Introduction. Hip prosthetic joint infection (PJI) is a debilitating complication following joint replacement surgery, with significant impact on patients and healthcare systems. The INFection ORthopaedic Management: Evidence into Practice (INFORM: EP) study, builds upon the 6-year INFORM programme by developing evidence-based
Open talus fracture are notoriously difficult to manage and they are commonly associated with a high level of complications including non-union, avascular necrosis and infection. Currently, the management of such injuries is based upon BOAST 4
Virtual Fracture Clinic (VFC) is a consultant-led orthopaedic trauma outpatient triage and management service. The use of VFC has recently become commonplace in the United Kingdom. It allows multiple referral sources to the orthopaedic team, with clinical information and imaging reviewed by a consultant in VFC who formulates an appropriate management plan with the patient contacted; either to attend clinic for consultation or discharged with advice over the phone. The VFC is more efficient than a traditionally delivered outpatient fracture clinic service. We have utilized VFC for 1 year at our hospital, East Kent University Hospital Foundation Trust (EKHUFT), and undertook a closed loop audit to evaluate the service and highlight potential areas of improvement. The Objective of the study was to identify whether the implementation of new re-designed VFC referral
Patients with cancer and bone metastases can have an increased risk of fracturing their femur. Treatment is based on the impending fracture risk: patients with a high fracture risk are considered for prophylactic surgery, whereas low fracture risk patients are treated conservatively with radiotherapy to decrease pain. Current clinical
Aims & Background. Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (CTEV) is the most common congenital musculoskeletal birth defect affecting 1 in 1000 births per annum. We have compared our surgical results to the British Society of Children's Orthopaedics (BSCOS) published
The British Orthopedic Association recommends that patients referred to fracture clinic are reviewed within 72 hours. With the increase in referrals and limited clinic capacity it is becoming increasingly difficult to see every referral with in a 72 hour time frame. Some patients are waiting 2 weeks or more before they can be seen in a fracture clinic. With the aim of improving care by seeking to meet BOAST 7 target, waiting times for fracture clinic appointments at the Homerton University Hospital were audited prospectively against this national guideline, before virtual fracture clinic was implemented and 6 weeks after the implementation of virtual fracture clinic at our hospital. Virtual fracture clinic is where an Orthopedic consultant reviews a patients x-rays and A&E documentation and decides if that patients needs to be seen in a face to face fracture clinic to discuss operative vs. non-operative management of their injury or if a treatment plan can be delivered without the patient having to come back to hospital. The study was conducted as a prospective closed-loop audit in which the second cycle took place after the implementation of the new virtual fracture clinic service. The first cycle showed a non-compliant waiting time with only 18% of patients being seen within 72 hours. Following the implementation of virtual fracture clinic, 84% of all patients were reviewed within 72 hours. Virtual fracture clinic delivered a significant reduction in waiting times. Virtual fracture clinic has only just been implemented at the Homerton University Hospital and hopefully at the next audit we will be 100% compliant with the BOA BOAST 7 Guideline. We would recommend that virtual fracture clinics being rolled out in Orthopedic departments in all hospitals which have Orthopedic services.
Background. In 2009, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) produced the guidance: Low back pain: early management of persistent non-specific low back pain aimed at general practitioners (GPs), consultants, and manual therapists in order to ensure all involved in the care of this complex and often debilitating condition are aware of the options most likely to yield a positive outcome. Two years since the publication of the clinical guidance, services have had ample time to adapt and overcome early teething issues in order to deliver these
The peer review process for the evaluation of
manuscripts for publication needs to be better understood by the
orthopaedic community. Improving the degree of transparency surrounding
the review process and educating orthopaedic surgeons on how to
improve their manuscripts for submission will help improve both
the review procedure and resultant feedback, with an increase in
the quality of the subsequent publications. This article seeks to clarify
the peer review process and suggest simple ways in which the quality
of submissions can be improved to maximise publication success. Cite this article:
Introduction. As per national
Prosthetic Joint Infection (PJI) is a devastating complication that can occur after total joint replacement surgery. With increasing antimicrobial resistance, there is a need for non-antibiotic approaches to treat and prevent PJI. Doping calcium phosphates with antimicrobial ions shows promise for these purposes. This systematic review aims to search and summarise the evidence-base for the potential of calcium phosphates doped with different antimicrobial ions. A systematic review was conducted on PubMed, Embase, Web-Of-Science, Cochrane Library and Emcare of in vitro and animal studies on the antimicrobial activity of (co)substituted calcium phosphates according to PRIMSA
The National Hip Fracture Database (NHFD) is a clinically led web based audit used to inform national policy
Between 2016–2019, 4 patients developed hip infections post-hemiarthroplasty. However, between 2020–2021 (Covid-19 pandemic period), 6 patients developed hip infections following hip hemiarthroplasty. The purpose of the investigation is to establish the root causes and key learning from the incident and use the information contained within this report to reduce the likelihood of a similar incident in the future. 65 patients presented with a neck of femur fracture during Covid-19 pandemic period between 2020–2021, 26 had hip hemiarthroplasty of which 6 developed hip infections. Medical records, anaesthetic charts and post-hip infections
Management of complex posterior malleolar fractures requires a detailed appreciation of ligamentous and bony anatomy for optimal fracture fixation and restoration of articular congruency. Pre operative planning is vitally important to determine the surgical strategy for complex ankle fractures. We evaluated pre operative planning strategy pre and post implementation of BOAST 12
Flat-top talus (FTT) is a complication well-known to those treating clubfoot. Despite varying anecdotal opinions, its association with different treatments, especially the Ponseti method, remains uncertain. This systematic review aimed to establish the aetiology and prevalence of FTT, as well as detailing management strategies and their efficacy. A systematic review was conducted according to PRISMA
Introduction. Epiphysiodesis, defined as the process of closing the growth plate (physis), have been used for several years as a treatment option of cases where the predicted leg-length discrepancy (LLD) falls between 2 to 5 cm. The aim of this study was to systematically review the existing literature on the effectiveness of three different epiphysiodesis techniques with implant usage for the treatment of leg-length discrepancy in the pediatric population. The secondary aim was to address the reported complications of staples, tension-band plates (TBP) and percutaneous epiphysiodesis screws (PETS). Method. This systematic review was performed according to PRISMA
Since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the NHS has been under unprecedentedpressure. Elective surgery had ceased, and trauma surgery has decreased dramatically. Surgical training is multi-faceted and requires a specialist trainee to have a timetable which includes regular elective non-emergency operating, trauma operating and training in outpatient clinics. Consequently, training in theatre and the achievement of operative numbers and index procedures had not been possible for Trauma and Orthopaedic (T&O) specialist trainees. The Joint Committee on Surgical Training (JCST) has clear training index requirements for all T&O specialist trainees. In this study, we surveyed specialist trainees in the North West London deanery against the annual requirements set by the JCST
The incisura fibularis (IF) provides intrinsic stability to the ankle joint complex by interlocking the distal tibia and fibula. Despite a high frequency of ligamentous ankle injuries, scant attention has been given to the morphology of the IF morphology incisura fibularis in the onset and development of these lesions. Therefore, we systematically reviewed the relation between ligamentous ankle disorders and the morphometrics of the IF. A systematic literature search was conducted on following databases: PubMed, Embase and Web of Science. Search terms consisted of ‘ankle trauma’, ‘ankle injury’, ‘ankle sprain’, ‘ankle fracture’, ‘tibiofibular’, ‘fibular notch’, ‘fibular incisura’, ‘incisura fibularis’, ‘morphometric analysis’, ‘ankle syndesmosis’, ‘syndesmotic stability’. The evaluation instrument developed by Hawker et al. was used to assess the quality of the selected studies. This protocol was performed according to the PRISMA
The advent of modular implants aims to minimise morbidity associated with revision of hemiarthroplasty or total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA) to reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSR) by allowing retention of the humeral stem. This systematic review aimed to summarise outcomes following its use and reasons why modular humeral stems may be revised. A systematic review of Pubmed, Medline and EMBASE was performed according to PRISMA
In absence of available quantitative measures, the assessment of fracture healing based on clinical examination and X-rays remains a subjective matter. Lacking reliable information on the state of healing, rehabilitation is hardly individualized and mostly follows non evidence-based protocols building on common
There is an evolving body of evidence that demonstrates the role of epigenetic mechanisms, such as DNA-methylation in the pathogenesis of OA. This systematic review aims to summarize the current evidence of DNA methylation and its influence on the pathogenesis of OA. A pre-defined protocol in alignment with the PRISMA