Articular cartilage (AC) and subchondral bone (SB) are intimately intertwined, forming a complex unit called the AC-SB interface. Our recent studies have shown that cartilage and bone marrow are connected by a three-dimensional network of microchannels (i.e. cartilage-bone marrow microchannel connector; CMMC), which differ microarchitecturally in number, size and morphology depending on the maturation stage of the bone and the region of the joint. However, the pathological significance of CMMC is largely unknown. Here, we quantitatively assessed how CMMC microarchitecture relates to cartilage condition and regional differences in early idiopathic osteoarthritis (OA). Two groups of cadaveric female human femoral heads (intact cartilage vs early cartilage lesions) were identified and biopsy-based high-resolution micro-CT imaging was used. Subchondral bone (SB) thickness, CMMC number, maximum and minimum CMMC size, and CMMC morphology were quantified and compared between the two groups. The effect of joint region and cartilage condition on each dependent variable was examined. The number and morphology of CMMCs were influenced by the region of the joint, but not by the cartilage condition. On the other hand, the minimum and maximum CMMC size was modified by both joint location and cartilage condition. The smallest CMMCs were consistently found in the load bearing region (LBR) of the joint. Compared to healthy subjects, the size of the microchannels was increased in
Cartilage degeneration and loss are key events in the initiation and progression of osteoarthritis (OA). Changes to chondrocyte volume and morphology (in the form of cytoplasmic processes) and thus cell phenotype are implicated, as they lead to the production of a mechanically-weakened extracellular matrix. The chondrocyte cytoskeleton is intimately linked to cell volume and morphology and hence we have investigated alterations to levels and distribution of chondrocyte F-actin that occur during
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a progressive and degenerative joint disease resulting in changes to articular cartilage. In focal
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease mainly caused by aging, although in younger patients (aged 25 – 50) it can be a consequence of sports-related injuries or trauma. This results in
Anterior cruciate ligament (acl) reconstruction is one of the most commonly performed procedures in orthopedics for acl injury. While literature suggest short-term good-to-excellent functional results, a significant number of long-term studies report unexplained
We obtained medial and lateral subchondral cancellous bone specimens from ten human postmortem proximal tibiae with
This work proved by prospective clinical and radiological controlled study that the best regimen for treatment of early KOA is combination of NSAIDS, physiotherapy, vasoprotective and vasodilator drugs, and alendronate. There is controversy in the literatures regarding the best treatment for early knee osteoarthritis because there is a more controversy regarding the initiating factor of KOA The Objectives of this work were to evaluate the efficacy of various treatment regimens for the prevention of progression of early knee osteoarthritis (KOA). Also, to elucidate the factors for initiation and progression of KOASummary Statement
Partial meniscectomy patients have a greater likelihood for the development of
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common degenerative joint disorder. Its multifactorial etiology includes age, sex, joint overloading, genetic or nervous influences. In particular, the autonomic nervous system is increasingly gaining in importance. Its two branches, the sympathetic (SNS) and parasympathetic nervous system, are well-balanced under healthy conditions. OA patients seem to be prone to an autonomic imbalance and therefore, we analyzed their autonomic status. More than 200 participants including patients with early and late stage knee OA (before and 1 year after knee replacement surgery) and healthy probands (age-matched) were analyzed. Heart rate variability was measured via electrocardiogram to assess long-term sympathetic (low-frequency=LF) and parasympathetic (high-frequency=HF, pRR50) activities or general variability (RMSSD, SDRR). Serum cortisol concentrations were measured by ELISA. Perceived chronic stress (PSQ) was assessed via questionnaire. Multivariant regression was performed for data analysis. LF/HF value of
Introduction and Objective. Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE) is one of the most common hip disorders in children and is characterized by a proximal femoral deformity, resulting in
Matrix metalloproteinase enzymes (MMPs) play a crucial role in the remodeling of articular cartilage, contributing also to osteoarthritis (OA) progression. The pericellular matrix (PCM) is a specialized space surrounding each chondrocyte, containing collagen type VI and perlecan. It acts as a transducer of biomechanical and biochemical signals for the chondrocyte. This study investigates the impact of MMP-2, -3, and -7 on the integrity and biomechanical characteristics of the PCM. Human articular cartilage explants (n=10 patients, ethical-nr.:674/2016BO2) were incubated with activated MMP-2, -3, or -7 as well as combinations of these enzymes. The structural degradative effect on the PCM was assessed by immunolabelling of the PCM's main components: collagen type VI and perlecan. Biomechanical properties of the PCM in form of the elastic moduli (EM) were determined by means of atomic force microscopy (AFM), using a spherical cantilever tip (2.5µm). MMPs disrupted the PCM-integrity, resulting in altered collagen type VI and perlecan structure and dispersed pericellular arrangement. A total of 3600 AFM-measurements revealed that incubation with single MMPs resulted in decreased PCM stiffness (p<0.001) when compared to the untreated group. The overall EM were reduced by ∼36% for all the 3 individual enzymes. The enzyme combinations altered the biomechanical properties at a comparable level (∼36%, p<0.001), except for MMP-2/-7 (p=0.202). MMP-induced changes in the PCM composition have a significant impact on the biomechanical properties of the PCM, similar to those observed in
The development of cytoplasmic processes from in situ chondrocytes is a characteristic feature of
Meniscus tears have been treated using partial meniscectomy to relieve pain in patients, although this leads to the onset of
Joint tissues release extracellular vesicles (EVs) that potentially sustain joint homeostasis and contribute to osteoarthritis (OA) pathogenesis. EVs are putative novel therapeutics for OA, and transport biologically active molecules (including small non-coding RNAs (SNCRNAs)) between cells. This study identified altering SNCRNA cargo in EVs in OA which may act as early diagnostic markers and treatment targets. OA was surgically induced in four skeletally mature Standardbred horses using an osteochondral fragment model in the left middle carpal joint. The right joint underwent sham surgery. Synovial fluid (SF) and plasma were obtained weekly throughout the 70-day study. EVs were isolated using size exclusion chromatography and characterised using nanoparticle tracking (Nanosight), and exosome fluorescence detection and tetraspanin phenotyping (Exoview). RNA was extracted from EVs derived from SF (sham and OA joints) and plasma collected at days 10, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, and subjected to small RNA sequencing on a NovaSeq SP100 flow cell (Illumina). Nanosight-derived EV characteristics of size and concentration were not significantly different following disease induction. The diameter of the temporal population of plasma and SF-derived exosomes changed significantly for CD9 and CD81 following OA induction with significant temporal, and disease-related changes in CD63 and CD81 protein expressin in plasma and SF. In SF and plasma-derived EVs snoRNAs, snRNAs, tRNAs, lncRNA, y-RNA, piRNAs and scRNA were found. Following pairwise analysis of all-time points we identified 27 miRs DE in plasma and 45 DE miRs in SF. Seven were DE in plasma and SF; miR-451, miR-25, miR-215, miR-92a, miR-let-7c, miR-486-5p, miR-23a. In plasma and SF 35 and 21 snoRNAs were DE with four DE in plasma and SF; U3, snord15, snord46, snord58. This work has identified alterations to OA EV sncRNAs in plasma and SF providing a greater understanding of the role of EVs in
Summary. Macroscopic grading, histologic grading, morphometry, mineral analysis, and mechanical testing were performed to better understand the changes that occur in the cartilage, calcified cartilage, and subchondral bone in
Abstract. Objectives. A promising therapy for
Abstract. Objectives. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a painful and debilitating disorder of diarthroidal joints. Progressive degeneration of the cartilage extracellular matrix (ECM) together with abnormal chondrocyte characteristics occur leading to a switch to a fibroblast-like phenotype and production of mechanically-weak cartilage. Early changes to chondrocytes within human cartilage have been observed including chondrocyte swelling. [1]. together with the development of thin cytoplasmic processes which increase in number and length with degeneration. [2]. Changes to chondrocyte phenotype in degenerate cartilage are associated with F-actin redistribution and stress fibres (SF) formation, leading to morphologically-dedifferentiated (fibroblast-like) chondrocytes. [3,4]. It is unclear if these processes are a consequence of ‘passive’ cell swelling into a defective ECM or an ‘active’ event driven by changes in cell metabolism resulting in alterations to cell shape. To address this, we have quantified and compared the distribution and levels of F-actin, a key cytoskeletal protein involved in the formation of cytoplasmic processes, within in situ chondrocytes in non-degenerate and mildly degenerate human cartilage. Methods. Human femoral head cartilage was obtained from 21 patients [15 females, 6 males, average age 69.6yrs, (range 47–90yrs)] following femoral neck fracture, with Ethical Approval and patient's permission. Cartilage explants were removed from areas graded non-degenerate grade 0 (G0) or mildly degenerate grade 1 (G1) and cultured for up to 3wks in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium (DMEM) +/− 25% human serum (HS). In situ chondrocytes were stained with CMFDA (5-chloromethylfluoresceindiacetate, Cell-Tracker Green®) and phalloidin (F-actin labelling) and imaged by confocal microscopy and analysed quantitatively using ImageJ and Imaris® software. Results. There were significant increases in the total amount (TA) of F-actin and its distribution [intense punctuate (IP) and intense areas (IA)] between the whole chondrocyte populations of G0 and G1 cartilage (P=0.0356; 0.0112; 0.016, respectively). Where the volume of chondrocytes was divided into normal (<1000 µm³) and swollen (≥1000 µm³) cells, F-actin TA increased in swollen cells (P=0.036 within G0 and G1, and P=0.0009 between grades) compared to chondrocytes of normal volume in each grade. Moreover, IP and IA within and between G0 and G1 were higher compared to normal chondrocytes (with P<0.0001 for IP and P<0.001 for IA). In addition, tissue culture experiments demonstrated that 90% of chondrocytes with cytoplasmic processes had strong F-actin intensity (either IP or IA with P<0.0001). Furthermore, 83% of this F-actin was associated with cytoplasmic processes, with >65% situated at the base of the process (P<0.0001). Conclusions. The increases in chondrocyte F-actin levels (TA) and its localisation (IP, IA) appear to be associated with cell swelling and development of cytoplasmic processes, which are both characteristics of
Abstract. Objectives. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a complex joint disorder characterised by the loss of extracellular matrix (ECM) leading to cartilage degeneration. Changes to cartilage cell (chondrocyte) behaviour occur including cell swelling, the development of fine cytoplasmic processes and cell clustering leading to changes in cell phenotype and development of focal areas of mechanically-weak fibrocartilaginous matrix. [1]. To study the sequence of events in more detail, we have investigated the changes to in situ chondrocytes within human cartilage which has been lightly scraped and then cultured with serum. Methods. Human femoral heads were obtained with Ethical permission and consent from four female patients (mean age 74 yrs) undergoing hip arthroplasty following femoral neck fracture. Osteochondral explants of macroscopically-normal cartilage were cultured as a non-scraped control, or scraped gently six times with a scalpel blade and both maintained in culture for up to 2wks in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium (DMEM) with 25% human serum (HS). Explants were then labelled with CMFDA (5-chloromethylfluorescein-diacetate) and PI (propidium iodide) (10μM each) to identify the morphology of living or dead chondrocytes respectively. Explants were imaged using confocal microscopy and in situ chondrocyte morphology, volume and clustering assessed quantitatively within standardised regions of interest (ROI) using Imaris. ®. imaging software. Results. Within 2wks of culture with HS, chondrocyte volume increased significantly from 412±9.3µm. 3. (unscraped) at day 0 to 724±16.6 µm. 3. (scraped) [N(n) = 4(380)] (P=0.0002). Chondrocyte clustering was a prominent feature of HS culture as the percentage of clusters in the cell population increased with scraping from 4.8±1.4% to 14.9±3.9% [N(n) = 4(999)] at week 2 (P=0.0116). In addition, the % of the chondrocyte population within clusters increased from approximately 38% to 60%, and the number of cells per cluster increased significantly from 3.2±0.08 to 4±0.22 (P=0.031). The development of abnormal ‘fibroblastic-like’ chondrocyte morphology demonstrating long (>5µm) cytoplasmic processes also occurred, however the time course of this was more variable. For some samples, clustering occurred before abnormal morphology, but for others the opposite occurred. Typically, by the second week, 17±2.64% of the cell population had processes and this increased to 22±4.02% [N(n) = 4(759)] with scraping. Conclusions. Scraping the cartilage will remove surface constituents including lubricants (e.g. lubricin, hyaluronic acid, phospholipids), extracellular matrix constituents (collagen, proteoglycans – potentially the ‘lamina splendens’) and cells (chondrocytes and mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs)). Although we do not know which of these component(s) is important, the effect is to dramatically increase the permeation of serum factors into the cartilage matrix and signal the development of cytoplasmic processes, cell clustering and swelling. It is notable that these cellular changes are similar to those occurring in
No therapeutic strategy, administered in the early stage of osteoarthritis (OA), is fully able to block the degenerative and inflammatory progress of the pathology, whose only solution remains surgery. Aiming to identify minimally invasive therapies able to act on both degenerative and inflammatory processes, infiltrative treatments based on mesenchymal stem cells represent a promising solution due to their proliferative, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, and paracrine ability. Accordingly, the aim of the present study was to investigate the performance of different cell therapies (stem cells from adipose tissue, ADSCs, stromal vascular fraction, SVF, and culture expanded, AECs vs negative control NaCl) in the treatment of OA. An in vivo model of
Hip Osteoarthritis (HOA) is the most common joint disorder and a major cause of disability in the adult population, leading to total hip replacement (THR). Recently, evidence has mounted for a prominent etiologic role of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) in the development of