding the biomechanics of the anatomical knee is vital to innovations in implant design and surgical procedures. The anterior – posterior (AP) laxity is of particular importance in terms of functional outcomes. Most of the data on stability has been obtained on the unloaded knee, which does not relate to functional knee behavior. However, some studies have shown that AP laxity decreases under compression (1) (2). This implies that while the ligaments are the primary stabilizers under low loads, other mechanisms come into play in the loaded knee. It is hypothesized this decreased laxity with compressive loads is due to the following: the meniscus, which will restrain the femur in all directions; the cartilage, which will require energy as the femur displaces across the tibial surface in a plowing fashion; and the upwards slope of the anterior medial tibial plateau, which stabilizes the knee by a gravity mechanism. It is also hypothesized that the ACL will be the primary restraint for anterior tibial translation. METHODS. A test rig was designed where shear and compressive forces could be applied and the AP and vertical displacements measured (Figure 1). The AP motion was controlled by the air bearings and motor, allowing for the accurate application of the shear force. Position and force data were measured using load cells, potentiometers, and a linear variable differential transducer. Five knee specimens less than 60 years old and without osteoarthritis (OA), were evaluated at compressive loads of 0, 250, 500, 750 N, with the knee at 15° flexion. Three cycles of shear force at ±100 N constituted a test. The intact knee was tested, followed by testing after each of the following resections: LCL, MCL, PCL, ACL, medial meniscus, and lateral meniscus. RESULTS. The average displacement of the tibia without load was 6.17 mm anterior and −4.92 mm posterior. Under load the posterior translation of the tibia was reduced essentially to zero. After ACL resection, the anterior tibial displacement increased substantially, with a further increase after medial meniscus resection. Cartilage deformation had a minimal effect. DISCUSSION. The hypotheses that the ACL and the upwards tibial slope would provide stability under load were validated. The ACL was essential under all load conditions because the posterior tibial surface was flat (figure 2). The medial meniscus provided vertical stability, as a space buffer (figure 3), and in two specimens under load it provided the same restraint as the ACL (figure 2). The experiment was limited by lack of muscle action, the number of specimens, and a single flexion angle. SIGNIFICANCE. The test rig and methodology had capabilities exceeding those of previous work in determining the mechanisms of AP knee stability under load due to its frictionless air bearings. The results have application ranging from sports medicine to total knee design. The stabilizing effect of the tibial slope seen here validates tibial osteotomies for improved stability. The importance of reproducing ACL function in total knee design is emphasized. For figures/tables, please contact authors directly.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 98-B, Issue SUPP_4 | Pages 91 - 91
1 Jan 2016
Van Der Straeten C Doyen B Dutordoir C Goedertier W Pirard S Victor J
Full Access

INTRODUCTION. Meniscal tears are very common and treated surgically by suturing or partial or total meniscectomy. After meniscectomy, the tibiofemoral contact area is decreased whih leads to higher contact stresses associated with clinical symproms and a faster progression of tibiofemoral osteoarthritis. Besides meniscus allograft transplantation, artificial implants have been developed to replace the menisci after meniscectomy. AIM. We investigated the short- and medium-term clinical results and survivorship of two artificial meniscus implants used as a treatment for post-meniscectomy pain in young to middle-aged patients: the anchored polyurethane degradable Actifit® (2007–2013) and the non-anchored polycarbonate-urethane NUSurface® meniscal implants (2011–2013). PATIENTS AND METHODS. Sixty-seven Actifit were implanted in 67 patients with a mean age of 30.5 years (12 to 50) as a lateral meniscus replacement in 24 cases and medial in 43. Forty-one NUSurface were implanted as a medial meniscus replacement in 35 patients aged 31 to 61 at surgery. Clinical scores (KOOS, Lysholm, IKDC, VAS and EQ-5D) and MRI were obtained preoperatively and at 1, 2 and 5 years (if applicable) postoperatively. Complications and reinterventions were noted and cumulative implant survivorship computed. RESULTS. Seventeen Actifit had been removed at a mean of 22 months postop for persisting pain and/or extrusion of the implant on MRI. Three were converted to a Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA), 7 replaced by a meniscal allograft and 7 were removed. The cumulative survivorship was 63.6% at 6 years. Forty-six patients with the Actifit in situ had a significant improvement of all clinical scores compared to preoperative scores (p<0.05) and were satisfied with the result. In the NUSurface group, 19 of the 41 implanted menisci had been removed at 2 to 26 months follow-up. Reasons for failure were radial tear or rupture of the meniscus in 7 cases, dislocation with or without tear in 4, synovitis and hydrops in 2 possibly related to synovial reaction to polymer particles, medial pressure caused by a too large size in 3 and persistent pain or OA evolution in 3. In 5 patients the implant was replaced by the same type artificial meniscus, unsuccessfully in 3. Besides, complications occurred in 32 patients including inflammation, effusion and squeaking. Nevertheless the KOOS, IKDC and VAS for pain were significantly improved at 12 months postoperatively (p<0.001). DISCUSSION. Short-term clinical evaluation of artificial meniscal replacement after meniscectomy showed an initial improvement of pain and knee function. However, both in the anchored degradable polyurethane meniscal implant group as in the non-anchored polycarbonate-urethane implant group the number of short-term failures was high and associated with important morbidity. The hard, non-degradable polycarbonate-urethane meniscal implant was torn or worn in 7 cases within 2 years postop. Three patients had synovial reactions possibly related to particulate debris. In conclusion, the currently available artificial meniscal transplants have a too high short-term failure rate to be advocated for widespread clinical use

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 94-B, Issue SUPP_XXI | Pages 119 - 119
1 May 2012
G. M C. R K. B P. P
Full Access

Background. Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty provides a good alternative to total knee arthroplasty in patients with isolated medial compartment osteoarthritis. Reported ten-year survival for the Oxford medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty is variable, ranging from 80.2% to 97.7% in the originator series. The aim of this study was to determine the survival and reasons for revision of the Oxford medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty when performed at a specialist orthopaedic centre. Methods. Details of consecutive patients undergoing Oxford unicompartmental knee arthroplasty at our centre between January 2000 and December 2009 were collected prospectively. Failure of the implant was defined as conversion to total knee arthroplasty. Survival was determined using the Kaplan-Meier method. Results. There were 494 Oxford unicompartmental knee arthroplasties implanted in 425 patients for isolated medial compartment osteoarthritis. Mean age was 62.8 yrs (range 34.6-90.1 yrs) and 53.4% were female. During a mean follow-up time of 3.0 yrs (range 0.5-9.2 yrs), twenty-two knees (4.5%) were revised to a total knee arthroplasty. Reasons for revision were aseptic loosening of the femoral (n=8) or tibial component (n=2), undiagnosed pain (n=5), patellofemoral pain (n=2), infection (n=1), lateral meniscus tear (n=1), periprosthetic fracture (n=1), joint instability (n=1), and dislocation of meniscal bearing (n=1). Mean time to revision surgery from the primary procedure was 3.0 yrs. Eight-year survival for the cohort was 87.4%. The median pre-operative Oxford knee score was 62.5% which reduced to 27.7% at four years post-operatively. Conclusion. This study has demonstrated our revision rate for the Oxford unicompartmental knee replacement is comparable to independent series and national registry data. Post-operative function in patients not revised was good. The commonest reason for failure was aseptic component loosening which usually occurred within two to four years. Extended follow-up may therefore be beneficial in these patients so these cases are identified early and subsequently revised

Bone & Joint Open
Vol. 1, Issue 6 | Pages 287 - 292
19 Jun 2020
Iliadis AD Eastwood DM Bayliss L Cooper M Gibson A Hargunani R Calder P


In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a rapidly implemented restructuring of UK healthcare services. The The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore, became a central hub for the provision of trauma services for North Central/East London (NCEL) while providing a musculoskeletal tumour service for the south of England, the Midlands, and Wales and an urgent spinal service for London. This study reviews our paediatric practice over this period in order to share our experience and lessons learned. Our hospital admission pathways are described and the safety of surgical and interventional radiological procedures performed under general anaesthesia (GA) with regards to COVID-19 in a paediatric population are evaluated.


All paediatric patients (≤ 16 years) treated in our institution during the six-week peak period of the pandemic were included. Prospective data for all paediatric trauma and urgent elective admissions and retrospective data for all sarcoma admissions were collected. Telephone interviews were conducted with all patients and families to assess COVID-19 related morbidity at 14 days post-discharge.