Aims. The aims of this study were to: 1) report on a cohort of skeletally mature patients with native hip and knee
Aims. Staphylococcus aureus is a major cause of
Introduction and Objective.
A hot swollen joint is a commonly encountered condition in clinical practice. With a broad range of differentials,
Aim. Synovial fluid D-lactate may be useful for diagnosing
Aims. The aim of this study was to determine the consensus best practice approach for the investigation and management of children (aged 0 to 15 years) in the UK with musculoskeletal infection (including
Aim. Prompt recognition and identification of the causative microorganism in acute
Aim. The diagnosis of
Objectives. Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is the most commonly implicated organism in
C-reactive protein (CRP) level is used at our tertiary paediatric hospital in the diagnosis, management, and discharge evaluation of paediatric
Aim: An epidemiological analysis of spontaneous community acquired
Aim. Successful management of native Joint