Virtual Fracture Clinic (VFC) is a consultant-led orthopaedic trauma outpatient triage and management service. The use of VFC has recently become commonplace in the United Kingdom. It allows multiple referral sources to the orthopaedic team, with clinical information and imaging reviewed by a consultant in VFC who formulates an appropriate management plan with the patient contacted; either to attend clinic for consultation or discharged with advice over the phone. The VFC is more efficient than a traditionally delivered outpatient fracture clinic service. We have utilized VFC for 1 year at our hospital, East Kent University Hospital Foundation Trust (EKHUFT), and undertook a closed loop audit to evaluate the service and highlight potential areas of improvement. The Objective of the study was to identify whether the implementation of new re-designed VFC referral guidelines together with teaching set across one of the hospitals in EKHUFT improved the effectiveness and standards of VFC referrals.
An initial audit was performed of all referrals made to VFC over a 2 weeks period in December 2018. Changes to the VFC referral pathway were implemented, and teaching sessions performed by the orthopaedic team to all referring units, including minor injury units (MIU) and the emergency department (ED). After implementation, re-audit of VFC referrals was performed in February 2019 over a similar 2 weeks period. Patient demographics, diagnosis and outcomes were collected from the online patient record with images reviewed using PACS software.
Following intervention, referral rates dropped by 27.7% (136 vs 188 patients) over the 2 weeks periods. Patient demographics, injury type and severity remained the same between the 2 groups. 51.5% (70/136) did not meet VFC pathway criteria after the intervention and were considered inappropriate, compared to 70% in the original group. 15.4% (21/136) referrals could have been managed in the emergency department using the new guidelines and leaflet discharge. 5.1% (7/136) of the referrals should have been referred to orthopaedic on-call acutely and 22% (30/136) of the referrals had a soft tissue injury or no injury identified. This did not change between the 2 groups despite intervention.
Referring MIU and ED units require continued support and teaching over a prolonged time period to hopefully see further improvements. Immediate hot reporting of radiographs may further benefit the service, but staffing and funding issues particularly out of hours, means this remains an aspiration.