Aims. To compare results of institutional preferences with regard to treatment of
Introduction. The knee is the most commonly injured joint in sporting accidents, leading to substantial disability, time off work and morbidity (1). Treatment and assessment vary around the UK (2), whilst there remains a limited number of high-quality randomised controlled trials assessing first time, acute
Introduction. Trends in hallux valgus surgery continue to evolve. Basal metatarsal osteotomy theoretically provides the greatest correction, but is under-represented in the literature. This paper reports our early experience with a plate-fixed, opening- wedge basal osteotomy, combined with a new form of distal
Our study aims to demonstrate the efficacy of using endobutton and interference screw technique in the repair of acute distal biceps ruptures. From April 2009 to May 2013, 25 consecutive patients had acute distal biceps tendon repairs using an endobutton and interference screw technique. 3 patients were lost to follow up leaving 22 patients available for review. Mean follow up was 24 months(1–51). All were evaluated using a questionnaire, examination, radiographs, power measurements, and Oxford Elbow and MAYO scores. Overall 95% patients (21/22) felt that their surgery was successful and rated their overall experience as excellent or good. Mean return to work was at 100 days(0–280) and mean postoperative pain relief was 23 days(1–56). 55% returned to sport at their pre-injury level. There was one case (4.5%) of heterotopic calcification with 3 superficial infections(14%). There were no intra or postoperative radial fractures, metalwork failures or metalwork
Purpose. To investigate the prognostic effect of surgical margins in
The Trauma Triage clinic (TTC) is a Virtual Fracture clinic which permits the direct discharge of simple, isolated fractures from the Emergency Department (ED), with consultant review of the clinical notes and radiographs. This study details the outcomes of patients with such injuries over a four-year period. All TTC records between January 2014 and December 2017 were collated from a prospective database. Fractures of the radial head, little finger metacarpal, fifth metatarsal, toe phalanges and
Introduction. Large numbers of patients with open tibial fractures are treated in our major trauma centre. Previously, immediate definitive skeletal stabilisation and
Background. To improve patient pathways we have, in selected patients, begun to acutely apply circular (rather than temporary monolateral) fixators with simultaneous or subsequent
Purpose. To examine the management and outcome of patients suffering complex paediatric lower limb injuries with bone and
Aim. To quantify the micro-motion at the fracture gap in a tibial fracture model stabilised with an external fixator. Method. A surrogate model of a tibia and a cadaver leg were fractured and stabilised using a two-ring hexapod external fixator. They were tested initially under static loading and then subjected to vibration. Results. The overall stiffness of the cadaver leg was significantly higher than the surrogate model under static loading. This resulted in a significantly higher facture movement in the surrogate model. In the surrogate model there was no significant difference between the displacement applied via the vibrating platform and the fracture movement at the fracture gap. The fracture movement was however found to be statistically lower during vibration in the cadaver leg. Discussion. The significant difference in stiffness seen between the surrogate and cadaveric model is likely due to multiple factors such as the presence of
Introduction. Aim of this study was to review a single surgeon series and analyse the results of hip reconstruction and compare them to an historical cohort. Methods and results. Retrospective review from a prospective database was undertaken of 113 CFD children since 1999. 31 of these patients had hip reconstruction with combined
Background. The decision to attempt limb salvage vs to amputate in a significant traumatic limb injury is based on patient´s best predicted outcome. When amputation cannot be avoided the aim is to provide a pain free limb whilst preserving the
Background. Medical grade Calcium Sulphate can be used as a delivery vehicle for antibiotics. We use these for treating patients with established osteomyelitis, but also use it prophylactic for contaminated war injuries, to fill voids in bone with osteo conductve filler that delivers local antibiotics, and can integrate with bone. Although antibiotic loaded calcium sulphate is increasingly used, there is little data to demonstrate that systemic levels generated by local release of antibiotics are safe. For this reason, we routinely assay systemic levels of antibiotics. Objectives. To determine if systemic toxicity occurs after the use of antibiotic loaded calcium sulphate in the treatment of bone and
Aims. The Intraosseous Transcutaneous Amputation Prosthesis (ITAP)
may improve quality of life for amputees by avoiding soft-tissue
complications associated with socket prostheses and by improving
sensory feedback and function. It relies on the formation of a seal
between the
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the retrospective results of 92 surgically treated spastic hips. Twenty-one patients were able to walk in the community with aids, 19 were able to walk about the house, and 13 were wheelchair bound. The mean age at the time of the operation was 7 yrs (3–18) and the average follow-up was 5. The cohort of the study included 45 tetraplegic patients, 6 diplegic, and 2 hemiplegic. The dislocated hips were 25 and the subluxated ones 67. The surgical treatment included
Aims. The aims of this study were to establish whether composite fixation
(rail-plate) decreases fixator time and related problems in the
management of patients with infected nonunion of tibia with a segmental
defect, without compromising the anatomical and functional outcomes
achieved using the classical Ilizarov technique. We also wished
to study the acceptability of this technique using patient-based
objective criteria. Patients and Methods. Between January 2012 and January 2015, 14 consecutive patients
were treated for an infected nonunion of the tibia with a gap and
were included in the study. During stage one, a radical debridement
of bone and
Introduction. Sacral fractures were previously treated with transiliac bars, sacroiliac screws or posterior plates. Sacroiliac screws are not as invasive, but the risk of intra-operative neurovascular damage must be considered. Posterior plate fixation is slightly invasive. In 2006, we conceived a new fixation method with spinal instrumentation system, and I will introduce it. Procedure. We make 5cm skin incisions just above each side of post. sup. spine of ilium and make a tunnel under the
Anterior knee pain post Total knee Replacement (TKR) has been reported to be as high as 49%. The source is poorly understood; both the peripatellar
The modified Glasgow Prognostic Score (mGPS) is a validated prognostic indicator in various carcinomas as demonstrated by several meta-analyses. The mGPS includes pre-operative CRP and albumin values to calculate a score from 0–2 that correlates with overall outcome. Scores of 2 are associated with a poorer outcome. Our aim was to assess if the mGPS is reliable as a prognostic indicator for