Forced external rotation is hypothesized as the key mechanism of syndesmotic ankle injuries. This complex trauma pattern ruptures the syndesmotic ligaments and induces a three-dimensional deviation from the normal distal tibiofibular joint configuration. However, current diagnostic imaging modalities are impeded by a two-dimensional assessment, without taking into account ligamentous stabilizers. Therefore, our aim is two-fold: (1) to construct an articulated statistical shape model of the normal ankle with inclusion of ligamentous morphometry and (2) to apply this model in the assessment of a clinical cohort of patients with syndesmotic ankle injuries. Three-dimensional models of the distal tibiofibular joint were analyzed in asymptomatic controls (N= 76; Mean age 63 +/− 19 years), patients with syndesmotic ankle injury (N = 13; Mean age 35 +/− 15 years), and their healthy contralateral equivalent (N = 13). Subsequently, the statistical shape model was generated after aligning all ankles based on the distal tibia. The position of the syndesmotic ligaments was predicted based on previously validated iterative shortest path calculation methodology. Evaluation of the model was described by means of accuracy, compactness and generalization. Canonical Correlation Analysis was performed to assess the influence of syndesmotic lesions on the distal tibiofibular joint congruency.Introduction and Objective
Materials and Methods
One-fourth of all ankle trauma involve injury to the syndesmotic ankle complex, which may lead to syndesmotic instability and/or posttraumatic ankle osteoarthritis in the long term if left untreated. The diagnosis of these injuries still poses a deceitful challenge, as MRI scans lack physiologic weightbearing and plain weightbearing radiographs are subject to beam rotation and lack 3D information. Weightbearing cone-beam CT (WBCT) overcomes these challenges by imaging both ankles during bipedal stance, but ongoingdebate remains whether these should be taken under weightbearing conditions and/or during application of external rotation stress. The aim of this study is study therefore to compare both conditions in the assessment of syndesmotic ankle injuries using WBCT imaging combined with 3D measurement techniques. In this retrospective study, 21 patients with an acute ankle injury were analyzed using a WBCT. Patients with confirmed syndesmotic
Abstract. Objectives. Tendon and
Chronic lateral ankle instability (CLAI) is treated operatively, whereas acute
Applications of weightbearing computed tomography (WBCT) imaging in the foot and ankle have emerged over the past decade. However, the potential diagnostic benefits are scattered across the literature, and a concise overview is currently lacking. Therefore, we aimed to systematically review all reported diagnostic applications per anatomical region in the foot and ankle. A systematic literature search was performed in the electronic databases PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, and Web of Science. Search terms consisted of “weightbearing/standing CT and ankle, hind-, mid- or forefoot”. English language studies analyzing the diagnostic applications of WBCT were included. Studies were excluded if they simulated weightbearing CT, described normal subjects, included cadaveric samples or samples were case reports. The modified Methodological Index for Non-Randomized Studies (MINORS) was applied for quality assessment. The added value was defined as the review was performed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines and registered in the Prospero database (CRD42019106980). A total of 48 studies (prospective N=8, retrospective N=36, cohort study N=1, diagnostic N=2, prognostic comparative study N=1) were found to be eligible for review. The following diagnostic applications were identified per anatomical area in the foot: ankle (osteoarthritis N=5,
The primary purpose of this longitudinal study was to examine the impact of physical and mental well-being on a successful return to work after cartilage or ligament knee injury. A secondary purpose was to examine the effectiveness of our program regarding ordering imaging (plain X-rays, US, MRI, CT scan), and the impact that costly investigations made in clinical management. Workers who had sustained a work-related knee injury and were assessed at the lower extremity specialty clinic of our hospital program were followed up until they were discharged. All patients completed the numeric pain rating scale (NPRS), the Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS), and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) on the initial assessment and at final follow-up. We included 30 patients, mean age, 50(9), 11(37%) females, 19(63%) males. The most common mechanisms of injury were twisting (13, 45%) and falls (12, 41%). The knee injuries included 10 anterior collateral ligament (ACL), 3 posterior collateral ligament (PCL), 19 medical and lateral
Acute lateral ankle sprain accounts for 85% of sprains. The lateral sprain is associated with other
Background. Ankle fractures are often associated with
Although multifunctional delivery systems can potentially improve safety and efficacy of therapeutic protein delivery in the biological treatment of injured tissues, ability to track and manipulate protein delivery systems in vivo to ensure localization at the treatment site is still a concern. We hypothesized that incorporating superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) into calcium phosphate (CaP) coated β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) microparticles would allow for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) based tracking in vivo and SPIO incorporation would not impact the biological activity of proteins delivered with these microparticles. To address the efficacy and limitations in therapeutic protein delivery, a CaP coated microparticle which incorporates superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO-CaP-MP) was created and used in a rat knee medial collateral ligament. The system has trifunctional properties: (1) it is trackable using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), (2) it can be manipulated with a magnetic field, (3) it can release active proteins in the injury site. SPIO-Ca-MPs were formed on β-tricalcium phosphate cores. Using MRI, SPIO-CaP-MPs were visible in T2 weighted sequences as an area of hypointesive signal. SPIO-CaP-MPs could be visualized and remained localized for at least 15 days after injection into the medial collateral ligament. Recombinant human basic fibroblast growth factor delivered with SPIO-CaP-MPs stimulated the proliferation of human dermal fibroblasts. Finally, SPIO-CaP-MPs could be localized to a bar magnet when suspended in solution. Taken together, these results suggest that SPIO-CaPMPs could be useful for protein delivery applications in the treatment of
Being commonly missed in the clinical practice, Lisfranc injuries can lead to arthritis and long-term complications. There are controversial opinions about the contribution of the main stabilizers of the joint. Moreover, the role of the ligament that connects the medial cuneiform (MC) and the third metatarsal (MT3) is not well investigated. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of different Lisfranc
Objectives. Ligaments which heal spontaneously have a healing process that
is similar to skin wound healing. Menopause impairs skin wound healing
and may likewise impair ligament healing. Our purpose in this study
was to investigate the effect of surgical menopause on ligament
healing in a rabbit medial collateral ligament model. Methods. Surgical menopause was induced with ovariohysterectomy surgery
in adult female rabbits.
Tendon injuries in both the human and horse represent a challenge due to persistent inflammation combined with inadequate reparative cells and a poorly organised extracellular matrix. The potential of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in regenerating tendon injuries remains to be fully realised. The main mechanism of action by MSCs is considered to be primarily mediated via paracrine mechanisms. This may involve the production and release of extracellular vesicles (EVs) by stem cells with a sub-fraction of these EVs (<100 nm diameter) called exosomes that appear to be the main paracrine effectors. EVs can be readily prepared from MSCs and offer a clinically relevant therapy. However, EVs for tendon repair need to be fully characterised. The horse represents a highly relevant model of tendon and
The treatment of scapholunate (SL)
To study the effect of
Tendon and
Osteoarthritis (OA) is no longer considered a cartilage-centric disease with remodelling of other joint tissues now recognized. While understudied, entheseal pathology is considered a secondary OA feature. A pivotal role for proteinase-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) in OA has been demonstrated previously in cartilage and subchondral bone at early time points, however the entheseal role of PAR2 has not been reported. OA was induced by destabilization of the medial meniscus (DMM) in wild type (WT) and PAR2 deficient (KO) animals. At 4 weeks and one year post surgery, knee joints were harvested for histological analysis. Medial collateral ligament (MCL) width was measured by 2D planimetry analysis. Immunohistochemistry was used to characterize the MCL and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Data were expressed as mean±SEM (n=4–6/group) and analysed using Student's t-test, with p<0.05 as the criterion of significance. MCL width increased between 4 weeks and 1 year in WT DMM (0.24 ±0.07 vs 0.40 ±0.008mm respectively, p<0.001). Interestingly, a significant reduction in MCL was observed in KO compared with WT at 1 year (0.23 ±0.005 vs 0.40 ±0.008mm respectively, p <0.001) post-DMM. Further characterization of DMM WT MCL and ACL at 4 weeks showed the presence of F4/80. +. cells in addition to IL-33 and histamine. At one year post-surgery, a cellular infiltrate was observed in MCL DMM WT but absent in KO mice. Histological evaluation revealed an absence of F4/80. +. cells but the presence of a PAR2. +. population, subsequently identified as hypertrophic-like chondrocytes (RUNX2) and chondrocytes-like cells (SOX9). Deletion of PAR2 affords long-term protection against ligament remodelling and demonstrates a critical role for this receptor in both OA joint pathology and
The function of the knee joint is to allow for locomotion and is comprised of various bodily structures including the four major ligaments; medial collateral ligament (MCL), lateral collateral ligament (LCL), anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and posterior cruciate ligament (PCL). The primary function of the ligaments are to provide stability to the joint. The knee is prone to injury as a result of osteoarthritis as well as ligamentous and meniscal lesions. Furthermore, compromised joint integrity due to
This study aimed to overcome the subjective nature of routine assessment of knee laxity and develop a repeatable, objective method using a hand-held force application device (FAD). Eighteen clinicians (physiotherapists, consultants, trainees) volunteered to measure the coronal angular deviation of the right knee of a healthy volunteer using a validated non-invasive infrared measuring system. Effort was taken to ensure the knee flexion angle (∼2°) and hand positions were constant during testing. Three varus and valgus stress tests were conducted, in which maximum angular deviation was determined and subsequently averaged, in the following order of conditions: manual stress without the FAD up to a perceived end-point (before); with the FAD to apply a moment of 18 Nm; and again without the FAD (after). A repeated measures ANOVA was used to analyse the results. All three groups of clinicians produced measurements of valgus laxity with consistent mean values and standard deviations (<1°) for each condition. For varus mean values were consistent but standard deviations were larger. Valgus deviations varied significantly between conditions (p < 0.01), with deviations achieved using the FAD greater than both before (p < 0.01) and after (p < 0.05) indicating that the perceived endpoints were less than that achieved at 18 Nm. However varus perceived endpoints were no different to that achieved at 18 Nm, suggesting that clinicians usually apply a greater valgus moment than varus. Furthermore, the non-significant increase in valgus deviation between before and after (p = 0.123) is suggestive of a training trend, especially for trainees. Our standardised knee laxity assessment may have a role in improving the balancing techniques of TKA and the diagnosis of collateral
Treatment of tendon and