Ten to twenty percent of patients are dissatisfied with the clinical result after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Aim of this study was to investigate the impact of personality traits on patient satisfaction and subjective outcome of TKA. We investigated 80 patients with 86 computer navigated TKAs (Emotion®, B Braun Aesculap) and asked for patient satisfaction. We divided patients into two groups (satisfied or dissatisfied). 12 personality traits were tested by an independent
Introduction. Hip arthrodiastasis for paediatric hip conditions such as Perthes disease is growing in popularity. Intended merits include halting the collapse of the femoral head and maintaining sphericity by minimising the joint reaction force. This can also be applied to protecting hip reconstruction following treatment of hip dysplasia. Our aim was to assess functional outcomes and complications in a cohort of paediatric patients. Materials and Methods. A retrospective single-surgeon cohort study was performed in a University teaching hospital from 2018–2021. Follow-up was performed via telephone interview and review of patient records. Complications, time in frame and functional scores using the WOMAC hip score were recorded. Results. Following review, 26 procedures were identified in 24 patients. Indications included 16 cases of Perthes disease, 4 following slipper upper femoral epiphysis, 3 avascular necrosis, and single cases following infection, dysplasia and a bone cyst. Pre-treatment WOMAC scores averaged 53.9, improving to 88.5 post-removal. Pin site infections were encountered in 11 patients, all treated with oral antibiotics. Two patients required early removal of frame due to pin loosening. Average time in frame was 3.9 months. Conclusions. This series displays how hip arthrodiastasis can be used to manage paediatric hip conditions. Complex reconstructions may be required in patients with severe deformity following perthes disease, DDH or SUFE. The use of arthrodiastasis in these patients aims to protect the reconstruction and potentially improve outcomes. A dedicated team of specialist nurses, physiotherapists and
Little is known about the psychological morbidity associated with orthopaedic trauma. Our study aimed to determine the extent of psychological symptoms and whether patient psychological symptoms were predictive of outcomes following orthopaedic trauma. Overall, trauma patients experienced higher intensity of psychological symptoms than population norms. Psychological symptoms, patient age, and ongoing litigation predicted functional outcomes. Patients may benefit from early interventions by social workers and
Purpose and background. A review of secondary healthcare provision for civilians suffering persistent pain and living in the British Forces Germany (BFG) community was carried out in order to better inform referral from primary care. This population consists mostly of British nationals each with differing linguistic skills and cultural backgrounds. Patients may be referred to Evangelisches Krankenhaus Bielefeld (EvKB) in Germany or to Guys and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust (GSTT) in the UK. It was considered important to identify potential language or cultural-related barriers to improve decision making when considering where best to refer for a pain management programme (PMP). Methods. Clinical visits undertaken at GSTT and EvKB involved observation of clinical activities, collection of documentation and informal staff discussions. Data were organised into common themes and categorised to provide information for written reflective accounts on each visit. Results. The PMP at EvKB is medical doctor-led, supported by integrated
Purpose of the study and background. Physical activity and exercise therapy are among the guideline recommendations for the rehabilitation of people with chronic low back pain (CLBP ≥ 3 months); however, patient adherence is often poor. CONNECT is a theory-based communication skills training programme designed to enhance physiotherapists' support of their CLBP patients' psychological needs in order to increase adherence to their home-based rehabilitation programme. Methods and results. The CONNECT trial [Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN63723433] included six Dublin-area public clinics and their physiotherapists (n = 24) who received eight hours of communication skills training from a
Aim: We present a review on RSD in children and emphasise the role of multidisciplinary team approach in the management of 13 children. Method: 3 boys and 10 girls with a mean age of 13 years and 4 months were reviewed before and after treatment. They were assessed for pain (visual analogue score) and function. A team-care approach was utilised and co-ordinated by the Orthopaedic Surgeon. Other members included a physiotherapist, clinical
The diagnosis and treatment of hip disease in young adults has rapidly evolved over the past ten years. Despite the advancements of improved diagnostic skills and refinement of surgical techniques, the psychosocial impact hip disease has on the young adult has not yet been elucidated. This observational study aimed to characterise the functional and psychosocial characteristics of a group of patients from our young hip clinic. 49 patients responded to a postal questionnaire which included the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Median age was 20 years (range 16-38) with a gender ratio of 2:1 (female: male). The most common diagnoses were Perthes' disease and developmental hip dysplasia. More than half of our patients had moderate to severe pain based on the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and at least a moderate disability based on the ODI. Thirty-two percent of patients were classified as having borderline to abnormal levels of depression and 49% of patients were classified as having borderline to abnormal levels of anxiety based on the HADS. Comparison of the ODI with the VAS and HADS anxiety and depression subscales showed a significant positive correlation (p<0.05). Multiple regression showed the ODI to be a significant predictor of the HADS anxiety and depression scores (regression coefficient 0.13, 95% confidence interval 0.06 to 0.21, p<0.05). This study highlights the previously unrecognised psychosocial effects of hip disease in the young adult. A questionnaire which includes HADS may be of particular value in screening for depression and anxiety in young people with physical illness. This study also highlights that collaboration with
Cognitive dysfunction has been well documented following total knee replacement. Possible causes that have been postulated include cerebral emboli, post-operative complications and pain. The aim of this study is to compare cognitive decline in patients undergoing conventional total knee replacement (TKR), navigated total knee replacement and total hip replacement (THR). We prospectively analysed 75 patients undergoing lower limb arthroplasty. Group 1 consisted of 25 conventional TKR’s, group 2 consisted of 25 navigated TKR’s and group 3 consisted of 25 THR’s. Cognitive function was assessed by 11 validated neuropsychological tests preoperatively, at 1 week post-operatively and at 6 months post-operatively. Testing was carried out by a clinical
Background and Purpose: How outcomes of clinical trials are reported alters the way treatment effectiveness is perceived. Clinicians interpret outcomes of trials more favourably when results are presented in relative rather than in absolute terms. However, the face validity of different methods is unclear. We aimed to explore which methods clinicians find clearest, most interpretable, and useful. Methods and Results: We purposively sampled clinicians who see patients with low back pain (LBP) and presented them with summary reports of a hypothetical trial, reporting the results using a variety of different methods. We explored participants’ preferences for these different methods and how they would like to see future trials reported. We interviewed 14 clinicians (GPs, manual therapists,
Introduction: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the outcome of multiple spinal operations by an expert spinal surgeon HV Crock. Materials and Methods: A retrospective review of 169 patients who had multiple spinal surgery including spinal Fusion and spinal decompression was undertaken. A special Questionnaire form was designed and sent to each patient to answer with an appointment for the patient to be seen and assessed in the spinal assessment clinic where data from the questionnaire, clinical notes and thorough clinical examinations were recorded in a spinal data base which covered the following sections:. Patients Symptoms. Treatment received. Spinal Operations. Body Diagram for shading the site of pain. Final outcome. Patient Satisfaction. Results:. – 76 patients 66% of the patients who replied “were satisfied” with the surgery. – 38 patients 33% of the patients who replied were not satisfied. – 58 patients did not reply as they were not interviewed. There were no significant post-operative neurogenic complications, such as cauada equina syndrome or severe leg weakness interfering with standing and walking retirement. There was always a temporary relief followed by deterioration of symptoms after a period ranging between 1–2 years. Conclusions: Overall, patients with failed back syndrome need to be evaluated and treated in a multidisciplinary setting, where a group of Health Care Professionals from various fields, such as Physiotherapy, Pain Management and Clinical
It has been shown that a cognitive function (CF) loss can occur after hip or knee arthroplasty procedures, with an incidence of 40 to 70%. The pathogenesis remains unclear but studies suggest some form of brain emboli; although both trans-cranial doppler and trans-oesophageal doppler have both shown emboli per-operatively a correlation has never been shown with CF loss post-operatively. In contrast, in the cardiothoracic literature an embolic cause is widely accepted for detectable post-operative CF drop. The purpose of this study was to ascertain whether MRI could show evidence of embolic phenomena in patients undergoing hip or knee arthroplasty. Twenty-five patients presenting for hip or knee arthroplasty procedures were consented for this study. Brain MRI scans and MR angiograms were performed 1 week pre-operatively and within 1 week post-operatively using a Phillips 1.5Tesla MRI unit. All scans recorded were independently reviewed by 2 radiologists. A series of tests to examine several modes of cognitive function were carried out by a clinical
Fracture-related infections (FRIs) are a major concern for patients and healthcare systems, yet their impact on mental health has been largely overlooked. This study aimed to assess the longitudinal impact of FRI on patients’ quality of life. A prospective study was conducted at a level 1 trauma centre between January 2020 and December 2022. In total, 56 patients participated, with quality of life assessed at five timepoints: one week preoperatively, and one, three, six, and 12 months postoperatively. Statistical analysis was performed using repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) with adjusted post-hoc analysis.Aims
Shoulder arthroplasty is effective in the management of end-stage glenohumeral joint arthritis. However, it is major surgery and patients must balance multiple factors when considering the procedure. An understanding of patients’ decision-making processes may facilitate greater support of those considering shoulder arthroplasty and inform the outcomes of future research. Participants were recruited from waiting lists of three consultant upper limb surgeons across two NHS hospitals. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 participants who were awaiting elective shoulder arthroplasty. Transcribed interviews were analyzed using a grounded theory approach. Systematic coding was performed; initial codes were categorized and further developed into summary narratives through a process of discussion and refinement. Data collection and analyses continued until thematic saturation was reached.Aims
Fracture-related infections (FRIs) are a devastating complication of fracture management. However, the impact of FRIs on mental health remains understudied. The aim of this study was a longitudinal evaluation of patients’ psychological state, and expectations for recovery comparing patients with recurrent FRI to those with primary FRI. A prospective longitudinal study was conducted at a level 1 trauma centre from January 2020 to December 2022. In total, 56 patients treated for FRI were enrolled. The ICD-10 symptom rating (ISR) and an expectation questionnaire were assessed at five timepoints: preoperatively, one month postoperatively, and at three, six, and 12 months.Aims
Introduction: Little is known about the psychological morbidity associated with orthopaedic trauma. Purpose: Our study aimed to determine the extent of psychological symptoms and whether patient psychological symptoms were predictive of outcomes following orthopaedic trauma. Methods: All patients attending 10 orthopaedic fracture clinics at 3 University-affiliated Hospitals were approached for study eligibility. All consenting patients would be requested to complete a baseline assessment form, a 90-item symptom checklist-90R (SCL-90R), and the Short-Form–36. The SCL-90R constitutes 9 dimensions (Somatization, Obsessive-compulsive, Interpersonal sensitivity, Depression, Anxiety, Hostility, Phobic anxiety, Paranoid ideation, Psychoticism) and three global indices (Global severity index, Positive symptom distress index, positive symptom total). We conducted regression analyses to determine predictors of quality of life among study patients. Results: Of 215 patients, 59% were male at a mean age of 44.5 years. Over half of patients had lower extremity fractures. Trauma patients experienced greater psychological symptoms than population norms. Overall, trauma patients experienced higher intensity of psychological symptoms than population norms. Patient functional outcomes were predicted by patient age, ongoing litigation, and Positive Symptom Distress. This model predicted 21% of the variance in patient function. Patient somatization was an important psychological symptom resulting in increasing intensity of symptoms. Smoking, alcohol, open fracture, surgeons’ perception of technical outcome, level of education, and time since injury were not predictive in this model. Conclusions: Psychological symptoms, patient age, and ongoing litigation predicted functional outcomes. Patients may benefit from early interventions by social workers and
INTRODUCTION. Musicians' hand problems are as old as music itself. These problems involve functional motor disorders which have been underestimated by musicians, who do not want to accept the possibility of reducing their professional activity and doctors who are either not knowledgeable about musicians' characteristics or underestimate this artistic activity. The aim of this study is to determine the causes of the pathologies instrumentalist musicians have, and their distribution according to age group, instrument and type of music, and thus infer the main risk factors in the occurrence of medical problems related to musicians' activity. MATERIALS AND METHODS. We consider musicians those who devote themselves to the study, teaching and playing of a musical instrument. In Argentina there are about 50.000 instrumental musicians. Since over 14 years the members of “Las Manos del Músico” have treated 574 musicians. The 84% of the medical problems related to the playing of the instrument. Ages are between 13 and 78 years. The musicians treated belong to different conservatories, symphonic and popular orchestras. Each musician was studied with the same protocol, filled in by the same professional. Variables such as type of music, age, sex, instrument, dominance andrelated variables were taken into account. RESULTS. The 47% of those treated are devoted to popular music and the 53% to classical music. The prevailing age group is 31–40 years, there being a variation between popular and classical performers (43% in the case of classical performers and 39% in that of popular performers). Traumatic pathology is of the 16%, and a clear predominance of chronic pathology (78%) was observed with 43% of musculotendinous injuries, 16% of nervous pathology andb18.% of joint pathology. Focal dystonia affected to 15% of the musicians treated. Within the musculotendinous pathology a 50% was due to overuse syndromes. CONCLUSIONS. In 86% of the cases the causes of injuries in musicians' upper extremity are related to the playing of the instrument. There is a clear predominance of chronic injuries, overuse syndromes, in a young age group (20 to 40 years). The diagnosis of this injuries must be based on an exhaustive physical examination, knowledge of the different instruments and of the most frequent injuries caused by each instrument. In order to get satisfactory results in the treatment and prevention of these injuries, it is necessary to create a space for communication, exchange and interdisciplinary reflection between hand and orthopedic surgeons, physical and occupational therapists and
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy is a syndrome characterised by pain and hyperaesthesia associated with swelling, vasomotor instability and dystrophic changes of the skin. It is rare in children, can occur without any previous history of significant trauma and may be recurrent and migratory. We reported 13 new cases of RSD in children and emphasised the role of a multidisciplinary team approach in management. A review of the literature was included. 13 children (3 boys and 10 girls) with reflex sympathetic dystrophy were presented. They were aged between 8 and 17 years. Mean age at onset was 13 years 4 months. All of them had RSD involving the lower limbs. Thermography was performed in 10 cases. The average time to correct diagnosis was 4 months. Five ankles, 4 knees and 5 hips were involved (14 joints in 13 cases). Psychological assessments revealed abnormalities in all cases. Pain (visual analogue score) and function were assessed before and after treatment. The most common therapy in children is progressive mobilisation supported by analgesic drugs, psychological and physical therapy. We individualised the therapy for each child. A team-care approach with the physiotherapist,
The traditional biomedical model of managing musculoskeletal problems, such as low back pain (LBP), tends to be pathology driven, in which the aim is to locate an objectively identified disturbance. Appropriate treatment is conceptualised as a physical intervention that will compensate for or correct the identified disturbance. There is growing appreciation of the need to consider other factors, e.g. the meaning of the problem to the patient and professional, his/her experiences, cognitions, motivations and preferences. Improving the understanding about the beliefs and expectations of patients and health professionals is fundamental, since a better understanding of these factors, and any mismatch between professionals and patients, will facilitate improved management. A multidisciplinary group of researchers (chiropractor, GP, osteopath, physiotherapist,
Background: It is universally acknowledged that psychological distress in chronic low back pain (LBP) is commonplace and the early identification of such distress is increasingly being advocated as an important aspect of LBP assessment. The Distress and Risk Assessment Method (DRAM) is a screening tool, using the Modified Zung (MZ) and Modified Somatic Perception Questionnaires (MSPQ), developed to provide a simple classification of patients with LBP. Patients are classified as normal, at risk of developing distress, and those who are distressed (Distressed Depressive {DD} and Distressed-Somatic {DS}). The DRAM was used to screen LBP patients for entrance to an RCT examining different physiotherapy regimes for recurrent LBP. Methods: Patients referred for physiotherapy, at three hospitals within South Birmingham, with a diagnosis of recurrent LBP were screened using the DRAM and Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ). Distressed patients were excluded from the trial as psychological distress has been shown to be associated with an increased risk of poor treatment outcome. Results: 214 patients were screened for entrance to the trial with 69 (31%) excluded on the basis of their DRAM scores (DD=39, DS=30). Excluded (distressed) patients (n=69) had a mean MZ score of 33.30 (SD: 9.28, range= 7 to 56), with patients entered into the trial (non-distressed, n=95) having a mean of 18.12 (SD: 7.83, range=3 to 36). The mean MSPQ score for the distressed patients was 12.70 (SD: 5.69, range=0 to 26), and for the non-distressed patients was 4.37 (SD: 3.67, range= 0 to 22). RMDQ scores (functional disability) were higher for the distressed group (mean 14.09 [SD: 4.80], range=3 to 23) than the non-distressed group (mean 10.52 [SD: 4.22], range= 5 to 21). Conclusions: The results indicate that approximately one third of patients referred for physiotherapy at the units studied exhibited a level of distress that increased their relative risk of poor outcome by 3 to 4 times. The impact of these results has been to slow the recruitment to the ongoing RCT. The clinical implications are that screening this group of patients may indicate when liaison with clinical