Background. Back pain is a common orthopaedic problem which results in hospital admissions in severe cases. The aim of our study was to identify the reasons for back pain admissions and role of further investigations in the treatment of severe back pain. Methods. We collected data prospectively for all admissions between January and March 2011. Demographic details were recorded along with the reasons for admissions, time of admission, further investigations and treatment offered. Results. Total admissions were 850 and 58 (6.8%) had severe back pain.13 patients (22%) had fractures (Group-A); 16 patients (27%) did not require
Purpose and background. Whether to order an
In spite of extensive accounts describing the blood supply to the femoral head, the prediction of avascular necrosis is elusive. Current opinion emphasises the contributions of the superior retinacular artery but may not explain the clinical outcome in many situations, including intramedullary nailing of the femur and resurfacing of the hip. We considered that significant additional contribution to the vascularity of the femoral head may exist. A total of 14 fresh-frozen hips were dissected and the medial circumflex femoral artery was cannulated in the femoral triangle. On the test side, this vessel was ligated, with the femoral head receiving its blood supply from the inferior vincular artery alone. Gadolinium contrast-enhanced MRI was then performed simultaneously on both control and test specimens. Polyurethane was injected, and gross dissection of the specimens was performed to confirm the extraosseous anatomy and the injection of contrast. The inferior vincular artery was found in every specimen and had a significant contribution to the vascularity of the femoral head. The head was divided into four quadrants: medial (0), superior (1), lateral (2) and inferior (3). In our study specimens the inferior vincular artery contributed a mean of 56% (25% to 90%) of blood flow in quadrant 0, 34% (14% to 80%) of quadrant 1, 37% (18% to 48%) of quadrant 2 and 68% (20% to 98%) in quadrant 3. Extensive intra-osseous anastomoses existed between the superior retinacular arteries, the inferior vincular artery and the subfoveal plexus.
Biplane video X-ray (BVX) – with models segmented from
Partial meniscectomy patients have a greater likelihood for the development of early osteoarthritis (OA). To prevent the onset of early OA, patient-specific treatment algorithms need to be created that predict patient risk to early OA after meniscectomy. The aim of this work was to identify patient-specific risk factors in partial meniscectomy patients that could potentially lead to early OA. Partial meniscectomy patients operated between 01/2017 and 12/2019 were evaluated in the study (n=317). Exclusion criteria were other pathologies or surgeries for the evaluated knee and meniscus (n = 114). Following informed consent, an online questionnaire containing demographics and the “Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score” (KOOS) questionnaire was sent to the patient. Based on the KOOS pain score, patients were classified into “low” (> 75) and “high” (< 75) risk patients, indicating risk to symptomatic OA. The “high risk” patients also underwent a follow-up including an
Recent studies on animal models focused on the effect of preserving tendon remnant of rotator cuff on tendon healing. A positive effect by combining tendon remnant preservation and small bone vents on the greater tuberosity in comparison with standard tendon-to-bone repair has been shown. The purpose of the present clinical study was to evaluate the efficacy of biologic augmentation of arthroscopic rotator cuff repair by maintaining tendon remnant on rotator cuff footprint combined with small bone vents of the greater tuberosity. A retrospective study was conducted. All patients who underwent arthroscopic rotator cuff repair associated with small bone vents (nanofractures) and tendon footprint preservation were considered eligible for the study. Inclusion criteria were: diagnosis of full-thickness rotator cuff tear as diagnosed at preoperative
Several studies have evaluated the risk of peroneal nerve (PN) injuries in all-inside lateral meniscal repair using standard knee
Cervical spine facet tropism (CFT) defined as the facets’ joints angles difference between right and left sides of more than 7 degrees. This study aims to investigate the relationship between cervical sagittal alignment parameters and cervical spine facets’ tropism. A retrospective cross-sectional study carried out in a tertiary center where cervical spine
In an attempt to alleviate symptoms of the disease, patients with knee osteoarthrosis (KOA) frequently alter their gait patterns. Understanding the underlying pathomechanics and identifying KOA phenotypes is essential for improving treatments. We aimed to investigate altered kinematics in patients with KOA to identify subgroups. Sixty-six patients with symptomatic KOA scheduled for total knee arthroplasty and 12 age-matched healthy volunteers with asymptomatic knees were included. We used k-means to separate the patients based on dynamic radiostereometric assessed knee kinematics. Ligament lesions, KOA score, and clinical outcome were assessed by
One-fourth of all ankle trauma involve injury to the syndesmotic ankle complex, which may lead to syndesmotic instability and/or posttraumatic ankle osteoarthritis in the long term if left untreated. The diagnosis of these injuries still poses a deceitful challenge, as
Knee pain is common, representing a significant socioeconomic burden. Caused by a variety of pathologies, its evaluation in primary-care is challenging. Subsequently, an over-reliance on
Abstract. Objectives.
A Morel-Lavallee lesion (MLL) is a benign cystic lesion that occurs due to injury to the soft-tissue envelope's perforating vascular and lymphatic systems, resulting in a distinctive hemolymphatic fluid accumulation between the tissue layers. The MLL has the potential to make a significant impact on the treatment of orthopaedic injuries. A 79-year-old male patient community ambulatory with assisting aid (cane) known case of Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, bronchial asthma and ischemic heart disease. He was brought to the Emergency, complaining of right hip discomfort and burning sensation for the last 5 days with no history of recent trauma at all. Patient had history of right trochanteric femur fracture 3 years ago, treated with DHS in a privet service. Clinical and Radiological assessment showed that the patient mostly has acute MLL due to lag screw cut out. We offered the patient the surgical intervention, but he refused despite explaining the risks of complications if not treated and preferred to receive the conservative treatment. Compression therapy management explained to him including biker's shorts (instructed to be worn full-time a day) and regular follow up in clinic. Symptom's improvement was reported by the patient in the subsequent visits. In the polytrauma patient, a delayed diagnosis of these lesions is conceivable due to the presence of more visible injuries. It's located over the greater trochanter more commonly, but sometimes in other areas such as the lower lumbar region, the thigh, or the calf. Incorrect or delayed diagnosis and care can have unfavorable outcomes such as infection, pseudocyst development, and cosmetologically deformity.
Meniscal injuries affect over 1.5 million people across Europe and the USA annually. Injury greatly reduces knee joint mobility and quality of life and frequently leads to the development of osteoarthritis. Tissue engineered strategies have emerged in response to a lack of viable treatments for meniscal pathologies. However, to date, constructs mimicking the structural and functional organisation of native tissue, whilst promoting deposition of new extracellular matrix, remains a bottleneck in meniscal repair. 3D bioprinting allows for deposition and patterning of biological materials with high spatial resolution. This project aims to develop a biomimetic 3D bioprinted meniscal substitute. Meniscal tissue was characterised to effectively inform the design of biomaterials for bioprinting constructs with appropriate structural and functional properties. Histology, gene expression and mass spectrometry were performed on native tissue to investigate tissue architecture, matrix components, cell populations and protein expression regionally across the meniscus. 3D laser scanning and
It is known that the gait dynamics of elderly substantially differs from that of young people. However, it has not been well studied how this age-related gait dynamics affects the knee biomechanics, e.g., cartilage mechanical response. In this study, we investigated how aging affects knee biomechanics in a female population using subject-specific computational models. Two female subjects (ages of 23 and 69) with no musculoskeletal disorders were recruited. Korea National Institute for Bioethics Policy Review Board approved the study. Participants walked at a self-selected speed (SWS), 110% of SWS, and 120% of SWS on 10 m flat ground. Three-dimensional marker trajectories and ground reaction forces (Motion Analysis, USA), and lower limbs’ muscle activities were measured (EMG, Noraxon USA). Knee cartilage and menisci geometries were obtained from subjects’
Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) using a semitendinosus (ST) autograft, with or without gracilis (GR), results in donor muscle atrophy and varied tendon regeneration. The effects of harvesting these muscles on muscle moment arm and torque generating capacity have not been well described. This study aimed to determine between-limb differences (ACLR vs uninjured contralateral) in muscle moment arm and torque generating capacity across a full range of hip and knee motions. A secondary analysis of
Introduction. Knee Osteoarthritis (KOA) is a prevalent joint disease requiring accurate diagnosis and prompt management. The condition occurs due to cartilage deterioration and bone remodeling. Ultrasonography has emerged as a promising modality for diagnosing KOA. Medial meniscus extrusion (MME), characterized by displacement of medial meniscus beyond the joint line has been recognized as a significant marker of KOA progression. This study aimed to explore potentials Ultrasound findings in timely detection of MME and compare it to
Distal radius fractures are common, particularly in post-menopausal women. Several factors have been identified such as osteopenia and an increased risk of falling. We hypothesised that increased soft tissue padding from muscle and fat in the volar hand may confer an element of protection against fractures more in men than women and more in younger than older patients. The aim of the study was to assess for thenar and hypothenar thickness and assess whether it varies between sexes and changes with age. We retrospectively evaluated hand
In current practice in the UK there are three main approaches to investigating suspected scaphoid fractures not seen on initial plain film x-rays. Early MRI of all cases. Review all cases in clinic at two weeks with repeat x-rays. Hybrid model. Virtual Fracture Clinic (VFC) triage to reduce those who are seen in clinic at two weeks by:. ∘. Organising early MRI for those with high-risk presentation. ∘. Discharging those with an alternative more likely diagnosis. Our unit uses the VFC model. We aimed to evaluate its efficiency, safety, clinical outcomes and economic viability. All patients attending the emergency department with either a confirmed or suspected scaphoid fracture between March and December 2020 were included (n=305). Of these 297 were referred to the VFC: 33 had a confirmed fracture on x-ray and 264 had a suspected fracture. Of the suspected fractures reviewed in VFC 14% had an MRI organised directly owing to a high-risk presentation, 79% were brought for fracture clinic review and 17% discharged with an alternative diagnosis such as osteoarthritis. Of those subsequently reviewed in fracture clinic at two weeks: 9% were treated as scaphoid fractures (based on clinical suspicion and repeat x-rays), 17% had MRI or CT imaging organised, 5% did not attend and 69% were discharged. Overall, 17% of cases initially triaged, had further imaging – 41 MRIs and 5 CTs. MRI detected: 5% scaphoid fracture, 17% other fracture, 24% bone contusion, complete ligament tear 10%, partial ligament tear 39% and normal study 10%. The results of MRI minimally affected management. 3 patients were taken out of plaster early, 1 patient was immobilized who was not previously and no patients underwent operative management. In the following 12-month period one patient re-presented with a hand or wrist issue. This approach avoided 218 MRIs, equating to £24000 and 109 hours of scanner time. VFC triage and selective use of