To evaluate the competencies of spinal extended scope physiotherapists (ESP) following the introduction of requesting rights for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) one year later. From September 2009 to August 2010 each MRI scan requested by the 2 spinal ESPs within the orthopaedic clinic was recorded along with their clinical diagnosis to ascertain why the scan was requested. This was indicated on a four point scale of likelihood of pathology which had been introduced to give evidence for MRI requesting rights. This was then audited to determine the total number of scans requested along with the accuracy or justification of the request.Purpose
Establish the positive predictive value of clinical examination predicted radicular level to MRI. To identify the value of the Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Symptoms and Signs (LANSS) assessment tool in the assessment of patients presenting with radicular symptoms of lumbar spine source. 8 patients attending the ESP
To evaluate the patient experience of patients referred to the ESP