Purpose of study and background. Spinal
Background. Trunk
Although interlaminar endoscopic lumbar discectomy (IELD) is considered to be less invasive than microscopic lumbar discectomy (MLD) in treatment of lumbar herniated nucleus pulposus, the radiologic change of multifidus
Purpose of the study. To assess the ability of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to detect changes in spinal
Background. Previous work has identified differential kinematics and
Purpose & Background. The ability to jump higher is a key factor for athletic performance and relies on many factors including spinal movement and trunk
To compare the complication profile of a
Background and Aim. Spinal stability is associated with low back pain and affects the spines ability to support loads. Stability can be achieved if the applied force follows the curvature of the spine, passing close to the vertebral centroids. Previously we showed that calculated
Background. Trunk
Purpose. To determine the effect of leg dominance on trunk
Introduction. The usefulness of markers of non-specific low back pain (NSLBP), including MRI derived measurements of cross-sectional area (CSA) and functional CSA (FCSA, fat free
Introduction. Chronic low back pain (LBP) is globally recognised as a leading cause of disability, with a global point-prevalence of 540 million people experiencing ‘activity-limiting’ LBP. A lack of
Statement of Purpose. It is well known that individuals with a history of low back pain (hLBP) exhibit altered movement patterns that are caused by changes in neuromuscular control. Postural disturbance provides an effective method for creating these differentiable movement patterns. This study has explored the response of the lower limb and spine to a translational perturbation similar to that experienced on public transport in healthy volunteers and those with hLBP. Methods. Healthy volunteers (n=16) and subjects with hLBP (n=10) were subjected to 31 identical postural disturbances at varying time intervals while standing atop a moving platform. Skeletal kinematics and
Staying active, including walking is promoted as being beneficial for patients with low back pain (LBP). The abdominal
We recorded compound
Purpose. Cognitive Muscular Therapy (CMT) is a new treatment for low back pain which integrates psychological techniques for pain management alongside training to improve postural control. Rather than focus on postural alignment or strength, CMT aims to improve the regulation of postural tone (low-level activity which supports the body against gravity). This is achieved by teaching patients an awareness of compensatory paraspinal activation, which can be triggered by overactivity of the abdominal
Purpose and Background. Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) recommend self-management for low back pain (LBP). Our recent narrative review on self-management needs revealed a consensus with respect to the critical components of self-management interventions. With mobile health advancements, apps offer innovative support for LBP management. This study aims to identify current apps for the self-management of LBP, assessing them for their quality, intervention content, theoretical approaches, and risk management approaches. Methods and Results. We identified 69 apps for LBP self-management from a systematic search in the UK iTunes and Google Play stores. The most recommended interventions are
Aims. Adult spinal deformity (ASD) surgery can reduce pain and disability. However, the actual surgical efficacy of ASD in doing so is far from desirable, with frequent complications and limited improvement in quality of life. The accurate prediction of surgical outcome is crucial to the process of clinical decision-making. Consequently, the aim of this study was to develop and validate a model for predicting an ideal surgical outcome (ISO) two years after ASD surgery. Methods. We conducted a retrospective analysis of 458 consecutive patients who had undergone spinal fusion surgery for ASD between January 2016 and June 2022. The outcome of interest was achievement of the ISO, defined as an improvement in patient-reported outcomes exceeding the minimal clinically important difference, with no postoperative complications. Three machine-learning (ML) algorithms – LASSO, RFE, and Boruta – were used to identify key variables from the collected data. The dataset was randomly split into training (60%) and test (40%) sets. Five different ML models were trained, including logistic regression, random forest, XGBoost, LightGBM, and multilayer perceptron. The primary model evaluation metric was area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC). Results. The analysis included 208 patients (mean age 64.62 years (SD 8.21); 48 male (23.1%), 160 female (76.9%)). Overall, 42.8% of patients (89/208) achieved the ideal surgical outcome. Eight features were identified as key variables affecting prognosis: depression, osteoporosis, frailty, failure of pelvic compensation, relative functional cross-sectional area of the paraspinal
Spinal deformations are posture dependent. Official data from the Netherlands show that youth are encountering increasing problems with the musculoskeletal system (>40% back pain, and sport injury proneness). Prolonged sloth and slumped sitting postures are causative factors. Dutch youth are “champion sitting” in Europe. The effects of sitting on the development of posture and function of locomotion (stiffness) during growth have only been reported clearly in classic textbooks (in German) of practical anatomy and orthopaedics. Research with relevant clinical examinations is being done to understand epidemiological data on the increasing posture-dependent problems. A cohort of adolescents (15–18 years) in secondary school was assessed for sagittal postural deviations while bending. 248 children completed a questionnaire, and tests were done on neuromuscular tightness. The femorotibial angle was used to measure hamstring tightness. Measurement of the dorsiflexion of the foot was used to assess the tightness of calf
Purpose of study and background. Psychological factors are considered to play a role in development and maintenance of chronic low back pain (CLBP). Stress or anxiety can change pain sensitivity; however, this has predominantly been studied in healthy individuals with limited work in individuals with musculoskeletal pain. The objective of this study was to quantify the effect of acute exposure to a psychosocial stressor on mechanical pain sensitivity in individuals with and without CLBP. Summary of methods and results. Six individuals with CLBP and 10 individuals without CLBP performed a 10-minute computer task under conditions of low and high psychosocial stress. Psychosocial stress was manipulated using mental maths and memory tasks combined with social evaluative threat. The effect of the stressor was evaluated using blood pressure, heart rate and the state anxiety component of the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Index. Mechanical pressure pain threshold (PPT) was recorded on the tibialis anterior