Introduction. The resurgence of TB worldwide has several underlying causes, but HIV infection has undoubtedly been a key factor in the current TB epidemic. Since TB is endemic in the developing world the influence of HIV is of concern, particularly with the emergence of multi-drug-resistant strains. The remarkable susceptibility of patients with
Introduction. There have been concerns regarding the quality of training received by Orthopaedic trainees. There has been a reduction in working hours according to the European working times directive. National targets to reduce surgical waiting lists has increased the workload of consultants, further reducing the trainees' surgical experience. Navigation assisted procedures are successfully used in orthopaedics and provides useful feedback to the surgeon regarding precision of implant placement. We investigated the use of navigation
3D printing techniques have attracted a lot of curiosity in various surgical specialties and the applications of the 3D technology have been explored in many ways including fracture models for education, customized jigs, custom implants, prosthetics etc. Often the 3D printing technology remains underutilized in potential areas due to costs and technological expertise being the perceived barriers. We have applied 3D printing technology for acetabular fracture surgeries with in-house, surgeon made models of mirrored contralateral unaffected acetabulum based on the patients’ trauma CT Scans in 9 patients. The CT Scans are processed to the print with all free-ware modeling software and relatively inexpensive printer by the surgeon and the resulting model is used as a ‘reduced fracture template’ for pre-contouring the standard pelvic reconstruction plates. This allows use of the standard surgical implants, saves time on intra-operative plate contouring, and also
The Disability of Arm Shoulder and Hand (DASH) score questionnaire is a common self-administered tool to assess symptom severity and function in patients with injuries or pathology of the upper limb. However, having such a pertinent tool only in English is limiting in multi-cultural and multilingual populations where English is not always the first language, such as our South African context. IsiZulu is the most widely spoken language in South Africa (approximately 25% of the population). There are certain instances in research, particularly in international studies, where non-English speaking individuals need to be excluded based on translator reliability. This puts our institutions at a disadvantage by not being able to contribute to research. As per the international Institute of Work and Health (IWH), we followed the 5 stage guidelines to achieve the most appropriate linguistic and cultural adapted translation for our setting. (1) Two independent translations from English to isiZulu. (2) A synthesis of the 2 initial translations. (3) Two independent back-translations from the synthesized isiZulu version into English. (4) Expert panel (consisting of university lecturers and official translators) to review all versions and re-create an optimized synthesized version. (5) Pre-testing of the final optimized synthesized version in a pilot study. This rigorous process allowed for a concise and more culturally relevant translation for use in our population. The fourth stage in the process was integral in synthesizing the tool while considering the colloquial and semantic differences and resolving them with appropriate equivalents. The IWH guidelines
Introduction. Debridement, antibiotics irrigation and implant retention (DAIR) is a common management strategy for hip and knee prosthetic joint infections (PJI). However, failure rates remain high, which has led to the development of predictive tools to help determine success. These tools include KLIC and CRIME80 for acute-postoperative (AP) and acute haematogenous (AH) PJI respectively. We investigated whether these tools were applicable to a Waikato cohort. Method. We performed a retrospective cohort study that evaluated patients who underwent DAIR between January 2010 and June 2020 at Waikato Hospital. Pre-operative KLIC and CRIME80 scores were calculated and compared to success of operation. Failure was defined as: (i) need for further surgery, (ii) need for suppressive antibiotics, (iii) death due to the infection. Logistic regression models were used to calculate the area under the curve (AUC). Results. 117 eligible patients underwent DAIR, 53 in the AP cohort and 64 in the AH cohort. Failure rate at 2 years post-op was 43% in the AP cohort and 59% in the AH cohort. In the AP cohort a KLIC score of <4 had a DAIR failure rate of 28.6%, while those who scored ³4 had a failure rate of 72.2% (p=0.002). In the AH cohort a CRIME80 score of <3 had a DAIR failure rate of 48% while those who scored ³3 had a 100% failure rate (p<0.001). Discussion. This study represents the first external validation of the KLIC and CRIME80 scores for predicting DAIR failure in an Australasian population. The results indicate that both KLIC and CRIME80 scoring tools are valuable
Chauffeur fractures or isolated radial styloid fractures (IRSF) are known to be associated with scapholunate ligament (SL) injuries. Diagnosis without arthroscopic confirmation is difficult in acute fractures. Acute management of this injury with early repair may prevent the need for more complex reconstructive procedures for chronic injuries. We investigated if all IRSF should be assessed arthroscopically for concomitant SL injuries. We performed a prospective cohort study on patients above the age of 16, presenting to the Gold Coast University Hospital with an IRSF, over 2 years. Plain radiographs and computerized tomography (CT) scans were performed. All patients had a diagnostic wrist arthroscopy performed in addition to an internal fixation of the IRSF. Patients were followed up for at least 3 months post operatively. SL repair was performed for all Geissler Grade 3/4 injuries. 10 consecutive patients were included in the study. There was no radiographic evidence of SL injuries in all patients. SL injuries were identified arthroscopically in 60% of patients and one third of these required surgical stabilisation. There were no post operative complications associated with wrist arthroscopy. We found that SL injuries occurred in 60% of IRSF and 20% of patients require surgical stabilisation. This finding is in line with the literature where SL injuries are reported in up to 40-80% of patients. Radiographic investigations were not reliable in predicting possible SL injuries in IRSF. However, no SL injuries were identified in undisplaced IRSF. In addition to identifying SL injuries, arthroscopy also
Aims. Hip fracture is a common injury in the elderly. Recent studies in orthopaedic access have demonstrated inequities affecting Māori. This study aimed to compare the demographic differences between Māori and NZ Europeans with hip fractures, identify any deficiencies in initial, surgical and post op care and in outcomes. Methods. All cases in New Zealand from 2018–2020 were included. Key outcomes included time to theatre from admission, change in walking status, residential status and survival at 120 days post fracture. Univariate analysis compared differences in demographics, surgical and management factors between ethnicities. Key outcome comparisons were conducted using multivariate analysis to assess whether ethnicity was an independent risk factor for outcomes. Results. Data from 9432 patients were analysed. 305 patients were Māori (3.2%). Māori were younger at presentation (76.2 vs 83.2 yrs, p<0.001), used less walking
Dual mobility (DM) is an established bearing option in Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA). The traditional mono-block DM designs have limited ability for additional fixation, whereas the modular DM designs allow additional screw fixation but limit internal diameter and have the potential to generate metal debris. We report the early results of a CoCrMo alloy mono-block implant manufactured by additive technology with a highly porous ingrowth surface to enhance primary fixation and osseointegration. Prospective follow-up of the Duplex. TM. implant first inserted in March 2016 enrolled into Beyond Compliance (BC). Primary outcome measure was all-cause revision and secondary outcomes dislocation, peri-prosthetic fracture (PPF) and Oxford Hip Score (OHS). Patients were risk stratified and all considered to be high risk for instability. Complications were identified via hospital records, clinical coding linkage using national database and via BC website. 159 implants in 154 patients with a mean age 74.0 years and a maximum F/U of 7 years. Survivorship for all-cause revision 99.4% (95% CI 96.2–99.8). One femoral only revision. Mean gain in OHS 27.4. Dislocation rate 0.6% with a single event. Patients with a cemented Polished taper stem (PTS) had a Type B PPF rate of 2.1% requiring revision/fixation. Compared to conventional THA this cohort was significantly older (74.0 vs 68.3 years), more co-morbidity (ASA 3 46.5% vs 14.4%) and more non-OA indications (32.4% vs 8.5%). Every patient had at least one risk factor for falling and >50% of cohort had 4 or more risk factors using NICE tool. We believe our results demonstrate that risk stratification successfully
Abstract. Extended Trochanteric Osteotomy (ETO) improves surgical exposure and
Abstract. Purpose. Intracanal rib head penetration is a well-known entity in dystrophic scoliotic curves in neurofibromatosis type 1. There is potential for spinal cord injury if this is not recognised and managed appropriately. No current CT-based classification system is currently in use to quantify rib head penetration. This study aims to propose and evaluate a novel CT-based classification for rib head penetration primarily for neurofibromatosis but which can also be utilised in other conditions of rib head penetration. Materials and methods. The grading was developed as four grades: normal rib head (RH) position—Grade 0, subluxed ext-racanal RH position—Grade 1, RH at pedicle—Grade 2, intracanal RH—Grade 3. Grade 3 was further classified depending on the head position in the canal divided into thirds. Rib head penetration into proximal third (from ipsilateral side)—Grade 3A, into the middle third—Grade 3B and into the distal third—Grade 3C. Seventy-five axial CT images of Neurofibromatosis Type 1 patients in the paediatric age group were reviewed by a radiologist and a spinal surgeon independently to assess interobserver and intraobserver agreement of the novel CT classification. Agreement analysis was performed using the weighted Kappa statistic. Results. There was substantial interobserver correlation with mean Kappa score (k = 0.8, 95% CI 0.7–0.9) and near perfect intraobserver Kappa of 1.0 (95% CI 0.9–1.0) and 0.9 (95% CI 0.9–1.0) for the two readers. Conclusion. The novel CT-based classification quantifies rib head penetration which
Prolonged bedrest in hospitalized patients is a major risk factor for venous thromboembolism (VTE), especially in high risk patients with hip fracture. Thrombelastography (TEG) is a whole blood viscoelastic hemostatic assay with evidence that an elevated maximal amplitude (MA), a measure of clot strength, is predictive of VTE in orthopaedic trauma patients. The objective of this study was to compare the TEG MA parameter between patients with hip fracture who were more mobile post-operatively and discharged from hospital early to patients with hip fracture with reduced mobility and prolonged hospitalizations post-operatively. In this prospective cohort study, TEG analysis was performed in patients with hip fracture every 24-hours from admission until post-operative day (POD) 5, then at 2- and 6-weeks post-operatively. Hypercoagulability was defined by MA > 65. Patients were divided into an early (within 5-day) and late (after 5-day) discharge group, inpatient at 2-weeks group, and discharge to MSK rehabilitation (MSK rehab), and long term care (LTC) groups. Two-sample t-test was used to analyze differences in MA between the early discharge and less mobile groups. All statistical tests were two-sided, and p-values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. In total, 121 patients with a median age of 81.0 were included. Patients in the early discharge group (n=15) were younger (median age 64.0) and more likely to ambulate without gait
Prolonged bedrest in hospitalized patients is a major risk factor for venous thromboembolism (VTE), especially in high risk patients with hip fracture. Thrombelastography (TEG) is a whole blood viscoelastic hemostatic assay with evidence that an elevated maximal amplitude (MA), a measure of clot strength, is predictive of VTE in orthopaedic trauma patients. The objective of this study was to compare the TEG MA parameter between patients with hip fracture who were more mobile post-operatively and discharged from hospital early to patients with hip fracture with reduced mobility and prolonged hospitalizations post-operatively. In this prospective cohort study, TEG analysis was performed in patients with hip fracture every 24-hours from admission until post-operative day (POD) 5, then at 2- and 6-weeks post-operatively. Hypercoagulability was defined by MA > 65. Patients were divided into an early (within 5-day) and late (after 5-day) discharge group, inpatient at 2-weeks group, and discharge to MSK rehabilitation (MSK rehab), and long term care (LTC) groups. Two-sample t-test was used to analyze differences in MA between the early discharge and less mobile groups. All statistical tests were two-sided, and p-values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. In total, 121 patients with a median age of 81.0 were included. Patients in the early discharge group (n=15) were younger (median age 64.0) and more likely to ambulate without gait
Resection of the proximal femur raises several challenges to the orthopedic oncology surgeon. Among these is the re-establishment of the abductor mechanism that might impacts on hip function. Extent of tumor resection and surgeons’ preferences dictate the reconstruction method of the abductors. While some surgeons advocate the necessity of greater trochanter (GT) preservation whenever possible, others attempt direct soft tissues reattachment to the prosthesis. Sparse data in the literature evaluated the outcomes of greater trochanter fixation to the proximal femur megaprosthesis. This is a retrospective monocentric study. All patients who received a proximal femoral replacement after tumor resection between 2005 and 2021 with a minimum follow-up of three months were included. Patients were divided into two groups: (1) those with preserved GT reattached to the megaprosthesis and (2) those with direct or indirect (tenodesis to fascia lata) abductor muscles reattachment. Both groups were compared for surgical outcomes (dislocation and revision rates) and functional outcomes (Trendelenburg gait, use of walking-assistive device and abductor muscle strength). Additionally patients in group 1 were subdivided into patients who received GT reinsertion using a grip and cables and those who got direct GT reinsertion using suture materials and studied for GT displacement at three, six and 12 months. Time to cable rupture was recorded and analyzed through a survival analysis. Fifty-six patients were included in this study with a mean follow-up of 45 months (3-180). There were 23 patients with reinserted GT (group 1) and 33 patients with soft tissue repair (group 2). Revision rate was comparable between both groups(p=0.23); however, there were more dislocations in group 2 (0/23 vs 6/33; p=0.037). Functional outcomes were comparable, with 78% of patients in group 1 (18/23) and 73% of patients in group 2 (24/33) that displayed a Trendelenburg gait (p=0.76). In group 1, 70% (16/23) used walking
Introduction. Amputation or disarticulation is a reliable option for management of severe foot deformities and limb-length discrepancies, the surgical restoration of which are unpredictable or unfavourable. Of the various surgeries involving foot ablation, Syme's amputation is preferred for congenital deformities as it provides a growing, weight bearing stump with proprioception and cushioning. Materials and Methods. We reviewed data of all children who underwent Syme's amputation over the past 13 years at our institution. Surgical technique followed the same principles for Syme's but varied with surgeons. Results. Ten boys and ten girls, with an average age of 18 months and average follow up of 70 months were included in the study. The most common indication was fibular hemimelia. Wound complications were reported in three children, phantom pain in one, heel pad migration in two. None had wound dehiscence, flap necrosis, stump overgrowth, or calcaneal regrowth. None of this required surgical intervention. One child required an amputation at a higher-level secondary to a congenital malformation of nervous tissue in the affected leg. Prosthetic compatibility was 94.7 % and none used mobility
Aim. The aim of this study was to compare a single-incision minimally invasive (MI) posterior approach with a standard posterior approach in a double-blind prospective randomised controlled trial. Method. A pilot study was carried out to assess the efficacy of the MI approach. Primary total hip replacements meeting the inclusion criteria were randomised to either the MI approach or the standard posterior approach. Patients were blinded to allocation. Patients were scored by a blinded physiotherapist pre-operatively, at Day 2, 2 weeks and 6 weeks. The primary outcome measure was function, assessed using the Oxford hip score, SF-12 questionnaire, Iowa score, 6-minute walk test and the number of walking
Outcome in total hip replacement is influenced by a variety of factors including patient selection, implant technology, surgical expertise and peri-operative management. As it relates to the direct anterior approach, there has been extensive marketing in order to drive patients to specific surgeons who use specific implants. Associated with this marketing, claims about superiority of this approach have been made with very little evidence to support these claims. In a study comparing the direct anterior (DA) to the miniposterior approach, Pagnano et al showed no difference in length of stay, operative complications, IV breakthrough analgesia, stairs, maximum feet walked in hospital or percent discharged to home. The DA approach had longer operative times, higher maximum visual analog pain score and at two weeks more of the DA group required gait
Introduction. Over the past several decades, numerous surgical procedures have been perfected in the inpatient hospital setting and then evolved into outpatient procedures. This has been shown to be a safe and economical transition for many orthopedic procedures. A prime example is ACL reconstruction. We report here our early experience with our initial consecutive series of outpatient UKA's done in a free standing ASC (ambulatory surgery center). Materials and Methods. From 8/26/2008 to 5/20/12 there were 60 UKA's performed as outpatient procedures at a free standing ASC. Average patient age was 57.7 years (range of 46–69). Medical comorbidities included 22 patients with HTN and 7 with diabetes. All patients had general anesthesia with periarticular injection of the involved knee (25 cc's of Marcaine with epinephrine 1:100,000) and an intraarticular injection after closure of the capsule with 25 cc of Marcaine with epinephrine mixed with 5 cc of morphine sulfate. Patients without allergy to sulfa were given 200mg of Celebrex bid for three days and hydrocodone/acetaminophin 10/325 1–2 tabs q4 hours prn pain. Patients were discharged home when stable, ambulating with
Two big problems exist with the all polyethylene cemented tibial component; the polyethylene and the cement. The polyethylene is too weak and flexible to bear high tibial load, so it deforms and loosens. The interface stresses are too high when two flexible structures are poorly bonded and heavily loaded. Modularity between the polyethylene tibial component and the metal-backed tray was introduced in the mid-80's for versatility and to facilitate screw fixation for cementless implants. These designs allow exchange of various polyethylene thicknesses, and
We investigated the long-term changes in the Harris Hip and Knee Society scores (HSS and KSS) to determine whether they result from overall functional decline rather than actual changes in the condition of the prosthesis. The HHS for 106 total hip arthroplasties with a minimum follow-up of ten years, no medical complications after operation and no evidence of radiological loosening, and the KSS for 264 total knee arthroplasties with a minimum follow-up of 12 years and no medical complications after operation or signs of radiographical loosening were evaluated. There were statistically significant drops in the functional scoring components of the joint evaluation systems despite no loosening of the prostheses or other significant medical complications. The HHS declined at an average of 0.67 points per year from between three and ten years after operation (p <
0.0001). Contributing to this were deterioration in gait and limp (p <
0.0004), the use of support
Introduction. Today, Uganda has the second highest rate of road accidents in Africa and the world after Ethiopia. According to the World Health Organization's Global Status Report on Road Safety 2013, Uganda is named among countries with alarmingly high road accident rates. If such trend of traffic accidents continues to increase, the health losses from traffic injuries may be ranked as the second to HIV/