Abstract. Background. We know that tears of the Triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) can cause DRUJ instability and ulnar sided wrist pain. This study shows the clinical result of patients who had arthroscopic transosseous repair of the
Summary. When a
There is a difference of opinion regarding the usefulness of MR Imaging as a diagnostic tool for triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) tears in the wrist. Our aim was to determine the accuracy of direct magnetic resonance arthrography (MRA) in the diagnosis of triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) tears of the wrist in a district general hospital setting. In a retrospective review of 21 patients who presented with complains of wrist pain and following a clinical examination, all had direct MR arthrography of the wrist in our hospital in a 1.5Tesla scanner. All had a diagnostic arthroscopy within 2-4 months of the MR scan. All patients had chronic ulnar sided wrist pain, although only two had a definite history of trauma. The findings of each diagnostic method were compared, with arthroscopy considered the gold standard. Twenty-one patients were studied (10 male: 11 female), mean age 42 years (range 27-71) years). Seventeen
Introduction. We reports the accuracy of direct Magnetic Resonance Arthrography (MRA) in detecting Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC), Scapho-Lunate Ligament (SLL) and Luno-Triquetral Ligament (LTL) tears using wrist arthroscopy as the gold standard. Methods. We reviewed the records of all patients who underwent direct wrist MRA and subsequent arthroscopy over a 4-year period between June 2007 and March 2011. Demographic details, MRA findings, arthroscopy findings and the time interval between MRA and arthroscopy were recorded. The scans were performed using a 1.5T scanner and a high resolution wrist coil. All scans were reported by a musculoskeletal radiologist. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values (PPV & NPV) were calculated. Results. Two hundred and thirty four (234) MRA were performed over the study period. Fifty patients (50), who subsequently underwent 51 wrist arthroscopies (one bilateral), were included. The mean age was 35 years (range 16–64 years). The average delay between MRA and arthroscopy was 4.8 months (median 4 months, range 17 days–18 months). All patients were symptomatic with wrist pain. At arthroscopy, 26
Objective. Retrospective study to assess the outcomes of ulnar shortening for
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long-term results of arthroscopic treatment in patients affected by triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) type 1b lesions associated with distal radio ulnar joint (DRUJ) instability. Method: 138 patients affected by TFCC type 1b lesions: Group A (117 patients, 27±7 yrs) were treated using an out-in arthroscopic technique and Group B (21 patients, 24±4 yrs) with an associated total DRUJ instability, were treated using an out-in arthroscopic technique in addition to an anchor placement. Inclusion criteria were:
The aim of the study was to compare the radiological findings of wrist arthrogram with wrist arthroscopy. This allowed us to establish the accuracy (sensitivity, specificity) of MRI arthrogram as a diagnostic tool. Thirty patients (20 female and 10 male) have undergone both wrist MRI arthrogram and wrist arthroscopy over the last 3 years at Macclesfield District General Hospital. The mean age at arthrogram was 42.4 years with an average 6.7 month gap between the two procedures. The MRI arthrogram was reported by a consultant radiologist with an interest in musculoskeletal imaging and the arthrosopies performed by two upper limb surgeons. Patients undergoing both procedures were identified. The arthrogram reports and operation notes were examined for correlation. Three main areas of pathology were consistently examined: TFCC (triangular fibrocartilage complex), scapholunate and lunatotriquetral ligament tears. The sensitivity and specificity of arthrogram was calculated for each. Other areas of pathology were also noted. In the case of
Scaphoid non-union usually requires surgical treatment in form of reconstructive or salvage procedure. Imaging helps in planning the surgical procedure. Wrist arthroscopy may also be helpful in the pre-operative assessment. This study was conducted to find the usefulness of wrist arthroscopy in formulating a management plan to treat scaphoid non-union. We prospectively studied 17 patients of scaphoid non-unions by wrist arthroscopy. Non-union was assessed; and site and extent of any articular wear if present was noted. Some patients had additional procedures such as synovial debridement, removal of loose bodies or debridement of TFC tears. It was possible to formulate the further management plan at the same time. Our study included 14 men and 3 women with a mean age of 34.5 years (range 18 to 49). Arthroscopic findings included mild radiocarpal wear in 3 cases and severe articular wear in 1. Additionally, in two thirds of cases there was some degree of wear present over the radial styloid region. 6 cases had
Aim. This study reviewed the efficacy of a CT arthrogram in clinical decision making for wrist disorders. Methods. Sixty four consecutive CT arthrograms done in a three year period at Glenfield Hospital were selected. All patients were referred by hand consultants at the Glenfield Hospital and all investigations were performed by a single senior musculoskeletal radiologist. CT arthrograms focussed on the following areas: scapholunate interosseous ligament (SLIL), lunotriquetral interosseous ligament (LTIL), peripheral and central triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) tears, and articular surface disorders. Referral and clinic letters for all patients were obtained. We collected patient demographic detail, prescan diagnosis and clinical plan, CT arthrogram findings, postscan diagnosis and clinical plan and the final outcome. A decision was made whether the scan helped in the clinician's management plan and if so how it helped. Results. There were 35 male and 29 female patients with a mean age of 44.1 years. The right wrist was involved in 42 and the left in 22 patients. Sixty three of the 64 patients had their management based on the CT scan. In 54 of these the CT arthrogram either confirmed and calibrated the diagnosis or identified a new diagnosis. In 10 patients the scan was normal and allowed patient reassurance. Thirty six patients had ulnar sided problems, 20 had radial sided disorders and eight had midcarpal abnormality. The most common abnormality noted was a
Introduction. Scaphoid fracture is the most common undiagnosed fracture. Occult scaphoid fractures occur in 20-25 percent of cases where the initial X-rays are negative. Currently, there is no consensus as to the most appropriate investigation to diagnose these occult frctures. At our institution MRI has been used for this purpose for over 3 years. We report on our experience and discuss the results. Materials and methods. All patients with occult scaphoid fractures who underwent MRI scans over a 3 year period were included in the study. There was a total of 619 patients. From the original cohort 611 (98.7%) agreed to have a scan, 6 (0.97%) were claustrophobic and did not undergo the investigation and 2 (0.34%) refused an examination. 86 percent of the cases were less than 30 years of age. Imaging was performed on a one Tiesla Siemen's scanner using a dedicated wrist coil. Coronal 3mm T1 and STIR images were obtained using a 12cm field of view as standard. Average scanning time was 7 minutes. Results. The majority of the scans were performed within 2 weeks of the request. The breakdown of results is as follows: Normal 45%; Scaphoid bruise 10%; Scaphoid fracture 9%; Distal radius fracture 8%; Distal radius bruise 7%;
Introduction. The wrist arthroscopy has been performed since 1979. With the advances in technology and surgical expertise, wrist arthroscopy has become third commonest procedure after knee and shoulder joint. Wrist arthroscopy has become a gold standard for diagnosing TFCC pathologies and other intercarpal disorders. Our aim was to compare the clinical, MRI and arthroscopic findings while treating various wrist pathologies. Materials/Method. In retrospective trial, 30 patients (19 male and 11 female) with clinical evidence of wrist lesions were evaluated with MRI followed by wrist arthroscopy. The mean age of the patients at the time of outpatient appointment was 44 years with an average waiting time of 6.6 months. Inclusion criteria: all patients undergoing wrist surgery. Exclusion criteria: septic arthritis, acute distal radius fractures. Kappa analysis was used to compare the three methods of wrist pathology assessment. The total 30 patients were assessed for clinical findings, MRI report and corresponding arthroscopic findings. Results. According to the clinical findings, 22 patients (68% of all patients) were diagnosed with suspected TFCC injury. In 21 patients, the MRI showed
Background and Objectives. Triangular fibrocartilaginous complex (TFCC) tears are common sources of ulna sided wrist pain and resultant functional disability. Diagnosis is based on history, clinical examination and radiological evidence of a TFCC central perforation or radial/ulna tear. The purpose of this study is therefore to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Magnetic Resonance Arthrography (MRA) in the detection of TFCC injury in the adult population. Methods. Published and unpublished literature databases were systematically review independently by two researchers. Two-by-two tables were constructed to calculate the sensitivity and specificity of MRI or MRA investigations against arthroscopic outcomes. Pooled sensitivity and specificity values and summary Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (sROC) evaluations were performed. Methodological quality of each study was assessed using the QUADAS (Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies) tool. Results. Twenty one studies were eligible, including 910 wrists. On meta-analysis, MRA was superior to MRI in the investigation of complete
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the external and internal vascular anatomy of the lunate bone. The genesis of lunatomalacia requires some combination of load, vascular risk and mechanical predisposition. The findings will be correlated with the major existing theories of the cause of lunatomalacia and the most frequent fractures associated with Kienbocks disease: transverse shear fracture and midcoronal fracture. Material and methods: We studied 21 cadaver upper limbs using latex injection and Spalteholz technique. We investigated the extra- and intraosseous blood supply. In 17 wrists we evaluate the incidence and distribution of anatomic features, arthrosis, and soft tissue lesions. Results: The lunate morphology was 5 Type I (29.4%), 11 Type II (64.7%) and 1 Type III (5.9%). The lunate was found to have a separate facet for the hamate in 47.1% (Size 3–6 mm). Most frequent arthrosis was identified in the radius (88.2%) and lunate (94.1%). The triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) was found torn in 47%, the lunotriquetral interosseous ligament (LTIL) was torn in 23.5%, and the scapholunate interosseous ligament (SLIL) was torn in 53% of the wrists. Statistical analysis found a correlation between the presence of arthrosis at the proximal pole of the hamate and the presence of a lunate facet. There was also a correlation between the presence of a tear in the SLIL and the presence of cartilage erosion in the scaphoid (p= 0.002). Arthrosis on the lunate was found to have a correlation with an SLIL
Summary. Increased lateral ulnotrochlear joint space due to improper sizing in radial head arthroplasty may result in medial collateral ligament laxity, leading to increased osteophytes and arthritis. Introduction. Radial head (RH) arthroplasty is a common response to comminuted RH fractures. Typical complications include improper sizing, leading to changes in joint kinematics. Evidence of these changes should be visible through fluoroscopic images of affected joints. The two examined changes in this study are the ulnar deviation from distal radial translation (DRT), and the widening of the lateral ulnotrochlear joint space (LUT). Methods. Eight fresh-frozen cadaver arms were used. Initial images were taken with the native RH intact. The Kocher approach exposed the radiocapitellar (RC) joint capsule, preserving all ligaments. The RH was excised and Integra Katalyst CoCr (Plainsboro, NJ) telescoping, bipolar, RH inserted. Images were taken with implant sizings: −2mm, 0mm, +2mm, and +4mm, (from native) using 1mm washers preventing implant bipolarity. AP fluoroscopic images of the elbow were taken at full extension. Joint spaces were measured using image analysis, normalised using known radio-opaque lengths. Four LUT measurements were made, two medially and two laterally, and normalised by measuring the RH implant diameter. Each set (medial and lateral) were averaged together and the resulting value used for all comparisons. Images of distal ulnar deviation at the wrist were taken with the wrist in supination, the hand rotated medially. Measurements were from the distal medial radial tip to the distal lateral ulnar tip. Images were normalised by placing a scalpel in the same plane as measurement. Results. DRT values were difference paired for each arm using the 0mm values as baselines. One-way ANOVA of the paired values resulted in significant DT with sizing increases (p<0.01). The quotient of DRT and sizing determined comparative impact with the LUT increase. LUT joint gap measurements were percentage paired, with natives as the baseline, and One-way ANOVA used. A significant increase in LUT spacing occurred with increased sizings (p<0.01). Discussion. Increased ulnar deviation can increase loading on the TFCC, leading to possible
Laboratory evidence has shown that tears within the substance of the triangular fibro-cartilaginous complex (TFCC) of the wrist are caused by shear and/or compressive forces rather that by distraction. They are commonly associated with ulnocarpal abutment syndrome (UCAS). A number of different methods of treatment have been advocated for UCAS but no satisfactory comparison of these has been reported. To compare the results of different forms of treatment for UCAS. The notes of 76 patients who had undergone wrist arthroscopy for UCAS were reviewed independently. The diagnoses made at the time of the arthroscopies and any surgical interventions (shaving the torn TFCC back to stable tissue, wafer resection of the ulnar head, repair of the TFCC) that were made at the same time were recorded. The results of these interventions were noted, as were any subsequent surgical procedures for persisting pain. These results were compared with those of a meta- analysis of the results for similar procedures published in the literature. All 76 patients had
Wrist arthroscopy is a standard procedure in hand surgery for diagnosis and treatment of wrist injuries. Even though not generally recommended for similar procedures, general administration of perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis (PAP) is still widely used in wrist arthroscopy. A clinical ambispective dual-centre study was performed to determine whether PAP reduces postoperative infection rates after soft tissue-only wrist arthroscopies. Retrospective and prospective data was collected at two hospitals with departments specialized in hand surgery. During the study period, 464 wrist arthroscopies were performed, of these 178 soft-tissue-only interventions met the study criteria and were included. Signs of postoperative infection and possible adverse drug effects (ADEs) of PAP were monitored. Additionally, risk factors for surgical site infection (SSIs), such as diabetes mellitus and BMI, were obtained.Aims
The aim of the Scaphoid Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Trauma (SMaRT) trial was to evaluate the clinical and cost implications of using immediate MRI in the acute management of patients with a suspected fracture of the scaphoid with negative radiographs. Patients who presented to the emergency department (ED) with a suspected fracture of the scaphoid and negative radiographs were randomized to a control group, who did not undergo further imaging in the ED, or an intervention group, who had an MRI of the wrist as an additional test during the initial ED attendance. Most participants were male (52% control, 61% intervention), with a mean age of 36.2 years (18 to 73) in the control group and 38.2 years (20 to 71) in the intervention group. The primary outcome was total cost impact at three months post-recruitment. Secondary outcomes included total costs at six months, the assessment of clinical findings, diagnostic accuracy, and the participants’ self-reported level of satisfaction. Differences in cost were estimated using generalized linear models with gamma errors.Aims
Patients and Methods
The August 2012 Wrist &
Hand Roundup360 looks at: the Herbert ulnar head prosthesis; the five-year outcome for wrist arthroscopic surgery; four-corner arthrodesis with headless screws; balloon kyphoplasty for Kienböck's disease; Mason Type 2 radial head fractures; local infiltration and intravenous regional anaesthesia for endoscopic carpal tunnel release; perilunate injuries; and replanting the amputated fingertip.