Abstract. Background. We know that tears of the Triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) can cause DRUJ instability and ulnar sided wrist pain. This study shows the clinical result of patients who had arthroscopic transosseous repair of the
There is a difference of opinion regarding the usefulness of MR Imaging as a diagnostic tool for triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) tears in the wrist. Our aim was to determine the accuracy of direct magnetic resonance arthrography (MRA) in the diagnosis of triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) tears of the wrist in a district general hospital setting. In a retrospective review of 21 patients who presented with complains of wrist pain and following a clinical examination, all had direct MR arthrography of the wrist in our hospital in a 1.5Tesla scanner. All had a diagnostic arthroscopy within 2-4 months of the MR scan. All patients had chronic ulnar sided wrist pain, although only two had a definite history of trauma. The findings of each diagnostic method were compared, with arthroscopy considered the gold standard. Twenty-one patients were studied (10 male: 11 female), mean age 42 years (range 27-71) years). Seventeen
Introduction. We reports the accuracy of direct Magnetic Resonance Arthrography (MRA) in detecting Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC), Scapho-Lunate Ligament (SLL) and Luno-Triquetral Ligament (LTL) tears using wrist arthroscopy as the gold standard. Methods. We reviewed the records of all patients who underwent direct wrist MRA and subsequent arthroscopy over a 4-year period between June 2007 and March 2011. Demographic details, MRA findings, arthroscopy findings and the time interval between MRA and arthroscopy were recorded. The scans were performed using a 1.5T scanner and a high resolution wrist coil. All scans were reported by a musculoskeletal radiologist. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values (PPV & NPV) were calculated. Results. Two hundred and thirty four (234) MRA were performed over the study period. Fifty patients (50), who subsequently underwent 51 wrist arthroscopies (one bilateral), were included. The mean age was 35 years (range 16–64 years). The average delay between MRA and arthroscopy was 4.8 months (median 4 months, range 17 days–18 months). All patients were symptomatic with wrist pain. At arthroscopy, 26
Objective. Retrospective study to assess the outcomes of ulnar shortening for
Aim. This study reviewed the efficacy of a CT arthrogram in clinical decision making for wrist disorders. Methods. Sixty four consecutive CT arthrograms done in a three year period at Glenfield Hospital were selected. All patients were referred by hand consultants at the Glenfield Hospital and all investigations were performed by a single senior musculoskeletal radiologist. CT arthrograms focussed on the following areas: scapholunate interosseous ligament (SLIL), lunotriquetral interosseous ligament (LTIL), peripheral and central triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) tears, and articular surface disorders. Referral and clinic letters for all patients were obtained. We collected patient demographic detail, prescan diagnosis and clinical plan, CT arthrogram findings, postscan diagnosis and clinical plan and the final outcome. A decision was made whether the scan helped in the clinician's management plan and if so how it helped. Results. There were 35 male and 29 female patients with a mean age of 44.1 years. The right wrist was involved in 42 and the left in 22 patients. Sixty three of the 64 patients had their management based on the CT scan. In 54 of these the CT arthrogram either confirmed and calibrated the diagnosis or identified a new diagnosis. In 10 patients the scan was normal and allowed patient reassurance. Thirty six patients had ulnar sided problems, 20 had radial sided disorders and eight had midcarpal abnormality. The most common abnormality noted was a
Introduction. Scaphoid fracture is the most common undiagnosed fracture. Occult scaphoid fractures occur in 20-25 percent of cases where the initial X-rays are negative. Currently, there is no consensus as to the most appropriate investigation to diagnose these occult frctures. At our institution MRI has been used for this purpose for over 3 years. We report on our experience and discuss the results. Materials and methods. All patients with occult scaphoid fractures who underwent MRI scans over a 3 year period were included in the study. There was a total of 619 patients. From the original cohort 611 (98.7%) agreed to have a scan, 6 (0.97%) were claustrophobic and did not undergo the investigation and 2 (0.34%) refused an examination. 86 percent of the cases were less than 30 years of age. Imaging was performed on a one Tiesla Siemen's scanner using a dedicated wrist coil. Coronal 3mm T1 and STIR images were obtained using a 12cm field of view as standard. Average scanning time was 7 minutes. Results. The majority of the scans were performed within 2 weeks of the request. The breakdown of results is as follows: Normal 45%; Scaphoid bruise 10%; Scaphoid fracture 9%; Distal radius fracture 8%; Distal radius bruise 7%;
Introduction. The wrist arthroscopy has been performed since 1979. With the advances in technology and surgical expertise, wrist arthroscopy has become third commonest procedure after knee and shoulder joint. Wrist arthroscopy has become a gold standard for diagnosing TFCC pathologies and other intercarpal disorders. Our aim was to compare the clinical, MRI and arthroscopic findings while treating various wrist pathologies. Materials/Method. In retrospective trial, 30 patients (19 male and 11 female) with clinical evidence of wrist lesions were evaluated with MRI followed by wrist arthroscopy. The mean age of the patients at the time of outpatient appointment was 44 years with an average waiting time of 6.6 months. Inclusion criteria: all patients undergoing wrist surgery. Exclusion criteria: septic arthritis, acute distal radius fractures. Kappa analysis was used to compare the three methods of wrist pathology assessment. The total 30 patients were assessed for clinical findings, MRI report and corresponding arthroscopic findings. Results. According to the clinical findings, 22 patients (68% of all patients) were diagnosed with suspected TFCC injury. In 21 patients, the MRI showed