Objectives. Taper junctions between modular hip arthroplasty femoral heads and stems fail by wear or corrosion which can be caused by relative motion at their interface. Increasing the assembly force can reduce relative motion and corrosion but may also damage surrounding tissues. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of increasing the impaction energy and the stiffness of the impactor tool on the stability of the taper junction and on the forces transmitted through the patient’s surrounding tissues. Methods. A commercially available impaction tool was modified to assemble components in the laboratory using impactor tips with varying stiffness at different applied energy levels. Springs were mounted below the modular components to represent the patient. The pull-off force of the head from the stem was measured to assess stability, and the displacement of the springs was measured to assess the force transmitted to the patient’s tissues. Results. The pull-off force of the head increased as the stiffness of the impactor tip increased but without increasing the force transmitted through the springs (patient). Increasing the impaction energy increased the pull-off force but also increased the force transmitted through the springs. Conclusions. To limit wear and corrosion, manufacturers should maximize the stiffness of the impactor tool but without damaging the surface of the head. This strategy will maximize the stability of the head on the stem for a given applied energy, without influencing the force transmitted through the patient’s tissues. Current impactor designs already appear to approach this limit. Increasing the applied energy (which is dependent on the mass of the hammer and square of the contact speed) increases the stability of the modular connection but proportionally increases the force transmitted through the patient’s tissues, as well as to the surface of the head, and should be restricted to safe levels. Cite this article: A. Krull, M. M. Morlock, N. E. Bishop. Maximizing the fixation strength of modular components by impaction without
Irrigation with antiseptic agents, antibiotics, and surfactants are used for treatment and prevention of infections. Despite desirable microbicidal actions, studies have demonstrated cytotoxic effects on host tissue that may impair healing. This study investigated the extent of
Abstract. Objectives. A promising therapy for early osteoarthritis (OA) is the transplantation of human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (hUC-MSCs). The synovial fluid (SF) from a pre-clinical ovine model treated with hUC-MSCs has been profiled using proteomics and bioinformatics to elucidate potential mechanisms of therapeutic effect. Methods. Four weeks after a medial meniscus transection surgery, sheep were injected with 10. 7. hUC-MSCs in Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) or PBS only (n=7) and sacrificed at 12 weeks. SF was normalised for protein abundance (ProteoMiner. TM. ) and analysed using label-free quantitation proteomics. Bioinformatics analyses (Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) and STRING) were used to assess differentially regulated functions from the proteomic data. Human orthologues were identified for the ovine proteins using UniProt and DAVID resources and proteins that were ≥±1.3 fold differentially abundant between treatment groups, were included in the bioinformatics analyses. Results. hUC-MSC treated animals demonstrated significantly less joint space narrowing. Nineteen SF proteins were differentially abundant in treated cf. control sheep (FC±2.0; p<0.05). Biglycan (a small leucine-rich proteoglycan of the cartilage extracellular matrix) abundance was increased by 2.1 fold in treated compared to untreated sheep (p=0.024). IPA indicated that lipid synthesis (z-score=1.772; p=0.00267) and immune cell migration pathways (cell movement of mononuclear leukocytes: z-score=1.761; p=0.00259), amongst others, were likely to be activated in the treated sheep. Conversely,
Introduction and Objective. Management of bone loss associated with bone contamination or infection represents a double biological and clinical challenge frequent in traumatology. The advent of new biomaterials can allow a different approach in the treatment of bone gap. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prophylactic and therapeutic effectiveness of addition of a new absorbable bone substitute (BS) eluting different antibiotics in reconstruction of bone defects after infections and fractures with soft
In 2020 almost 90% of femoral heads for total hip implants in Germany were made of ceramic. Nevertheless, the cellular interactions and abrasion mechanisms in vivo have not been fully understood until now. Metal transfer from the head-neck taper connection, occurring as smear or large-area deposit, negatively influences the surface quality of the articulating bearing. In order to prevent metal transfer, damage patterns of 40 Biolox delta ceramic retrievals with CoC and CoPE bearings were analysed. A classification of damage type and severity for each component (n=40) was done according to an established scoring system. To investigate the physical properties, the surface quality was measured using confocal microscopy, quantitative analysis of phase composition were performed by Raman spectroscopy and qualitative analysis of metal traces was done by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The periprosthetic tissue was analysed for abrasion particles with SEM and EDX. Both bearing types show different damage patterns. Dotted/ drizzled metal smears were identified in 82 % of CoC (n=16) and 96 % of CoPE (n=24) bearings. Most traces on the ceramic heads were identified in the proximal area while they were observed predominantly in the distal area for the ceramic inlays. The identified marks are similar to those of metallic bearings. Metallic smears lead to an increase of up to 30 % in the monoclinic crystalline phase of the ceramic. The roughness increases by up to six times to Ra=48 nm. Ceramic and metallic wear particles from the articulating surfaces or head neck taper junctions were found in the periprosthetic
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have the potential to repair and regenerate damaged tissues in response to injury, such as fracture or
Introduction. Osteoarthritis (OA) occurs due to a multi-scale degradation of articular cartilage (AC) surface which aggravates the disease condition. Investigating the micro-scale structural alterations and mechano-tribological properties facilitates comprehension of disease-mechanisms to improve future injectable-therapies. This study aims to analyze these properties using various experimental and analytical methods to establish correlations between their morpho-physiological features. Method. In this study, Raman-spectroscopy was used to investigate microscale changes in AC constituents and categorize OA damage regions in knee-joint samples from joint replacement patients (Samples = 5 and Regions = 40). Following, microscale indentation and sliding tests were performed on these regions to evaluate variations in aggregate-modulus (AM) and elastic-modulus (EM), with coefficient of friction (COF). Finally, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was employed to analyze these morphological variations. Result. Raman spectroscopy revealed degree of collagen-damage (Amide-3 α-helix to random-coil ratio I-1250/I-1280), proteoglycan-damage (Sulphated bonds SO. 3-. to CH. 2. twist ratio I-1065/I-1206), amount of bone exposure (Phosphated-hydroxyapatite PO. 4. 3-. to Amide-1 ratio I-959/I-1669) and increased crystallinity (Carbonated hydroxyapatite CO. 3. 2-. to Amide-1 ratio I-1075/I-959) in ECM. Subsequently, these regions were categorized into different groups (G) based on these damages; G1 (Proteoglycan); G2 (Collagen + Proteoglycan); G3 (Collagen + Proteoglycan + Carbonated crystallinity) G4 (Collagen or Proteoglycan + bone exposure); and G5 (Collagen + Proteoglycan + Bone exposure). Further experimentation revealed the differences in mechano-tribological properties (AM, EM, and COF) between the different groups. G5 displayed the highest values of AM (1.5 ± 0.2MPa), EM (0.3 ± 0.01MPa) and COF (0.39 ± 0.08), compared to other groups. These altered properties were confirmed via SEM that revealed micro-asperity junctions, superficial fronding, fibrillations and bone exposure at these damaged regions. Conclusion. This study demonstrated micro-scale changes in AC among OA patients commensurate to the degree of
Abstract. Background. Ultrasonic cutting of bone boasts many advantages over alternatively powered surgical instruments, including but not limited to: elimination of swarf, reduced reaction forces, increased precision in cutting and reduced adjacent soft
Summary Statement. The mechanism of spinal cord injury varies across the human population and this may be important for the development of effective therapies. Therefore, detailed understanding of how variables such as impact velocity and depth affect cord
Recent findings have identified the importance of previously undiagnosed or neglected meniscus lesions in association with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries (e.g. medial meniscus ramp lesions and posterior root tears of the lateral meniscus). There is increasing biomechanical evidence that they bear the potential to alter both anteroposterior and rotational laxity patterns in ACL injured knees. Few data exist with respect to the presence of these specific tear entities in large series of ACL injured patients. The purpose of the study was to analyze the meniscus tear pattern in a series of ACL injured knees with a special focus on ramp lesions of the medial meniscus and posterior root lesions of the lateral meniscus. The hypothesis was that a significant number of ACL injured patients would display these types of lesions. Data from 358 patients undergoing an ACL reconstruction (227 males /131 females, age: 28±10) were extracted from a center-based registry. The type of ACL tear (partial versus complete) as well as the presence of associated meniscus lesions were documented. Meniscus lesions were classified into the following categories: medial ramp lesions, lateral root lesions, medial ramp and lateral root lesion, other medial meniscus injuries, other lateral meniscus injuries, other bimeniscal injuries. Chi-square tests were used to determine whether the percentage of meniscal lesions differed between types of ACL tear, gender and age (below 21, 21–35, above 35). Significance was set at p < 0.05. Isolated ACL tears were present in 107 (30%) of the operated knees (31 partial; 327 complete). Complete ACL lesions were more likely to present an associated meniscus injury (321 out of 327, 71%) than partial tears (13 out of 31, 42%). The incidence of meniscus injuries which are associated with ACL tears is very high (70%). Previously undiagnosed or neglected meniscus injuries like medial ramp or lateral root tears could be identified in 35% of patients. As such, the hypothesis was confirmed that an important amount of ACL injured knees display this specific intraarticular soft
Surgical microfracture is considered a first line treatment for talar osteochondral defects. Pain reduction, functional improvement and patient satisfaction are described to be 61–86% in both primary and secondary osteochondral defects. However, limited research is available whether improvement of the surgical technique is possible. We do know that the current rigid awls and drills limit the access to all locations in human joints and increase the risk of heat necrosis of bone. Application of a flexible water jet instrument to drill the microfracture holes can improve the reachability of the defect without inducing thermal damage. The aim of this study is to determine whether water jet drilling is a safe alternative compared to conventional microfracture awls by studying potential side effects and perioperative complications, as well as the quality of cartilage repair tissue in a caprine model. 6 mm diameter talar chondral defects were created bilaterally in 6 goats (12 samples). One defect in each goat was treated with microfracture holes created with conventional awls. The contralateral defect was treated with holes created with 5 second water jet bursts at a pressure of 50 MPa. The pressure was generated with a custom-made setup using an air compressor connected to a 300 litre accumulator that powered an air driven high-pressure pump (P160 Resato, Roden, The Netherlands, . www.resato.com. ). Postoperative complications were recorded. After 24 weeks, analyses were performed using the ICRS macroscopic score and the modified O'Driscoll histological score. Wilcoxon ranked sum tests were used to assess significant differences between the two instrument groups using each goat as its own control (p ≤ 0.05). One postoperative complication was signs of a prolonged wound healing with swelling and reluctance to weight bearing starting two days after surgery on the water jet side. Antibiotics were administered which resolved the symptoms. The median total ICRS score for the tali treated with water jets was 9,5 (range: 6–12) and 9 (range 2–11) for Observer 1 and 2 respectively; and for the tali treated conventionally this was 9,5 (range 5–11) and 9 range (2–10). The median total Modified O'Driscoll score for the tali treated with water jets was 15 (range: 7–17) and 13 (range: 3–20) for Observer 1 and 2 respectively; and for the tali treated conventionally was 13 (range: 11–21) and 15 (range: 9–20). No differences were found in complication rate or repair tissue quality between the two techniques. The results suggest that water jet drilling can be a safe alternative for conventional microfracture treatment. Future research and development will include the design of an arthroscopic prototype of the water jet drill. The focus will be on stability in nozzle positioning and minimized sterile saline consumption to further the decrease the risk of soft
Cartilage injuries often represent irreversible
Immune response in periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) is diverse. Resident macrophage and/or wandering monocyte are superb guardians to sense microbial attacks, take invaders and alarm the danger. Neutrophils are refined but momentary fighters to kill microbes with projectile weapons as well as predation. The swift action is usually effective at the forefront to prevent expansion of infectious foci. However, such characteristics often evokes overshooting via self-defeating of pus, thus leading to crucial soft
Tendon tissue equilibrium very heavily depends on appropriate mechanical loading within a narrow, and still poorly defined, physiological range. We will present an overview of our recent work on the tendon cell-matrix interactions that drive tissue homeostasis, matrix remodelling and eventual tissue degeneration, and discuss a roadmap for unravelling these mechanically regulated signalling pathways for the development of effective treatment strategies. Our data suggest that
The most challenging complications in orthopaedic trauma surgery are fracture-related infections (FRI). The incidence ranges from approximately 1% after closed fractures or joint replacement, to more than 30% in complex open limb fractures. Despite tremendous efforts with prolonged antibiotic therapy and multiple revision surgeries, these complications are associated with considerable rates of recurrent infections as well as permanent functional impairment. The primary aim for the clinician is to prevent infection, because once established, an infection is difficult to eradicate. The main reason for this is biofilm formation on the implanted device, which allows pathogens to protect themselves from host immune response and antimicrobial therapy. In open fractures with a considerable wound contamination and soft-
Cartilage lesions occur as a result of joint trauma, and progressively degenerate over time leading to osteoarthritis (OA). Early intervention therapies to repair the initial
Summary Statement. Repetitive loading of degenerated human intervertebral discs in combined axial compression, flexion and axial rotation, typical of manual handling lifing activities, causes: an increase in intradiscal maximum shear strains, circumferential annular tears and nuclear seperation from the endplate. Introduction. Chronic low back pain (LBP) is a crippling condition that affects quality of life and is a significant burden to the health care system and the workforce. The mechanisms of LBP are poorly understood, however it is well known that loss of intervertebral disc (disc) height due to degeneration is a common cause of chronic low back and referred pain. Gross disc injury such as herniation can be caused by sudden overload or by damage accumulation via repetitive loading, which is a cause of acute LBP and an accelerant of disc degeneration. The aim of this study was to determine for the first time the relationship between combined repetitive compression, flexion and axial rotation motion of degenerated cadaver lumbar spine segments, and the progression of three-dimensional (3D) internal disc strains that may lead to disc herniation and macroscopic
Drilling through bone is a complex action that requires precise motor skills of an orthopedic surgeon. In order to minimize plunging and soft
Background. Increased revision rates and early failure of Metal-on-Metal (MoM) hip replacements are often due to adverse reaction to metal debris (ARMD). ARMD describes numerous symptoms in patients such as pain, osteolysis and soft