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Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 104-B, Issue SUPP_11 | Pages 31 - 31
1 Nov 2022
Ahmed N Norris R Bindumadhavan S Sharma A
Full Access

Abstract. Background. We know that tears of the Triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) can cause DRUJ instability and ulnar sided wrist pain. This study shows the clinical result of patients who had arthroscopic transosseous repair of the TFCC tear with DRUJ instability. Arthroscopic repair of TFCC tear is a promising, minimally invasive surgical technique especially in patients with DRUJ instability. Materials and methods. Fifteen patients who underwent TFCC one tunnel repair form 2018–2021 were reviewed retrospectively in hospital. The proximal component of TFCC was repaired through arthroscopic one- tunnel transosseous suture technique. VAS score for pain, wrist range of motion, grip strength and post operative complications were evaluated and each patient was rated according to the DASH score. Results. The patients had a TFCC tear confirmed on MRI and was confirmed on arthroscopy by doing a hook test. The patients were followed up for 6 months. Twelve patients had normal stability of DRUJ and three patients showed mild laxity compared with the contralateral side. The mean VAS score reduced from 4.7 to 0.8 (P=0.001) and grip strength increased significantly. The quick DASH score (P=0.001)also showed significant functional improvement. No surgical related complications occurred. Conclusions. Arthroscopic one tunnel transosseous TFCC foveal repair can be an excellent and safe method for repair of TFCC tear with DRUJ instability. Its a good treatment option in terms of reliable pain relief, functional improvement and reestablishment of DRUJ stability

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 94-B, Issue SUPP_II | Pages 45 - 45
1 Feb 2012
Ghosh S Deshmukh S Charity R
Full Access

There is a difference of opinion regarding the usefulness of MR Imaging as a diagnostic tool for triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) tears in the wrist. Our aim was to determine the accuracy of direct magnetic resonance arthrography (MRA) in the diagnosis of triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) tears of the wrist in a district general hospital setting. In a retrospective review of 21 patients who presented with complains of wrist pain and following a clinical examination, all had direct MR arthrography of the wrist in our hospital in a 1.5Tesla scanner. All had a diagnostic arthroscopy within 2-4 months of the MR scan. All patients had chronic ulnar sided wrist pain, although only two had a definite history of trauma. The findings of each diagnostic method were compared, with arthroscopy considered the gold standard. Twenty-one patients were studied (10 male: 11 female), mean age 42 years (range 27-71) years). Seventeen TFCC tears were diagnosed on arthroscopy. For the diagnosis of TFCC tears MRA had a sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of 67%. Our results echoed the opinion of some of the previous investigators with an unacceptable sensitivity or specificity for a diagnostic tool. MR arthrography needs to be further refined as a technique before it can be considered to be accurate enough to replace wrist arthroscopy for the diagnosis of TFCC tears. Other centres have reported better accuracy, using more advanced MRI technology. Until this iswidely available at all levels of healthcare the results of MRI for the diagnosis of TFCC tears should be interpreted with caution

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 95-B, Issue SUPP_1 | Pages 83 - 83
1 Jan 2013
Sawalha S Ravikumar R McKee A Pathak G Jones J
Full Access

Introduction. We reports the accuracy of direct Magnetic Resonance Arthrography (MRA) in detecting Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC), Scapho-Lunate Ligament (SLL) and Luno-Triquetral Ligament (LTL) tears using wrist arthroscopy as the gold standard. Methods. We reviewed the records of all patients who underwent direct wrist MRA and subsequent arthroscopy over a 4-year period between June 2007 and March 2011. Demographic details, MRA findings, arthroscopy findings and the time interval between MRA and arthroscopy were recorded. The scans were performed using a 1.5T scanner and a high resolution wrist coil. All scans were reported by a musculoskeletal radiologist. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values (PPV & NPV) were calculated. Results. Two hundred and thirty four (234) MRA were performed over the study period. Fifty patients (50), who subsequently underwent 51 wrist arthroscopies (one bilateral), were included. The mean age was 35 years (range 16–64 years). The average delay between MRA and arthroscopy was 4.8 months (median 4 months, range 17 days–18 months). All patients were symptomatic with wrist pain. At arthroscopy, 26 TFCC tears, 7 SLL tears and 3 LTL tears were found. For TFCC, sensitivity was 96%, specificity 88%, PPV 89% and NPV 96%. For SLL, the values were 57%, 66%, 21% and 91% respectively. For LTL, 67%, 79%, 17% and 97%, respectively. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve analysis showed that MRA only reliably differentiates between patients with and without TFCC tears (Area Under Curve AUC = 0.92, p < 0.0001) but not SLL (AUC = 0.62, p=0.28) or LTL (AUC = 0.73, p=0.17) tears. Conclusion. MRA is a sensitive and specific imaging modality for diagnosing TFCC tears. However, the diagnostic accuracy for SLL and LTL tears was not satisfactory. Wrist arthroscopy remains the gold standard if there is a clinical suspicion of inter-carpal ligament tears

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 94-B, Issue SUPP_XXXIX | Pages 141 - 141
1 Sep 2012
Kakwani R Tourret L Irwin L Stirrat A
Full Access

Objective. Retrospective study to assess the outcomes of ulnar shortening for TFCC tear and distal radial malunion. Method. Retrospective note and x-ray review of all patients undergoing ulnar shortening over a ten year period along with a clinic assessment and scoring to date. The ulnar shortening was performed using the Stanley Jigs (Osteotec). A 5–6 holed DCP was used to stabilize the osteotomy site. Physiotherapy was commenced immediately following the surgery to promote prono-supination and wrist exercises. Result. 28 patients studied with one subsequent death. 13 patients with an average age of 53 years underwent ulnar shortening for distal radius malunion, whereas 15 pateints with an average age of 47 years had a primary indication of ulnar abutment with TFCC tear. Six patients underwent reoperation for non-union. 2 patients needed plate removal for prominent metalware. Patients undergoing the procedure for TFCC deficiency compared to radial malunion did worse, on functional scoring (DASH & SF36). Failure to place an interfragmentary screw was associated with a higher risk of non-union. Conclusion. Ulnar shortening is not a benign procedure, especially for the treatment of TFCC insufficiency. Interfragmentary screw placement is important in avoiding non-union

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 94-B, Issue SUPP_XXXIX | Pages 226 - 226
1 Sep 2012
Shyamsundar S Jeyapalan K Dias J
Full Access

Aim. This study reviewed the efficacy of a CT arthrogram in clinical decision making for wrist disorders. Methods. Sixty four consecutive CT arthrograms done in a three year period at Glenfield Hospital were selected. All patients were referred by hand consultants at the Glenfield Hospital and all investigations were performed by a single senior musculoskeletal radiologist. CT arthrograms focussed on the following areas: scapholunate interosseous ligament (SLIL), lunotriquetral interosseous ligament (LTIL), peripheral and central triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) tears, and articular surface disorders. Referral and clinic letters for all patients were obtained. We collected patient demographic detail, prescan diagnosis and clinical plan, CT arthrogram findings, postscan diagnosis and clinical plan and the final outcome. A decision was made whether the scan helped in the clinician's management plan and if so how it helped. Results. There were 35 male and 29 female patients with a mean age of 44.1 years. The right wrist was involved in 42 and the left in 22 patients. Sixty three of the 64 patients had their management based on the CT scan. In 54 of these the CT arthrogram either confirmed and calibrated the diagnosis or identified a new diagnosis. In 10 patients the scan was normal and allowed patient reassurance. Thirty six patients had ulnar sided problems, 20 had radial sided disorders and eight had midcarpal abnormality. The most common abnormality noted was a TFCC tear (24). The next most common was chondral damage/arthritis (14) followed by scapholunate interosseous ligament tear (12). The diagnosis was either confirmed and its extent established (31) or identified in addition to the primary diagnosis (19). Conclusions. The CT arthrogram is a helpful tool in the management of intra-articular wrist pathology. We found it to be useful in both confirming and calibrating the diagnosis and also diagnosing occult patho

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 94-B, Issue SUPP_III | Pages 142 - 142
1 Feb 2012
Khalid M Kanagarajan K Jummani Z Hussain A Robinson D Walker R
Full Access

Introduction. Scaphoid fracture is the most common undiagnosed fracture. Occult scaphoid fractures occur in 20-25 percent of cases where the initial X-rays are negative. Currently, there is no consensus as to the most appropriate investigation to diagnose these occult frctures. At our institution MRI has been used for this purpose for over 3 years. We report on our experience and discuss the results. Materials and methods. All patients with occult scaphoid fractures who underwent MRI scans over a 3 year period were included in the study. There was a total of 619 patients. From the original cohort 611 (98.7%) agreed to have a scan, 6 (0.97%) were claustrophobic and did not undergo the investigation and 2 (0.34%) refused an examination. 86 percent of the cases were less than 30 years of age. Imaging was performed on a one Tiesla Siemen's scanner using a dedicated wrist coil. Coronal 3mm T1 and STIR images were obtained using a 12cm field of view as standard. Average scanning time was 7 minutes. Results. The majority of the scans were performed within 2 weeks of the request. The breakdown of results is as follows: Normal 45%; Scaphoid bruise 10%; Scaphoid fracture 9%; Distal radius fracture 8%; Distal radius bruise 7%; TFCC tear 4%; Wrist ganglion 3%; Basal thumb arthritis 3%; Miscellaneous 12%. We did not have any missed scaphoid fractures during this period. Conclusions. Patients with a clinically suspected scaphoid fracture could have a wide range of possible diagnoses. Almost half the patients had a negative scan and therefore did not require further immobilisation/activity restriction. It is possible to perform MRIs within a reasonable timeframe in a DGH setting. Patient acceptance was very high (99%). There were no missed diagnoses. Scaphoid bruising could be picked up and consequently unnecessary immobilisation avoided. In patients with other diagnoses a reliable prognosis could be given

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 95-B, Issue SUPP_19 | Pages 32 - 32
1 Apr 2013
Bawale R Singh B
Full Access

Introduction. The wrist arthroscopy has been performed since 1979. With the advances in technology and surgical expertise, wrist arthroscopy has become third commonest procedure after knee and shoulder joint. Wrist arthroscopy has become a gold standard for diagnosing TFCC pathologies and other intercarpal disorders. Our aim was to compare the clinical, MRI and arthroscopic findings while treating various wrist pathologies. Materials/Method. In retrospective trial, 30 patients (19 male and 11 female) with clinical evidence of wrist lesions were evaluated with MRI followed by wrist arthroscopy. The mean age of the patients at the time of outpatient appointment was 44 years with an average waiting time of 6.6 months. Inclusion criteria: all patients undergoing wrist surgery. Exclusion criteria: septic arthritis, acute distal radius fractures. Kappa analysis was used to compare the three methods of wrist pathology assessment. The total 30 patients were assessed for clinical findings, MRI report and corresponding arthroscopic findings. Results. According to the clinical findings, 22 patients (68% of all patients) were diagnosed with suspected TFCC injury. In 21 patients, the MRI showed TFCC tear (partial to complete) and this was confirmed by arthroscopy in 22 patients. There was a correlation of clinical, MRI and arthroscopy in detecting TFCC lesions in 95% cases. Sensitivity 93%, specificity 90%, positive predictive value 89% and negative predictive value 94%. The Scapho-lunate ligament tear was suspected in 8 (28% of all patients). In 6 patients, MRI showed scapho-lunate tear and this was confirmed by wrist arthroscopy in 10 patients. Correlation with wrist arthroscopy was 80%, sensitivity 94%, specificity 92%, positive predictive value 90% and negative predictive value 93%. 15 patients (50% of all patients) showed signs of moderate to severe cartilage wear and 12 patients had confirmation with MRI. Correlation with wrist arthroscopy was 75%, Sensitivity 90%, Specificity 91%, positive predictive value 89% with negative predictive value 92%. However clinical examination and MRI had poor correlation with wrist arthroscopy in diagnosing synovitis. Discussion. The MRI and wrist arthroscopy has fair correlation, though MRI sensitivity approaches that of arthroscopy, it cannot replace it at the moment. However, it is a potent additional tool for wrist diagnosis if intra-articular contrast is used. It can facilitate diagnosis and indications for surgery of the wrist. It may make arthroscopic and more invasive interventions for diagnostic purposes avoidable in future. Our results showed clinical examination is crucial for diagnosing wrist pathologies, MRI can be used as an adjunct but the wrist arthroscopy still remains the gold standard tool for diagnosis and therapeutic interventions