Introduction. Modulation of signaling pathways, which involves tendon development, regeneration, or homeostasis, is one of the potential modalities to facilitate proper regeneration of the injured tendon. Authors have previously reported that activation of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling suppressed the expression of tenogenic genes (i.e. Scleraxis (Scx), Mohawk (Mkx), Tenomodulin (Tnmd)) in rat primary tendon-derived cells (TDCs) and SCX-transduced human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC-Scx cells), as a tendon progenitor cell line (kindly provided Dr. Docheva). The roles of
Osteoprogenitors on the inner layer of periosteum are the major cellular contributors to appositional bone growth and bone repair by callus formation. Previous work showed that periosteal-derived cells have little or no osteogenic activity under standard in vitro osteogenic culture conditions. This study was conducted to determine what growth factor(s) can activate periosteal osteogenic capacity. This study was conducted with IACUC approval. Periosteum from five equine donors was digested in collagenase for 3-4 hours at 37C. Isolated periosteal cells were maintained in DMEM/10% FBS medium and exposed to PDGF, Prostaglandin E2, BMP-2 and TGF-b3 at a range of concentrations for 72 hours. Changes in osteogenic gene expression (Runx2, OSX and ALP) were measured by qPCR. Periosteal cells were pre-treated with TGF-b3 or maintained in control medium were transferred into basal or osteogenic medium. Osteogenic status was assessed by Alizarin Red staining for mineralized matrix, ALP enzymatic activity and induction of osteogenic genes. PDGF, PgE2 and BMP-2 had little impact on expression of osteogenic markers by periosteal cells. In contrast, TGF-b3 stimulated significant increases in Osterix (over 100-fold) ALP expression (over 70-fold). Pre-treating periosteal cells with TGF-b3 for 72 hours stimulated rapid cell aggregation and aggregate mineralization once cells were transferred to osteogenic medium, while cells not exposed to TGF-b3 exhibited minimal evidence of osteogenic activity. This study indicate that TGF-b signaling is vital for periosteal osteogenic activity. Transient ‘priming’ of periosteal cells through TGF-b exposure was sufficient to activate subsequent osteogenesis without requiring ongoing growth factor stimulation. TGF beta ligands are secreted by many cell types, including periosteal progenitors and osteocytes, providing opportunities for both autocrine and paracrine pathways to regulate periosteal bone formation under homeostatic and reparative conditions.
Tendons are critical to mobility, and are susceptible to degeneration through injury and ageing. Type I collagen is the most abundant protein in vertebrates; it is the main structural protein of the extracellular matrix in numerous musculoskeletal tissues, including tendons. Type I collagen predominantly is a heterotrimer, which consists of two alpha-1 chains and one alpha-2 chain (α1)2(α2) encoded by the COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes, respectively. However, type I collagen can form homotrimers (α1)3 which are protease-resistant, and are associated with age-related musculoskeletal diseases, fibrotic and connective tissue pathologies. Transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) enhances collagen (I) gene expression, is involved in tendon mechanobiology and repair processes, while its effect on homotrimer formation is unknown. Our aim is to investigate the relative expressions of collagen (I) α1 and α2 polypeptide chains in tenocytes (tendon fibroblasts) stimulated with TGFβ. Included RT-qPCR to measure the relative expression of COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes. [14C]-proline metabolic labelling was used to measure the expression of the collagen (I) α1 and α2 polypeptide chains. These techniques were performed in equine superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) tenocytes (n=3) and murine tail tendon tenocytes (n=3) with different concentrations of TGFβ (0.01 ng/ml-100 ng/ml).Introduction
Materials and Methods
A variety of scaffolds, including collagen-based membranes, fleeces and gels are seeded with osteoblasts and applied for the regeneration of bone defects. However, different materials yield different outcomes, despite the fact that they are generated from the same matrix protein, i.e. type I collagen. Recently we showed that in fibroblasts MMP-3 is induced upon attachment to matrix proteins in the presence of TGFbeta.
Breast and other cancers commonly metastasize to bone to cause bone destruction, pain, fractures hypercalcemia and muscle weakness. Recently, we described a specific molecular mechanism by which bone-derived transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta, released as a consequence of tumor-induced bone destruction causes muscle dysfunction, before the loss of muscle mass. Circulating
Abstract. Introduction. Synovitis impacts osteoarthritis symptomatology and progression. The transcription factors controlling synovial gene expression have not been described. This study analyses gene expression in synovium samples from 16 patients with osteoarthritis with 9 undergoing arthroscopic and 8 knee trauma surgery for non-arthritic pathologies. Methodology. Intra-operative synovial biopsies were immersed in RNAlater at 4oC before storage at -80oC. Total RNA was extracted using RNAeasy. After purification, RT-PCR and quality assessment, cDNA was applied to Affymetrix Clariom D microarray gene chips. Bioinformatics analyses were performed. Linear models were prepared in limma with gender and BMI factors incorporated sequentially for each pathology comparison, generating 12 models of probes differentially expressed at FDR p<0.05 and Bayes number, B>0. Data analysis of differently expressed genes utilized Ingenuity Pathway Analysis and Cytoscape with Cluego and Cytohubba plug-ins. Results. Amongst the 2084 genes with significantly differential expression (DEG), 135 had transcription regulator capabilities and 121 a nuclear location. IPA analysis of OATKR and arthroscopic tissue comparison DEG identified 12 nuclear transcription factors linked to 31 DEG whose encoded proteins located within cytoplasmic and cell membrane compartments. All 12 were significantly up-regulated and acting in pathways up-regulating transcription of DNA and RNA, cell survival and angiogenesis while down-regulating senescence and apoptosis. NFE2L2, integral to the
To overcome the severely limited regenerative capacity of cartilage, bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are an attractive cell source that is accessible less invasively and in higher quantity than articular chondrocytes (ACs). However, current in vitro chondrogenic protocols induce MSCs to form transient cartilage reminiscent of growth plate cartilage that becomes hypertrophic and is remodeled into bone. In contrast, under the same conditions, ACs form stable articular-like cartilage. Developmental studies in mice have revealed that
Autologous growth factors or AGF is a technology that uses the patient’s own platelets as a source of growth factors. The platelets are super concentrated and then de-granulated to release mitogens, such as
Introduction. Elevated remodelling of subchondral bone and marrow tissues has been firmly established as diagnostic and prognostic radiological imaging marker for human osteoarthritis. While these tissues are considered as promising targets for disease-modifying OA drugs, the development of novel treatment approaches is complicated by the lack of knowledge whether similar tissue changes occur in rodent OA models and poor understanding of joint-specific molecular and cellular pathomechanisms in human OA. Here, we describe the establishment of a human OA explant model to address this crucial niche in translational preclinical OA research. Methods. Osteochondral (knee, spine) and bone (iliac crest) clinical specimens were acquired from patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty (n=4) or lumbar spine fusion using bone autografts (n=6). Fresh specimens were immediately cut in equal-sized samples (50–500 mg wet weight) and cultured in 8 mL osteogenic medium for one week. Samples were either left untreated (control) or stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 100 ng/mL) in the absence and presence of transforming growth factor-beta inhibitor (SB-505124, 10 μm). Pro-collagen-I (Col-I), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1) secretion was determined in conditioned medium by ELISA. Tissue viability was assessed using MTT and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity staining. Results. Explanted tissues remained viable after one week culture in control and treatment conditions. Osteocytes, subchondral marrow spaces and calcified cartilage stained positive for ALP activity without gross morphological differences between groups. Median basal secretion levels were Col-I (2.3 ng/mg), IL-6 (90 pg/mg) and MCP-1 (25 pg/mg). LPS treatment led to a significant increase of IL-6 (330 pg/mg) and MCP-1 (70 pg/mg), but not Col-I secretion. Interestingly, inhibition of
There is believed to be a correlation between congenital idiopathic scoliosis and congenital heart disease (CHD). Clinical and cardiological data was recorded for 3538 adolescents suffering from CHD. Data collected included the type of scoliosis; the direction of the curve; the Cobb angle; the number of curves and the presence or not of previous corrective cardiac surgery. Over 30% of the study group were found to suffer from scoliosis and a positive correlation with specific syndromes was also identified. The mean age of the patients was 34.0 +/− 14.0 years. The maximum Cobb angle was 107 degrees while the median was 7.6 degreees. Scoliosis was present in 37/188 (19.7%) was Eisenmenger syndrome (with R-L shunt) and 60/158= 38% with complex cardiac anatomy. There were also 20/103= 19.4% patients with univentricular (Fontan) circulation. Scoliosis was not necessarily related to previous corrective cardiac surgery, contrary to the current assumption in the literature. The hypothesis of common genetic pathway defects expressed both in cardiovascular and musculoskeletal organogenesis was raised and the
Introduction. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are members of the
Flock technology is well known from textile industry. Short fibres are applied vertically on a substrate, coated with a flocking adhesive. Until now this technology has not been used in the field of biomaterials although it offers the possibility to create anisotrophic matrices with a high compressive strength despite of high porosity. Matrices presently used in matrix assisted autologous chondrocyte implantation do not show any orientation of the embedded chondrocytes. However column orientation and anisotropic direction of embedded cells and collagen fibers are thought to be necessary for proper cartilage matrix biomechanics. Combination of matrices as a guiding structure and chondrogenically differentiated mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) could offer new possibilities in the treatment of cartilage defects. Our aim was to evaluate whether anisotropic scaffolds are capable to support a cellular cartilaginous phenotype in vitro. Electrostatically flocked matrices consisted of a collagen substrate, gelatine as adhesive and polyamide flock fibres. Chondrogenic cells and MSC were embedded in the scaffolds. Adherence, vitality and proliferation was assessed using confocal laser-scan microscopy (cLSM). Chondrogenic induction was performed in the presence of
Introduction: A number of surgical techniques have been described for the operative treatment of late stage osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) in the knee and ankle that have failed nonoperative management. However, no particular technique has been universally successful. We report the results of a new technique using retrograde drilling combined with the use of a novel collagen based bone void filler to prevent mechanical failure of the joint surface. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the results of this new technique and analyze the efficacy of both collagen Type-1 based osteoinductive bone void fillers Colloss and Colloss E with and without additional bone grafting. Methods: The osteoinductive bone void fillers Colloss (bovine) and Colloss E (equine) are bone inducing collagenous sponges. The osteoinductive properties are due to the interactive release of BMP-2, BMP-7, IGF-1 and
Studies have demonstrated that use of peptides including bone morphogenetic proteins, fibroblast growth factors, insulin-like growth factor (IGF), and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta), may be pivotal in promoting chondrogenesis and matrix development. As a prelude to studies, it is necessary to determine which gene or combination of genes gives the best result to improve proliferation of chondrocytes and synthesis of extracellar matrix. We investigate the effect of transfec-tion of recombined rat TGF-beta1 and recombined rat IGF-1 on rabbit chondrocytes ex vivo. Chondrocytes were isolated from articular cartilage of knee joint of mature New Zealand White rabbits. Cells were seeded at a density of 1×105 cells/ml into 6-well plates. Monolayer cultures were infected respectively with recombinant rat gene pcDNA3+TGF-beta 1, pAT153+IGF-1 and lac Z reporter gene by using lipo-fectamine, and were co-transfected by pcDNA3+TGF-beta 1, pAT153+IGF-1. The control group remained uninfected. To determine whether the genes transcript were translated and the gene products were released, the synthesis of
Objectives: The replacement tissue used for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction undergoes extensive biologic remodelling and incorporation after implantation. These changes, in which the tendon loses some of its characteristic features and adopts those typically associated with ligaments, has been referred to as ligamentization. The purpose of this study was to identify the proinflammatory response in the healing graft in the early phase. Methodes: Twenty New Zealand White Rabbits underwent ACL reconstruction with a semitendinosus tendon. Animals were sacrificed at 3 and 6 weeks. The harvested tissue including parts of remaining grafted tendon and genuine anterior cruciate ligament at time of the surgery as well as the tendon graft withdrawn at sacrification were prepared for immunohistochemical, histomorphometry and electromicroscopical analysis; synovia samples were taken at the sacrification as well. The tissues were immunostained for IL-1beta,
Angiogenesis is the formation of new blood vessels occurring in an adult through migration and proliferation of endothelial cells, and tubular structures formation. Angiogenesis is modulated by growth factors, cytokines, adhesion molecules, integrins, and enzymes. Angiogenesis plays a role in many physiological processes (i.e. remodeling of ischemic muscle, woumd healing, fracture repair) as well as in pathological process such as rheumathoid arthritis and metastases. In bone, vasculature is essential for cartilage resorption and angiogenesis temporally precedes osteogenesis: the origin of bone is the artery carrying calcium and phosphate ions. Osteogenesis takes place near newly formed vessels, that mediate delivery of osteoprogenitor cells, secrete mitogens for osteoblasts, and transport nutrients and oxygen. Inadequate bone vascularity is associated with decreased bone formation and bone mass. In animals, inhibition of angiogenesis during fracture repair results in the formation of fibrous tissue. A poor blood supply is therefore considered as a risk factor for an impaired bone healing. Angiogenesis is vital in tissue engineering, especially when matrices are colonized by cells with an aerobic metabolism. The scaffold must not only support the growth of the cells making up the organ which should be replaced in vivo (i.e. osteoblasts); it must also support the growth of endothelial cells and develop an effectively functioning vasculature to supply the cells with oxygen. Osteogenesis of tissue engineered materials could be limited by a lack of vascularization, and the bioengineered graft may be potentially resorbed in the same way as a conventional bone graft. In rats, angiogenesis in coralline materials implanted in ectopic muscular sites, was higher when the biomaterial was combined with a vascular pedicle or was coated with bone marrow stromal cells. A combination of both enhanced vascularization and osteogenesis to a greater extent. Endothelial cells release growth factors and cytokines promoting bone deposition: PDGF-AB,
The aim of this study was to screen the entire genome for genetic markers associated with risk for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury. Genome-wide association (GWA) analyses were performed using data from the Kaiser Permanente Research Board (KPRB) and the UK Biobank. ACL and PCL injury cases were identified based on electronic health records from KPRB and the UK Biobank. GWA analyses from both cohorts were tested for ACL and PCL injury using a logistic regression model adjusting for sex, height, weight, age at enrolment, and race/ethnicity using allele counts for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The data from the two GWA studies were combined in a meta-analysis. Candidate genes previously reported to show an association with ACL injury in athletes were also tested for association from the meta-analysis data from the KPRB and the UK Biobank GWA studies.Aims
The aim of this study was to provide a comprehensive understanding of alterations in messenger RNAs (mRNAs), long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), and circular RNAs (circRNAs) in cartilage affected by osteoarthritis (OA). The expression profiles of mRNAs, lncRNAs, and circRNAs in OA cartilage were assessed using whole-transcriptome sequencing. Bioinformatics analyses included prediction and reannotation of novel lncRNAs and circRNAs, their classification, and their placement into subgroups. Gene ontology and pathway analysis were performed to identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs), differentially expressed lncRNAs (DELs), and differentially expressed circRNAs (DECs). We focused on the overlap of DEGs and targets of DELs previously identified in seven high-throughput studies. The top ten DELs were verified by quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) in articular chondrocytes, both Objectives
As our understanding of hip function and disease improves, it is evident that the acetabular fossa has received little attention, despite it comprising over half of the acetabulum’s surface area and showing the first signs of degeneration. The fossa’s function is expected to be more than augmenting static stability with the ligamentum teres and being a templating landmark in arthroplasty. Indeed, the fossa, which is almost mature at 16 weeks of intrauterine development, plays a key role in hip development, enabling its nutrition through vascularization and synovial fluid, as well as the influx of chondrogenic stem/progenitor cells that build articular cartilage. The pulvinar, a fibrofatty tissue in the fossa, has the same developmental origin as the synovium and articular cartilage and is a biologically active area. Its unique anatomy allows for homogeneous distribution of the axial loads into the joint. It is composed of intra-articular adipose tissue (IAAT), which has adipocytes, fibroblasts, leucocytes, and abundant mast cells, which participate in the inflammatory cascade after an insult to the joint. Hence, the fossa and pulvinar should be considered in decision-making and surgical outcomes in hip preservation surgery, not only for their size, shape, and extent, but also for their biological capacity as a source of cytokines, immune cells, and chondrogenic stem cells. Cite this article: