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Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_2 | Pages 120 - 120
10 Feb 2023
Mohammed K Oorschot C Austen M O'Loiughlin E
Full Access

We test the clinical validity and financial implications of the proposed Choosing Wisely statement: “Using ultrasound as a screening test for shoulder instability is inappropriate in people under 30 years of age, unless there is clinical suspicion of a rotator cuff tear.”. A retrospective chart review from a specialist shoulder surgeon's practice over a two-year period recorded 124 patients under the age of 30 referred with shoulder instability. Of these, forty-one had already had ultrasound scans performed prior to specialist review. The scan results and patient files were reviewed to determine the reported findings on the scans and whether these findings were clinically relevant to diagnosis and decision-making. Comparison was made with subsequent MRI scan results. The data, obtained from the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), recorded the number of cases and costs incurred for ultrasound scans of the shoulder in patients under 30 years old over a 10-year period. There were no cases where the ultrasound scan was considered useful in decision-making. No patient had a full thickness rotator cuff tear. Thirty-nine of the 41 patients subsequently had MRI scans. The cost to the ACC for funding ultrasound scans in patients under 30 has increased over the last decade and exceeded one million dollars in the 2020/2021 financial year. In addition, patients pay a surcharge for this test. The proposed Choosing Wisely statement is valid. This evidence supports that ultrasound is an unnecessary investigation for patients with shoulder instability unless there is clinical suspicion of a rotator cuff tear. Ultrasound also incurs costs to the insurer (ACC) and the patient. We recommend x-rays and, if further imaging is indicated, High Tech Imaging with MRI and sometimes CT scans in these patients

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 106-B, Issue SUPP_19 | Pages 8 - 8
22 Nov 2024
Arts C
Full Access

Introduction. Various biomaterials and bone graft substitute technologies for use in osteomyelitis treatment are currently used in clinal practice. They vary in mode of action (with or without antibiotics) and clinical application (one-stage or two-stage surgery). This systematic review aims to compare the clinical evidence of different synthetic antimicrobial bone graft substitutes and antibiotic-loaded carriers in eradicating infection and clinical outcome in patients with chronic osteomyelitis. Methods. Systematic review according to PRISMA statement on publications 2002-2023. MESH terms: osteomyelitis and bone substitutes. FREE terms: chronic osteomyelitis, bone infection. A standardized data extraction form was be used to extract data from the included papers. Results. Publications with increased methodological quality and clinical evidence for biomaterials in osteomyelitis treatment were published in the last decades. High 85-95% eradication rates of osteomyelitis were observed for various resorbable Ca-P and/or Ca-S biomaterials combined with antibiotics and S53P4 bioactive glass. Level of evidence varies significantly between products. Antibiotic pharmacokinetic release profiles vary between resorbable Ca-P and/or Ca-S biomaterials. Conclusion. Given the high 85-95% eradication rates of osteomyelitis by various resorbable Ca-P and/or Ca-S biomaterials combined with antibiotics and S53P4 bioactive glass, one-stage treatment is preferred. Surgeons should be aware of variations in mechanical properties and antibiotic pharmacokinetic release profiles between Ca-P and CA-s products. Mechanical, biological and antimicrobial properties of bioactive glass are formulation dependent. Currently, only S53P4 bioactive glass has proven antimicrobial properties. Based on this systematic review antibiotic loaded fleeces should be used with caution and restraint

Abstract. Background. ‘Free From Pain’ is a drug-free, injection injection-free, lifestyle-based musculoskeletal pain management programme for seniors. The programme empowers Seniors with relevant information and inspirational metaphors whilst providing them with validated exercises. The programme is also available as a published book (ISBN-0995676941). This pilot study aimed to assess the suitability and safety of the programme's exercises and the usefulness of the book before considering a larger study. Methods. Participants used 5-point Likert scales to evaluate the exercises. A rating of three or below on a Likert scale denoted non-agreement to a positive statement regarding the exercises. A rating of four or above denoted agreement. The Usefulness Scale for Patient Information Material (USE) was utilised to assess the book. Results. Of 30 participants who attended the programme, 25 completed the questionnaire (19 females and six males), with a mean age of 76 years. All the 25 participants were in agreement that the exercises were suitable, (x? = 4.6) and safe (x? = 4.56). 23 participants would also recommend the programme to family and friends? (x? = 4.48). The USE scale is divided into three, sub-domains: cognition (knowledge obtained); emotional (individual's ability to cope with the illness); and behavioural (ability to self-manage). The mean scores for the book on the cognitive, emotional, and behavioural sub-domains were 25.48, 24.08 and 24.04, respectively. Conclusion. Results indicate that the ‘Free From Pain’ exercises are suitable and safe. The book provides educational information that empowers participants to better their musculoskeletal health

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_10 | Pages 10 - 10
1 Jun 2023
Hrycaiczuk A Oochit K Imran A Murray E Brown M Jamal B
Full Access

Introduction. Ankle fractures in the elderly have been increasing with an ageing but active population and bring with them specific challenges. Medical co-morbidities, a poor soft tissue envelope and a requirement for early mobilisation to prevent morbidity and mortality, all create potential pitfalls to successful treatment. As a result, different techniques have been employed to try and improve outcomes. Total contact casting, both standard and enhanced open reduction internal fixation, external fixation and most recently tibiotalocalcaneal (TTC) nailing have all been proposed as suitable treatment modalities. Over the past five years popular literature has begun to herald TTC nailing as an appropriate and contemporary solution to the complex problem of high-risk ankle fragility fractures. We sought to assess whether, within our patient cohort, the outcomes seen supported the statement that TTC has equal outcomes to more traditional open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) when used to treat the high-risk ankle fragility fracture. Materials & Methods. Results of ORIF versus TTC nailing without joint preparation for treatment of fragility ankle fractures were evaluated via retrospective cohort study of 64 patients with high-risk fragility ankle fractures without our trauma centre. We aimed to assess whether results within our unit were equal to those seen within other published studies. Patients were matched 1:1 based on gender, age, Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) and ASA score. Patient demographics, AO/OTA fracture classification, intra-operative and post-operative complications, discharge destination, union rates, FADI scores and patient mobility were recorded. Results. There were 32 patients within each arm. Mean age was 78.4 (TTC) and 78.3 (ORIF). The CCI was 5.9 in each group respectively with mean ASA 2.9 (TTC) and 2.8 (ORIF). There were two open fractures within each group. Median follow up duration was 26 months. Time to theatre from injury was 8.0 days (TTC) versus 3.3 days (ORIF). There was no statistically significant difference in 30-day, one year or overall mortality at final follow up. Kaplan-Meier survivorship analysis did however demonstrate that of those patients who died post-operatively the mean time to mortality was significantly shorter in those treated with TTC nailing versus ORIF (20.3 months versus 38.2 months, p=0.013). There was no statistical difference in the overall complication rate between the two groups (46.9% versus 25%, p=0.12). The re-operation rate was twice as high in patients treated with TTC nailing however this was not statistically significant. There was no statistical difference in the FADI scores at final follow up, 72.1±12.9 (TTC) versus 67.9±13.9 (ORIF) nor post-operative mobility status. Conclusions. Within our study TTC nailing with an unprepared joint demonstrated broadly equivalent results to ORIF in the management of high-risk ankle fragility fractures; this replicates findings of previous studies. We did however observe that mean survival was significantly shorter in the TTC group than those treated with ORIF. We believe this may have been contributed to by a delay to theatre due to TTC stabilisation being treated as a sub-specialist operation in our unit at the time. We propose that both TTC and ORIF are satisfactory techniques to stabilise the frail ankle fracture however, similarly to the other fragility fractures, the priority should be on an emergent operation in a timely fashion in order to minimise the associated morbidity and mortality. Further randomised control studies are needed within the area to establish definitive results and a working consensus

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 104-B, Issue SUPP_12 | Pages 98 - 98
1 Dec 2022
Nazaroff H Huang A Walsh K
Full Access

Musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders continue to be a major cause of pain and disability worldwide. The mission statement of the Canadian Orthopaedic Association (COA) is to “promote excellence in orthopaedic and musculoskeletal health for Canadians,” and orthopaedic surgeons serve as leaders in addressing and improving musculoskeletal health. However, patients with MSK complaints most commonly present first to a primary care physician. According to a survey of family physicians in British Columbia, 13.7-27.8% of patients present with a chief complaint that is MSK-related (Pinney et Regan, 2001). Therefore, providing excellent MSK care to Canadians requires that all physicians, especially those involved in primary care, be adequately trained to diagnose and treat common MSK conditions. To date, there has been no assessment of the total mandatory MSK training Canadian family medicine residents receive. It is also unclear, despite the prevalence of MSK complaints among Canadian patients, if current family physicians are competent or confident in their ability to provide fundamental MSK care. The purpose of this study is to determine the amount of mandatory MSK training Canadian family medicine residents are currently receiving. Web-based research was used to determine how many weeks of mandatory MSK training was incorporated into current Canadian family medicine residency training programs. This information was gathered from either the Canadian Resident Matching Service website ( or the residency program's individual website. If this information was not available on a program's website, a program administrator was contacted via email in order to ascertain this information directly. MSK training was considered to be any rotation in orthopaedic surgery, spine surgery, sports medicine, or physiatry. 156 Canadian family medicine residency training sites were identified. Information pertaining to mandatory MSK education was collected for 150 sites (95.5%). Of the 150 training sites, 102(68 %) did not incorporate any mandatory MSK training into their curriculum. Of the 48 programs that did, the average number of weeks of MSK training was 3.37 weeks. 32/48 programs (66.7%) included 4 weeks of MSK training, which represents 3.8% of a 2-year training program. Current Canadian family medicine residents are not receiving sufficient musculoskeletal training when compared to the overall frequency of musculoskeletal presentations in the primary care setting. Understanding current family medicine physicians’ surveyed confidence and measured competence with respect to diagnosing and treating common musculoskeletal disorders could also prove helpful in demonstrating the need for increased musculoskeletal education. Future orthopaedic initiatives could help enhance family medicine MSK training

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 104-B, Issue SUPP_12 | Pages 94 - 94
1 Dec 2022
Versteeg A Chisamore N Ng K Elmoursi O Leroux T Zywiel M
Full Access

While surgeon-industry relationships in orthopaedics have a critical role in advancing techniques and patient outcomes, they also present the potential for conflict of interest (COI) and increased risk of bias in surgical education. Consequently, robust processes of disclosure and mitigation of potential COI have been adopted across educational institutions, professional societies, and specialty journals. The past years have seen marked growth in the use of online video-based surgical education platforms that are commonly used by both trainees and practicing surgeons. However, it is unclear to what extent the same COI disclosure and mitigation principles are adhered to on these platforms. Thus, the purpose of the present study was to evaluate the frequency and adequacy of potential COI disclosure on orthopaedic online video-based educational platforms. We retrospectively reviewed videos from a single, publicly-accessible online peer-to-peer orthopaedic educational video platform (VuMedi) that is used as an educational resource by a large number of orthopaedic trainees across North America. The 25 highest-viewed videos were identified for each of 6 subspecialty areas (hip reconstruction, knee reconstruction, shoulder/elbow, foot and ankle, spine and sports). A standardized case report form was developed based on the COI disclosure guidelines of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery (AAOS) and the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. Two reviewers watched and assessed each video for presentation of any identifiable commercial products or brand names, disclosure of funding source for video, and presenter's potential conflict of interest. Additionally, presenter disclosures were cross-referenced against commercial relationships reported in the AAOS disclosure database to determine adequacy of disclosure. Any discrepancies between reviewers were resolved by consensus wherever possible, or with adjudication by a third reviewer when necessary. Out of 150 reviewed videos, only 37 (25%) included a disclosure statement of any kind. Sixty-nine (46%) videos involved the presentation of a readily identifiable commercial orthopaedic device, implant or brand. Despite this, only 13 of these (19%) included a disclosure of any kind, and only 8 were considered adequate when compared to the presenter's disclosures in the AAOS database. In contrast, 83% of the presenters of the videos included in this study reported one or more commercial relationships in the AAOS disclosure database. Videos of presentations given at conferences and/or academic meetings had significantly greater rates of disclosure as compared to those that were not (41% vs 14%; p=0.004). Similarly, disclosures associated with conference/meeting presentations had significantly greater rates of adequacy (21% vs 7%; p=0.018). Even so, less than half of the educational videos originating from a conference or meeting included a disclosure of any kind, and only about half of these were deemed adequate. No differences were seen in the rate of disclosures between orthopaedic subspecialties (p=0.791). Online orthopaedic educational videos commonly involve presentation of specific, identifiable commercial products and brands, and the large majority of presenters have existing financial relationships with potential for conflict of interest. Despite this, the overall rate of disclosure of potential conflict of interest in these educational videos is low, and many of these disclosures are incomplete or inadequate. Further work is needed to better understand the impact of this low rate of disclosure on orthopaedic education both in-training and in practice

Bone & Joint Open
Vol. 4, Issue 9 | Pages 696 - 703
11 Sep 2023
Ormond MJ Clement ND Harder BG Farrow L Glester A


The principles of evidence-based medicine (EBM) are the foundation of modern medical practice. Surgeons are familiar with the commonly used statistical techniques to test hypotheses, summarize findings, and provide answers within a specified range of probability. Based on this knowledge, they are able to critically evaluate research before deciding whether or not to adopt the findings into practice. Recently, there has been an increased use of artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze information and derive findings in orthopaedic research. These techniques use a set of statistical tools that are increasingly complex and may be unfamiliar to the orthopaedic surgeon. It is unclear if this shift towards less familiar techniques is widely accepted in the orthopaedic community. This study aimed to provide an exploration of understanding and acceptance of AI use in research among orthopaedic surgeons.


Semi-structured in-depth interviews were carried out on a sample of 12 orthopaedic surgeons. Inductive thematic analysis was used to identify key themes.

Bone & Joint Open
Vol. 5, Issue 12 | Pages 1072 - 1080
4 Dec 2024
Tang M Lun KK Lewin AM Harris IA


Systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are the highest level of evidence used to inform patient care. However, it has been suggested that the quality of randomization in RCTs in orthopaedic surgery may be low. This study aims to describe the quality of randomization in trials included in systematic reviews in orthopaedic surgery.


Systematic reviews of RCTs testing orthopaedic procedures published in 2022 were extracted from PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane Library. A random sample of 100 systematic reviews was selected, and all included RCTs were retrieved. To be eligible for inclusion, systematic reviews must have tested an orthopaedic procedure as the primary intervention, included at least one study identified as a RCT, been published in 2022 in English, and included human clinical trials. The Cochrane Risk of Bias-2 Tool was used to assess random sequence generation as ‘adequate’, ‘inadequate’, or ‘no information’; we then calculated the proportion of trials in each category. We also collected data to test the association between these categories and characteristics of the RCTs and systematic reviews.

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 106-B, Issue 9 | Pages 1016 - 1020
9 Jul 2024
Trompeter AJ Costa ML


Weightbearing instructions after musculoskeletal injury or orthopaedic surgery are a key aspect of the rehabilitation pathway and prescription. The terminology used to describe the weightbearing status of the patient is variable; many different terms are used, and there is recognition and evidence that the lack of standardized terminology contributes to confusion in practice.


A consensus exercise was conducted involving all the major stakeholders in the patient journey for those with musculoskeletal injury. The consensus exercise primary aim was to seek agreement on a standardized set of terminology for weightbearing instructions.

Bone & Joint Research
Vol. 13, Issue 9 | Pages 507 - 512
18 Sep 2024
Farrow L Meek D Leontidis G Campbell M Harrison E Anderson L

Despite the vast quantities of published artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms that target trauma and orthopaedic applications, very few progress to inform clinical practice. One key reason for this is the lack of a clear pathway from development to deployment. In order to assist with this process, we have developed the Clinical Practice Integration of Artificial Intelligence (CPI-AI) framework – a five-stage approach to the clinical practice adoption of AI in the setting of trauma and orthopaedics, based on the IDEAL principles ( Adherence to the framework would provide a robust evidence-based mechanism for developing trust in AI applications, where the underlying algorithms are unlikely to be fully understood by clinical teams.

Cite this article: Bone Joint Res 2024;13(9):507–512.

Bone & Joint Open
Vol. 5, Issue 5 | Pages 419 - 425
20 May 2024
Gardner EC Cheng R Moran J Summer LC Emsbo CB Gallagher RG Gong J Fishman FG


The purpose of this survey study was to examine the demographic and lifestyle factors of women currently in orthopaedic surgery.


An electronic survey was conducted of practising female orthopaedic surgeons based in the USA through both the Ruth Jackson Society and the online Facebook group “Women of Orthopaedics”.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 102-B, Issue SUPP_1 | Pages 23 - 23
1 Feb 2020
Van De Kleut M Athwal G Yuan X Teeter M
Full Access

Introduction. Reverse total shoulder arthroplasty (RTSA) is a semi-constrained joint replacement with an articulating cobalt-chromium glenosphere and ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (PE). Because of its limited load bearing, surgeons and implant manufacturers have not elicited the use of highly cross-linked PE in the shoulder, and to date have not considered excessive PE wear in the reverse shoulder a primary concern. As the number of shoulder procedures is expected to grow exponentially in the next decade, however, it is important to evaluate how new designs and bearing materials interact and to have an understanding of what is normal in well-functioning joint replacements. Currently, no in vivo investigation into RTSA PE wear has been conducted, with limited retrieval and simulation studies. In vitro and in silico studies demonstrate a large range in expected wear rates, from 14.3 mm. 3. /million cycles (MC) to 126 mm. 3. /MC, with no obvious relationship between wear rate and polyethylene diameter. The purpose of this study is to evaluate, for the first time, both volumetric and linear wear rates in reverse shoulder patients, with a minimum six-year follow-up using stereo radiographic techniques. Methods. To date, seven patients with a self-reported well-functioning Aequalis Reversed II (Wright Medical Group, Edina, MN, USA) RTSA implant system have been imaged (mean years from surgery = 7.0, range = 6.2 to 9). Using stereo radiographs, patients were imaged at the extents of their range of motion in internal and external rotation, lateral abduction, forward flexion, and with their arm at the side. Multiple arm positions were used to account for the multiple wear vectors associated with activities of daily living and the shoulder's six degrees of motion. Using proprietary software, the position and orientation of the polyethylene and glenosphere components were identified and their transformation matrices recorded. These transformation matrices were then applied to the CAD models of each component, respectively, and the apparent intersection of the glenosphere into the PE recorded. Using previously validated in-house software, volumetric and maximum linear wear depth measurements were obtained. Linear regression was used to identify wear rates. Results. The volumetric and linear wear rates for the 36 mm PE liners (n = 5) were 39 mm. 3. /y (r. 2. = 0.86, range = 24 to 42 mm. 3. /y) and 0.09 mm/y (r. 2. = 0.96, range = 0.08 to 0.11 mm/y), respectively. Only two patients with 42 mm PE liners were evaluated. For these, volumetric and linear wear rates were 110 mm. 3. /y (r. 2. = 0.81, range = 83 to 145 mm. 3. /y) and 0.17 mm/y (r. 2. = 0.99, range = 1.12 to 1.15 mm/y), respectively. Conclusion. For the first time, PE wear was evaluated in the reverse shoulder in vivo. More patients are required for conclusive statements, but preliminary results suggest first order volumetric and linear wear rates within those predicted by simulation studies. It is interesting to note the increased wear with larger PE size, likely due to the increased contact area between congruent faces and the potential for increased sliding distance during arm motion

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 101-B, Issue SUPP_5 | Pages 67 - 67
1 Apr 2019
DesJardins J Lucas E Chillag K Voss F
Full Access

Background. Clinical and anatomical complications from total knee replacement (TKR) procedures are debilitating, and include weakness, damage, and the loss of native anatomy. As the annual number of primary TKR surgeries in the United States has continued to rise, to a projected 3.48 million in 2030, there has been a concomitant rise in revision surgery. Damage to or loss of native knee anatomy as a result of TKR revision can leave the patient with irreversible knee dysfunction, which is a contra-indication for most TKR systems on the market. This leaves the multi-revision patient with limited medical options. Complete fusion of the joint, known as arthrodesis, is indicated in some cases. Arthrodesis is also commonly indicated for traumatic injury, bone loss, quadriceps extensor mechanism damage, and osteosarcoma. While this treatment may resolve pain and allow a patient to walk, the inability to flex the knee results in considerable functional complications. Patients with arthrodesis are unable to drive, sit in close-quarter spaces, or engage in a significant number of activities of daily living. Product Statement. The authors have developed and patented the Engage Knee System, a novel TKR system that allows a patient to lock and unlock the knee joint by means of a handheld, non-invasive device. An internal locking mechanism is constructed of materials that have been used in orthopedic joint replacements that have been approved through the FDA 510(k) process. A lightweight, handheld magnetic device is used to actuate the locking mechanism. No percutaneous components are required or present. This device allows a patient to lock their knee joint in full extension to ambulate with the functional equivalence of an arthrodesis, but allows a patient to unlock the device and bend the knee to engage in passive activities that would be otherwise difficult or impossible. The IP portfolio for this technology is owned by Clemson University, and they are seeking a partner/licensee to pursue further technology development and validation. Methods. A literature review of knee arthrodesis incidence and prevalence has been published by the inventors. Three- dimensional gait analysis was used to characterize rigid-knee gait kinematics and kinetics to verify potential implant design loads. Multiple physical prototypes of the design were created and implanted in Sawbones synthetic knee models, and a final prototype using industry-standard arthroplasty materials was contract-manufactured. Results. The Engage system is capable of locking and unlocking in full extension with the use of a non-invasive hand-held device. The device will support the loading patterns and magnitudes during stiff knee gait, as estimated through gait analysis and musculoskeletal modeling, when it is locked in full extension. Conclusion. The Engage Knee System bridges the gulf between existing treatments, and addresses not only patients who would otherwise undergo arthrodesis, but also patients who have avoided treatment or who currently undergo high-risk revision procedures. The device is also a viable option for arthrodesis takedown, providing patients who have already undergone arthrodesis a means of regaining knee flexion

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 100-B, Issue SUPP_17 | Pages 75 - 75
1 Dec 2018
van den Kieboom J Bosch P Plate J IJpma F Leenen L Kühl R McNally M Metsemakers W Govaert G
Full Access

Aim. Fracture related infection (FRI) remains a challenging diagnosis in orthopedic and trauma surgery. In addition to clinical signs and imaging, serum inflammatory markers are often used to estimate the probability of FRI. To what extent serum inflammatory markers can be used to rule out and diagnose FRI remains unclear. The aim of this systematic review was to assess the diagnostic value of the serum inflammatory markers C-reactive protein (CRP), leukocyte count (LC) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) in suspected fracture related infection. Method. PubMed, Embase and Cochrane databases were searched for all articles focusing on the diagnostic value of CRP, LC and ESR in FRI. Studies on other inflammatory markers or other types of orthopedic infection, such as periprosthetic and diabetic foot infections, were excluded. For each serum inflammatory marker, all reported sensitivity and specificity combinations were extracted and graphically visualized. Average estimates were obtained using bivariate mixed effects models. This study utilized the QUADAS-2 criteria and was reported following the PRISMA statement. Results. The search resulted in 8280 articles, of which seven were eligible for inclusion. One study was excluded after quality assessment. CRP was reported in all included studies, with sensitivity ranging from 60.0 to 100.0% and specificity from 34.3 to 85.7%. Five of these studies were pooled. The average pooled sensitivity and specificity of CRP were, respectively, 77.0% (95% CI 66.5–85.0%) and 67.9% (95% CI 38.7–87.6%). LC was reported in five studies. Sensitivity ranged from 22.9 to 72.6% and specificity from 73.5 to 85.7%. The results of four of these studies were pooled, resulting in a 51.7% (95% CI 27.2–75.5%) sensitivity and 67.1% (95% CI 19.3–50.2%) specificity. ESR was reported in five studies. Sensitivity and specificity ranged from 37.1 to 100.0% and 59.0 to 85.0% respectively. Three of these studies were pooled, showing a 45.1% (95% CI 37.8–52.6%) sensitivity and 79.3% (95% CI 71.7–85.2%) specificity of ESR. Four studies analyzed the combined value of inflammatory markers, reporting an increased diagnostic accuracy. These results could not be pooled due to heterogeneity. Conclusions. The serum inflammatory markers CRP, LC and ESR are insufficiently accurate to diagnose FRI. These markers cannot rule out the presence of FRI, but they may be used as a suggestive sign in the diagnosis of FRI

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 100-B, Issue SUPP_5 | Pages 15 - 15
1 Apr 2018
Walker D Kinney A Banks S Wright T
Full Access

Musculoskeletal modeling techniques simulate reverse total shoulder arthroplasty (RTSA) shoulders and how implant placement affects muscle moment arms. Yet, studies have not taken into account how muscle-length changes affect force-generating capacity postoperatively. We develop a patient-specific model for RTSA patients to predict muscle activation. Patient-specific muscle parameters were estimated using an optimization scheme calibrating the model to isometric arm abduction data at 0°, 45°, and 90°. We compared predicted muscle activation to experimental electromyography recordings. A twelve-degree of freedom model with experimental measurements created patient-specific data estimating muscle parameters corresponding to strength. Optimization minimized the difference between measured and estimated joint moments and muscle activations, yielding parameters corresponding to subjects' strength that can predict muscle activation and lengths. Model calibration was performed on RTSA patients' arm abduction data. Predicted muscle activation ranged between 3% and 70% of maximum. The maximum joint moment produced was 10 Nm. The model replicated measured moments accurately (R. 2. > 0.99). The optimized muscle parameters produced feasible muscle moments and activations for dynamic arm abduction when using data from isometric force trials. A normalized correlation was found between predicted and experimental muscle activation for dynamic abduction (r > 0.9); the moment generation to lift the arm was tracked (R. 2. = 0.99). Statement of Clinical Significance: We developed a framework to predict patient-specific muscle parameters. Combined with patient-specific models incorporating joint configurations, kinematics, and bone anatomy, they can predict muscle activation in novel tasks and, e.g., predict how RTSA implant and surgical decisions may affect muscle function

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 99-B, Issue SUPP_7 | Pages 97 - 97
1 Apr 2017
Callaghan J
Full Access

The United States is in the midst of an opioid epidemic, with the World Health Organization reporting that American's consume 99% of the world's supply of hydrocodone and 83% of the world's oxycodone. Additionally, pre-operative opioid use has been associated with worse clinical outcomes and higher rates of complications following TKA. This is especially important in the TKA population given that approximately 15% of patients are either dissatisfied or very dissatisfied at least one year after their TKA procedure. Given the concerning rise is opioid use the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) has recently released an information statement with practice recommendations for combating this excessive and inappropriate opiate use. However, little is known regarding peri-operative opioid use for TKA patients. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to: 1) identify rates of opioid use prior to primary TKA, 2) evaluate post-operative trends in opioid use throughout the year following TKA and 3) identify risk factors for prolonged opioid use following TKA. Overall, 31% of TKA patients are prescribed opioids within 3-months prior to TKA; this percentage has increased over 9% during the years included in this study. Pre-operative opioid use was most predictive of increased refills of opioids following TKA, however, other intrinsic patient characteristics were also predictive of prolonged opioid use. These characteristics remained predictive after controlling for opioid user status. The increasing rates of opioid prescribing prior to TKA are concerning, especially given literature concluding opioids have minimal effect on pain or function in patients with osteoarthritis and pre-operative opioid use is associated with poor outcomes and more complications following TKA. This data provides an important baseline for opioid use trends following TKA that can be used for future comparison and identifies risk factors for prolonged use that will be helpful to prescribers as the AAOS works to decreased opioid use, misuse and abuse within the United States. Our data on THA and unicompartmental arthroplasty is similar with an increase in pre-THA use of 9% with 38% receiving narcotics within 3 months of surgery and continued use in opioid users (9 times non-opioid users at 12 months)

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 98-B, Issue SUPP_17 | Pages 50 - 50
1 Nov 2016
Callaghan J
Full Access

The United States is in the midst of an opioid epidemic, with the World Health Organization reporting that American's consume 99% of the world's supply of hydrocodone and 83% of the world's oxycodone. Additionally, pre-operative opioid use has been associated with worse clinical outcomes and higher rates of complications following total knee arthroplasty (TKA). This is especially important in the TKA population given that approximately 15% of patients are either dissatisfied or very dissatisfied at least one year after their TKA procedure. Given the concerning rise in opioid use the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) has recently released an information statement with practice recommendations for combating this excessive and inappropriate opiate use. However, little is known regarding peri-operative opioid use for TKA patients. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to: 1) identify rates of opioid use prior to primary TKA, 2) evaluate post-operative trends in opioid use throughout the year following TKA and 3) identify risk factors for prolonged opioid use following TKA. Overall, 31% of TKA patients are prescribed opioids within 3-months prior to TKA; this percentage has increased over 9% during the years included in this study. Pre-operative opioid use was most predictive of increased refills of opioids following TKA, however, other intrinsic patient characteristics were also predictive of prolonged opioid use. These characteristics remained predictive after controlling for opioid user status. The increasing rates of opioid prescribing prior to TKA are concerning, especially given literature concluding opioids have minimal effect on pain or function in patients with osteoarthritis and pre-operative opioid use is associated with poor outcomes and more complications following TKA. This data provides an important baseline for opioid use trends following TKA that can be used for future comparison and identifies risk factors for prolonged use that will be helpful to prescribers as the AAOS works to decreased opioid use, misuse and abuse within the United States

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 97-B, Issue SUPP_16 | Pages 50 - 50
1 Dec 2015
Grünther R
Full Access

Noting a decreasing number of transfemoral amputations following infection of Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) I studied a case of a patient which suffered an amputation following infection of TKA by MRSA. With assistance of all hospitals and the NHS it was able to classify all costs of this poor case. This study exposes a drama of a person which received a Total Knee Arthroplasty in the right knee at 66.0 years. 2 weeks after the implantation of TKA she presented a wound secretion, the microbiology shows: MRSA, Pseudomonas aeroguinos and Streptococcus. 4 surgical revisions followed without removing the TKA. 35 month later, with 68.9 years it was indispensable to remove the TKA in a 6th operation, implanting a spacer with Vancomycine. 1 month later removing of the spacer and implanting a second cemented TKA in the 7th surgery. With 70.2 years the removal of the second TKA was necessary because of infection with Pseudomonas aeroguinosa and Morganelli morganii. Now implantation of another spacer with Vancomycine. 1 month later with 70.3 years removal of the spacer molding an arthrodesis of the knee using an intramedullary femur to tibia rod. After that 4 revision surgeries with changing the intramedullary rod some wound revisions followed, ending in the 23rd operation with a transfemoral amputation with 71.1 years – 5 years after primary TKA. 3 month after transfemoral amputation the patient presented high temperature and a secretion of the scarf of the TT-stump; microbiology: MRSA. 2 more surgeries are necessary to stop the infection. This patient suffered over all 25 surgical procedures in 5.5 years. The hospitalization for acute infection of TKA led to 431 days in different hospitals in 33 months. Statement of charges from the hospitals € 74.046,92 in the last three years before amputation. Payments by the health insurance € 155.424,00 for all procedures. We will demonstrate the different costs of hospital procedures and distribution for the insurance for all performances

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 99-B, Issue SUPP_5 | Pages 85 - 85
1 Mar 2017
Pierre D Gilbert J Swaminathan V Yanoso-Scholl L TenHuisen K Lee R
Full Access

Statement of Purpose. Mechanically assisted crevice corrosion of modular tapers continues to be a concern in total joint replacements as studies have reported increases in local tissue reactions. 1. Two surgical factors that may effect taper seating mechanics are seating load magnitude and orientation. In this study 12/14 modular taper junctions were seated over a range of loads and loading orientations. The goals of this study were to assess the effects of load magnitude and orientation on seating load-displacement mechanics and to correlate these to the pull-off load. Methods. Ti6Al4V 12/14 tapers and CoCrMo heads were tested axially at four seating load levels (n=5): 1-, 2-, 4- and 8- kN. Three orientation groups were tested at 4 kN (n=5), 0°, 10° and 20°. The load-displacement behavior during testing was captured using data acquisition methods and two non-contact eddy current sensors fixed to the neck, targeting head-neck relative motion (Micro-Epsilon). Loads were ramped (200 N/s) with a servohydraulic system from 0 N to peak load and held for 5s (Instron). Off-axis test samples were oriented in an angled fixture. Displacement and load data were recorded in LabView. Seating displacement was the distance traveled between 50 N and thepeak load. Axial tensile pull-off loads (5 mm/min) were applied until the locking ability of taper junctions failed. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA test (P<0.05). Results. Axial tests. Seating load-displacement behavior at different seating loads (Fig. 1) show consistent characteristic behavior. Displacements rise parabolically to the peak load reflecting elastic deformation and rigid-body motion. Unloading is elastic and the y-intercept of the unloading curves reflects seating displacement. Displacement and work of seating for the axial tests (Fig. 2a and 2b, respectively) show that both increase with seating magnitude. Displacement increases approximately linearly, while work increases parabolically with seating load. All groups are significantly different (P<0.05). Pull-off loads (Fig. 3) increase linearly with seating load. Pull-off loads are approximately 44% of the seating load. All loads are statistically different (P<0.05). Off-axis tests. Measured seating displacements were comprised of rigid-body and elastic motion. A stiffness-correction method removed elastic motion. 2. Displacement, work and pull-off at the different seating load orientations were not significantly affected (P>0.05, data not shown). Discussion. Static seating load magnitude and orientation effects on seating mechanics and pull-off loads simulating surgical assembly were quantitatively studied in an instrumented seating test method. Increased seating loads increased work of seating, seating displacement and pull-off load. Such seating plots may assist in better understanding of the design, material, and surgical factors associated with taper locking mechanics. Seating orientation to 20° offset did not significantly affect seating mechanics or pull-off loads. Pull-off loads were about 50% of the seating loads for all cases which is consistent with other work. 3. . Conclusions. Increased seating load magnitude increased seating displacement, work and pull-off loads in 12/14 tapers. Load orientation had no significant effect. For figures/tables, please contact authors directly.

Bone & Joint Open
Vol. 2, Issue 3 | Pages 181 - 190
1 Mar 2021
James HK Gregory RJH

The imminent introduction of the new Trauma & Orthopaedic (T&O) curriculum, and the implementation of the Improving Surgical Training initiative, reflect yet another paradigm shift in the recent history of trauma and orthopaedic training. The move to outcome-based training without time constraints is a radical departure from the traditional time-based structure and represents an exciting new training frontier. This paper summarizes the history of T&O training reform, explains the rationale for change, and reflects on lessons learnt from the past.

Cite this article: Bone Jt Open 2021;2-3:181–190.