Localised lesions were treated primarily by arthroscopic synovectomy [N=58(78.4%)] or open synovectomy [N=12(16.2%)] with radiotherapy being utilised in 4 lesions (5.4%). For local recurrence the management was arthroscopic [N=26(35.1%)] and open [N= 19(25.7%)] synovectomy. Radiotherapy was used in 18 (24.3%) of patients with localised recurrence and 8 (10.8%) of were referred to specialist units. Infiltrating lesions were treated with open synovectomy and radiotherapy [N=22(29.7%)] and 20 cases [27.02%] were referred to specialist units.
Granular Cell Tumours are rare mesenchymal soft tissue tumours that arise throughout the body and are believed to be of neural origin. They often present as an asymptomatic slow-growing benign solitary lesion but may be multifocal. One to two percent of cases are malignant and can metastasise. Described series in the literature are sparse. We examined our database and identified eleven cases in ten patients treated surgically and followed-up for a period of over six years (May 2002 to January 2009) in our regional bone and soft tissue tumour centre. Five tumours were located in the lower limb, four in the upper limb and two in the axial skeleton. Mean patient age was 31.2 years (range 8 to 55 years). Excision was complete in one case, marginal in five cases and intra-lesional in five cases. No specimens showed evidence of malignancy. No patients required postoperative adjuvant treatment. Mean follow-up was 19.3 months (range 1 to 37 months), with no cases of local recurrence. One case was multi-focal. Histopathological examination revealed the classical features of granular cell tumour in all cases. Typically, tumour cells were diffusely and strongly positive for S100 protein by immunohistochemistry, whereas the other markers tested were negative. We believe this case series to be the largest of its type in patients presenting to an orthopaedic soft tissue tumour unit. We present our findings and correlate it with findings of other series in the literature.
Performing Bilateral Knee replacements simultaneously is a controversial issue with proponents on both sides of the argument. The advantages of simultaneous arthroplasties include the administration of a single anaesthetic, reduced hospital stay and consequent reduced costs. Reuben et al (J. Arthroplasty, 1998) reported a 36% reduction in hospital costs. Patients also have a quicker return to function and Leonard et al (J Arthroplasty 2003) reported a high patient satisfaction rate of 95%. The primary disadvantages noted in previous studies include an increase in peri operative complications–both cardiac and pulmonary. An increase in mortality figures is perhaps the most serious complication recorded in some studies. Ritter etal (Clin. Orthop. 1997) reported a 30 day mortality rate of 0.99% in bilateral simultaneous TKA as compared to 0.3% in patients who underwent a staged procedure. Our study comprised a total of 202 patients who underwent bilateral simultaneous total knee replacements at a District General Hospital in Harlow. Harlow is one of the centres involved in the multi centric trials for the PFC Sigma Knee System and is perhaps the only centre in the UK where bilateral simultaneous procedures are carried out in significant numbers. There were 103 males and 99 females. 12 of the patients had Rheumatoid arthritis. 45% of the patients were in the 71–80 years age group, 26% in the 61–70 years age group. The average age across the entire group was 71.3 years. 35% of patients had a BMI of 25–30, 23% a BMI of 30–35, while less than 5% had a BMI of greater than 40. Most patients (44%) were ASA grade 2. The 3 most common co morbidities included hypertension(85%), coronary artery disease(25%) and diabetes mellitus (12%). 90% of the patients had the procedure performed under a General Anaesthetic and Epidural. Tourniquet time ranged from 55–159 minutes. (average 96 minutes). The patella was resurfaced in all patients. Post operatively the average drain collection was 1200 mls(range 7002600mls). Average pre op Hb was 13.8 g/dl, the post op average being 9.7 g/dl. 71% of patients required blood transfusion after surgery (average 2.8 units). Average hospital stay was 12.4 days (range 5–38 days). 6 patients required HDU admission.
These figures are comparable to those in published literature. We have found Bilateral simultaneous Total Knee replacements to be a safe procedure with quick return to function.
Clinical results have been obtained using the Merle d’Aubigne score and bone deficiencies were classified according to the AAOS system.
We have had no cases of deep infection but there have been 3 femoral peri-prosthetic fractures, (1 late) and 2 dislocations. All patients have been allowed early weight bearing and those patients with over 12 months follow up have an improved Merle d’Aubigne score.
The ease of use of the implant has now led to us largely abandoning other reconstructive techniques such as impaction allo-grafting or cages in revision or complex primary hip surgery. We consider Trabecular metal to be a major advance in acetabular reconstruction on the basis of our initial experience
Pelvic and acetabular surgery may be associated with significant blood loss because of the vascularity and anatomy of the pelvis. Concerns continue in relation to blood transfusion because of the potential for disease transmission and because of the increasing cost of providing safe blood products. The purpose of this study was to examine in a retrospective fashion the blood transfusion requirements in a consecutive series of patients undergoing peri-acetabular osteotomy for hip dysplasia. Surgery was performed under general anaesthesia with an epidural in place in the majority of cases. A cell saver was not used and no pre operative autologous blood donation was performed. In seven cases one unit of blood was drawn off immediately prior to the operation in the anaesthetic room and re-infused towards the end of the operation. This practice was discontinued when one of these units clotted and could not be re-infused. A post-operative transfusion policy was adopted where an haemoglobin (Hb) concentration of <
7.5 g/dl was an indication for transfusion. There were 19 females and 2 males. The average age was 26.6 (range 14 – 40). The average duration of surgery was 233mins (range 180 – 285min). Pre-operatively the average Hb concentration was 13.68 g/dl (range 12.3 – 16.2 g/dl). Overall 16 patients did not require any cross-matched transfusion. Two patients received one unit of blood and three received two units. If the transfusion policy had been correctly followed, 4 of these patients would not have received cross-matched blood. The average post-op Hb in those not receiving transfusion was 8.6 g/dl (range 7.3 – 9.9 g/dl). This study shows that it is possible to safely perform peri-acetabular osteotomies in most cases without blood transfusion which is important in this group of patients who are generally young and female.